14 research outputs found

    Influence of Facebook in Academic Performance of Sri Lankan University Students

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    Facebook is only an electronic communication among human but unfortunately it has become an addiction for all Also it is a latest trend of the youth particularly high level students and the university students as well This paper examines the usage of Facebook among university students and the influence it has on their academic performance The impact of Facebook can either be good or bad on university students and their academic activities Even though a closer look on the real impact of Facebook reveals that it leads to several problems among the university students academic performances Today Facebook is however ruining the future and academic carrier of university students It motivate us to have a closer look to find the significance usage of Facebook by university students in their academic success with the help of a survey conducted by gathering the data among more than 250 students of different universities in Sri Lank

    Mobile Social Media for Sri Lankan Public and Private Higher Educational Institutions

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    The growth of the social media is unbelievable in recent years. All possible uses from social media are analyzed carefully by organizations seek competitive advantage; look for the offers from it. Obviously, the most significant benefit of social media is providing connectivity and communication among the people. In Sri Lankan point of view, the major question is whether all public and private higher educational institutions are adapting these changes. Our study investigates among the public and private institutions in Sri Lanka about the purpose of social media is business or educational based. In the other hand based on the literature review we had, most of the educational and business organizations trying to get maximum usage of social media. For professional purposes, we discover a diverse of feeling about the usage of socially-focused technologies. Further, those technologies are not used entirely to gain full potential in any institutions. The study explores the potential benefits from the social media usage in an institution, and its practicing recommendations are made. The study discovers that there is no direct relation in between the use of social media and the IT expertise level.  In most of the institutions fixed line internet connections are lack and become the main challenge. But considerable amount of people access social media through wireless internet connections with their mobile devices. In Sri Lanka, the usage of mobile devices increased considerably in recent years. Such mobile devices offer better access to internet and therefore replace the fixed connection. Since the people use mobile devices regularly to communicate with others, the access of social media through such devices comes almost naturally. It increases the ubiquitous access of social media, their connectivity is realistic and on time which provide so many opportunities for all types of higher educational institutions in Sri Lanka. Keywords: Social Media, Competitive Advantage, Mobile Device

    Information seeking trends among the Law course entrants in two Sri Lankan universities: a comparative study

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    This comparative study is an attempt to understand the pre-university library experiences of two groups of Law course entrants in two universities. The study concentrated on the use of the school library before entering the university, some social media and the communication preferences, and established that both groups have effectively used the school libraries. Yet, there are variations between the groups in using the other information sources such as websites, smart phones, select social media, etc. The study recommends offering a well-planned support programme covering the available resources and services, paying special attention to the use of e-resources, online catalogue, e-mail and social media for their academic purpose

    The influence of university environment and learning management in the learning process of the university students

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    The government has implemented various policies to enhance the modern learning process of the university students. Particularly, the government provides technological devices and let the s use of free links in terms of promoting modern learning 106 among university students. On the other hand, in the recent years, the progression level of the students has been observed to be in a very low condition. While the social scientific results have proven that the family and the economic status are still the primary influential tools of the students learning process, beyond all these, we are in need of exploring the influence of the university environment on the learning level of the student. Centralizing this aim, this paper attempts to identify how the social context and time management influence the learning process. The qualitative and quantitative methodologies are used for this research. The primary data has been collected through questionnaire, interview and observation of the students of Faculty of Islamic studies and Arabic Language of South Eastern University. The finding of this research is that, a huge gap exists among the students’ reclamation of learning and the time management. Students spend more time for social media higher than lfor studies. In future; this progress will promote better time management and the social media

    Social Media Addiction Among Senior High School Learners

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    Social media has been widely accessible to all in the advent of new technology specifically in the emergence of mobile devices. Many researchers are studying related to the effects of social media on the different walks and aspects of life. The study aims at profiling and identifying the extent of social media addiction of senior high school students of Butuan City School of Arts and Trade. The study was administered to 513 senior high students with social media accounts. It was found out that 294 out of 513 are social media addicts and mostly use Facebook. The majority of social media addicts are female, grade 12 students, and 18 years of age


