84 research outputs found

    Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 25 (2019)

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    The Yearbook aims to promote research, studies and writings in the field of international law in Asia, as well as to provide an intellectual platform for the discussion and dissemination of Asian views and practices on contemporary international legal issues.; Readership: All interested in International Law and Asian Law

    Commemorating 50 Years (1967-2017) 50th Anniversary Celebratory Volume, Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society (APWSS); Indian Society of Weed Science (ISWS), India and The Weed Science Society of Japan (WSSJ)

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    The impetus for this 50th Anniversary Celebratory Volume of the Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society (APWSS) came from our firm conviction of the immense effort by the Society’s founding fathers, and those who followed in their footsteps, to nurture the discipline in a way beneficial to the people and cultures in the Asian-Pacific region. After 50 years of existence, there is reason for the success of this ‘interchange’ of knowledge and association of like-minded people, to be celebrated. In this Celebratory Volume, with contributions from several members, we have attempted to contextualize the contributions of the APWSS, in terms of its origin and development, as well as its activities, which are firmly rooted in promoting the understanding of weeds and responsibly managing weed impacts with appropriate methods..

    Double Difficulties, Defense in Depth A succinct authenticated key agreement protocol

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    In 2016, NIST announced an open competition with the goal of finding and standardizing a suitable quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithm, with the standard to be drafted in 2023. These algorithms aim to implement post-quantum secure key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) and digital signatures. However, the proposed algorithm does not consider authentication and is vulnerable to attacks such as man-in-the-middle. In this paper, we propose an authenticated key exchange algorithm to solve the above problems and improve its usability. The proposed algorithm combines learning with errors (LWE) and elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem to provide the required security goals. As forward security is a desirable property in a key exchange protocol, an ephemeral key pair is designed that a long-term secret compromise does not affect the security of past session keys. Moreover, the exchange steps required by the algorithm are very streamlined and can be completed with only two handshakes. We also use the random oracle model to prove the correctness and the security of proposed scheme. The performance analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. We believe that the novel approach introduced in this algorithm opens several doors for innovative applications of digital signatures in KEMs

    The Limits of Command and Control

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    This thesis examines the role of the human operator in command and control systems designed and developed for the US Air Force during the 1950s and 1960s. As understood within the discourse of defence research, command and control involved the efficient capture and management of information from the battlefield in the pursuit of a particular military strategy. The digital computer, although then still very much the highly protean object of military-industrial-university research networks, was repeatedly proposed as a crucial technology that would allow for greater and more accurate control of the battlefield. I explore the discursive terrain occupied by the human operator through an analysis of two command and control systems, selected for their significance in employing digital computers to automate previously manual military practices. Firstly, I examine the operational principles established for Air Force crews in the SAGE system deployed in the late-1950s, tracing their elaboration within a series of psychological studies of stress led by psychologists at the RAND Corporation. In the absence of an actual Soviet invasion, SAGE crews fought simulated air wars while the effectiveness of their collective performance was systematically quantified. The second case study turns to the US Air Force's 'anti-infiltration' programme that targeted and bombed convoy routes used by the North Vietnamese Army to deliver supplies into South Vietnam. I focus on the role played by photo interpreters and systems analysts in the collection and verification of data used to confirm so-called 'vehicular activity' and 'truck kills'. In histories of Cold War technopolitics, both of these case studies have frequently been presented as exemplars of the application of a quantitative, computational rationality to the planning and conduct of military strategy. However, for all the extensive discussion in this literature about the central role of digital computers in automating parts of these systems, there still remained human operators who clearly played a significant, if seemingly recessive, role in their day-to-day functioning. My discussion of these case studies is based on close textual analyses of 'grey media'---the technical and administrative writing produced within bureaucratic institutions such as the US military and its defence research contractors. I foreground the effects grey media had on structuring and standardising specific operational practices, and consequently how it delimited the respective roles played by the human operator and the machine in the production of information about the battlefield. Drawing on a Foucauldian understanding of power as it functions through institutional discourse, I argue that the human operator was instrumental in codifying and authenticating information generated by and for the computer. This varied from the regular re-structuring of data in machine-readable forms, to the longer-term tasks of quantifying the strategic effectiveness of the system. Far from simply making the processing of information more efficient, these computerised systems were enmeshed in a vast and contradictory 'regime of practices' in which manual work proliferated. I contend that in order to fully grasp how digital, networked technologies have reshaped the field of possibility in war, foregrounding the grey, recessive role played by the human operator is vital

    From Anti-Imperialism To Human Rights: The Vietnam War And Radical Internationalism In The 1960s And 1970s

