233 research outputs found


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    Had been done research about influence of logic inference practice to student’s critical thinking skill. The research is quantitative research pre-experimental design with one group pretest posttest design and has purposes to describe the influence of logic inference to student’s critical thinking and learning outputs, and also to describe student’s response to application of logic inference. Population in this research are class VIII-A, VIII-D, and VIII-E while sampel in this research is class VIII-D. The results of pretest are analyzed with normality and homogeneity tests. Based on normality and homogeneity tests, all of the classes are normal and homogen. After that, have been done correlation and regression tests to describe relationship between logic inference practice with critical thinking skill and logic inference practice with learning outputs. The process of logic inference practice happened during activity before experiment while the application of logic inference happened during experiment activity until produce a product of logic inference from worksheet. Based on correlation and regression analysis, logic inference practice give positive influence 1,047 to student’s critical thinking skill with determination coefficient 36,6%. Logic inference practice also give positive influence 0,713 to learning outputs with coefficient determination 33,2 %. Responses showed by students totally very good with average percentage of student’s responses  from each statement 83%. Keywords : logic inference practice, critical thinking skill, learning outputs Abstrak. Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh latihan inferensi logika siswa terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif pra-experimental design dengan desain penelitian one group pretest posttest design dan bertujuan mendeskripsikan pengaruh latihan inferensi logika terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar siswa serta mendeskripsikan respons siswa terhadap penerapan latihan inferensi logika. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII-A, VIII-D, dan VIII-E sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII-D. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji korelasi dan regresi untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan antara latihan inferensi logika dengan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar siswa. Proses latihan inferensi logika dimulai saat kegiatan motivasi hingga menuju pada kegiatan eksperimen sedangkan penerapannya berlangsung saat siswa melakukan kegiatan eksperimen hingga akhirnya menghasilkan produk berupa nilai inferensi logika yang berasal dari LKS. Berdasarkan analisis korelasi dan regresi, diperoleh hasil bahwa latihan inferensi logika berpengaruh positif sebesar 1,047 terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa dengan besar koefisien determinasi 36,6%. Latihan inferensi logika juga berpengaruh positif sebesar 0,713 terhadap hasil belajar siswa dengan besar koefisien determinasi 33,2%. Respons yang ditunjukkan siswa secara keseluruhan sangat baik dengan rata-rata persentase respons siswa dari masing-masing pernyataan yang diberikan yaitu 83%. Kata kunci : latihan inferensi logika, keterampilan berpikir kritis, hasil belajar


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    Pembelajaran dengan metode inkuiri dilakukan sebagai salah satu altematif pembelajaran ski" 1r UP7;T meni"^katkan Pemahaman konsep serta meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam melakukan inferensi logika. Kemampuan inferensi logika merupakan salah satu kemah.ran genenk yang dapat dikembangkan melalui pembelajaran fisika Penelitian"* bertujuan menguji apakah pembelajaran pembiasan cahaya di kelas 1SMA melalui metode inkuiri dapat meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan inferensi logika siswa. Subyek penelitian aactakT. sseZba3gai IkeTlaslefkdspaeriSm3leanh Sd3atnU kSeMlaAs kdolnAtrCoClhdeUntg3aran' jSuammlPaehl sdiisawmabiml adsuiang^-m.aassmse*el4r0a SinferensirtSlogEika, 8aUngnkfe?t Ss°eartlatCSp^eJd1o8mtaCnrdiriwdaawrianSc°aarlat.CS PSe^b^eul-uSmMndkilaoknuskeanpCskoegailattaen pembelajaran, mas.ng-masing kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol diberikan tes awal (pre-tes) untuk mendapatkan t.ngkat pemahaman konsep dan inferensi logika siswa sebelum pembeajaran d.laksanakan. Tes akhir diberikan setelah kegiatan p'mbe.ajaran enga" metode inkuin pada kelas eksperimen dan metode ceramah (biasa) pada kelas kontrol daksanakan. Mater, angket dan wawancara adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi sep a SaTn^eE m"^T^P«"bclaj«a„ yang diiaksanakan dengan metode inkuiri Has.l penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan konsep dan inferensi logika siswa sebelum ddaTn mnfetre^nsi. flo"g"ika"s"isw^a y^ang di*aj*ar*kan***d*e<n*g•an^metodeVin™kui^ri*l™ebih pbeanigkuadsibaaanndkinoenksaenp dengan siswa yang diajarkan secara biasa. N-gain penguasaan konsep dan inferensi logika Lnno^atmkeeanna'ltSPtenmVaenm'eebniUhnj-UTkkan^,bahwSai8"bmelakJaanr dfiib^aa"did"eSnkgaa"n "m™etod^eelaisnkkuoinritrotlernHyatia Tonseo nembL enaK,SWa u^T^^Sehi"g8a mCmbuat mercka mudah m^ahami beberl h £f" T "j*'1 wawancara den8a" 8™ menyatakan bahwa terdapat sseepneertr.;ftt-idHakT tersed,miaennydaaSpaerrablaagta' nterd,aaknsanbaanhayna puenmtubkelamjaeralankufkisaikna pdeerncgoabnaamn,etokduerainngknuvirai kemampuan awal siswa karena fasilitas belajar bagi siswa juga san.at kurang, guru juSk mau kehilangan banyak waktu dan tenaga untuk memperliapkan Perang£t pemfea aran :g;erde; UlrL Padfhal 8Ur"^ b-keinginan untuk menLpktn mSe ink r kemampuan si'sw


