9 research outputs found

    A Review of Research Methodologies Employed in Serendipity Studies in the Context of Information Research

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    Background: The concept of serendipity has become increasingly interesting for those undertaking serendipity research in recent years. However, serendipitous encounters are subjective and rare in a real-world context, making this an extremely challenging subject to study. Methods: Various methods have been proposed to enable researchers to understand and measure serendipity, but there is no broad consensus on which methods to use in different experimental settings. A comprehensive literature review was first conducted, which summarizes the research methods being employed to study serendipity. It was followed by a series of interviews with experts that specified the relative strengths and weaknesses of each method identified in the literature review, in addition to the challenges usually confronted in serendipity research. Results: The findings suggest using mixed research methods to produce a more complete picture of serendipity and contribute to the verification of any research findings. Several challenges and implications relating to empirical studies in the investigation of serendipity have been derived from this study. Conclusions: This paper investigated research methods employed to study serendipity by synthesizing finding from a literature review and the interviews with experts. It provides a methodological contribution to serendipity studies by systematically summarizing the methods employed in the studies of serendipity and identifying the strengths and weakness of each method. It also suggests the novel approach of using mixed research methods to study serendipity. This study has potential limitations related to a small number of experts involved in the expert interview. However, it should be noted that the nature of the topic is a relatively focused area, and it was observed after interviewing the experts that new data seems to not contribute to the findings owing to its repetition of comment

    The impact of workplace information literacy on organizational innovation: An empirical study

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    The present study investigates the relationship between CEO’s information literacy and innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Even if information literacy’s business value has been recognized in recent literature, its impact on organizational innovation, a critical and strongly information intensive process, has never been studied before. Structural equation modeling based analysis of data collected from 184 company CEOs in Finland revealed that CEOs’ information literacy has a positive impact on the development of exploratory and exploitative innovations in SMEs. Additionally, opportunity recognition mediates the relationship between information literacy and innovation. Overall, the influence of information literacy is slightly stronger on exploitation than exploration. Nevertheless, the mutual positive effect suggests that information literacy enhances innovation ambidexterity in organizations. Based on these findings, we discuss theoretical and practical implications as well as future research opportunities in workplace information literacy research.</p

    Personal information management e seu impacto na produção científica de pesquisadores do domínio da educação

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    The development of information technologies has affected the way researchers deal with the information used in conducting and communicating the results of their research. The objective of this study was to identify the strategies and resources used by Brazilian researchers in the Education domain to organize their collections and to verify if the difficulties in the management of these collections affect the scientific production of these researchers. To conduct the data collection, an electronic questionnaire was applied to researchers linked to the ten Brazilian universities best placed in the Folha de São Paulo ranking in three subsequent evaluations. A total of 205 responses were obtained, 163 of which were considered valid for analysis. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software and the Chi-Square statistical test was applied in order to verify the association of the distribution of the participants' responses between the study variables. The results showed that the minority of participants uses specific tools to manage their collections. It was also found that difficulty in managing their collections has impacted on the scientific production of the participants and that those who have undergone some training on tools to organize and store their documents face less difficulty in recovering materials from their personal collection. It is intended that the research results can serve as a basis for the preparation of librarians to serve this group of researchers and for the adaptation and proposition of information products and services related to PIM.O desenvolvimento de tecnologias de informação tem afetado a forma como pesquisadores lidam com a informação na produção do conhecimento. Realizou-se um estudo com o objetivo de identificar as estratégias e os recursos utilizados por pesquisadores brasileiros do domínio Educação para organizar suas coleções; verificar se as dificuldades no manejo destas coleções afetam a produção científica destes pesquisadores e investigar a influência de variáveis demográficas nestas atividades. Para a coleta de dados foi aplicado um questionário eletrônico a pesquisadores vinculados às dez universidades brasileiras melhor colocadas no ranking da Folha de São Paulo em três avaliações subsequentes. Obteve-se 205 respostas, porém apenas 163 questionários foram considerados válidos pelo fato de estarem completos ou parcialmente respondidos. Os demais continham apenas os dados demográficos dos respondentes ou estavam em branco. Os dados coletados foram analisados quantitativamente utilizando-se o teste estatístico qui-quadrado para verificar a associação da distribuição de respostas dos participantes entre as variáveis do estudo. Os resultados demonstraram que a minoria dos participantes utiliza ferramentas específicas para gerenciar suas coleções. Verificou-se, ainda, que a dificuldade em gerenciar suas coleções tem impactado na produção científica dos pesquisadores e que aqueles que passaram por algum treinamento sobre ferramentas para organizar e armazenar seus documentos enfrentam menos dificuldades para recuperar materiais de sua coleção pessoal. Pretende-se que os resultados da pesquisa possam servir de base para o preparo de bibliotecários para o atendimento a este grupo de pesquisadores e para a adaptação e proposição de produtos e serviços informacionais relacionados ao Personal Informantion Management

