6 research outputs found

    Propuesta de enriquecimiento ontológico a partir de datos textuales para el idioma español en el dominio del conflicto armado Colombiano

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    Propuesta de enriquecimiento ontológico a partir de datos textuales para el idioma español en el dominio del conflicto armado colombiano La ontología es un medio para representar, compartir y reutilizar conocimiento de dominio especifico co [Clark et al., 2012], es decir, es un artefacto para capturar información semántica a través de conceptos y relaciones entre estos con el fin de representar estructuralmente el conocimiento. Por su funcionalidad, se ha empleado durante el razonamiento automático en la Web Semántica, procesos de extracción de datos en los sistemas de recuperación de información y tareas del procesamiento del lenguaje natural [Petasis et al., 2011]. No obstante, la construcción de una ontología implica retos en la adquisición y actualización de conocimiento que son usualmente procesos manuales propensos a errores que demandan tiempo y recursos calificados [Konys, 2019]. El enriquecimiento ontol´ogico1 facilita superar estos retos ya que es la tarea de extender los conceptos y relaciones, además colocarlos en la posición correcta dentro de un modelo [Petasis et al., 2011]..

    Propuesta de enriquecimiento ontológico a partir de datos textuales para el idioma español en el dominio del conflicto armado Colombiano

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    Propuesta de enriquecimiento ontológico a partir de datos textuales para el idioma español en el dominio del conflicto armado colombiano La ontología es un medio para representar, compartir y reutilizar conocimiento de dominio especifico co [Clark et al., 2012], es decir, es un artefacto para capturar información semántica a través de conceptos y relaciones entre estos con el fin de representar estructuralmente el conocimiento. Por su funcionalidad, se ha empleado durante el razonamiento automático en la Web Semántica, procesos de extracción de datos en los sistemas de recuperación de información y tareas del procesamiento del lenguaje natural [Petasis et al., 2011]. No obstante, la construcción de una ontología implica retos en la adquisición y actualización de conocimiento que son usualmente procesos manuales propensos a errores que demandan tiempo y recursos calificados [Konys, 2019]. El enriquecimiento ontol´ogico1 facilita superar estos retos ya que es la tarea de extender los conceptos y relaciones, además colocarlos en la posición correcta dentro de un modelo [Petasis et al., 2011]..

    Motivation Modelling and Computation for Personalised Learning of People with Dyslexia

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    The increasing development of e-learning systems in recent decades has benefited ubiquitous computing and education by providing freedom of choice to satisfy various needs and preferences about learning places and paces. Automatic recognition of learners’ states is necessary for personalised services or intervention to be provided in e-learning environments. In current literature, assessment of learners’ motivation for personalised learning based on the motivational states is lacking. An effective learning environment needs to address learners’ motivational needs, particularly, for those with dyslexia. Dyslexia or other learning difficulties can cause young people not to engage fully with the education system or to drop out due to complex reasons: in addition to the learning difficulties related to reading, writing or spelling, psychological difficulties are more likely to be ignored such as lower academic self-worth and lack of learning motivation caused by the unavoidable learning difficulties. Associated with both cognitive processes and emotional states, motivation is a multi-facet concept that consequences in the continued intention to use an e-learning system and thus a better chance of learning effectiveness and success. It consists of factors from intrinsic motivation driven by learners’ inner feeling of interest or challenges and those from extrinsic motivation associated with external reward or compliments. These factors represent learners’ various motivational needs; thus, understanding this requires a multidisciplinary approach. Combining different perspectives of knowledge on psychological theories and technology acceptance models with the empirical findings from a qualitative study with dyslexic students conducted in the present research project, motivation modelling for people with dyslexia using a hybrid approach is the main focus of this thesis. Specifically, in addition to the contribution to the qualitative conceptual motivation model and ontology-based computational model that formally expresses the motivational factors affecting users’ continued intention to use e-learning systems, this thesis also conceives a quantitative approach to motivation modelling. A multi-item motivation questionnaire is designed and employed in a quantitative study with dyslexic students, and structural equation modelling techniques are used to quantify the influences of the motivational factors on continued use intention and their interrelationships in the model. In addition to the traditional approach to motivation computation that relies on learners’ self-reported data, this thesis also employs dynamic sensor data and develops classification models using logistic regression for real-time assessment of motivational states. The rule-based reasoning mechanism for personalising motivational strategies and a framework of motivationally personalised e-learning systems are introduced to apply the research findings to e-learning systems in real-world scenarios. The motivation model, sensor-based computation and rule-based personalisation have been applied to a practical scenario with an essential part incorporated in the prototype of a gaze-based learning application that can output personalised motivational strategies during the learning process according to the real-time assessment of learners’ motivational states based on both the eye-tracking data in addition to users’ self-reported data. Evaluation results have indicated the advantage of the application implemented compared to the traditional one without incorporating the present research findings for monitoring learners’ motivation states with gaze data and generating personalised feedback. In summary, the present research project has: 1) developed a conceptual motivation model for students with dyslexia defining the motivational factors that influence their continued intention to use e-learning systems based on both a qualitative empirical study and prior research and theories; 2) developed an ontology-based motivation model in which user profiles, factors in the motivation model and personalisation options are structured as a hierarchy of classes; 3) designed a multi-item questionnaire, conducted a quantitative empirical study, used structural equation modelling to further explore and confirm the quantified impacts of motivational factors on continued use intention and the quantified relationships between the factors; 4) conducted an experiment to exploit sensors for motivation computation, and developed classification models for real-time assessment of the motivational states pertaining to each factor in the motivation model based on empirical sensor data including eye gaze data and EEG data; 5) proposed a sensor-based motivation assessment system architecture with emphasis on the use of ontologies for a computational representation of the sensor features used for motivation assessment in addition to the representation of the motivation model, and described the semantic rule-based personalisation of motivational strategies; 6) proposed a framework of motivationally personalised e-learning systems based on the present research, with the prototype of a gaze-based learning application designed, implemented and evaluated to guide future work

