19 research outputs found

    Context Trees: Augmenting Geospatial Trajectories with Context

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    Exposing latent knowledge in geospatial trajectories has the potential to provide a better understanding of the movements of individuals and groups. Motivated by such a desire, this work presents the context tree, a new hierarchical data structure that summarises the context behind user actions in a single model. We propose a method for context tree construction that augments geospatial trajectories with land usage data to identify such contexts. Through evaluation of the construction method and analysis of the properties of generated context trees, we demonstrate the foundation for understanding and modelling behaviour afforded. Summarising user contexts into a single data structure gives easy access to information that would otherwise remain latent, providing the basis for better understanding and predicting the actions and behaviours of individuals and groups. Finally, we also present a method for pruning context trees, for use in applications where it is desirable to reduce the size of the tree while retaining useful information

    Mapping dynamic social networks in real life using participants' own smartphones

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    AbstractInterpersonal relationships are vital for our daily functioning and wellbeing. Social networks may form the primary means by which environmental influences determine individual traits. Several studies have shown the influence of social networks on decision-making, behaviors and wellbeing. Smartphones have great potential for measuring social networks in a real world setting. Here we tested the feasibility of using people's own smartphones as a data collection platform for face-to-face interactions. We developed an application for iOS and Android to collect Bluetooth data and acquired one week of data from 14 participants in our organization. The Bluetooth scanning statistics were used to quantify the time-resolved connection strength between participants and define the weights of a dynamic social network. We used network metrics to quantify changes in network topology over time and non-negative matrix factorization to identify cliques or subgroups that reoccurred during the week. The scanning rate varied considerably between smartphones running Android and iOS and egocentric networks metrics were correlated with the scanning rate. The time courses of two identified subgroups matched with two meetings that took place that week. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of using participants' own smartphones to map social network, whilst identifying current limitations of using generic smartphones. The bias introduced by variations in scanning rate and missing data is an important limitation that needs to be addressed in future studies

    Analysis of human mobility patterns from GPS trajectories and contextual information

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    This work was supported by the EU FP7 Marie Curie ITN GEOCROWD grant (FP7- PEOPLE-2010-ITN-264994).Human mobility is important for understanding the evolution of size and structure of urban areas, the spatial distribution of facilities, and the provision of transportation services. Until recently, exploring human mobility in detail was challenging because data collection methods consisted of cumbersome manual travel surveys, space-time diaries or interviews. The development of location-aware sensors has significantly altered the possibilities for acquiring detailed data on human movements. While this has spurred many methodological developments in identifying human movement patterns, many of these methods operate solely from the analytical perspective and ignore the environmental context within which the movement takes place. In this paper we attempt to widen this view and present an integrated approach to the analysis of human mobility using a combination of volunteered GPS trajectories and contextual spatial information. We propose a new framework for the identification of dynamic (travel modes) and static (significant places) behaviour using trajectory segmentation, data mining and spatio-temporal analysis. We are interested in examining if and how travel modes depend on the residential location, age or gender of the tracked individuals. Further, we explore theorised “third places”, which are spaces beyond main locations (home/work) where individuals spend time to socialise. Can these places be identified from GPS traces? We evaluate our framework using a collection of trajectories from 205 volunteers linked to contextual spatial information on the types of places visited and the transport routes they use. The result of this study is a contextually enriched data set that supports new possibilities for modelling human movement behaviour.PostprintPeer reviewe

    An approach to compute user similarity for GPS applications

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    The proliferation of GPS enabled devices has led people to share locations both consciously and unconsciously. Large spatio-temporal data comprising of shared locations and whereabouts are now being routinely collected for analysis. As user movements are generally driven by their interests, so mining these mobility patterns can reveal commonalities between a pair of users. In this paper, we present a framework for mining the published trajectories to identify patterns in user mobility. In this framework, we extract the locations where a user stays for a period of time popularly known as stay points. These stay points help to identify the interests of a user. The statistics of pattern and check-in distributions over the GPS data are used to formulate similarity measures for finding K-nearest neighbors of an active user. In this work, we categorize the neighbors into three groups namely strongly similar, closely similar and weakly similar. We introduce three similarity measures to determine them, one for each of the categories. We perform experiments on a real-world GPS log data to find the similarity scores between a pair of users and subsequently find the effective K-neighbors. Experimental results show that our proposed metric outperforms existing metrics in literature

    Trajectory data mining: A review of methods and applications

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    The increasing use of location-aware devices has led to an increasing availability of trajectory data. As a result, researchers devoted their efforts to developing analysis methods including different data mining methods for trajectories. However, the research in this direction has so far produced mostly isolated studies and we still lack an integrated view of problems in applications of trajectory mining that were solved, the methods used to solve them, and applications using the obtained solutions. In this paper, we first discuss generic methods of trajectory mining and the relationships between them. Then, we discuss and classify application problems that were solved using trajectory data and relate them to the generic mining methods that were used and real world applications based on them. We classify trajectory-mining application problems under major problem groups based on how they are related. This classification of problems can guide researchers in identifying new application problems. The relationships between the methods together with the association between the application problems and mining methods can help researchers in identifying gaps between methods and inspire them to develop new methods. This paper can also guide analysts in choosing a suitable method for a specific problem. The main contribution of this paper is to provide an integrated view relating applications of mining trajectory data and the methods used

    Detecting user actions in MOPSI

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    An approach to compute user similarity for GPS applications

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    This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Knowledge-Based Systems and the definitive published version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2016.09.017.The proliferation of GPS enabled devices has led people to share locations both consciously and unconsciously. Large spatio-temporal data comprising of shared locations and whereabouts are now being routinely collected for analysis. As user movements are generally driven by their interests, so mining these mobility patterns can reveal commonalities between a pair of users. In this paper, we present a framework for mining the published trajectories to identify patterns in user mobility. In this framework, we extract the locations where a user stays for a period of time popularly known as stay points. These stay points help to identify the interests of a user. The statistics of pattern and check-in distributions over the GPS data are used to formulate similarity measures for finding K-nearest neighbors of an active user. In this work, we categorize the neighbors into three groups namely strongly similar, closely similar and weakly similar. We introduce three similarity measures to determine them, one for each of the categories. We perform experiments on a real-world GPS log data to find the similarity scores between a pair of users and subsequently find the effective K-neighbors. Experimental results show that our proposed metric outperforms existing metrics in literature