50,222 research outputs found


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    Literacy could be a supporter of the forefront of education. Teachers have a crucial role in filtering and remodeling data on their students. The utilization of knowledge skill has to be trained by sorting and selecting the proper media for learning whose main purpose is to extend students' intelligence. Skill coaching is a way to boost the flexibility to use learning media, particularly Early Childhood Education and Kindergartens in Lubuk Begalung, Padang. The objectives to be achieved include: to increase the insight of Early Childhood Education and Kindergarten teachers about media, and the ability of media information literacy in learning. Training methods i.e. lectures, discussions, questions, and answers, and case simulations. The conclusion obtained from this activity is that early childhood and kindergarten teachers can choose the media responsibly and able to criticize media content more intelligent in the classroom. &nbsp

    Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Powtoon Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bagi Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

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    The implementation of the latest curriculum requires educators to better master information technology. Various technology-based learning media have emerged, especially a media that can attract the attention of students, especially early childhood. YLPI Islamic Kindergarten and YLPI Tahfidz Kindergarten pay great attention to the introduction of English to early childhood, In addition, YLPI Islamic Kindergarten in collaboration with YLPI Tahfidz Kindergarten has a digital literacy concept that aims to introduce the beautiful culture of reading to students. Through the concept of digital literacy, educators need effective media to make teaching materials. In this case, students are invited to play while learning to read English through watching animated videos. The purpose of this service activity is to provide training in making simple animations for kindergarten teachers so that they have qualified skills in making animation-based teaching materials to improve students' reading literacy culture. The media used is a web-based application called Powtoon

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengenal Keaksaraan Awal melalui Permainan Kartu Suku Kata dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif pada Anak Kelompok B TK Dharma Wanita Bansari Temanggung Semester II Tahun 2018/2019

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    One aspect of language that needs to be prepared and developed for kindergarten age children to face the next level of education is the ability to recognize early literacy. The ability to recognize early literacy is an ability that looks simple, but this ability must be mastered by kindergarten children because the introduction of letters including initial capital has reading skills. To master reading skills in kindergarten, various ways are needed in the learning process in recognizing early literacy, one of which is by using syllable card media so that children are interested in new things so that they are easy to receive information. The aims of this study were: 1) to find out the steps to increase the ability to recognize early literacy through syllable card games with cooperative learning models, 2) to determine the magnitude of the increase in ability to recognize early literacy through syllable card games with cooperative learning models in group children. B TK Dharma Wanita Bansari Temanggung Semester II 2018/2019. The subjects of this study were students of Group B TK Dharma Wanita Bansari totaling 20 children. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The conclusion of this study is that the ability to recognize early literacy of children in group B of Dharma Wanita Bansari Kindergarten can be improved using syllable card media games with cooperative learning models. In the learning process of the syllable card game, each child holds the syllable card directly and plays it according to the researcher's instructions, namely reading words based on writing, connecting and mentioning simple writing with symbols that symbolize, making scribbles or writing in the form of letters or words. The increase in the ability to recognize early literacy is in the initial condition by 15%, increasing in Cycle I to 30%, and Cycle II increasing to 85%. So, from pre-action to Cycle II, there was an increase of 70%

    Preschoolers developing words and worlds

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    This is a participatory project developed in a Portuguese kindergarten and organized into two phases. The first is the development of a multidisciplinary activity plan made for and with children. The goal is to work with children in a TALK area inside the classroom to improve language, and to initiate them into Information Communication Technologies (ICT) skills promoting Media Education (ME) as well. In Portugal, ICT integration is rarely implemented at kindergarten age, and frequently uses dependent technologies (requiring adult assistance). On the other hand, in literature tangible interfaces are considered a good approach to fulfill child abilities and start digital literacy. The second phase intends to update a low-cost manipulative to the same end: a digital flannel board. Nevertheless, children are its design builders, and as co-researchers they will plan, execute, explore, play and evaluate their own interface.CIE


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    This research is motivate by the problem that the early literacy abilitie of children age 5-6 years are still not developed. This is because the teacher only uses the lack of media, namely teaching materials for children's worksheets, so that children feel bored and less enthusiastic. Therefore, researchers make creative media, namely KINTAR media (Kincir Pintar). Media KINTAR (Kintar Pintar) is a game media that is made to resemble a windmill made of plywood or wood with the symbol of the letters (a)  to (z) in various colors and attractively decorated. The motivation of this study was to determine the effect of KINTAR media on the early skills of children aged 5-6 year in TK Tunas Remaja Surabaya. The exam strategy used is a quantitative exploration technique with the design of "One Group Pretest Posttest Design", the T-test using the SPSS version 24 application. The sample in this study was 25 children aged 5-6 years at Tunas Remaja Surabaya Kindergarten. The information sorting strategy used is the perception technique and documentation. Base on the result of the paired sample test using the SPSS version 24 application, it shows that from the calculation results above, it is obtained sig (2- tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, then at that time Ho is reject so that the working hypothesis is very significant. Thus, its can be stated that the KINTAR media hasa tremendous impact on early proficiency abilites of childrens age 5-6 years at Tunas Remaja Surabaya Kindergarten.  This research is motivate by the problem that the early literacy abilitie of children age 5-6 years are still not developed. This is because the teacher only uses the lack of media, namely teaching materials for children's worksheets, so that children feel bored and less enthusiastic. Therefore, researchers make creative media, namely KINTAR media (Kincir Pintar). Media KINTAR (Kintar Pintar) is a game media that is made to resemble a windmill made of plywood or wood with the symbol of the letters (a)  to (z) in various colors and attractively decorated. The motivation of this study was to determine the effect of KINTAR media on the early skills of children aged 5-6 year in TK Tunas Remaja Surabaya. The exam strategy used is a quantitative exploration technique with the design of "One Group Pretest Posttest Design", the T-test using the SPSS version 24 application. The sample in this study was 25 children aged 5-6 years at Tunas Remaja Surabaya Kindergarten. The information sorting strategy used is the perception technique and documentation. Base on the result of the paired sample test using the SPSS version 24 application, it shows that from the calculation results above, it is obtained sig (2- tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, then at that time Ho is reject so that the working hypothesis is very significant. Thus, its can be stated that the KINTAR media hasa tremendous impact on early proficiency abilites of childrens age 5-6 years at Tunas Remaja Surabaya Kindergarten

