1,380 research outputs found

    Network motif-based identification of transcription factor-target gene relationships by integrating multi-source biological data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Integrating data from multiple global assays and curated databases is essential to understand the spatio-temporal interactions within cells. Different experiments measure cellular processes at various widths and depths, while databases contain biological information based on established facts or published data. Integrating these complementary datasets helps infer a mutually consistent transcriptional regulatory network (TRN) with strong similarity to the structure of the underlying genetic regulatory modules. Decomposing the TRN into a small set of recurring regulatory patterns, called network motifs (NM), facilitates the inference. Identifying NMs defined by specific transcription factors (TF) establishes the framework structure of a TRN and allows the inference of TF-target gene relationship. This paper introduces a computational framework for utilizing data from multiple sources to infer TF-target gene relationships on the basis of NMs. The data include time course gene expression profiles, genome-wide location analysis data, binding sequence data, and gene ontology (GO) information.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proposed computational framework was tested using gene expression data associated with cell cycle progression in yeast. Among 800 cell cycle related genes, 85 were identified as candidate TFs and classified into four previously defined NMs. The NMs for a subset of TFs are obtained from literature. Support vector machine (SVM) classifiers were used to estimate NMs for the remaining TFs. The potential downstream target genes for the TFs were clustered into 34 biologically significant groups. The relationships between TFs and potential target gene clusters were examined by training recurrent neural networks whose topologies mimic the NMs to which the TFs are classified. The identified relationships between TFs and gene clusters were evaluated using the following biological validation and statistical analyses: (1) Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) to evaluate the clustering results; (2) Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) to ensure that the SVM classifiers assign TFs to NM categories with high confidence; (3) Binding site enrichment analysis (BSEA) to determine enrichment of the gene clusters for the cognate binding sites of their predicted TFs; (4) Comparison with previously reported results in the literatures to confirm the inferred regulations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The major contribution of this study is the development of a computational framework to assist the inference of TRN by integrating heterogeneous data from multiple sources and by decomposing a TRN into NM-based modules. The inference capability of the proposed framework is verified statistically (<it>e.g</it>., LOOCV) and biologically (<it>e.g</it>., GSEA, BSEA, and literature validation). The proposed framework is useful for inferring small NM-based modules of TF-target gene relationships that can serve as a basis for generating new testable hypotheses.</p

    Combining guilt-by-association and guilt-by-profiling to predict Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene function

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    BackgroundLearning the function of genes is a major goal of computational genomics. Methods for inferring gene function have typically fallen into two categories: 'guilt-by-profiling', which exploits correlation between function and other gene characteristics; and 'guilt-by-association', which transfers function from one gene to another via biological relationships.ResultsWe have developed a strategy ('Funckenstein') that performs guilt-by-profiling and guilt-by-association and combines the results. Using a benchmark set of functional categories and input data for protein-coding genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Funckenstein was compared with a previous combined strategy. Subsequently, we applied Funckenstein to 2,455 Gene Ontology terms. In the process, we developed 2,455 guilt-by-profiling classifiers based on 8,848 gene characteristics and 12 functional linkage graphs based on 23 biological relationships.ConclusionFunckenstein outperforms a previous combined strategy using a common benchmark dataset. The combination of 'guilt-by-profiling' and 'guilt-by-association' gave significant improvement over the component classifiers, showing the greatest synergy for the most specific functions. Performance was evaluated by cross-validation and by literature examination of the top-scoring novel predictions. These quantitative predictions should help prioritize experimental study of yeast gene functions

    MorphDB : prioritizing genes for specialized metabolism pathways and gene ontology categories in plants

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    Recent times have seen an enormous growth of "omics" data, of which high-throughput gene expression data are arguably the most important from a functional perspective. Despite huge improvements in computational techniques for the functional classification of gene sequences, common similarity-based methods often fall short of providing full and reliable functional information. Recently, the combination of comparative genomics with approaches in functional genomics has received considerable interest for gene function analysis, leveraging both gene expression based guilt-by-association methods and annotation efforts in closely related model organisms. Besides the identification of missing genes in pathways, these methods also typically enable the discovery of biological regulators (i.e., transcription factors or signaling genes). A previously built guilt-by-association method is MORPH, which was proven to be an efficient algorithm that performs particularly well in identifying and prioritizing missing genes in plant metabolic pathways. Here, we present MorphDB, a resource where MORPH-based candidate genes for large-scale functional annotations (Gene Ontology, MapMan bins) are integrated across multiple plant species. Besides a gene centric query utility, we present a comparative network approach that enables researchers to efficiently browse MORPH predictions across functional gene sets and species, facilitating efficient gene discovery and candidate gene prioritization. MorphDB is available at http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/webtools/morphdb/morphDB/index/. We also provide a toolkit, named "MORPH bulk" (https://github.com/arzwa/morph-bulk), for running MORPH in bulk mode on novel data sets, enabling researchers to apply MORPH to their own species of interest

    Global Functional Atlas of \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e Encompassing Previously Uncharacterized Proteins

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    One-third of the 4,225 protein-coding genes of Escherichia coli K-12 remain functionally unannotated (orphans). Many map to distant clades such as Archaea, suggesting involvement in basic prokaryotic traits, whereas others appear restricted to E. coli, including pathogenic strains. To elucidate the orphans’ biological roles, we performed an extensive proteomic survey using affinity-tagged E. coli strains and generated comprehensive genomic context inferences to derive a high-confidence compendium for virtually the entire proteome consisting of 5,993 putative physical interactions and 74,776 putative functional associations, most of which are novel. Clustering of the respective probabilistic networks revealed putative orphan membership in discrete multiprotein complexes and functional modules together with annotated gene products, whereas a machine-learning strategy based on network integration implicated the orphans in specific biological processes. We provide additional experimental evidence supporting orphan participation in protein synthesis, amino acid metabolism, biofilm formation, motility, and assembly of the bacterial cell envelope. This resource provides a “systems-wide” functional blueprint of a model microbe, with insights into the biological and evolutionary significance of previously uncharacterized proteins

