971 research outputs found

    Nonlocal Kirchhoff superlinear equations with indefinite nonlinearity and lack of compactness

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    We study the following Kirchhoff equation −(1+b∫R3∣∇u∣2dx)Δu+V(x)u=f(x,u), x∈R3.- \left(1 + b \int_{\mathbb{R}^3} |\nabla u|^2 dx \right) \Delta u + V(x) u = f(x,u), \ x \in \mathbb{R}^3. A special feature of this paper is that the nonlinearity ff and the potential VV are indefinite, hence sign-changing. Under some appropriate assumptions on VV and ff, we prove the existence of two different solutions of the equation via the Ekeland variational principle and Mountain Pass Theorem

    Existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions to the modified Kirchhoff equation without the growth and Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz conditions

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    The paper focuses on the modified Kirchhoff equation a + b Z RN |∇u| 2 dx� ∆u − u∆(u 2 ) + V(x)u = λ f(u), x ∈ R N, where a, b > 0, V(x) ∈ C(RN, R) and λ < 1 is a positive parameter. We just assume that the nonlinearity f(t) is continuous and superlinear in a neighborhood of t = 0 and at infinity. By applying the perturbation method and using the cutoff function, we get existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions to the revised equation. Then we use the Moser iteration to obtain existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions to the above original Kirchhoff equation. Moreover, the nonlinearity f(t) may be supercritical

    Kirchhoff equations in generalized Gevrey spaces: local existence, global existence, uniqueness

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    In this note we present some recent results for Kirchhoff equations in generalized Gevrey spaces. We show that these spaces are the natural framework where classical results can be unified and extended. In particular we focus on existence and uniqueness results for initial data whose regularity depends on the continuity modulus of the nonlinear term, both in the strictly hyperbolic case, and in the degenerate hyperbolic case.Comment: 20 pages, 4 tables, conference paper (7th ISAAC congress, London 2009

    Mountain pass solutions for the fractional Berestycki-Lions problem

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    We investigate the existence of least energy solutions and infinitely many solutions for the following nonlinear fractional equation (-\Delta)^{s} u = g(u) \mbox{ in } \mathbb{R}^{N}, where s∈(0,1)s\in (0,1), N≥2N\geq 2, (−Δ)s(-\Delta)^{s} is the fractional Laplacian and g:R→Rg: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} is an odd C1,α\mathcal{C}^{1, \alpha} function satisfying Berestycki-Lions type assumptions. The proof is based on the symmetric mountain pass approach developed by Hirata, Ikoma and Tanaka in \cite{HIT}. Moreover, by combining the mountain pass approach and an approximation argument, we also prove the existence of a positive radially symmetric solution for the above problem when gg satisfies suitable growth conditions which make our problem fall in the so called "zero mass" case
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