27 research outputs found

    Inferring Argument Size Relationships with CLP(R)

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    Argument size relationships are useful in termination analysis which, in turn, is important in program synthesis and goal-replacement transformations. We show how a precise analysis for inter-argument size relationships, formulated in terms of abstract interpretation, can be implemented straightforwardly in a language with constraint support like CLP(R) or SICStus version 3. The analysis is based on polyhedral approximations and uses a simple relaxation technique to calculate least upper bounds and a delay method to improve the precision of widening. To the best of our knowledge, and despite its simplicity, the analysis derives relationships to an accuracy that is either comparable or better than any existing technique

    A Semantic Basis for Specialising Domain Constraints

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    This paper formalises an analysis of finite domain programs and the resultant program transformation. The analysis adds low valency (domain) constraints to clauses in order to reduce search. The technique is outlined with a worked example and then formalised using abstract interpretation. Correctness of the analysis and of the transformation is proved

    Experiments with a Convex Polyhedral Analysis Tool for Logic Programs

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    Convex polyhedral abstractions of logic programs have been found very useful in deriving numeric relationships between program arguments in order to prove program properties and in other areas such as termination and complexity analysis. We present a tool for constructing polyhedral analyses of (constraint) logic programs. The aim of the tool is to make available, with a convenient interface, state-of-the-art techniques for polyhedral analysis such as delayed widening, narrowing, "widening up-to", and enhanced automatic selection of widening points. The tool is accessible on the web, permits user programs to be uploaded and analysed, and is integrated with related program transformations such as size abstractions and query-answer transformation. We then report some experiments using the tool, showing how it can be conveniently used to analyse transition systems arising from models of embedded systems, and an emulator for a PIC microcontroller which is used for example in wearable computing systems. We discuss issues including scalability, tradeoffs of precision and computation time, and other program transformations that can enhance the results of analysis.Comment: Paper presented at the 17th Workshop on Logic-based Methods in Programming Environments (WLPE2007

    Automatic Termination Analysis of Programs Containing Arithmetic Predicates

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    For logic programs with arithmetic predicates, showing termination is not easy, since the usual order for the integers is not well-founded. A new method, easily incorporated in the TermiLog system for automatic termination analysis, is presented for showing termination in this case. The method consists of the following steps: First, a finite abstract domain for representing the range of integers is deduced automatically. Based on this abstraction, abstract interpretation is applied to the program. The result is a finite number of atoms abstracting answers to queries which are used to extend the technique of query-mapping pairs. For each query-mapping pair that is potentially non-terminating, a bounded (integer-valued) termination function is guessed. If traversing the pair decreases the value of the termination function, then termination is established. Simple functions often suffice for each query-mapping pair, and that gives our approach an edge over the classical approach of using a single termination function for all loops, which must inevitably be more complicated and harder to guess automatically. It is worth noting that the termination of McCarthy's 91 function can be shown automatically using our method. In summary, the proposed approach is based on combining a finite abstraction of the integers with the technique of the query-mapping pairs, and is essentially capable of dividing a termination proof into several cases, such that a simple termination function suffices for each case. Consequently, the whole process of proving termination can be done automatically in the framework of TermiLog and similar systems.Comment: Appeared also in Electronic Notes in Computer Science vol. 3

    Inferring Termination Conditions for Logic Programs using Backwards Analysis

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    This paper focuses on the inference of modes for which a logic program is guaranteed to terminate. This generalises traditional termination analysis where an analyser tries to verify termination for a specified mode. Our contribution is a methodology in which components of traditional termination analysis are combined with backwards analysis to obtain an analyser for termination inference. We identify a condition on the components of the analyser which guarantees that termination inference will infer all modes which can be checked to terminate. The application of this methodology to enhance a traditional termination analyser to perform also termination inference is demonstrated

    Lower-bound Time-Complexity Analysis of Logic Programs

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    The paper proposes a technique for inferring conditions on goals that, when satisfied, ensure that a goal is sufficiently coarse-grained to warrant parallel evaluation. The method is powerful enough to reason about divide-and-conquer programs, and in the case of quicksort, for instance, can infer that a quicksort goal has a time complexity that exceeds 64 resolution steps (a threshold for spawning) if the input list is of length 10 or more. This gives a simple run-time tactic for controlling spawning. The method has been proved correct, can be implemented straightforwardly, has been demonstrated to be useful on a parallel machine, and, in contrast with much of the previous work on time-complexity analysis of logic programs, does not require any complicated difference equation solving machinery

    Combining Forward and Backward Abstract Interpretation of Horn Clauses

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    Alternation of forward and backward analyses is a standard technique in abstract interpretation of programs, which is in particular useful when we wish to prove unreachability of some undesired program states. The current state-of-the-art technique for combining forward (bottom-up, in logic programming terms) and backward (top-down) abstract interpretation of Horn clauses is query-answer transformation. It transforms a system of Horn clauses, such that standard forward analysis can propagate constraints both forward, and backward from a goal. Query-answer transformation is effective, but has issues that we wish to address. For that, we introduce a new backward collecting semantics, which is suitable for alternating forward and backward abstract interpretation of Horn clauses. We show how the alternation can be used to prove unreachability of the goal and how every subsequent run of an analysis yields a refined model of the system. Experimentally, we observe that combining forward and backward analyses is important for analysing systems that encode questions about reachability in C programs. In particular, the combination that follows our new semantics improves the precision of our own abstract interpreter, including when compared to a forward analysis of a query-answer-transformed system.Comment: Francesco Ranzato. 24th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), Aug 2017, New York City, United States. Springer, Static Analysi

    Proving Correctness of Imperative Programs by Linearizing Constrained Horn Clauses

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    We present a method for verifying the correctness of imperative programs which is based on the automated transformation of their specifications. Given a program prog, we consider a partial correctness specification of the form {Ļ†}\{\varphi\} prog {Ļˆ}\{\psi\}, where the assertions Ļ†\varphi and Ļˆ\psi are predicates defined by a set Spec of possibly recursive Horn clauses with linear arithmetic (LA) constraints in their premise (also called constrained Horn clauses). The verification method consists in constructing a set PC of constrained Horn clauses whose satisfiability implies that {Ļ†}\{\varphi\} prog {Ļˆ}\{\psi\} is valid. We highlight some limitations of state-of-the-art constrained Horn clause solving methods, here called LA-solving methods, which prove the satisfiability of the clauses by looking for linear arithmetic interpretations of the predicates. In particular, we prove that there exist some specifications that cannot be proved valid by any of those LA-solving methods. These specifications require the proof of satisfiability of a set PC of constrained Horn clauses that contain nonlinear clauses (that is, clauses with more than one atom in their premise). Then, we present a transformation, called linearization, that converts PC into a set of linear clauses (that is, clauses with at most one atom in their premise). We show that several specifications that could not be proved valid by LA-solving methods, can be proved valid after linearization. We also present a strategy for performing linearization in an automatic way and we report on some experimental results obtained by using a preliminary implementation of our method.Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Proceedings of ICLP 201