4 research outputs found

    Börtönkönyvtárak: ablakok a világra

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    Exploring the rehabilitative cultural role of the prison library: addressing sensitive information needs via cultural activities.

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    This chapter explores the role of cultural activity within prison libraries for not only the general wellbeing of prisoners, but also as a form of indirect intervention for addressing unrecognised and/or unaddressed information needs amongst prisoners; particularly important needs of a more sensitive nature often repressed (e.g. remorse, mental health, relationships). Drawing on research to date, we discuss the information needs of prisoners, the associated benefits of cultural activity for information need recognition and understanding, and the support role of the prison library; and in relation, identify opportunities for further development of the library as a key change agent in the progressive rehabilitation of prisoners

    Information Needs and Information Behaviors of Prisoners: A Theoretical Evaluation

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    Fiziksel, zihinsel, çevresel, sosyoekonomik, kültürel ve benzeri nedenlerle bilgi kaynaklarından yararlanmaları sınırlanan kişi ve grupların bilgi gereksinim ve davranışları bu sınırlılıklar bağlamında dikkate alınmalıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, anılan gruptaki mahkûmların bilgi gereksinimleri, bilgi davranışları ve bu bağlamda etken olan faktörler ile karşılaşılan sorunlara ilişkin kuramsal bir çerçeve oluşturmaktır. Çalışmada betimleme yöntemi kullanılmış, yerli literatürün sınırlılığı nedeni ile daha çok yabancı literatür taranarak genel çerçevede bilgi davranışlarına ilişkin olgu, kavram ve yaklaşımlar, özel olarak da mahkûmların bilgi gereksinimi ve davranışları ile onları biçimlendiren etmenler araştırılmış ve irdelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda, mahkûmların bilgi gereksinimi ile davranışlarının özgür vatandaşlarınkilerle benzerlik gösterse de cezaevi (ve/veya tutukevi) ortam ve koşullarının etkisiyle biçimlenen özel, sınırlı ve sorunlu karakteristikleri olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.Information behaviors of individuals and groups who have limited access to information sources due to various reasons such as physical, mental, environmental, socio-economic, cultural, etc. should be considered vitally important in the context of the aforementioned limitations. This study aims to provide a theoretical framework regarding the information needs, information behaviors of the prisoners who are categorized in that group and to provide insight into the effective factors in this context as well as the problems faced by these groups. Within the scope of the study in which descriptive method is used, first, in a general context, features, concepts, and approaches related to information behaviors, and then specific information needs and behaviors of prisoners and the factors that shape them are discussed. Due to the limited researches that have been conducted in the related area in the domestic literature, foreign literature is consulted mainly. As a result, it is concluded that although the information needs and behaviors of the prisoners have similarities with those of free citizens, they have special, limited and problematic characteristics shaped by the effect of prison (and/or detention) environment and conditions

    Attitudes of prisoners to reading: case study of Jiřice prison

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    The diploma thesis focuses on reading in Jiřice Prison. The aim is to describe the attitude of prisoners to reading, and their approach to reading. The theoretical part introduces key terms, importance of reading. The research was carried out in the Jiřice prison. It was a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods in the form of questionnaires and interviewers. The research results provide feedback for the prison stuff for their future work with prisoners. Key words attitude - Jiřice Prison - prisoners - readingDiplomová práce se zabývá postojem vězňů ve Věznici Jiřice k četbě. Cílem práce je popsat postoj odsouzených ve Věznici v Jiřicích k četbě a knihám. Teoretická část pojednává o vězeňství, o Věznici Jiřice a její knihovně, také popisuji termín postoj a možnosti jeho měření. V práci jsem věnovala jednu kapitolu podobným a zajímavým výzkumům v této oblasti v posledních deseti letech. V praktické části představuji svůj výzkum. Nejprve byl proveden prvotní výzkum pomocí dotazníků mezi 100 vězni ve všech odděleních ve Věznici Jiřice. Následně bylo v kooperaci se speciálním pedagogem vybráno pět vězňů k ústním rozhovorům, kde jsem detailněji zkoumala jejich postoje k četbě. Výsledky výzkumu představují zpětnou vazbu pro věznici, zejména pro její budoucí práci s vězni. Klíčová slova v českém jazyce Četba - postoj - vězni - Věznice Jiřice - vztahÚstav informačních studií a knihovnictvíInstitute of Information Studies and LibrarianshipFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult