283 research outputs found

    A sensitivity analysis method for evaluating the effect of input parameter uncertainty on the results of the PALM model system

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    Within the scope of this work, a sensitivity analysis method for input parameters of numerical models is developed and applied to the PALM model system. For an application of PALM in urban areas, input data concerning land use, surfaces, soil type, buildings and vegetation are required. They can be obtained from various sources like municipal data, Open Street Map, satellite data or aerial imagery. However, quality and availability of input data are very heterogeneous, which results in uncertainties in the input parameters, which are transferred to the model results. In the presented study, the quality of the input parameters is investigated with respect to the required accuracy of the model results. A systematic sensitivity analysis based on the Morris method an a OAT sensitivity study is carried out for the input parameters required for PALM simulations of the urban environment. This allows for the selection of the input parameters, for which extensive data acquisition is worthwhile and necessary for obtaining reliable model results with a suffcient accuracy. In addition, conclusions are drawn on possible methods for the adaptation of urban areas to climate change based on the results of the sensitivity analysis discussing quantities with a large impact on the air temperature and the UTCI

    Leaf Pigment retrievals from DAISEX data for crops at BARRAX: Effects of sun-angle and view-angle on inversion results

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    In Proceedings of the First International Sysmposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Valencia, Spain, 16-20 September, 2002.The use of combined leaf and canopy models to retrieve biophysical crop variables are increasingly thought to provide an effective means of providing quantitative input needed to determine stress condition and improve crop yield predictions based on physiological condition. Nevertheless, the sensitivity of such retrieval results to changes in view and sun angle are needed if efficient single-view optical image data are to attain operational agriculture use. Although some studies have been carried out using synthetic model data, similar studies using real data have been very limited due to the unavailability of such data sets. In this research the focus is on the retrieval of leaf pigment (chlorophyll a+b). Some recent studies have demonstrated modelbased retrievals of leaf chlorophyll with RMSEs <5 mg/cm2 by comparison with field sampling and subsequent laboratory chemical analysis. The research reported here uses the extensive DAISEX data set acquired at Barrax, Spain in 1999 and 2000. Airborne data collection strategies provided DAIS, ROSIS and HyMap hyperspectral data in which various field study plots have been observed under widely varying view angles and also at significantly different solar zenith angle. Nearly simultaneously, a comprehensive field data set was acquired on specific crop plots which provided measurements of the following relevant crop variables among others: LAI, percent vegetation cover, leaf chlorophyll content, biomass, leaf and canopy water content, and soil reflectance. We use a combined modeling and indices-based approach, which predicts the leaf chlorophyll content while minimizing LAI influence and underlying soil effects. The sensitivity of leaf chlorophyll predictions with changes in view and sun angle are reported and analyzed through modeling studies for a range of plots in the DAISEX data set.Peer reviewe

    Extracting ecological and biophysical information from AVHRR optical data: An integrated algorithm based on inverse modeling

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    Satellite remote sensing provides the only means of directly observing the entire surface of the Earth at regular spatial and temporal intervals

    Extracting ecological and biophysical information from AVHRR optical data: An integrated algorithm based on inverse modeling

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    Satellite remote sensing provides the only means of directly observing the entire surface of the Earth at regular spatial and temporal intervals

    Remote Sensing of Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation: A Review from the Perspective of Remote Sensing Specialists

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    Remote sensing, the science of obtaining information via noncontact recording, has swept the fields of ecology, biodiversity and conservation (EBC). Several quality review papers have contributed to this field. However, these papers often discuss the issues from the standpoint of an ecologist or a biodiversity specialist. This review focuses on the spaceborne remote sensing of EBC from the perspective of remote sensing specialists, i.e., it is organized in the context of state-of-the-art remote sensing technology, including instruments and techniques. Herein, the instruments to be discussed consist of high spatial resolution, hyperspectral, thermal infrared, small-satellite constellation, and LIDAR sensors; and the techniques refer to image classification, vegetation index (VI), inversion algorithm, data fusion, and the integration of remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS)

