77,895 research outputs found

    Librarians Knowledge of Information and Communication Technology Hardware Usage in University Libraries in South-South and South- West, Nigeria

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate librarian’s knowledge, towards information and communication technology hardware usage in university libraries in South- South and South- West, Nigeria. The population of the study consists of all librarians in University libraries in South-South and South-West, Nigeria at the time of this study. The census sampling techniques was used to study the population of 580 which represent the entire population of the study, the questionnaire was the instrument used, to elicit information from librarians in University libraries in the south-South and South-West, Nigeria, on librarians ICT hardware knowledge and usage. The data was collected and analyzed using sample percentage to analyze the demographic information of the respondents, statistical mean, standard deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) was used to answer research question and hypothesis. The study revealed that there is a significant relationship between librarian’s knowledge and usage of ICT hardware in University libraries and concluded that, librarians in University libraries in the South-South and South-West, Nigeria have knowledge of ICT hardware usage

    Level of Internet Compliance and Usage in the Newsrooms of Broadcast Media in Nigeria.

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    The emergence of Information Communication Technology with the adoption of Computer Assisted Reporting (CAR) in 1996 has, to a greater extent, brought development to, and changed the face of newsrooms across the globe. The jinx of inability to meet deadlines has almost been broken by the availability of Information Communication Technologies. However, not much achievement has been recorded in the area of Internet culture, compliance and usage in the newsrooms of broadcast stations in Nigeria. Consequently, this research is an examination of the level of Internet compliance and usage in the newsrooms of Nigerian broadcast stations. The study concludes that though broadcast media practitioners in Nigeria are Internet compliant, the Internet facilities provided in the newsrooms of broadcast stations are inadequate. Key Words: Internet, Compliance, usage, broadcast media, innovation diffusion, technology acceptance

    Bridging the Digital Divide and the Impact on Poverty in Nigeria

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    This paper examined the issue of the gap in access to Information and Communication Technology(ICT) known as thedigital divide and its linkages to poverty in Nigeria. The study found that the contributions of access to the use of ICTs topoverty in Nigeria has been marginal. This was also found out to be partly due to some teething problems such as poorquality of service caused primarily by network capacity constraints, lack of physical and transmission infrastructure, scarcespectrum resources, unreliable electric supply e.t.c which are still confronting ICT usage in Nigeria. Finally, a summary withsome policy recommendations are presented.Keywords – Keywords: Digital divide, Information and Communication Technology, Poverty,Digital Acces


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    Broadcast media involve the transmission of information, ideas and opinions through the usage of electronic devices. The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is becoming more and more relevant and accepted as a form of global education. Radio broadcasting was introduced in Nigeria during the colonial age in 1932. Since then, it has been used for social, political and mass education. This paper examines the roles of broadcast media for educational delivery in ODL using Nigeria as a case study. It further examines the concept of ODL, broadcasting delivered through the usage of information and communication technology tools and the constraints in the use of broadcast media as an ODL educational delivery

    Business-to-consumer e-commerce in Nigeria: Prospects and challenges

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    The growth of Internet usage in Nigeria continues to increase, recording over 90% growth rate between 2000 and 2008. While businesses in Nigeria are reported to have online access with opportunity for ecommercial activities, customers in the country however access business websites only to source for information but make purchases the traditional way. This paper aims at assessing the prospects and challenges of Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce implementation in Nigeria from the consumers’ perspective. Survey research was adopted for this study. Research hypotheses were formulated and questionnaire designed and administered randomly to 900 respondents. Collected data was used to evaluate the acceptance of B2C e-commerce using the extended technology acceptance model (TAM). The extended TAM combines task-technology fit, relationship related construct: trust and risk, and the two TAM constructs to determine factors influencing consumer acceptance of B2C e-commerce in Nigeria. Findings revealed that there are significant relationships between the model variables. Tasktechnology fit and perceived usefulness have significant relationships with intentions to use, having a correlation coefficient of 0.2623 and 0.2002 respectively. Similarly, the interrelationship among trust, perceived risk, and behavioral intention are significant. The effect of risk on trust was statistically showing that risk is a predictor of trust. Risk has a high significant on trust and trust in turn has low significant effect on behavioral intention. Adding TTF and its relationships to the TAM also fit the data. The relationship between task-technology fit, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and intention are significant

    Studies on e-transaction using the technology of automatic eller machine by bank customers in north west geographical zone of Nigeria

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    E-transaction is becoming prominent in banking operations in Nigeria with more Banks adopting this technology, in order to provide the growing population of customers with fast, accessible reliable and quality services; this paper analyses the attitude of customers toward the deployment and usage of Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) in Kano, Katsina and Jigawa States of Nigeria. Questionnaire survey was used to collect information from the respondents the data was analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques. The study revealed that the level of adoption of this technology is high among the middle aged respondents compared to the aged. By enhancing the deployment of proprietary hardware, software and communication protocol platform of adequate quality greater number of people might use ATMs because of the convenience and accessibility offered by the usage of this new technology

    An Empirical Evaluation of the Effects of Gender Differences and Self-efficacy in the Adoption of E-banking in Nigeria: A Modified Technology Acceptance Model

