77,164 research outputs found

    A design view of capability

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    In order to optimise resource deployment in a rapid changing operational environment, capability has received increasing concerns in terms of maximising the utilisation of resources. As a result of such extant research, different domains were seen to endow different meanings to capability, indicating a lack of common understanding of the true nature of capability. This paper presents a design view of capability from design artefact knowledge perspective. Capability is defined as an intrinsic quality of an entity closely related to artefact behavioural and structural knowledge. Design artefact knowledge was categorised across expected, instantiated, and interpreted artefact knowledge spaces (ES, IsS, and ItS). Accordingly, it suggests that three types of capability exist in the three spaces, which can be used in employing resources. Moreover, Network Enabled Capability (NEC), the capability of a set of linked resources within a specific environment is discussed, with an example of how network resources are deployed in a Virtual Integration Platform (VIP)

    Developing competitiveness of a company using a new business process engineering concept

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    Suomessa ja muissa lĂ€nsimaissa yritysten toimintaympĂ€ristössĂ€ on tapahtunut 2000-luvulla kaksi laajaa ja merkittĂ€vÀÀ muutosta. EnsinnĂ€kin lĂ€nsimaiset yhteiskunnat ovat siirtyneet jĂ€lkiteollisesta aikakaudesta kohti informaatioajan aikakautta, ja toiseksi yritysten vĂ€linen kilpailu on muuttunut laajempien kokonaisuuksien, verkostojen vĂ€liseksi kilpailuksi. NĂ€iden muutosten voidaan nĂ€hdĂ€ kulkevan rinnakkain toisen suuren yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen, globalisaation kanssa, jossa suuryritykset toimivat maailmanlaajuisesti yli maanosien ja valtioiden rajojen. TĂ€mĂ€ tapaustutkimus luo taloudellisesti ja teknisesti kilpailukykyisen liiketoiminnan hallintajĂ€rjestelmĂ€n tehokkuuden ja laadun suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi keskikokoisessa elektronisia tuotteita valmistavassa yrityksessĂ€. Tutkimus keskittyy yritysten kilpailukyvyn tutkimiseen ja tutkimustulosten pohjalta kehittÀÀ kohdeyrityksen kilpailukykyĂ€ toteuttamalla prosessijohtamisen lĂ€hestymistapaa haastavassa ja dynaamisessa globaalissa liiketoimintaympĂ€ristössĂ€. Teoriaosassa kĂ€sitellÀÀn liiketoimintaprosessien kehittĂ€miseen liittyviĂ€ menetelmiĂ€ yrityksen strategisesta, asiakkaan kokeman laadun ja asiakkaan saaman lisĂ€arvon nĂ€kökulmasta. Teorian pohjalta laaditaan liiketoimintaprosessien kehittĂ€miskonsepti, joka koostuu vaiheittain etenevistĂ€ kehitystoimenpiteistĂ€ kilpailuedun kehittĂ€miseksi ja yllĂ€pitĂ€miseksi case-yrityksessĂ€. Tutkimus vahvistaa olemassa olevaa teoriaa liiketoimintaprosessien kehittĂ€mismenetelmĂ€stĂ€ (business process reengineering, BPR) ja sen toimivuutta kilpailukyvyn parantamisessa yleisesti. Sen lisĂ€ksi tutkimus vahvistaa liiketoimintaprosessien kehittĂ€mismenetelmĂ€n toimivuutta 2000-luvun kilpailussa dynaamisessa ja verkostoituneessa toimintaympĂ€ristössĂ€.In Finland and other Western countries, companies’ operating environments have faced two broad and significant changes in the 2000s. Firstly, Western societies have moved from the postindustrial age towards the information society age and, secondly, for larger entities, competition has changed from that between enterprises to that between networks. These changes can be seen to run in parallel with another major social change, globalization, under which large enterprises operate on a global scale across continents and state borders. This case study involves the creation of an economically and technically competitive operating management system so as to improve efficiency and quality performance in a midsized electronics manufacturing company. The study focuses on enterprise competitiveness and, based on the research findings, develops the case company’s competitiveness by implementing a process management approach to its challenging and dynamic global business environment. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with business process development methodology for the company's strategy, the customer's perception of quality and perspectives on added value creation. On the basis of the theory, a process development concept is drawn up, comprising a number of sequential stages for developing and maintaining the case company’s sustainable competitive advantage. The study confirms the existing theory of business processes development (business process reengineering, BPR) and its functionality for improving competitiveness in general. In addition, the study will strengthen the BPR’s functionality in the competitive, dynamic and networked business environment of the 2000s.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Investigating the impact of networking capability on firm innovation performance:using the resource-action-performance framework