    Estimating foliar and wood lignin concentrations, and leaf area index (LAI) of Eucalyptus clones in Zululand using hyperspectral imagery.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.To produce high quality paper, lignin should be removed from the pulp. Quantification of lignin concentrations using standard wet chemistry is accurate but time consuming and costly, thus not appropriate for a large number of samples. The ability of hyperspectral remote sensing to predict foliar lignin concentrations could be utilized to estimate wood lignin concentrations if meaningful relationships between wood and foliar chemistry are established. LAI (leaf area index) is a useful parameter that is incorporated into physiological models in forest assessment. Measuring LAI over vast areas is labour intensive and expensive; therefore, LAI has been correlated to vegetation indices using remote sensing. Broadband indices use average spectral information over broad bandwidths; therefore details on the characteristics of the forest canopy are compromised and averaged. Moreover, the broadband indices are known to be highly affected by soil background at low vegetation cover. The aim of this study is to determine foliar and wood lignin concentrations of Eucalyptus clones using hyperspectral lignin indices, and to estimate LAI of Eucalyptus clones from narrowband vegetation indices in Zululand, South Africa Twelve Eucalyptus compartments of ages between 6 and 9 years were selected and 5 trees were randomly sampled from each compartment. A Hyperion image was acquired within ten days of field sampling, SI and LAI measurements. Leaf samples were analyzed in the laboratory using the Klason method as per Tappi standards (Tappi, 1996-1997). Wood samples were analyzed for lignin concentrations using a NIRS (Near Infrared Spectroscopy) instrument. The results showed that there is no general model for predicting wood lignin concentrations from foliar lignin concentrations in Eucalyptus clones of ages between 6 and 9 years. Regression analysis performed for individual compartments and on compartments grouped according to age and SI showed that the relationship between wood and foliar lignin concentration is site and age specific. A Hyperion image was georeferenced and atmospherically corrected using ENVI FLAASH 4.2. The equation to calculate lignin indices for this study was: L1R= ~n5il: A'''''y . 1750 AI680 The relationship between the lignin index and laboratory-measured foliar lignin was significant with R2 = 0.79. This relationship was used to calculate imagepredicted foliar lignin concentrations. Firstly, the compartment specific equations were used to calculate predicted wood lignin concentrations from predicted foliar lignin concentrations. The relationship between the laboratorymeasured wood lignin concentrations and predicted wood lignin concentrations was significant with R2 = 0.91. Secondly, the age and site-specific equations were used to convert foliar lignin concentration to wood lignin concentrations. The wood lignin concentrations predicted from these equations were then compared to the laboratory-measured wood lignin concentrations using linear regression and the R2 was 0.79 with a p-value lower than 0.001. Two bands were used to calculate nine vegetation indices; one band from the near infrared (NIR) region and the other from the short wave infrared (SWIR). Correlations between the Vis and the LAI measurements were generated and . then evaluated to determine the most effective VI for estimating LAI of Eucalyptus plantations. All the results obtained were significant but the NU and MNU showed possible problems of saturation. The MNDVI*SR and SAVI*SR produced the most significant relationships with LAI with R2 values of 0.899 and 0.897 respectively. The standard error for both correlations was very low, at 0.080, and the p-value of 0.001. It was concluded that the Eucalyptus wood lignin concentrations can be predicted using hyperspectral remote sensing, hence wood and foliar lignin concentrations can be fairly accurately mapped across compartments. LAI significantly correlated to eight of the nine selected vegetation indices. Seven Vis are more suitable for LAI estimations in the Eucalyptus plantations in Zululand. The NU and MNU can only be used for LAI estimations in arid or semi-arid areas

    Improving Satellite Leaf Area Index Estimation Based On Various Integration Methods