    Ideabook: Libraries for Families

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    The IDEABOOK is a research-based framework to guide and broaden family engagement in libraries.The framework helps libraries move beyond thinking of family engagement as random, individual activities or programs, but rather as a system where library leadership, activities, and resources that are linked to goals. The framework represents a theory of change that begins with a set of elements—leadership, engagement, and support services—that build a pathway for meaningful family engagement beginning in the early childhood years and extending through young adulthood.This IDEABOOK was developed for anyone who works in a library setting—from library directors and children's and youth librarians, to volunteers and support staff—and shares many innovative ways that libraries support and guide families in children's learning and development

    Supporting Minnesota's Youngest Citizens: Lessons Learned 2003-2006

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    Presents lessons learned from the efforts of six Minnesota foundations and their grassroots coalition partners to establish early education outreach, business relationship building, parenting education, quality child care, and advocacy initiatives

    Early childhood portfolios as a tool for enhancing learning during the transition to school

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    From 2005-2008 Mangere Bridge Kindergarten in New Zealand carried out a Centre of Innovation research project exploring the transition between early childhood education and school. A flexible action research approach was used, with the three teacher researchers, supported by two university research associates, developing and researching a range of strategies for supporting children’s learning as the children and their families ‘crossed the border’ from early childhood education to school. Many of these initiatives involved working closely with teachers in the local school setting. This paper focuses on one aspect of the findings, the ways in which the early childhood portfolios could be used to enhance children’s learning during the transition to school. Portfolios were identified as a belonging and empowerment tool; a means for school teachers to access to children’s funds of knowledge; playing a role in constructing a positive self-image about learning; and as valuable literacy artefacts

    Understanding Teacher's Perspectives in Media Literacy Education as an Empowerment Instrument of Blended Learning in Early Childhood Classroom

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    Teacher's abilities to understand the benefits and use of media literacy play an important role in dealing with children as digital natives. Media literacy education can be an instrument through the use of blended-learning websites to address the challenges of education in the 21st century and learning solutions during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to figure the teacher's perspective in understanding media literacy as an instrument for implementing blended-learning in early-childhood classes. Using a qualitative approach, this study combines two types of data. Data collection involved kindergarten teachers, six people as informants who attended the interviews and twenty-six participants who filled out questionnaires. Typological data analysis was used for qualitative data as well as simple statistical analysis to calculate the percentage of teacher perspectives on questionnaires collected the pandemic. The findings show five categories from the teacher's perspective. First, about the ability to carry out website-based blended-learning and the use of technology in classrooms and distance learning is still low. It must be transformed into more creative and innovative one.  Encouraging teacher awareness of the importance of media literacy education for teachers as a more effective integrated learning approach, especially in rural or remote areas, to be the second finding. Third, national action is needed to change from traditional to blended-learning culture. Fourth, the high need for strong environmental support, such as related-party policies and competency training is the most important finding in this study. Finally, the need for an increase in the ease of access to technology use from all related parties, because the biggest impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is on ECE, which is closely related to the perspective of teachers on technology. The research implication demands increase in technology systems and connections between educators, parents, institutional managers, and education policy holders, for ECE services in urban areas for disadvantaged children, and all children in rural or remote areas.  Keywords: Blended Learning, Early Childhood Classroom, Media Literacy Education References Aktay, S. (2009). The ISTE national educational technology standards and prospective primary school teachers in Turkey. International Journal of Learning, 16(9), 127–138. https://doi.org/10.18848/1447-9494/cgp/v16i09/46607 Arke, E. T., & Primack, B. A. (2009). Quantifying media literacy: Development, reliability, and validity of a new measure. Educational Media International, 46(1), 53–65. https://doi.org/10.1080/09523980902780958 Briquet-DuhazĂ©, S. (2019). Websites Consulted by Future Primary Level Schoolteachers in France: Differences between Students and Trainees. 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    Leveraging University-School District Research Partnerships: Exploring the Longitudinal Effects of an Early Kindergarten Transition Program

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    With increasingly tight budgets, many public school districts lack research personnel to evaluate program efficacy or investigate best practices that raise student achievement. We highlight an example of a successful university-district partnership that offers district-driven research support while providing opportunities for practitioner-scholars to learn first-hand how to perform rigorous evaluation work. This article details the Early Kindergarten Transition program evaluation study conducted by a university-district partnership as well as testimony from district leadership on the utility of the research deliverables and long-term benefits of the research collaboration
