42 research outputs found

    Semantic data mapping technology to solve semantic data problem on heterogeneity aspect

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    The diversity of applications developed with different programming languages, application/data architectures, database systems and representation of data/information leads to heterogeneity issues. One of the problem challenges in the problem of heterogeneity is about heterogeneity data in term of semantic aspect. The semantic aspect is about data that has the same name with different meaning or data that has a different name with the same meaning. The semantic data mapping process is the best solution in the current days to solve semantic data problem. There are many semantic data mapping technologies that have been used in recent years. This research aims to compare and analyze existing semantic data mapping technology using five criteria’s. After comparative and analytical process, this research provides recommendations of appropriate semantic data mapping technology based on several criteria’s. Furthermore, at the end of this research we apply the recommended semantic data mapping technology to be implemented with the real data in the specific application. The result of this research is the semantic data mapping file that contains all data structures in the application data source. This semantic data mapping file can be used to map, share and integrate with other semantic data mapping from other applications and can also be used to integrate with the ontology language

    Exploring The Value Of Folksonomies For Creating Semantic Metadata

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    Finding good keywords to describe resources is an on-going problem: typically we select such words manually from a thesaurus of terms, or they are created using automatic keyword extraction techniques. Folksonomies are an increasingly well populated source of unstructured tags describing web resources. This paper explores the value of the folksonomy tags as potential source of keyword metadata by examining the relationship between folksonomies, community produced annotations, and keywords extracted by machines. The experiment has been carried-out in two ways: subjectively, by asking two human indexers to evaluate the quality of the generated keywords from both systems; and automatically, by measuring the percentage of overlap between the folksonomy set and machine generated keywords set. The results of this experiment show that the folksonomy tags agree more closely with the human generated keywords than those automatically generated. The results also showed that the trained indexers preferred the semantics of folksonomy tags compared to keywords extracted automatically. These results can be considered as evidence for the strong relationship of folksonomies to the human indexer’s mindset, demonstrating that folksonomies used in the del.icio.us bookmarking service are a potential source for generating semantic metadata to annotate web resources

    Citation endorsement framework for digital repository

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    Digital repository is one of the useful platform to manage digital materials especially conference proceedings. To date, conference proceedings have been published as printed and digital versions, the digital version has been stored in digital repository and the citation information of each article is collected. The limitation of the existing model is that the citation is automatically retrieved from certain databases and the other authors of that article who have information about the citation cannot update the information in to the repository. Therefore this study proposed citation endorsement framework for digital repository. Rapid application development (RAD) was used for the system development and interview were done to get the expert review of the system. The thematic analysis of the expert review shows that the participants agreed that the new digital repository can improve the citation indexing by allowing the author to update the citation information


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    Data management has a key role on how we access, organize, and integrate data. Research community is one of the domain on which data is disseminated, e.g., projects, publications, and members.There is no well-established standard for doing so, and therefore the value of the data decreases, e.g. in terms of accessibility, discoverability, and reusability. LinkedLab proposes a platform to manage data for research communites using Linked Data technique. The use of Linked Data affords a more effective way to access, organize, and integrate the data. Manajemen data memilki peranan kunci dalam bagaimana kita mengakses, mengatur, dan mengintegrasikan data. Komunitas riset adalah salah satu domain dimana data disebarkan, contohnyadistribusi data dalam proyek, publikasi dan anggota. Tidak ada standar yang mengatur distribusi data selama ini.Oleh karena itu,value dari data cenderung menurun, contohnya dalam konteksaccessibility, discoverability, dan usability. LinkedLab merupakan sebuah usulanplatform untuk mengelola data untuk komunitas riset dengan menggunakan teknik Linked Data. Kegunaan Linked Data adalah sebuah cara yang efektif untuk mengakses, mengatur, dan mengitegrasikan data

    Ontoverse: Collaborative Knowledge Management in the Life Sciences Network

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    This paper regards the two aspects of knowledge networking: data networks for information integration and social networks for information sharing in communities. The importance of ontologies as a means for effective information integration is discussed and related to the current Web 2.0 trends. The Ontoverse ontology wiki is introduced as a tool for collaborative ontology engineering and knowledge management with particular focus on interlinking the research community within the life sciences

    The SpatialCIM methodology for spatial document coverage disambiguation and the entity recognition process aided by linguistic techniques.