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    This dissertation explores changing forms of internationalism among the French and U.S. radical left from the 1960s through the late 1970s. In the 1960s, Vietnamese resistance to U.S. imperialism inspired French activists to forge an international antiwar alliance with U.S. activists opposing their government’s aggression. Together, they created a form of anti-imperialist internationalism based on the right of nations to self-determination. Despite transnational protest, the United States escalated the war, leading many activists to argue that the best way to aid Vietnamese national liberation was to translate that struggle into their own domestic contexts. In so doing, they triggered a wave of upheaval that reached new heights in May 1968. But when this anti-imperialist front faced repression and imprisonment in France and the United States, these same radicals began to advance individual rights alongside anti-imperialist revolution in the early 1970s. Once they learned of South Vietnam’s heightened repression of political dissenters, they grafted their new attention to rights onto the antiwar movement, demanding the restoration of civil liberties. Yet in arguing that South Vietnam violated fundamental democratic rights, anti-imperialist internationalism increasingly took the form of criticizing the internal affairs of a sovereign state. In this way, anti-imperialists lent legitimacy to a rival form of internationalism that shared the progressive aspirations of anti-imperialism but rejected nationalism in favor of human rights. When genocide, internecine war, and refugee crises in Southeast Asia undermined faith in national liberation in the late 1970s, former French radicals sided with the U.S. government to lead a global movement championing human rights against the sovereignty of nation-states like Vietnam. By tracing this history of solidarity with the Vietnamese liberation struggle from the 1960s to the 1970s, this dissertation explains how and why human rights came to displace anti-imperialism as the dominant form of internationalism. It shows that the Vietnam War was a truly global phenomenon, that the trajectory of the left in countries like France was powerfully shaped by developments in what was then called the Third World, and that the rise of human rights was closely connected to transformations within anti-imperialist internationalism

    III. Konferenciakötet : A pécsi jogász doktoranduszoknak szervezett konferencia előadásai.

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    2018 és 2019-et követően – a pandémiás időszak miatt egy év kihagyással – 2021. április 07-én szerveztünk harmadik alkalommal konferenciát a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar doktoranduszainak. A konferenciát ezúttal online felületen a teams alkalmazáson keresztül bonyolítottuk le. 2018 őszén doktoranduszokban és fiatal oktatókban felmerült az ötlet, hogy a pécsi jogász doktoranduszoknak szervezzünk konferenciát. Korábban is voltak erre pozitív kezdeményezések, ilyen volt például az ún. JoDoPet (Jogász Doktoranduszok Pécsi Találkozója) című PhD konferencia, amely szintén több alkalommal került megrendezésre a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Karán. JoDoPet Konferenciát legutóbb 2015-ben rendeztek, azóta pedig kizárólag pécsi jogász doktoranduszoknak szervezett konferencia nem volt. 2018 november 30-án szerveztük meg az első konferenciát, ahol tizenöt előadó három szekcióban ismertette kutatási eredményeit 15 perces előadásokban. Így újra lehetősége nyílt jogász doktoranduszoknak és doktorjelölteknek, hogy helyben a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Karán adjanak elő. Az előadásokat követően lehetőség volt a résztvevőknek kérdéseket, hozzászólásokat intézni a prezentálókhoz. A hagyományt folytatva egy évvel később újabb konferenciát szerveztünk 2019. november 15-én. A második konferencián már 18 előadó vett részt, külön idegen nyelvű szekcióval. A konferenciákon elhangzott előadásokból ezt követően egy tanulmánykötetet terveztünk készíteni, egy bővített szerkesztői bizottsággal. Ezúton is, mint szerkesztőbizottsági tag, szeretném megköszönni valamennyi előadónak a részvételt, és külön azoknak, akik tanulmányukkal hozzájárultak a konferenciakötet létrejöttéhez. Remélhetőleg a jövőben is tudjuk folytatni a hagyományt, és újabb konferencia lehetőséget biztosíthatunk a pécsi jogász doktoranduszoknak és doktorjelölteknek

    Safe passage for attachment systems:Can attachment security at international schools be measured, and is it at risk?

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    Relocations challenge attachment networks. Regardless of whether a person moves or is moved away from, relocation produces separation and loss. When such losses are repeatedly experienced without being adequately processed, a defensive shutting down of the attachment system could result, particularly when such experiences occur during or across the developmental years. At schools with substantial turnover, this possibility could be shaping youth in ways that compromise attachment security and young people’s willingness or ability to develop and maintain deep long-term relationships. Given the well-documented associations between attachment security, social support, and long-term physical and mental health, the hypothesis that mobility could erode attachment and relational health warrants exploration. International schools are logical settings to test such a hypothesis, given their frequently high turnover without confounding factors (e.g. war trauma or refugee experiences). In addition, repeated experiences of separation and loss in international school settings would seem likely to create mental associations for the young people involved regarding how they and others tend to respond to such situations in such settings, raising the possibility that people at such schools, or even the school itself, could collectively be represented as an attachment figure. Questions like these have received scant attention in the literature. They warrant consideration because of their potential to shape young people’s most general convictions regarding attachment, which could, in turn, have implications for young people’s ability to experience meaning in their lives

    India in the Indo-Pacific

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    In view of the fast-changing world order, emerging countries are increasingly influencing the dynamics of regional securities. This timely and in-depth book examines India’s reorienting strategic posture and describes how New Delhi’s security policy in the Indo-Pacific region has evolved and expanded over the past two decades. The author argues that India’s quest to leverage its geostrategic location to emerge as an Indo-Pacific actor faces multiple challenges, which create a clear divide between the country’s political rhetoric and action on the ground. The author critically examines these contradictions to better situate India's security role in an increasingly fluid Indo-Pacific region.Angesichts der sich verändernden Weltordnung nehmen Schwellenländer zunehmend Einfluss auf die gegenwärtige Dynamik regionaler Sicherheiten. Die Autorin beschreibt, wie sich die sicherheitspolitische Rolle Indiens im indo-pazifischen Raum in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten weiterentwickelt und ausgeweitet hat. Es zeigt sich, dass zwischen der politischen Rhetorik Neu-Delhis und dem politischen Handeln vor Ort eine deutliche Kluft besteht. Die Gründe für diese Ineffektivität werden in dem Buch weiter untersucht