129 research outputs found

    The Fault Attack Jungle - A Classification Model to Guide You

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    A Bit-Vector Differential Model for the Modular Addition by a Constant

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    ARX algorithms are a class of symmetric-key algorithms constructed by Addition, Rotation, and XOR, which achieve the best software performances in low-end microcontrollers. To evaluate the resistance of an ARX cipher against differential cryptanalysis and its variants, the recent automated methods employ constraint satisfaction solvers, such as SMT solvers, to search for optimal characteristics. The main difficulty to formulate this search as a constraint satisfaction problem is obtaining the differential models of the non-linear operations, that is, the constraints describing the differential probability of each non-linear operation of the cipher. While an efficient bit-vector differential model was obtained for the modular addition with two variable inputs, no differential model for the modular addition by a constant has been proposed so far, preventing ARX ciphers including this operation from being evaluated with automated methods. In this paper, we present the first bit-vector differential model for the n-bit modular addition by a constant input. Our model contains O(log2(n)) basic bit-vector constraints and describes the binary logarithm of the differential probability. We also represent an SMT-based automated method to look for differential characteristics of ARX, including constant additions, and we provide an open-source tool ArxPy to find ARX differential characteristics in a fully automated way. To provide some examples, we have searched for related-key differential characteristics of TEA, XTEA, HIGHT, and LEA, obtaining better results than previous works. Our differential model and our automated tool allow cipher designers to select the best constant inputs for modular additions and cryptanalysts to evaluate the resistance of ARX ciphers against differential attacks.acceptedVersio

    Changing of the Guards: a simple and efficient method for achieving uniformity in threshold sharing

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    Since they were first proposed as a countermeasure against differential power analysis (DPA) in 2006, threshold schemes have attracted a lot of attention from the community concentrating on cryptographic implementations. What makes threshold schemes so attractive from an academic point of view is that they come with an information-theoretic proof of resistance against a specific subset of side-channel attacks: first-order DPA. From an industrial point of view they are attractive as a careful threshold implementation forces adversaries to DPA of higher order, with all its problems such a noise amplification. A threshold scheme that offers the mentioned provable security must exhibit three properties: correctness, incompleteness and uniformity. A threshold scheme becomes more expensive with the number of shares that must be implemented and the required number of shares is lower bound by the algebraic degree of the function being shared plus 1. Defining a correct and incomplete sharing of a function of degree d in d+1 shares is straightforward. However, up to now there is no generic method to achieve uniformity and finding uniform sharings of degree-d functions with d+1 shares is an active research area. In this paper we present a simple and relatively cheap method to find a correct, incomplete and uniform d+1-share threshold scheme for any S-box layer consisting of degree-d invertible S-boxes. The uniformity is not implemented in the sharings of the individual S-boxes but rather at the S-box layer level by the use of feed-forward and some expansion of shares. When applied to the Keccak-p nonlinear step Chi, its cost is very small

    Identity Based Public Verifiable Signcryption Scheme

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    Signcryption as a single cryptographic primitive offers both confidentiality and authentication simultaneously. Generally in signcryption schemes, the message is hidden and thus the validity of the ciphertext can be verified only after unsigncrypting the ciphertext. Thus, a third party will not be able to verify whether the ciphertext is valid or not. Signcryption schemes that allow any user to verify the validity of the ciphertext without the knowledge of the message are called public verifiable signcryption schemes. Third Party verifiable signcryption schemes allow the receiver to convince a third party, by providing some additional information along with the signcryption other than his private key with/without exposing the message. In this paper, we show the security weaknesses in three existing schemes \cite{BaoD98}, \cite{TsoOO08} and \cite{ChowYHC03}. The schemes in \cite{BaoD98} and \cite{TsoOO08} are in the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) setting and the scheme in \cite{ChowYHC03} is in the identity based setting. More specifically, \cite{TsoOO08} is based on elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA). We also, provide a new identity based signcryption scheme that provides public verifiability and third party verification. We formally prove the security of the newly proposed scheme in the random oracle model

    A Bit-Vector Differential Model for the Modular Addition by a Constant

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    ARX algorithms are a class of symmetric-key algorithms constructed by Addition, Rotation, and XOR, which achieve the best software performances in low-end microcontrollers. To evaluate the resistance of an ARX cipher against differential cryptanalysis and its variants, the recent automated methods employ constraint satisfaction solvers, such as SMT solvers, to search for optimal characteristics. The main difficulty to formulate this search as a constraint satisfaction problem is obtaining the differential models of the non-linear operations, that is, the constraints describing the differential probability of each non-linear operation of the cipher. While an efficient bit-vector differential model was obtained for the modular addition with two variable inputs, no differential model for the modular addition by a constant has been proposed so far, preventing ARX ciphers including this operation from being evaluated with automated methods. In this paper, we present the first bit-vector differential model for the n-bit modular addition by a constant input. Our model contains O(log_2(n)) basic bit-vector constraints and describes the binary logarithm of the differential probability. We also represent an SMT-based automated method to look for differential characteristics of ARX, including constant additions, and we provide an open-source tool ArxPy to find ARX differential characteristics in a fully automated way. To provide some examples, we have searched for related-key differential characteristics of TEA, XTEA, HIGHT, and LEA, obtaining better results than previous works. Our differential model and our automated tool allow cipher designers to select the best constant inputs for modular additions and cryptanalysts to evaluate the resistance of ARX ciphers against differential attacks

