2,505 research outputs found

    An exploratory study of individual information-processing and decision-making Final report

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    Information processing aspects in solution of research and development tasks focusing on individual decision makin

    A Quarter-Century of Normalization and Social Role Valorization

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    During the late 1960s, Normalization and Social Role Valorization (SRV) enabled the widespread emergence of community residential options and then provided the philosophical climate within which educational integration, supported employment, and community participation were able to take firm root. This book is unique in tracing the evolution and impact of Normalization and SRV over the last quarter-century, with many of the chapter authors personally involved in a still-evolving international movement

    Academic Review Reports, Health Science, D.H.S. 2007-2008

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    Nanotechnology in a Globalized World: Strategic Assessments of an Emerging Technology

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    PASCC Report Number 2014-006Nanotechnologies are enabling, dual-use technologies with the potential to alter the modern world significantly, from fields as wide-ranging as warfare to industrial design to medicine to social and human engineering. Seizing the technological lead in nanotech is often viewed as an imperative for both 21st century defense and global competitiveness. Only revolutionary technologies are believed to allow a country to take advantage of its relative backwardness—in the sense of its lack of commitment to existing, incremental technologies—and leap ahead of existing technological leaders in developing and deploying a revolutionary new technology. New technologies, however, are only likely truly to revolutionize an economy and society if there is a broader national base that allows a new technology to spread and transform from its initial niche application, whether civilian or military, and if society is willing to adopt the technology in question. Globally, there is significant belief in the revolutionary potential of nanotechnology, not only to transform warfare, economy and society, but also the international geopolitical hierarchy. Between 2001 and 2014, over sixty countries followed the United States and established nanotechnology initiatives. These countries range from advanced industrial countries in Europe to Japan to the emerging markets of Russia, China, Brazil, and India to developing countries such as Nepal and Pakistan.U.S. Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Center on Contemporary Conflict (CCC), Project on Advanced Systems and Concepts for Countering WMD (PASCC

    Annual Report Of Research and Creative Productions, January to December, 2009

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    2009 Annual Report of Research and Creative Productions, Morehead State University, Division of Academic Affairs, Research and Creative Productions Committee

    Fundraising in the Higher Education Context: A Topical and Theoretical Literature Review

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    This paper aims at design a topical and theoretical literature review about fundraising in the higher education context. Fundraising is a topic that deserves a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach relating to the focus of the analysis: there are some themes that have been investigated more than others, whereas others have been objects of analysis without any theoretical framework support. Hence, literature about fundraising is still lacking and calls for further investigations and analyses. This paper aims at identifying the state of the art about fundraising literature and the gap(s) that further investigation should try to fill

    Strategic management of family planning programs

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    Program management has received insufficient attention among family planning leaders, possibly because of medical or demographic background of many leaders, a focus on other program priorities (such as sheer survival), the pressure to expand programs rapidly, and limited donor interest in the subject. As programs grow in complexity, the problems resulting from weak management systems become more obvious, and organizations are compelled to introduce rational systems. The more successful family planning programs have paid close attention to key aspects of management and have striven to continually improve their systems. According to the principles of strategic management, there is no single"best"solution to the various problems organizations face. Each organization must work out a response appropriate to a given situation. But managers should know more about possible options and their effectiveness in other settings. In family planning, a dearth of research on options - compounded by the fact that many programs do not collect basic information about program inputs and outputs - makes it difficult to analyze which programs work and why. Logistics management is the Achilles heel of family planning programs. Many programs experience depleted supplies of contraceptives in demand and oversupplies of others. Lack of contraceptives not only leads to pregnancies but erodes client trust in the service provider and undermines staff morale. Measures to improve logistics management are readily accessible. What is lacking is a commitment from high-level managers to introduce the needed changes. Staff development also merits more attention from managers, as high-caliber staff can make a big difference in program performance. Managers do not always have flexibility about staff recruitment, promotion, and retention, but they should strive for as much leverage as possible. Little research has been done on the impact of training, so managers should assess the relative effectiveness and costs of different approaches. The key factor seems to the relevance to the training content to the individual's job responsibilities.Health Monitoring&Evaluation,ICT Policyand Strategies,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Enterprise Development&Reform,Community Development and Empowerment

    The Relationship of Presidential Leadership Style and the Financial Health of Private, Nonproprietary Institutions of Higher Learning

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    The primary purpose of this study was to determine if a relationship existed between the financial health of academic institutions and the leadership style of college and university presidents. Financial health was defined as the ability of an institution to pay its current debts. Secondly, the study tested a number of hypotheses derived from the contingency model of leadership effectiveness. Lastly, the study attempted to determine if there was an association between two lists of institutions considered to be led by effective presidents. The study involved a stratified random sample of 263 private institutions accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Data analysis for seven of the eight null hypotheses posed was based upon the scored responses from 77 presidents and financial data from 53 of their associated institutions. Financial data from 199 institutions was used to test the remaining hypothesis. The data were analyzed by means of the Jaspen\u27s M correlational technique, one-way analysis of variance, directional t tests for independent data, and a point-biserial correlation. From the data analysis, it was determined that a significant association did not exist between financial health and leadership style and financial health and institutional degree granting status. The scored data failed to support, as well, the major tenets of the contingency model. In addition, a significant association was not established between institutions led by presidents with reputations for effective leadership and institutions led by presidents who were considered effective by the terms of this study. The data analysis did establish that the majority of the responding presidents were task-oriented leaders operating in high control situations and that institutions which offered the bachelor\u27s degree as their highest degree awarded were those most frequently found in the good financial health category while those which offered the master\u27s degree as their highest degree awarded were those most frequently found in the poor financial health category

    Talent Management in Chinese University Context: A Comparative Case Study Approach

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    This research aims to analyse the implementation of Talent Management (TM) in Chinese universities, spanning from policy to practice. The study explores the definitions and execution of TM in both literature and Chinese academic settings, considering various perspectives from organizations and individuals. It delves into the unique interpretations of 'talent' and 'TM' within the Chinese context. Additionally, the research discusses the interconnections between strategy, organizational culture, and other management aspects, along with the challenges and outcomes of implementing TM in Chinese universities. Practical guidance and theoretical suggestions are provided for universities embarking on TM systems and strategic development plans.Using a qualitative case study design, 44 in depth semi structured interviews were conducted at two Chinese universities. While no definitive definition of TM has emerged, it generally involves an academic screening process with scientific research output at its core, serving functions of talent identification, attraction, retention, and development. The findings reveal that Chinese universities have started practicing TM, yielding benefits in performance improvement, strategy realization, and sustainable development. Context (national double first class construction), strategy (both national and university level), and corporate culture are significant in these efforts. Despite presenting challenges, TM also offers valuable development opportunities for Chinese universities.This research contributes by addressing gaps in TM research, particularly within Chinese university contexts. It establishes a common language for TM research in a Chinese context, offering fresh interpretations of TM issues in Chinese universities. Moreover, it aids the Chinese academic community in understanding TM, contributing to global TM, and connecting with international research at policy, practice, and research levels. The study demonstrates TM implementation, highlighting similarities and differences in strategies across universities and providing evidence of TM's value. It aids future researchers and practitioners in comprehending best practices' dynamism and complexity, promoting further TM development. Lastly, it addresses the underdevelopment of TM in the public sector and complements the individual perspective of talent in TM research
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