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    Leaf Area Index (LAI) is an important land surface biophysical variable that is used to characterize vegetation amount and activity. Current satellite LAI products, however, do not satisfy the requirements of the modeling community due to their large uncertainties and frequent missing values. Each LAI product is currently generated from only one satellite sensor data. There is an urgent need for advanced methods to integrate multiple LAI products to improve the product's accuracy and integrality for various applications. To meet this need, this study proposes four methods, including the Optimal Interpolation (OI), Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME), Multi-Resolution Tree (MRT) and Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF), to integrate multiple LAI products. Three LAI products have been considered in this study: Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) and Carbon cYcle and Change in Land Observational Products from an Ensemble of Satellites (CYCLOPES) LAI. As the basis of data integration, this dissertation first validates and intercompares MODIS and CYCLOPES LAI products and also evaluates their geometric accuracies. The CYCLOPES LAI product has smoother temporal profiles and fewer spatial variations, but tends to produce spurious large errors in winter. The Locally Adjusted Cubic-spline Capping algorithm is revised to smooth multiple years' average and variance. Although OI, BME and MRT based methods have been used in other fields, this is the first research to employ them in integrating multiple LAI products. This dissertation also presents a new integration method based on EOF to solve the problem of large data volume and inconsistent temporal resolution of different datasets. High resolution LAI reference maps generated with ground measurements are used to validate these algorithms. Validation results show that all of these four methods can fill data gaps and reduce the errors of the existing LAI products. The data gaps are filled with information from adjacent pixels and background. These algorithms remove the spurious large temporal and spatial variation of the original LAI products. The combination of multiple satellite products significantly reduces bias. OI and BME can reduce the RMSE from 1.0 (MODIS) to 0.7 and reduce the bias from +0.3 (MODIS) and -0.2 (CYCLOPES) to -0.1. MRT can produce similar results with OI but with significantly improved efficiency. EOF also generates the results with the RMSE of 0.7 but zero bias. Limited ground measurement data hardly prove which methods outperform the others. OI and BME theoretically produce statistically optimal results. BME relaxes OI's linear and Gaussian assumption and explicitly considers data error, but bears a much higher computational burden. MRT has improved efficiency but needs strict assumptions on the scale transfer function. EOF requires simpler model identification, while it is more "empirical" than "statistical". The original contributions of this study mainly include: 1) a new application of several different integration methods to incorporate multiple satellite LAI products to reduce uncertainties and improve integrality, 2) an enhancement of the Locally Adjusted Cubic-spline Capping by revising the end condition, 3) a novel comprehensive comparison of MODIS C5 LAI product with other satellite products, 4) the development of a new LAI normalization scheme by assuming the linear relationship between measurement error and LAI natural variance to account for the inconsistency between products, and finally, 5) the creation of a new data integration method based on EOF

    Remote sensing retrieval of winter wheat leaf area index and canopy chlorophyll density at different growth stages

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    Leaf area index (LAI) and canopy chlorophyll density (CCD) are key indicators of crop growth status. In this study, we compared several vegetation indices and their red-edge modified counterparts to evaluate the optimal red-edge bands and the best vegetation index at different growth stages. The indices were calculated with Sentinel-2 MSI data and hyperspectral data. Their performances were validated against ground measurements using R2, RMSE, and bias. The results suggest that indices computed with hyperspectral data exhibited higher R2 than multispectral data at the late jointing stage, head emergence stage, and filling stage. Furthermore, red-edge modified indices outperformed the traditional indices for both data genres. Inversion models indicated that the indices with short red-edge wavelengths showed better estimation at the early jointing and milk development stage, while indices with long red-edge wavelength estimate the sought variables better at the middle three stages. The results were consistent with the red-edge inflection point shift at different growth stages. The best indices for Sentinel-2 LAI retrieval, Sentinel-2 CCD retrieval, hyperspectral LAI retrieval, and hyperspectral CCD retrieval at five growth stages were determined in the research. These results are beneficial to crop trait monitoring by providing references for crop biophysical and biochemical parameters retrieval
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