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    The issues of gender disparity in the usage of information technology (IT) as well as self-efficacy have received considerable interest and attention among researchers in recent times. Prior research has identified that gender differences and self-efficiency affect the attitude towards adoption and use of technology. In brief, females are believed to be disadvantaged compared to their male counterparts with respect to IT usage and acceptance. The reasoning is that males are mostly more exposed to technology and tend to have more proficiency with such tools. Very little information exists in the extant literature regarding perceptions in developing parts of the world, including Africa. In this chapter, an empirical evaluation of the issues in the context of e-banking will be made in Lagos (Nigeria) and its environs. An extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) will be used as a conceptual framework to guide the discourse. Data analysis was done on SPSS 15.0. The study’s results showed that gender differences moderated the acceptance of e-banking of users in the research context. Namely, computer self efficacy and perceived ease of use were concerns to females, but less so for their male counterparts. In the same vein, perceived usefulness of e-banking is discovered to be the most influencing factor for male users. The study’s implications for research and practice are discussed in the chapter

    An Empirical Evaluation of the Effects of Gender Differences and Self-Efficacy in the Adoption of E-Banking in Nigeria: A Modified Technology Acceptance Model

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    The issues of gender disparity in the usage of information technology (IT), as well as self-efficacy, have received considerable interest and attention among researchers in recent times. Prior research has identified that gender differences and self-efficiency affect the attitude towards adoption and use of technology. In general, females are believed to be disadvantaged compared to their male counterparts with respect to IT usage and acceptance. The reasoning is that males are mostly more exposed to technology and tend to have more proficiency with such tools. Very little information exists in the extant literature regarding perceptions in developing parts of the world, including Africa. In this chapter, an empirical evaluation of the issues in the context of e-banking will be made in Lagos (Nigeria) and its environs. An extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) will be used as a conceptual framework to guide the discourse. Data analysis was done on SPSS 15.0. The study’s results showed that gender differences moderated the acceptance of e-banking of users in the research context. Namely, computer self efficacy and perceived ease of use were of concerns to females, but less so for their male counterparts. Also, perceived usefulness of e-banking is discovered to be the most influencing factor for male users. The study’s implications for research and practice are discussed in the chapter

    Empirical modeling of information communication technology usage behaviour among business education teachers in tertiary colleges of a developing country

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    This study has empirically tested the fitness of a structural model in explaining the influence of two exogenous variables (perceived enjoyment and attitude towards ICTs) on two endogenous variables (behavioural intention and teachers’ Information Communication Technology (ICT) usage behavior), based on the proposition of Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989a). The sample was 212 teachers from Business Education faculties of 13 tertiary colleges in the northwestern region of Nigeria. As one of the major developing countries in Africa, Nigeria has invested a lot of resources in ICTs for the past several years to ensure the appropriate uptake and integration of technology across the important sectors of the country’s economy, especially the education sector. Unfortunately, the country’s standard of ICT adoption has remained low for many years. Congruently, its educational sector has remained incapacitated by lack of adequate ICT facilities and lack of skilled ICT-manpower, with school teachers using obsolete tools in the classroom, and some of them buying and using ICTs out of their own volition. Teachers’ use of ICTs in tertiary schools’ has remained poor in Nigeria, and research initiatives on ICT usage behaviour are rare and predominantly descriptive in nature. Past studies have dwelt on investigating the influence of physical infrastructural facilities on teachers’ use of technology in the classroom. The current study has investigated the influence of teachers’ perceptive beliefs, attitudes and intentions on their technology usage behaviour, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Findings have shown that teachers’ perceived enjoyment of ICTs influences their ICT usage behaviour in the classroom (β = .281, p < .05); teachers’ perceived enjoyment of ICTs influences their intention to use ICTs (β = .740, p < .001); teachers’ ICT attitude influences their intention to use ICTs (β = .122, p < .05); teachers’ ICT attitude influences their ICT usage behaviour (β = .512, p < .001) and teachers’ behavioural intention influences their ICT usage behaviour ICTs (β = .-368, p < .05). Teachers’ behavioural intention to use ICTs has, however, predicted a decrease in their self-reported ICT usage behaviour. This study will benefit school leaders, curriculum planners and researchers in technology acceptance behaviour in Africa, by giving them guidance in taking decisions concerning teachers’ perceptions and intentions of using ICTs in the classroom. The study will play a vital role in filling up the research gap that exist in technology acceptance behaviour among business education faculties across tertiary institutions in Nigeria and the rest of Africa. Future research on the subject matter may attempt to investigate the moderating roles of voluntariness and compulsory standards in influencing teachers’ ICT usage behaviour.Keywords: attitude towards technology; behavioural intention; business education; developing country; ICT usage behaviour; Nigeria; perceived enjoyment; South Africa; teacher

    Effect of Information Technology Investment on Organisational Productivity and Growth of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Developing Countries: A Case of Sachet and Table Water Industries in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    The objective of this paper is to determine the effect of information technological investment on employee’s output performance. Subject for the study consisted of seventy employees of sachet and table water manufacturing industries, Lagos, Nigeria. Data for the study were collected through a well-structured questionnaire delivered to the workers of the sachet and table water companies. We used F test, T test, regression and correlation to test our hypotheses whether information technology usage in production processes , work environment and management style boost up  the output performance  of an employees. The findings of the study showed that there exist strong positive relationship and significant effect between aggregate output, technology usage, work environment, and management style and that the technological usage in production processes has the highest contribution to boost aggregate output performance of an employees in sachet and table water manufacturing companies. Keywords: Information Technology, Output, Performance, Manufacturing Companies, Work Environment, Management Style
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