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    Had been done research about influence of logic inference practice to student’s critical thinking skill. The research is quantitative research pre-experimental design with one group pretest posttest design and has purposes to describe the influence of logic inference to student’s critical thinking and learning outputs, and also to describe student’s response to application of logic inference. Population in this research are class VIII-A, VIII-D, and VIII-E while sampel in this research is class VIII-D. The results of pretest are analyzed with normality and homogeneity tests. Based on normality and homogeneity tests, all of the classes are normal and homogen. After that, have been done correlation and regression tests to describe relationship between logic inference practice with critical thinking skill and logic inference practice with learning outputs. The process of logic inference practice happened during activity before experiment while the application of logic inference happened during experiment activity until produce a product of logic inference from worksheet. Based on correlation and regression analysis, logic inference practice give positive influence 1,047 to student’s critical thinking skill with determination coefficient 36,6%. Logic inference practice also give positive influence 0,713 to learning outputs with coefficient determination 33,2 %. Responses showed by students totally very good with average percentage of student’s responses  from each statement 83%. Keywords : logic inference practice, critical thinking skill, learning outputs Abstrak. Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh latihan inferensi logika siswa terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif pra-experimental design dengan desain penelitian one group pretest posttest design dan bertujuan mendeskripsikan pengaruh latihan inferensi logika terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar siswa serta mendeskripsikan respons siswa terhadap penerapan latihan inferensi logika. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII-A, VIII-D, dan VIII-E sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII-D. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji korelasi dan regresi untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan antara latihan inferensi logika dengan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar siswa. Proses latihan inferensi logika dimulai saat kegiatan motivasi hingga menuju pada kegiatan eksperimen sedangkan penerapannya berlangsung saat siswa melakukan kegiatan eksperimen hingga akhirnya menghasilkan produk berupa nilai inferensi logika yang berasal dari LKS. Berdasarkan analisis korelasi dan regresi, diperoleh hasil bahwa latihan inferensi logika berpengaruh positif sebesar 1,047 terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa dengan besar koefisien determinasi 36,6%. Latihan inferensi logika juga berpengaruh positif sebesar 0,713 terhadap hasil belajar siswa dengan besar koefisien determinasi 33,2%. Respons yang ditunjukkan siswa secara keseluruhan sangat baik dengan rata-rata persentase respons siswa dari masing-masing pernyataan yang diberikan yaitu 83%. Kata kunci : latihan inferensi logika, keterampilan berpikir kritis, hasil belajar

    Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah Pada Materi Titrasi Asam Basa Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Generik Sains Mahasiswa

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    Penelitian ini merupakan studi pra-eksperimen melalui one group pretest-posttest design Tujuanpenelitian untuk melihat bagaimana aktivitas kelompok mahasiswa, apakah ada peningkatanketerampilan generik sains, dan bagaimana respon mahasiswa terhadap penerapan model PBL