    Die rol van die akademiese biblioteek rakende inligtinggeletterdheid van eesrtejaarstudente aan die Noordwes-Universiteit se Vaaldriehoekkampus

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    Information literacy is a skill and forms the basis for life-long learning. The aim of this study is to investigate the information literacy skills of first year students at the Vaal Triangle Campus of the North-West University (NWU), with specific reference to the role of the academic library. The NWU‟s Vaal Triangle Campus Library supports first-year students in their studies by helping them to improve their information skills and teach them to find, evaluate and organise information in different formats. The purpose of this is to help first-year students to find relevant information that meet their information requirements. Students who are information literate not only have the necessary skills; but also have insight, comprehension, and knowledge at their disposal, while being life-long learners. A compulsory literacy module forms part of the curriculum for first-year students at the NWU‟s Vaal Triangle Campus, and is presented by academic staff. The credit-earning module (known as AGLE 121) consists of three components, namely computer and information literacy, reading literacy, and academic literacy. This study focuses on the module for basic information literacy, which is mainly of a theoretical nature. First year students were tested by questionnaires and interviews before and after completion of the information literacy module, to determine what contribution the module makes to their information literacy. This studyconcluded that after completing the information literacy module, first-year students have the theoretical knowledge at their disposal, but still do not know where to find databases or information. The role of the campus library regarding information literacy is to expand and improve students‟ information skills as well as being involved in the planning and development of the information literacy module. A recommendation is made that the information literacy module should already be offered during the first semester (instead of the second semester), so that students can use their information skills effectively for their studies.Information ScienceM. (Information Science

    Library Instruction and Information Literacy 2014

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    Purpose: This paper aims to provide an introductory overview and selected annotated bibliography of recent resources on library instruction and information literacy across all library types. Design/methodology/approach: It introduces and annotates English-language periodical articles, monographs, dissertations and other materials on library instruction and information literacy published in 2014. Findings: It provides information about each source, discusses the characteristics of current scholarship and highlights sources that contain unique or significant scholarly contributions. Originality/value: The information may be used by librarians and interested parties as a quick reference to literature on library instruction and information literacy

    Example-based learning for information problem-solving in Arabian Gulf higher education

