6 research outputs found

    Mathematical modeling applied to the analysis of magmatic intrusions thermal influence in Paraná Basin

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    This paper has the objective to present equations capable of generating one-dimensional models that permit to quantify the thermal influence caused by igneous intrusions. In Paraná Basin, the petroleum systems were great influenced by igneous activitiesin which they as presented by a thick lava effusion, a large number of dykes in the entire sedimentary section and various levels of sills intruded in stratifications in order to provide thermal energy for organic maturation. Thus, a better understanding of how and how much the intrusions affect the generation of oil and gas is extremely necessary since the knowledge related to the effects of intrusions in such atypical petroleum system is still insufficient. The obtained results show: the thermal influence caused by igneous intrusions is much higher than that proposed in the literature; the presence of multiple intrusions, based on the oil and gas window considered and as a function of it thickness, causes between them, unfavorable thermal influence to the generation of hydrocarbons in small distances and favorable thermal influence in large distances


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    This paper has the objective to present equations capable of generating one-dimensional models that permit to quantify the thermal influence caused by igneous intrusions. In Paraná Basin, the petroleum systems were great influenced by igneous activities in which they are presented by a thick lava effusion, large number of dykes in the entire sedimentary section and various levels of sills intruded in stratifications to provide thermal energy for organic maturation. Thus, a better understanding of how and how much the intrusions affect the generation of oil and gas is extremely necessary since the knowledge related to the effects of intrusions in such atypical petroleum system is still insufficient. The obtained results show: the thermal influence caused by igneous intrusions is much higher than that proposed in the literature; the greater the number of intrusions and the thicker they are, the thermal influence is unfavorable at short distances and favorable at large distances

    Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Geomaterials: Numerical Investigation by the Immersed Interface Method

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    The present work aims to study the nonlinear effective thermal conductivity of heterogeneous composite-like geomaterials by using a numerical approach based on the immersed interface method (IIM). This method is particularly efficient at solving the diffusion problem in domains containing inner boundaries in the form of perfect or imperfect interfaces between constituents. In this paper, this numerical procedure is extended in the framework of non linear behavior of constituents and interfaces. The performance of the developed tool is then demonstrated through the studies of temperature- and pressure-dependent effective thermal conductivity of geomaterials with imperfect interfaces

    Structural inheritance and magmatism during continental breakup in West Greenland and Eastern Canada

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    Continental extension causes rifting and thinning of the lithosphere that may result in breakup and eventually the initiation of seafloor spreading and passive continental margin development. Ambiguity exists regarding the roles of magmatism and structural inheritance during rifting and continental breakup during this process. This study focuses on the importance of these controls on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic separation between West Greenland and Eastern Canada. It is important to improve our knowledge of the processes that influenced breakup as the current understanding of these processes is limited and also to reduce hydrocarbon exploration risk in this tectonic setting. During this study passive margin processes were investigated using a variety of methodologies at a range of scales from that of conjugate margin pairs (Chapters 4 and 5), through margin and basin scale studies (Chapter 6) to the smallest scale on individual igneous intrusions (Chapter 7). At the largest scale an assessment of the magmatic and structural asymmetry between the conjugate margins of the Labrador Sea based primarily on field data and subsequent analysis near Makkovik, Labrador, but also other large-scale geophysical datasets demonstrated that early rifting was dominated by simple shear rather than pure shear. In such a scenario Labrador was have been the lower plate margin to the upper plate southwest Greenland margin. Further analysis of field observations indicated that rifting of the Labrador Sea region may have been aided by a favourably orientated basement metamorphic fabric and that observable onshore brittle deformation structures may be related to Mesozoic rifting. Further north in the Davis Strait, seismic interpretation at the margin and basin scale allowed a series of seismic surfaces, isochrons and a new offshore fault map to be produced. The results of this analysis demonstrated that the geometry of rift basins was primarily controlled by pre-existing structures, an assertion supported by observations of reactivation onshore in West Greenland. Finally, at the smallest scale, results of numerical modelling offshore Newfoundland demonstrated that even on non- volcanic passive margins, intrusive magmatism can influence thermal evolution. In addition, the presence of widespread igneous rocks on passive margins may be indicative of regional-scale thermal perturbations that should be considered in source rock maturation studies. Overall, the conclusion of this project is that both magmatism and structural inheritance have profoundly influenced the continental breakup between West Greenland and Eastern Canada, and that interplay between these two complex groups of mechanisms may have also contributed to the geological evolution of this area