    Secure equality testing protocols in the two-party setting

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    Protocols for securely testing the equality of two encrypted integers are common building blocks for a number of proposals in the literature that aim for privacy preservation. Being used repeatedly in many cryptographic protocols, designing efficient equality testing protocols is important in terms of computation and communication overhead. In this work, we consider a scenario with two parties where party A has two integers encrypted using an additively homomorphic scheme and party B has the decryption key. Party A would like to obtain an encrypted bit that shows whether the integers are equal or not but nothing more. We propose three secure equality testing protocols, which are more efficient in terms of communication, computation or both compared to the existing work. To support our claims, we present experimental results, which show that our protocols achieve up to 99% computation-wise improvement compared to the state-of-the-art protocols in a fair experimental set-up

    Faster software for fast endomorphisms

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    GLV curves (Gallant et al.) have performance advantages over standard elliptic curves, using half the number of point doublings for scalar multiplication. Despite their introduction in 2001, implementations of the GLV method have yet to permeate widespread software libraries. Furthermore, side-channel vulnerabilities, specifically cache-timing attacks, remain unpatched in the OpenSSL code base since the first attack in 2009 (Brumley and Hakala) even still after the most recent attack in 2014 (Benger et al.). This work reports on the integration of the GLV method in OpenSSL for curves from 160 to 256 bits, as well as deploying and evaluating two side-channel defenses. Performance gains are up to 51%, and with these improvements GLV curves are now the fastest elliptic curves in OpenSSL for these bit sizes

    A Statistical Verification Method of Random Permutations for Hiding Countermeasure Against Side-Channel Attacks

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    As NIST is putting the final touches on the standardization of PQC (Post Quantum Cryptography) public key algorithms, it is a racing certainty that peskier cryptographic attacks undeterred by those new PQC algorithms will surface. Such a trend in turn will prompt more follow-up studies of attacks and countermeasures. As things stand, from the attackers' perspective, one viable form of attack that can be implemented thereupon is the so-called "side-channel attack". Two best-known countermeasures heralded to be durable against side-channel attacks are: "masking" and "hiding". In that dichotomous picture, of particular note are successful single-trace attacks on some of the NIST's PQC then-candidates, which worked to the detriment of the former: "masking". In this paper, we cast an eye over the latter: "hiding". Hiding proves to be durable against both side-channel attacks and another equally robust type of attacks called "fault injection attacks", and hence is deemed an auspicious countermeasure to be implemented. Mathematically, the hiding method is fundamentally based on random permutations. There has been a cornucopia of studies on generating random permutations. However, those are not tied to implementation of the hiding method. In this paper, we propose a reliable and efficient verification of permutation implementation, through employing Fisher-Yates' shuffling method. We introduce the concept of an n-th order permutation and explain how it can be used to verify that our implementation is more efficient than its previous-gen counterparts for hiding countermeasures.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Non-Binding (Designated Verifier) Signature

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    We argue that there are some scenarios in which plausible deniability might be desired for a digital signature scheme. For instance, the non-repudiation property of conventional signature schemes is problematic in designing an Instant Messaging system (WPES 2004). In this paper, we formally define a non-binding signature scheme in which the Signer is able to disavow her own signature if she wants, but, the Verifier is not able to dispute a signature generated by the Signer. That is, the Signer is able to convince a third party Judge that she is the owner of a signature without disclosing her secret information. We propose a signature scheme that is non-binding and unforgeable. Our signature scheme is post-quantum secure if the underlying cryptographic primitives are post-quantum secure. In addition, a modification to our nonbinding signature scheme leads to an Instant Messaging system that is of independent interest

    Safe-Error Attacks on SIKE and CSIDH

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    The isogeny-based post-quantum schemes SIKE (NIST PQC round 3 alternate candidate) and CSIDH (Asiacrypt 2018) have received only little attention with respect to their fault attack resilience so far. We aim to fill this gap and provide a better understanding of their vulnerability by analyzing their resistance towards safe-error attacks. We present four safe-error attacks, two against SIKE and two against a constant-time implementation of CSIDH that uses dummy isogenies. The attacks use targeted bitflips during the respective isogeny-graph traversals. All four attacks lead to full key recovery. By using voltage and clock glitching, we physically carried out two of the attacks - one against each scheme -, thus demonstrate that full key recovery is also possible in practice