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    Higher education students in the Arabian Gulf face barriers to careers that require 21st century competencies such as information literacy, an essential skill for engagement in the global knowledge economy. Gulf leaders have established Western-modeled higher education institutions that emphasize these skills, however employers report a gap between their workforce requirements and their satisfaction with the quality of Gulf graduates. Theoretical and empirical research related to these gaps suggest that Western curricula and pedagogy may be misaligned with Gulf students’ academic culture and Arab-Islamic epistemology. This research study collected data through a Gulf-wide six-country online survey to understand Gulf academic staff perceptions of information literacy, and their teaching and learning background. Based on the empirical evidence collected and a review of the literature, the study implemented an instructional intervention based on Renkl’s (2014) instructionally oriented theory of example-based learning (EBL) and gathered proof of concept for Gulf higher education academic staff of transitioning from a teacher-led to student-centred approach using EBL. The learning domain of the intervention was the first two steps of Brand-Gruwel, Wopereis, and Walraven’s (2009) information problem-solving (IPS) schema and skills, defining the problem and searching for information. An embedded mixed methods design was used, combining a traditional pre-test/post-test experiment with three treatment conditions with qualitative data collection to implement example-based learning within a college introductory research course for undergraduates. The treatments consisted of two different EBL orienting activities, self-explanation and explanation-help, while the control group received no treatment. Performance and perception data related to information problem-solving schema, skills, and behaviour were analyzed using descriptive and inferential (t-tests, ANOVA, ANCOVA) statistics. Findings indicate significant improvements in performance of IPS skill one - define the problem – by the two treatment groups at retention, and the explanation-help group significantly outperformed the self-explanation group on the same skill immediately following both post-tests but not at retention. Results also suggest significant main effects for the EBL treatment and English language proficiency, and no significant difference between the two treatment groups at retention. Participants’ assessment of the training was positive, and overall, the explanation-help group ratings for both usefulness and difficulty of the training were the highest, though not significantly. Empirical research indicates that explanation-help scaffolds are well-suited when students are not yet able to fully or accurately explain the learning domain principles. The results provide support for the role of worked examples to support schema and skill development for novices, and emerging proof of concept for the use of EBL to transition from teacher-centred to student-centred with worked example scaffolds

    Information behaviour of the professoriate in selected federal universities in South West Nigeria.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Information Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2017.This study investigated the information behaviour of the professoriate in selected federal universities in South West Nigeria. The study was guided by Wilson (1996) Information Behaviour Model and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) by Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, and Davis (2003). The study adopted the pragmatist paradigm and employed the mixed methods approach with quantitative method as dominant over qualitative method. A survey research design was employed using a structured mixed questionnaire to collect quantitative data from the professoriate and semi-structured interviews were used to collect qualitative data from the subject librarians. The population of the study comprised the professoriate and subject librarians in the faculties of social sciences and humanities drawn from the three universities purposively selected from south west Nigeria. A census survey was used to collect quantitative data from 246 professoriate, while qualitative data was collected from 28 subject librarians purposively selected in the three universities. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS, while qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results of quantitative data analysis were presented using tables and charts, while the results of the qualitative data analysis were presented in narrative description. Reliability and validity of survey instruments were ascertained through pre-test of data collection instruments and Cronbach Alpha test respectively. Overall, 165 questionnaires were collected from the professoriate, giving a response rate of 67%, while 11 subject librarians were interviewed, returning a success rate of 42%. Ethical guidelines of the university of KwaZulu-Natal ethics policy were duly followed. The findings showed that the professoriate needed information for developing contents for teaching, conducting research, and keeping abreast of developments in their fields. They rely heavily on journal articles and text books, and make frequent use of online databases and electronic journals for teaching and research. Interaction with colleagues and conference proceedings were their major informal sources of information. The professoriate encounters information more frequently in journal articles and text books, than in electronic journals and online databases. They use the encountered information to advance their general knowledge, for personal development and to advance their career. They share mainly academic, research information, and publish research outcomes in subscription-based and fee-based journals. The study shows that the mean scores for performance expectancy (2.90), effort expectancy (2.76), attitude (2.69), self-efficacy (2.61), and social influence (2.60) contribute to the high mean score of behavioural intention (2.87) to use electronic information resources. The mean scores of facilitating condition (2.32) and anxiety (1.57) is low. The originality of this study is based on the following premise: the study focused specifically on the information behaviour of the professoriate as a unique group scarcely covered in literature. It uniquely examines both active and passive information behaviour of the professoriate in using electronic information resources using two top models in behavioural research. The unique findings show how high self-efficacy and positive attitude influenced the professoriate intention to use electronic information resources. The study makes significant contribution in the areas of policy, theory, and practice. From the policy perspective, institutional policy which takes into cognisance the observed peculiarities of the respondents, could guide the development of a service framework that uniquely meets information requirements of the professoriate. The study provides indicators that focus on improving information provisions and services specifically for the professoriate. Theoretically the study suggests the improvement of the theoretical models to include the constructs observed in the study. In practice, the study contributes to understanding of factors that influence use of electronic information resources and serves as a framework for the academic library to improve information services to benefit the professoriate. The study makes the following recommendations based on the findings: university libraries surveyed should acquire current collections to meet the academic and research needs of professoriate; create continuous awareness of library digital resources and develop training programs to enhance the electronic information retrieval skills of the professoriate; create efficient and effective support services infrastructure to attend to the individual and technical challenges faced by the professoriate. Based on the gap identified, the study recommends the need for further studies to: examine the information behaviour of professoriate elsewhere to compare with the findings of this study; investigate in detail other aspects of human information behaviour such as serendipity, information sharing, information access, and information management of the professoriate

