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    Optimal Collision/Conflict-free Distance-2 Coloring in Synchronous Broadcast/Receive Tree Networks

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    This article is on message-passing systems where communication is (a) synchronous and (b) based on the "broadcast/receive" pair of communication operations. "Synchronous" means that time is discrete and appears as a sequence of time slots (or rounds) such that each message is received in the very same round in which it is sent. "Broadcast/receive" means that during a round a process can either broadcast a message to its neighbors or receive a message from one of them. In such a communication model, no two neighbors of the same process, nor a process and any of its neighbors, must be allowed to broadcast during the same time slot (thereby preventing message collisions in the first case, and message conflicts in the second case). From a graph theory point of view, the allocation of slots to processes is know as the distance-2 coloring problem: a color must be associated with each process (defining the time slots in which it will be allowed to broadcast) in such a way that any two processes at distance at most 2 obtain different colors, while the total number of colors is "as small as possible". The paper presents a parallel message-passing distance-2 coloring algorithm suited to trees, whose roots are dynamically defined. This algorithm, which is itself collision-free and conflict-free, uses Δ+1\Delta + 1 colors where Δ\Delta is the maximal degree of the graph (hence the algorithm is color-optimal). It does not require all processes to have different initial identities, and its time complexity is O(dΔ)O(d \Delta), where d is the depth of the tree. As far as we know, this is the first distributed distance-2 coloring algorithm designed for the broadcast/receive round-based communication model, which owns all the previous properties.Comment: 19 pages including one appendix. One Figur

    Distance matrices of a tree: two more invariants, and in a unified framework

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    Graham-Pollak showed that for D=DTD = D_T the distance matrix of a tree TT, det(D)(D) depends only on its number of edges. Several other variants of DD, including directed/multiplicative/qq- versions were studied, and always, det(D)(D) depends only on the edge-data. We introduce a general framework for bi-directed weighted trees, with threefold significance. First, we improve on state-of-the-art for all known variants, even in the classical Graham-Pollak case: we delete arbitrary pendant nodes (and more general subsets) from the rows/columns of DD, and show these minors do not depend on the tree-structure. Second, our setting unifies all known variants (with entries in a commutative ring). We further compute in closed form the inverse of DD, extending a result of Graham-Lovasz [Adv. Math. 1978] and answering a question of Bapat-Lal-Pati [Lin. Alg. Appl. 2006]. Third, we compute a second function of the matrix DD: the sum of all its cofactors, cof(D)(D). This was worked out in the simplest setting by Graham-Hoffman-Hosoya (1978), but is relatively unexplored for other variants. We prove a stronger result, in our general setting, by computing cof(.)(.) for minors as above, and showing these too depend only on the edge-data. Finally, we show our setting is the 'most general possible', in that with more freedom in the edgeweights, det(D)(D) and cof(D)(D) depend on the tree structure. In a sense, this completes the study of the invariant det(DT)(D_T) (and cof(DT)(D_T)) for trees TT with edge-data in a commutative ring. Moreover: for a bi-directed graph GG we prove multiplicative Graham-Hoffman-Hosoya type formulas for det(DG)(D_G), cof(DG)(D_G), DG−1D_G^{-1}. We then show how this subsumes their 1978 result. The final section introduces and computes a third, novel invariant for trees and a Graham-Hoffman-Hosoya type result for our "most general" distance matrix DTD_T.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figures; minor edits in the proof of Theorems A and 1.1

    Twistless KAM tori, quasi flat homoclinic intersections, and other cancellations in the perturbation series of certain completely integrable hamiltonian systems. A review

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    Rotators interacting with a pendulum via small, velocity independent, potentials are considered. If the interaction potential does not depend on the pendulum position then the pendulum and the rotators are decoupled and we study the invariant tori of the rotators system at fixed rotation numbers: we exhibit cancellations, to all orders of perturbation theory, that allow proving the stability and analyticity of the dipohantine tori. We find in this way a proof of the KAM theorem by direct bounds of the kk--th order coefficient of the perturbation expansion of the parametric equations of the tori in terms of their average anomalies: this extends Siegel's approach, from the linearization of analytic maps to the KAM theory; the convergence radius does not depend, in this case, on the twist strength, which could even vanish ({\it "twistless KAM tori"}). The same ideas apply to the case in which the potential couples the pendulum and the rotators: in this case the invariant tori with diophantine rotation numbers are unstable and have stable and unstable manifolds ({\it "whiskers"}): instead of studying the perturbation theory of the invariant tori we look for the cancellations that must be present because the homoclinic intersections of the whiskers are {\it "quasi flat"}, if the rotation velocity of the quasi periodic motion on the tori is large. We rederive in this way the result that, under suitable conditions, the homoclinic splitting is smaller than any power in the period of the forcing and find the exact asymptotics in the two dimensional cases ({\it e.g.} in the case of a periodically forced pendulum). The technique can be applied to study other quantities: we mention, as another example, the {\it homoclinic scattering phase shifts}.}Comment: 46 pages, Plain Tex, generates four figures named f1.ps,f2.ps, f3.ps,f4.ps. This paper replaces a preceding version which contained an error at the last paragraph of section 6, invalidating section 7 (but not the rest of the paper). The error is corrected here. If you already printed the previous paper only p.1,3, p.29 and section 7 with the appendices 3,4 need to be reprinted (ie: p. 30,31,32 and 4

    The structure of the allelic partition of the total population for Galton-Watson processes with neutral mutations

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    We consider a (sub) critical Galton-Watson process with neutral mutations (infinite alleles model), and decompose the entire population into clusters of individuals carrying the same allele. We specify the law of this allelic partition in terms of the distribution of the number of clone-children and the number of mutant-children of a typical individual. The approach combines an extension of Harris representation of Galton-Watson processes and a version of the ballot theorem. Some limit theorems related to the distribution of the allelic partition are also given.Comment: This version corrects a significant mistake in the first on

    Deformation spaces of trees

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    Let G be a finitely generated group. Two simplicial G-trees are said to be in the same deformation space if they have the same elliptic subgroups (if H fixes a point in one tree, it also does in the other). Examples include Culler-Vogtmann's outer space, and spaces of JSJ decompositions. We discuss what features are common to trees in a given deformation space, how to pass from one tree to all other trees in its deformation space, and the topology of deformation spaces. In particular, we prove that all deformation spaces are contractible complexes.Comment: Update to published version. 43 page
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