    Gene2DisCo : gene to disease using disease commonalities

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    OBJECTIVE: Finding the human genes co-causing complex diseases, also known as "disease-genes", is one of the emerging and challenging tasks in biomedicine. This process, termed gene prioritization (GP), is characterized by a scarcity of known disease-genes for most diseases, and by a vast amount of heterogeneous data, usually encoded into networks describing different types of functional relationships between genes. In addition, different diseases may share common profiles (e.g. genetic or therapeutic profiles), and exploiting disease commonalities may significantly enhance the performance of GP methods. This work aims to provide a systematic comparison of several disease similarity measures, and to embed disease similarities and heterogeneous data into a flexible framework for gene prioritization which specifically handles the lack of known disease-genes. METHODS: We present a novel network-based method, Gene2DisCo, based on generalized linear models (GLMs) to effectively prioritize genes by exploiting data regarding disease-genes, gene interaction networks and disease similarities. The scarcity of disease-genes is addressed by applying an efficient negative selection procedure, together with imbalance-aware GLMs. Gene2DisCo is a flexible framework, in the sense it is not dependent upon specific types of data, and/or upon specific disease ontologies. RESULTS: On a benchmark dataset composed of nine human networks and 708 medical subject headings (MeSH) diseases, Gene2DisCo largely outperformed the best benchmark algorithm, kernelized score functions, in terms of both area under the ROC curve (0.94 against 0.86) and precision at given recall levels (for recall levels from 0.1 to 1 with steps 0.1). Furthermore, we enriched and extended the benchmark data to the whole human genome and provided the top-ranked unannotated candidate genes even for MeSH disease terms without known annotations

    A Visual Data Mining Tool that Facilitates Reconstruction of Transcription Regulatory Networks

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    Background: Although the use of microarray technology has seen exponential growth, analysis of microarray data remains a challenge to many investigators. One difficulty lies in the interpretation of a list of differentially expressed genes, or in how to plan new experiments given that knowledge. Clustering methods can be used to identify groups of genes with similar expression patterns, and genes with unknown function can be provisionally annotated based on the concept of ‘‘guilt by association’’, where function is tentatively inferred from the known functions of genes with similar expression patterns. These methods frequently suffer from two limitations: (1) visualization usually only gives access to group membership, rather than specific information about nearest neighbors, and (2) the resolution or quality of the relationships are not easily inferred. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have addressed these issues by improving the precision of similarity detection over that of a single experiment and by creating a tool to visualize tractable association networks: we (1) performed metaanalysis computation of correlation coefficients for all gene pairs in a heterogeneous data set collected from 2,145 publicly available micorarray samples in mouse, (2) filtered the resulting distribution of over 130 million correlation coefficients to build new, more tractable distributions from the strongest correlations, and (3) designed and implemented a new Web based tool (StarNet

    The Modular Organization of Protein Interactions in Escherichia coli

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    Escherichia coli serves as an excellent model for the study of fundamental cellular processes such as metabolism, signalling and gene expression. Understanding the function and organization of proteins within these processes is an important step towards a ‘systems’ view of E. coli. Integrating experimental and computational interaction data, we present a reliable network of 3,989 functional interactions between 1,941 E. coli proteins (∼45% of its proteome). These were combined with a recently generated set of 3,888 high-quality physical interactions between 918 proteins and clustered to reveal 316 discrete modules. In addition to known protein complexes (e.g., RNA and DNA polymerases), we identified modules that represent biochemical pathways (e.g., nitrate regulation and cell wall biosynthesis) as well as batteries of functionally and evolutionarily related processes. To aid the interpretation of modular relationships, several case examples are presented, including both well characterized and novel biochemical systems. Together these data provide a global view of the modular organization of the E. coli proteome and yield unique insights into structural and evolutionary relationships in bacterial networks

    Statistical inference from large-scale genomic data

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    This thesis explores the potential of statistical inference methodologies in their applications in functional genomics. In essence, it summarises algorithmic findings in this field, providing step-by-step analytical methodologies for deciphering biological knowledge from large-scale genomic data, mainly microarray gene expression time series. This thesis covers a range of topics in the investigation of complex multivariate genomic data. One focus involves using clustering as a method of inference and another is cluster validation to extract meaningful biological information from the data. Information gained from the application of these various techniques can then be used conjointly in the elucidation of gene regulatory networks, the ultimate goal of this type of analysis. First, a new tight clustering method for gene expression data is proposed to obtain tighter and potentially more informative gene clusters. Next, to fully utilise biological knowledge in clustering validation, a validity index is defined based on one of the most important ontologies within the Bioinformatics community, Gene Ontology. The method bridges a gap in current literature, in the sense that it takes into account not only the variations of Gene Ontology categories in biological specificities and their significance to the gene clusters, but also the complex structure of the Gene Ontology. Finally, Bayesian probability is applied to making inference from heterogeneous genomic data, integrated with previous efforts in this thesis, for the aim of large-scale gene network inference. The proposed system comes with a stochastic process to achieve robustness to noise, yet remains efficient enough for large-scale analysis. Ultimately, the solutions presented in this thesis serve as building blocks of an intelligent system for interpreting large-scale genomic data and understanding the functional organisation of the genome