    Model Virtual Laboratory Fisika Modern Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Generik Sains Calon Guru

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    : We have developed a virtual laboratory for teaching modern physics. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a virtual laboratory model of modern physics on students\u27 generic science skills. The study involved 64 students who were divided into two groups, the experimental group and control group. The research instrument used a generic science skills test that is integrated with the mastery of concepts of modern physics. Data were analyzed by using mean-difference test and normalized gain scores. The results showed an increase in generic science skills in both groups. Indicators showed that the highest increases are logical inference capability and the ability to build concepts. These results indicate that the virtual laboratory model of modern physics is effective in enhancing generic science skills of students

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (Lks) Berbasis Keterampilan Generik Sains (Kgs)

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    The objective of physic learning as a process is to improve student’s thinking ability. To achieve student’s thinking skill in learning, a method and learning source are needed to develop student’s thinking skill. The use of learning source based on science generic skill (or KGS) is very needed in Ohm’s Law and Kirchoff’s First Law materials, because in these materials students are able to conduct generic skills such as direct observation, indirect observation, awareness about scale, mathematic modeling, and logical inference. These skills are able to apply by conducting a practicum using student’s work sheet (or LKS) based on science generic skill (or KGS) that is able to develop student’s thinking skill in Ohm’s Law and Kirchoff’s First Law materials. This development research used development model adapted from Suyanto with the following stages: 1) need assessment, 2) resource identification, 3) product specification identification, 4) product development, 5) internal test, 6) external test, and 7) production. Based on the test field results conducted with one-shot case study design, the conclusions were that the Ohm’s Law student’s work sheet was not effective to be used as a learning source with the student’s passing percentage of 74.2% and the student’s work sheet of Kirchoff’s First Law was effective to be used as a learning source with the student accomplishment percentage of 83.3%. Achieved indicators of science generic skill (KGS) in Ohm’s Law student’s work sheet were direct observation (98.4%), indirect observation (75.8%), and awareness about scale (100%). Indicators of mathematic modeling and logical inference were not achieved in Ohm’s Law student’s work sheet with percentages of 68.5% and 64.54% respectively. Achieved indicators of science generic skill in student’s work sheet of Kircoff’s First Law were indirect observation (93.3%), awareness about scale (97.5%), and logical inference (76.6%). Mathematic modeling was not achieved in student’s work sheet of Kirchoff’s First Law with 71.6% percentage. Results of attraction and ease questionnaires were 3.07 and 3.26 respectively and they belonged to attracting and very easy criteria

    Model Laboratorium Virtual Fisika Modern Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Generik Sains Mahasiswa

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    : We have developed a virtual laboratory model for teaching modern physics. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a virtual laboratory model of modern physics on students' generic science skills. The study involved 64 students who were divided into two groups, the experimental group and control group. The research instrument used a generic science skills test that is integrated with the mastery of concepts of modern physics. Data were analyzed by using mean-difference test and normalized gain scores. The results showed an increase in generic science skills in both groups. Indicators showed that the highest increases are logical inference capability and the ability to build concepts. These results indicate that the virtual laboratory model of modern physics is effective to increase students' generic science skills

    Program Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Tipe Penyelidikan Kelompok Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Generik Sains Siswa

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    The aim of this research is to describe the students' generic science skills, to know whether it would have increased significantly after the students underwent learning through the Physics learning program based on guided inquiry with group investigation type or not and to examine whether it is more effective than the Regular Learning Program in improving the students' generic science skills or not. This is a quasi-experimental study in which nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design is applied. The Physics learning program based on guided inquiry with group investigation type was employed in the experimental group, whereas the Regular Learning Program was employed in the control group. The subjects of this study are the second semester students of class VII in academic year 2008/2009 at a junior high school in Mataram NTB. The data are taken from the students' generic science skills test in a 14 items essay test, and then they are analyzed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS 16 version for Windows. The results showed (1) the description of the students' generic science skills, (2) after learning through the Physics learning program based on guided inquiry with group investigation type, the students' generic science skills increased significantly; and (3) the Physics learning program based on guided inquiry with group investigation type is more effective than the Regular Learning Program in improving the students' generic science skills. Keywords : Physics learning program, guided inquiry with group investigation type, generic science skill
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