29,837 research outputs found

    Information Decomposition and Synergy

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    Recently, a series of papers addressed the problem of decomposing the information of two random variables into shared information, unique information and synergistic information. Several measures were proposed, although still no consensus has been reached. Here, we compare these proposals with an older approach to define synergistic information based on the projections on exponential families containing only up to k-th order interactions. We show that these measures are not compatible with a decomposition into unique, shared and synergistic information if one requires that all terms are always non-negative (local positivity). We illustrate the difference between the two measures for multivariate Gaussians.EC/FP7/31872

    Intersection Information based on Common Randomness

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    The introduction of the partial information decomposition generated a flurry of proposals for defining an intersection information that quantifies how much of "the same information" two or more random variables specify about a target random variable. As of yet, none is wholly satisfactory. A palatable measure of intersection information would provide a principled way to quantify slippery concepts, such as synergy. Here, we introduce an intersection information measure based on the G\'acs-K\"orner common random variable that is the first to satisfy the coveted target monotonicity property. Our measure is imperfect, too, and we suggest directions for improvement.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Synergy as a warning sign of transitions: the case of the two-dimensional Ising model

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    We consider the formalism of information decomposition of target effects from multi-source interactions, i.e. the problem of defining redundant and synergistic components of the information that a set of source variables provides about a target, and apply it to the two-dimensional Ising model as a paradigm of a critically transitioning system. Intuitively, synergy is the information about the target variable that is uniquely obtained taking the sources together, but not considering them alone; redundancy is the information which is shared by the sources. To disentangle the components of the information both at the static level and at the dynamical one, the decomposition is applied respectively to the mutual information and to the transfer entropy between a given spin, the target, and a pair of neighbouring spins (taken as the drivers). We show that a key signature of an impending phase transition (approached from the disordered size) is the fact that the synergy peaks in the disordered phase, both in the static and in the dynamic case: the synergy can thus be considered a precursor of the transition. The redundancy, instead, reaches its maximum at the critical temperature. The peak of the synergy of the transfer entropy is far more pronounced than those of the static mutual information. We show that these results are robust w.r.t. the details of the information decomposition approach, as we find the same results using two different methods; moreover, w.r.t. previous literature rooted on the notion of Global Transfer Entropy, our results demonstrate that considering as few as three variables is sufficient to construct a precursor of the transition, and provide a paradigm for the investigation of a variety of systems prone to crisis, like financial markets, social media, or epileptic seizures

    Information theoretical study of cross-talk mediated signal transduction in MAPK pathways

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    Biochemical networks related to similar functional pathways are often correlated due to cross-talk among the homologous proteins in the different networks. Using a stochastic framework, we address the functional significance of the cross-talk between two pathways. Our theoretical analysis on generic MAPK pathways reveals cross-talk is responsible for developing coordinated fluctuations between the pathways. The extent of correlation evaluated in terms of the information theoretic measure provides directionality to net information propagation. Stochastic time series and scattered plot suggest that the cross-talk generates synchronization within a cell as well as in a cellular population. Depending on the number of input and output, we identify signal integration and signal bifurcation motif that arise due to inter-pathway connectivity in the composite network. Analysis using partial information decomposition quantifies the net synergy in the information propagation through these branched pathways.Comment: Revised version, 17 pages, 5 figure
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