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    Social media has been widely accessible to all with the advent of new technology specifically with the emergence of mobile devices. Many researchers are now studying related to the effects of social media on the different walks and aspects of life. This study aims at correlating the effects of addiction to social media on the academic performance of grade 9 and 10 students in science. In doing so, the study identified all social media activities for the school year 2015-2016. The identified respondents constitute 65 % or 139 students of the total enrolment of grade 9 and 10 students. These respondents are made to answer a survey questionnaire and an adapted tool called Bergen Facebook Addition Scale (BFAS) to gather necessary data. Findings revealed that social media addiction alone is insignificantly related to students’ scholastic performance thus, cannot safely attribute the low performance of students in science.  Article visualizations


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    Facebook has become an essential part of nearly every individual’s daily life. Though it is beneficial for students in terms of connectivity such as exchanging information, socialization, and other constructive activities, the literature shows that Facebook has become dangerously addictive, causing disruption in routinely activities and academic goals of students. The purpose of this review is to investigate the impact of Facebook usage on the academic performance of university students and how can these be assimilated in order to enhance students’ academic performance. Papers were retrieved from academic databases and Google from 2011 to 2017. All studies that were included appraised critically by using Mixed Method Appraisal Tool Appraisal tool. The results showed that both positive and negative impacts of using Facebook on the academic performance of university students. The conclusions propose that, despite the variance of findings, the overall outcome is negative when it comes to the use of Facebook in academic performance. Furthermore, it highlights the ways that how Facebook can help to enhance the academic performance of university students

    Opinions of Teachers and Instructors About Using Online Networks in Educational Context

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    DergiPark: 326031trakyasobedThe aim of this study is to introduce the opinions regarding how and how often the social networks are used by the teachers and instructors, what their significance is in terms of student, teacher and education process, what kind of negative features they may have considering personal and educational aspects and what kind of improvements will be experienced considering the future of social networks. The study group of the research consists of 13 participants including four instructors and nine teachers who enrolled in the Computational Sciences post graduate program of Trakya University in the spring term of 2014-2015 Academic Year. The research data were gathered through semi-structured interviews and content analysis techniques were utilized to analyze the data. As a result of the findings gathered, it has been stated that social networks are quite beneficial considering education, students can share information, homework and lecture notes, and they can have a contact with their instructors easily. When we consider the teachers, they can access various visual materials with ease to use in their classes, communicate with their colleagues easily, and follow the homework and projects of the students via social networks. Additionally, social networks can be used more efficiently in education process by adding more applications with the development of technology and also besides all these positive aspects, it is emphasized that security vulnerabilities to be experienced on the social networks and the problems arising in unconsciously use of social networks will cause various problems in terms of both teachers and studentsÇalışmanın amacı, sosyal ağların öğretmenler ve öğretim elemanları tarafından nasıl ve ne sıklıkla kullanıldığı, öğrenci, öğretmen ve öğretim süreci açısından öneminin ne olduğu, kişisel ve eğitsel açıdan ne tür olumsuz yönlerinin olabileceği ve sosyal ağların geleceğine ilişkin ne tür gelişimler yaşanabileceği konusundaki görüşleri ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, 2014-2015 Bahar yarıyılında Trakya Üniversitesi Hesaplamalı Bilimler yüksek lisans programına kayıtlı 4’ü öğretim elemanı ve 9’u öğretmen olan toplam 13 katılımcı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma verileri yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yoluyla toplanmış ve verilerin analizinde içerik analizi tekniğinden yararlanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular sonucunda, sosyal ağların eğitim açısından oldukça yararlı olduğu, öğrencilerin kendi aralarında ödev, not ve bilgi paylaşımları yapabildiği, öğretmenleri ile kolayca iletişim kurabildiği, öğretmen açısında da derslerinde çeşitli görsel materyallere ulaşımda kolaylık sağladığı, meslektaşları ile kolayca haberleşebildiği, öğrencilerin ödev ve projelerinin takibinin kolayca yapılabildiği görüşleri ifade edilmiştir. Çalışmada ayrıca, teknolojinin gelişimi ile sosyal ağ ortamlarına daha fazla uygulamaların eklenerek bu sayede eğitim sürecinde çok daha verimli kullanılabileceği ve ayrıca tüm bu olumlu durumların yanında sosyal ağlarda yaşanabilecek güvenlik açıklarının ve sosyal ağların bilinçsizce kullanımından doğabilecek sorunların hem öğretmen hem de öğrenci açısından çeşitli olumsuzluklara da neden olabileceği vurgulanmıştı