    Exploring consumers’ serendipitous experiences in online marketplaces: characteristics, development route and factors influencing it

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    This research aims to explore and understand the nature of serendipity within online marketplaces (i.e. e-commerce serendipity). The motivation for setting this aim stems from a recognised misalignment between the practical applications and theoretical explorations of e-commerce serendipity. E-commerce consumers and practitioners acknowledge the practical value of serendipity. However, they lack a strong theoretical foundation to fully benefit from this phenomenon. In contrast, serendipity- focused studies, especially within information science, have not focused on e-commerce serendipity before and doubted the feasibility of consciously design serendipity. Thus, these studies have resulted in insufficient theoretical support for consumers and practitioners. To bridge the gap between theory and practice, this research adopts a participant-centric narrative approach. This approach aims to contribute to creating more consumer-friendly online marketplaces and to deepen the understanding of serendipity. Participants were prioritised as the main contributors, sharing their experiences and perceptions of e-commerce serendipity through storytelling. Thirty-two Chinese online consumers took part in the research, contributing a total of 123 real-life stories. All these stories were collaboratively analysed with the participants, ensuring a faithful portrayal of e-commerce serendipity as experienced by the consumers themselves. The findings reveal that e-commerce serendipity is an artificially facilitated unplanned experience, jointly shaped by consumers and online platforms along with their designers. Being an artificial serendipity, e-commerce serendipity is characterised by its expectedness, thrillingness, and varied outcomes. Three routes were presented for consumers to experience e-commerce serendipity: coincidence, unexpected discovery, encountering. These routes differed via the varying interaction patterns between serendipitists and third parties under different conditions. The findings regarding e- commerce serendipity as a form of artificial serendipity have significant implications for both research and practice. Theoretically, this research contributes to serendipity-focused studies, particularly in the field of information science. It enhances the current understanding of serendipity and suggests that serendipity- focused research should embrace the concept of serendipity by design. This involves expanding beyond the narrow research scope and definitions that currently dominate the research context, offering a broader and more inclusive perspective. Practically, this thesis contributes to the fostering of mutually beneficial artificial serendipity in online marketplaces. This involves e-commerce practitioners listening attentively to consumers’ voices and for consumers to enhance their digital literacy. Beyond these directly related areas, the research further contributes to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) studies due to its choice of research context. It provides insights into how better to design recommender systems and create a harmonious online ecosystem

    Exploring consumers’ serendipitous experiences in online marketplaces: characteristics, development route and factors influencing it

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    The findings reveal that e-commerce serendipity is an artificially facilitated unplanned experience, jointly shaped by consumers and online platforms along with their designers. Being an artificial serendipity, e-commerce serendipity is characterised by its expectedness, thrillingness, and varied outcomes. Three routes were presented for consumers to experience e-commerce serendipity: coincidence, unexpected discovery, encountering. These routes differed via the varying interaction patterns between serendipitists and third parties under different conditions. The findings regarding ecommerce serendipity as a form of artificial serendipity have significant implications for both research and practice