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    Abstract. Nowadays it is becoming more usual for users to take into account the geographical localization of the documents in the retrieval information process. However, the conventional retrieval information systems based on key-word matching do not consider which words can represent geographical entities that are spatially related to other entities in the document. This paper presents the SpatialCIM methodology, which is based on three steps: pre-processing, data expansion and disambiguation. In the pre-processing step, the entity recognition process is carried out with the support of the Rembrandt tool. Additionally, a comparison between the performances regarding the discovery of the location entities in the texts of the Rembrandt tool against the use of a controlled vocabulary corresponding to the Brazilian geographic locations are presented. For the comparison a set of geographic labeled news covering the sugar cane culture in the Portuguese language is used. The results showed a F-measure value increase for the Rembrandt tool from 45% in the non-disambiguated process to 0.50 after disambiguation and from 35% to 38% using the controlled vocabulary. Additionally, the results showed the Rembrandt tool has a minimal amplitude difference between precision and recall, although the controlled vocabulary has always the biggest recall values.GeoDoc 2012, PAKDD 2012

    Semantic heterogeneity: comparing new semantic web approaches with those of digital libraries

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    To demonstrate that newer developments in the semantic web community, particularly those based on ontologies (simple knowledge organization system and others) mitigate common arguments from the digital library (DL) community against participation in the Semantic web. The approach is a semantic web discussion focusing on the weak structure of the Web and the lack of consideration given to the semantic content during indexing. The points criticised by the semantic web and ontology approaches are the same as those of the DL ‘‘Shell model approach’’ from the mid-1990s, with emphasis on the centrality of its heterogeneity components (used, for example, in vascoda). The Shell model argument began with the ‘‘invisible web’’, necessitating the restructuring of DL approaches. The conclusion is that both approaches fit well together and that the Shell model, with its semantic heterogeneity components, can be reformulated on the semantic web basis. A reinterpretation of the DL approaches of semantic heterogeneity and adapting to standards and tools supported by the W3C should be the best solution. It is therefore recommended that – although most of the semantic web standards are not technologically refined for commercial applications at present – all individual DL developments should be checked for their adaptability to the W3C standards of the semantic web. A unique conceptual analysis of the parallel developments emanating from the digital library and semantic web communities. (author's abstract

    Ontology-Based Multiplatform Identification Method

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    This paper puts forward a multiplatform identification method to overcome the limitations of a single platform strategy when mass customization is required. The method is applied to redesign or consolidate an existing product family. The method consists of four steps: (1) the determination of component values, (2) the estimation of component redesign efforts, (3) the platform component identification, and (4) the formation of multiple platform instances. An ontology-based framework is also provided to facilitate the information representation and the data integration in the identification of multiplatform structure. Once the platforms are identified, an ontology reasoning mechanism verifies the platform sharing among products and determines the possible multiplatform coalition. A water cooler product family is used to illustrate the ontology-based multiplatform identification method

    Uma proposta para arquitetura baseada em padrões abertos para integração e disponibilização de dados geoespaciais da região do Pantanal.

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    Resumo. Estudos envolvendo dados geoespaciais da região do Pantanal representam desafios de interoperabilidade que podem ser mais facilmente superados com a adoção do modelo orientado à serviços especificado pela Open Geospatial Consortium. Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de arquitetura para utilização destes padrões aplicados na integração e disponibilização de dados geoespaciais do Pantanal e sua bacia de drenagem. A implantação da arquitetura sugerida, apoiada na adoção de softwares de código-aberto ou gratuitos possibilita uma solução com qualidade e baixo custo para integração de dados georreferenciados, úteis ao planejamento e zoneamento ambiental e estudos ecológicos da região.Geopantanal 2012

    Bioinformatik: Erkenntnisse aus der Datenflut

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    Die riesigen Datenmengen, die in der Mikrobiologie anfallen, sind nur mit einem großen Aufwand an Informationsverarbeitung zu bewältigen. Die Bioinformatik soll den Engpass überwinden helfen, der bei der Entwicklung der benötigten Informatik-Methoden entstanden ist. Datenbanktechnik hilft, die Daten abzulegen, wiederzufinden und auf vielfältige Weise miteinander zu verknüpfen. Um die Daten zu Informationen und schließlich Erkenntnissen zu verdichten, bedient man sich formaler Modelle. Hierbei finden mathematische, zunehmend aber auch informatische Methoden Anwendung. Ziel ist es, biologische Systeme und Prozesse qualitativ und quantitativ immer umfassender darstellen, simulieren, analysieren und prognostizieren zu können – und so besser zu verstehen. In Deutschland wurden im Jahre 2001 fünf Bioinformatik-Kompetenzzentren mit einer Anschubfinanzierung des BMBF eingerichtet. Eines davon befindet sich in Braunschweig, es hat den Namen Intergenomics und soll die Interaktion zwischen Genomen aufklären helfen, insbesondere Infektionsprozesse. In diesem Beitrag werden nach einer Einführung in Probleme und Ansätze der Bioinformatik und des Intergenomics-Kompetenzzentrums Arbeiten in unserem eigenen Teilprojekt vorgestellt. Hier werden z.Z. drei Ansätze verfolgt: (1) Suche nach Bildern in Textdokumenten (PDF) aufgrund der Bildbeschriftungen, (2) diskrete Modellierung und Simulation von Signaltransduktionswegen und (3) Koevolution von Datenbankschemata und Ontologien zur Verbesserung der Datenintegration