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    The author's final peer reviewed version can be found by following the URI link. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Purpose The experience of successful firms has proven that one of the most important ways to promote co-learning and create successful networked innovations is the proper application of inter-organizational knowledge mechanisms. This study aims to use a resource-action-performance framework to open the black box on the relationship between networking capability and innovation performance. The research population embraces companies in the Iranian automotive industry. Design/methodology/approach Due to the latent nature of the variables studied, the required data are collected through a web-based cross-sectional survey. First, the content validity of the measurement tool is evaluated by experts. Then, a pre-test is conducted to assess the reliability of the measurement tool. All data are gathered by the Iranian Vehicle Manufacturers Association (IVMA) and Iranian Auto Parts Manufacturers Association (IAPMA) samples. The power analysis method and G*Power software are used to determine the sample size. Moreover, SmartPLS 3 and IBM SPSS 25 software are used for data analysis of the conceptual model and relating hypotheses. Findings The results of this study indicated that the relationships between networking capability, inter-organizational knowledge mechanisms and inter-organizational learning result in a self-reinforcing loop, with a marked impact on firm innovation performance. Originality/value Since there is little understanding of the interdependencies of networking capability, inter-organizational knowledge mechanisms, co-learning and their effect on firm innovation performance, most previous research studies have focused on only one or two of the above-mentioned variables. Thus, their cumulative effect has not examined yet. Looking at inter-organizational relationships from a network perspective and knowledge-based view (KBV), and to consider the simultaneous effect of knowledge mechanisms and learning as intermediary actions alongside, to consider the performance effect of the capability-building process, are the main advantages of this research

    The Organizational Fitness Navigator: Creating and Measuring Organizational Fitness for Fast-Paced Transformation

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    In the fast-changing environment of today dynamic capabilities to manage organizational transformation are regarded as crucial for business survival and improved performance. Although dynamic organizational capabilities have been receiving intense scrutiny by researchers and practitioners in the past few years, relatively little attention has been directed towards creating a systemic model of dynamic capabilities, and how to effectively measure what the authors call organizational fitness capabilities. This paper builds on the concepts of organizational fitness and its profiling (OFP), and proposes the organizational fitness navigator (OFN) as a systemic model of dynamic organizational capabilities. Part of the OFP model is a systemic scorecard (SCC) as a measurement tool for organizational fitness - in contrast to the well-known balanced scorecard (BSC) - for improving business survival and performance in increasingly networked environments.dynamic capabilities, organizational fitness, organizational fitness profiling, organizational fitness navigator, systemic scorecard

    Determinants of Informal Coordination in Networked Supply Chains

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    Purpose – Provide insight into the determinants or constructs that enable informally networked supply chains to operate in order to achieve improved operational performance. Design/methodology/approach – The research is based on a wide literature review, focused on the identification of dimensions of informal networking in supply chains along network connectivity, supply chain relationship alignment, informally networked supply chain, and operational performance. These determinants or constructs of informal networking were statistically validated for validity and reliability, using a sample of 231 supply chain professionals. Findings – Four determinant of informal networking were derived: capability connectivity, describing the ability of supply chain partners to rapidly and informally integrate capabilities to service an ad hoc market requirement; relationship alignment or the ability to informally integrate resources across supply chain partners in the context of highly dynamic market situations; the informally networked supply chain itself, measuring the ability of supply chain partners to respond to transient opportunities in the context of highly dynamic markets; and finally operational performance which measures the effect informal networking has on company performance. Research limitations/implications – Future research may investigate the effects of informally networked supply chains on a broader array of measures of company performance, and additional measures of operational performance. Practical implications – These newly developed constructs or determinants give managers further insight into which dimensions need to be fostered to enable informally networked supply chains to operate, and what operational gains may be potentially realised as a result of informal networking. Originality/value – This paper contributes to enhancing the understanding of the newly emerging phenomenon of informal networking in supply chains and how it may yield operational efficiency and effectiveness gains.construct development;coordination;informal networking;supply chain

    Towards a business-IT alignment maturity model for collaborative networked organizations

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    Aligning business and IT in networked organizations is a complex endeavor because in such settings, business-IT alignment is driven by economic processes instead of by centralized decision-making processes. In order to facilitate managing business-IT alignment in networked organizations, we need a maturity model that allows collaborating organizations to assess the current state of alignment and take appropriate action to improve it where needed. In this paper we propose the first version of such a model, which we derive from various alignment models and theories

    Interactive Visual Analysis of Networked Systems: Workflows for Two Industrial Domains

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    We report on a first study of interactive visual analysis of networked systems. Working with ABB Corporate Research and Ericsson Research, we have created workflows which demonstrate the potential of visualization in the domains of industrial automation and telecommunications. By a workflow in this context, we mean a sequence of visualizations and the actions for generating them. Visualizations can be any images that represent properties of the data sets analyzed, and actions typically either change the selection of data visualized or change the visualization by choice of technique or change of parameters

    An architecture for organisational decision support

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    The Decision Support (DS) topic of the Network Enabled Capability for Through Life Systems Engineering (NECTISE) project aims to provide organisational through-life decision support for the products and services that BAE Systems deliver. The topic consists of five streams that cover resource capability management, decision management, collaboration, change prediction and integration. A proposed architecture is presented for an Integrated Decision Support Environment (IDSE) that combines the streams to provide a structured approach to addressing a number of issues that have been identified by BAE Systems business units as being relevant to DS: uncertainty and risk, shared situational awareness, types of decision making, decision tempo, triggering of decisions, and support for autonomous decision making. The proposed architecture will identify how either individuals or groups of decision makers (including autonomous agents) would be utilised on the basis of their capability within the requirements of the scenario to collaboratively solve the decision problem. Features of the scenario such as time criticality, required experience level, the need for justification, and conflict management, will be addressed within the architecture to ensure that the most appropriate decision management support (system/naturalistic/hybrid) is provided. In addition to being reliant on a number of human factors issues, the decision making process is also reliant on a number of information issues: overload, consistency, completeness, uncertainty and evolution, which will be discussed within the context of the architecture
