281,536 research outputs found

    Schwinger-Dyson and Large NcN_{c} Loop Equation for Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

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    We derive an infinite sequence of Schwinger-Dyson equations for N=1N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The fundamental and the only variable employed is the Wilson-loop geometrically represented in N=1N=1 superspace: it organizes an infinite number of supersymmetrizing insertions into the ordinary Wilson-loop as a single entity. In the large NcN_{c} limit, our equation becomes a closed loop equation for the one-point function of the Wilson-loop average.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Diagram spaces, diagram spectra, and spectra of units

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    This article compares the infinite loop spaces associated to symmetric spectra, orthogonal spectra, and EKMM S-modules. Each of these categories of structured spectra has a corresponding category of structured spaces that receives the infinite loop space functor \Omega^\infty. We prove that these models for spaces are Quillen equivalent and that the infinite loop space functors \Omega^\infty agree. This comparison is then used to show that two different constructions of the spectrum of units gl_1 R of a commutative ring spectrum R agree.Comment: 62 pages. The definition of the functor \mathbb{Q} is changed. Sections 8, 9, 17 and 18 contain revisions and/or new materia

    Automatic Repair of Infinite Loops

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    Research on automatic software repair is concerned with the development of systems that automatically detect and repair bugs. One well-known class of bugs is the infinite loop. Every computer programmer or user has, at least once, experienced this type of bug. We state the problem of repairing infinite loops in the context of test-suite based software repair: given a test suite with at least one failing test, generate a patch that makes all test cases pass. Consequently, repairing infinites loop means having at least one test case that hangs by triggering the infinite loop. Our system to automatically repair infinite loops is called InfinitelInfinitel. We develop a technique to manipulate loops so that one can dynamically analyze the number of iterations of loops; decide to interrupt the loop execution; and dynamically examine the state of the loop on a per-iteration basis. Then, in order to synthesize a new loop condition, we encode this set of program states as a code synthesis problem using a technique based on Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT). We evaluate our technique on seven seeded-bugs and on seven real-bugs. InfinitelInfinitel is able to repair all of them, within seconds up to one hour on a standard laptop configuration

    Semi-infinite cohomology and superconformal algebras

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    We describe representations of certain superconformal algebras in the semi-infinite Weil complex related to the loop algebra of a complex finite-dimensional Lie algebra and in the semi-infinite cohomology. We show that in the case where the Lie algebra is endowed with a non-degenerate invariant symmetric bilinear form, the relative semi-infinite cohomology of the loop algebra has a structure, which is analogous to the classical structure of the de Rham cohomology in K\"ahler geometry.Comment: 23 pages, TeX. To be published in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    The Picard group of the loop space of the Riemann sphere

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    The loop space of the Riemann sphere consisting of all C^k or Sobolev W^{k,p} maps from the circle S^1 to the sphere is an infinite dimensional complex manifold. We compute the Picard group of holomorphic line bundles on this loop space as an infinite dimensional complex Lie group with Lie algebra the first Dolbeault group. The group of Mobius transformations G and its loop group LG act on this loop space. We prove that an element of the Picard group is LG-fixed if it is G-fixed; thus completely answer the question by Millson and Zombro about G-equivariant projective embedding of the loop space of the Riemann sphere.Comment: International Journal of Mathematic

    Infinite loop spaces and nilpotent K-theory

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    Using a construction derived from the descending central series of the free groups, we produce filtrations by infinite loop spaces of the classical infinite loop spaces BSUBSU, BUBU, BSOBSO, BOBO, BSpBSp, BGL∞(R)+BGL_{\infty}(R)^{+} and Q0(S0)Q_0(\mathbb{S}^{0}). We show that these infinite loop spaces are the zero spaces of non-unital E∞E_\infty-ring spectra. We introduce the notion of qq-nilpotent K-theory of a CW-complex XX for any q≥2q\ge 2, which extends the notion of commutative K-theory defined by Adem-G\'omez, and show that it is represented by Z×B(q,U)\mathbb Z\times B(q,U), were B(q,U)B(q,U) is the qq-th term of the aforementioned filtration of BUBU. For the proof we introduce an alternative way of associating an infinite loop space to a commutative I\mathbb{I}-monoid and give criteria when it can be identified with the plus construction on the associated limit space. Furthermore, we introduce the notion of a commutative I\mathbb{I}-rig and show that they give rise to non-unital E∞E_\infty-ring spectra.Comment: To appear in Algebraic and geometric topolog
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