3 research outputs found

    The binomial of interaction and visualization in digital news media: consolidation, standardization and future challenges

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    Interaction and visualization together yield an interesting, fruitful, and promising combination for producing content in digital news media. In an era in which the press no longer exclusively provides the news, interaction and visualization combined in innovative products for the public are powerful value propositions for the media. Together, they are capable of winning readers' loyalty and engagement, both of which are crucial for the media's sustainability. In this work, we present a review of the literature and formulate the theoretical bases for this binomial pairing and its main components, which, we argue, should be available to citizens, the interests of whom journalism must defend if it aspires to be viable

    Visual data representation as a tool for presenting public data on statistical offices websites

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    Cílem práce bylo zmapovat stav webových stránek statistických úřadů a podat zprávu o míře poskytování veřejně dostupných dat a využívání různých typů vizuální reprezentace dat na webových stránkách statistických úřadů, jakožto jednoho z nástrojů naplňování poslání a komunikování statistik těchto úřadů směrem k veřejnosti. Klíčová slova vizualizace, vizuální reprezentace, data, statistické úřady, poslání, mise, veřejnost, infografika, český statistický úřadanglicky The main task of this diploma thesis was to map conditions of statistical offices websites and review if They fulfill their mission toward public by providing public accessible data and how and if they use the visual representation as a tool for helping people to understand statistics. Klíčová slova - visualization, data, statistic office,statistics, milion, public,Ústav informačních studií - studia nových médiíInstitute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    A comparative visual content analysis of the CDC and WHO COVID-19 infographics

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    In this study, I conducted a comparative visual content analysis of the CDC and WHO COVID-19 infographics. I considered infographics as an important genre of communication during such times because they not only provided sufficient information to the audience but did so in an engaging manner. The goal of my study was to think about the role of infographics in the context of health and risk communication during a pandemic, and to emphasize on the rhetorical elements that constitute the creation of infographics by major health organizations. I specifically focused on three elements: the kinds of information communicated through infographics, the text and graphic organization in the infographics, and the rhetorical strategies. The results of my analysis indicated that (1) the CDC and WHO infographics included how-to information, dos and don’ts, step-by-step guidelines, checklists, and general informational topics on COVID-19 in their infographics; (2) the CDC infographics had structured text and graphic organization that established a reading pattern, whereas the WHO infographics followed an abstract design that gave the audience more freedom to explore the infographic; and (3) Both the CDC and WHO used visuals to make information more understandable, used imperatives whenever the aim was to initiate action, avoided frightening references in the infographics and focused on helpful information, and used document design according to the reading patterns of the audience. I concluded that audience was the key factor that stemmed the differences in the implementation of rhetorical strategies in the CDC and WHO infographics --Abstract, page iii