    Conceptual modelling for integrated decision-making in process systems

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    This Thesis addresses the systematic construction of Decision Making Models (DMMs) from the conceptualization stage to its application in specific situations, with special emphasis on !he treatment of scenarios where there is a hierarchy of decision levels, common in the Process Systems (PS). Although the methodologies developed are generic, the scope of this Thesis is limited to the perspective of Process Engineering. The central component required to construct a DMM is the conceptual description of the reality, which supports the system alisation of management procedures . During this description, two different dom ains can be identified: the PS Domain, useful to describe the structure of the process as such (physical reality and the way in which its elements are related), and the Management Domain, identified in this Thesis as associated with the Conceptual Constraints (CC) that describe the restrictions associated with the management of the process . In this way, the PS Domain includes concepts and relationships that appear in the control standards of the process followed by the company: the description of the process to be developed, the description of the physical equipment in which it is developed , and that of its interactions, giving rise to the control of the execution of the procedures; this domain should allow managing the construction, design, operation and control of any manufacturing system. On the other hand, the CC Domain contains the information associated with the concepts and relationships that m ust be fulfilled to ensure a coherent set of decisions, with the purpose of identifying and representing the systematics to follow during the decision-making process, giving rise to the conceptual representation of this system and, finally, the construction of the corresponding DMM. The first challenge addressed in this thesis is associated with the systematisation of conceptual modelling from semantic information, for the construction ofontologies from textual sources and a procedure to verify the interna! coherence of lhese sources. The application of this methodology has been used for the identification of the essential concepts and relationships in the PS Domain, allowing creating a generic, common and shared model, unlike the existing models. In the next step, this PS Domain has been used to solve management problems in systems that comprise multi-level hierarchies. The resulting decision-making process allows integrating the decisions made al each level, ensuring their consistency from an approach that simultaneously considers the management of all available information (data and knowledge). On the other hand, the introduction of the necessary concepts and relationships to ensure the feasibility of the process management decisions, through the CC Domain, allows the development of systematic DMM creation procedures: this domain classifies the constrains (balances, sequence, etc.), adds abstrae! elements to them (e.g.: produced and consumed amounts) and allows to generalize the relation of its compone nis with the information associated to the PS Domain. The last part of this Thesis deals with the integration of the PS and CC Domains, and their application for the generation of new decision-making systems . For this, algorithms have been designed that, starting from the previously identified and classified restrictions, and patterns of DMMs also previously identified from existing cases, exploit the information available through the instances in the PS Domain, to generate new DMMs according to the user's specifications. lts use is illustrated through cases from different environments, demonstrating the generalisation capacity of the created systematics.Esta Tesis aborda la construcción sistemática de Modelos para la toma de Decisiones (DMMs) desde la etapa de conceptualización hasta su aplicación en situaciones concretas, con especial énfasis en el tratamiento de escenarios en los que existe una jerarquía de niveles de decisión, habitual en la Industria de Proceso (PS). Aunque las metodologías desarrolladas son genéricas, el alcance de esta Tesis se limita a la perspectiva de la Ingeniería de Procesos. El componente central requerido para construir un DMMs es la descripción conceptual de la realidad a la que se orienta, que a su vez respalda la sistematización de los procedimientos de gestión. Durante esta descripción, se pueden identificar planteamientos asociados a dos dominios diferentes: el Dominio del Proceso (PS), útil para describir la estructura del proceso como tal (realidad física y forma en la que se relacionan sus elementos), y el Dominio de Gestión, asociado a las Restricciones Conceptuales (CC) que describen las restricciones asociadas a la gestión del proceso. El Dominio PS incluye conceptos y relaciones que aparecen en los estándares de control del proceso que sigue la empresa: la descripción del proceso a desarrollar, la descripción de los equipos físicos en los que se desarrolla, y la de sus interacciones, que dan lugar al control de ejecución de los procedimientos; este dominio debe permitir la construcción, el diseño, la operación y el control de cualquier sistema de fabricación. Por su parte, el Dominio CC contiene la información asociada a los conceptos y las relaciones que deben cumplirse para asegurar un conjunto coherente de decisiones, con el propósito de identificar y representar la sistemática a seguir durante el proceso de toma de decisiones, dando lugar a la representación conceptual de esta sistemática y, finalmente, a la construcción del correspondiente DMM. El primer reto abordado en esta Tesis está asociado a la sistematización del modelado conceptual a partir de información semántica, para construcción de ontologías a partir de fuentes textuales y de un procedimiento para verificar la coherencia interna de dichas fuentes. La aplicación de esta metodología se ha utilizado para la identificación de los conceptos y las relaciones esenciales en el Dominio PS, permitiendo crear un modelo genérico, común y compartido, a diferencia de los modelos existentes. En el siguiente paso, este Dominio PS se ha utilizado para la resolución de problemas de gestión en sistemas que comprenden múltiples niveles de jerarquías funcionales. El proceso de toma de decisiones resultante permite integrar las decisiones tomadas en cada nivel, asegurando su coherencia a partir de un enfoque que contempla simultáneamente la gestión de toda la información disponible (datos y conocimiento). Por su parte, la introducción de los conceptos y relaciones necesarios para asegurar la factibilidad de las decisiones de gestión del proceso, a través del Dominio CC, permite el desarrollo de procedimientos sistemáticos de creación de DMMs: este Dominio clasifica las restricciones (balances, secuencia, etc.), agrega elementos abstractos a dichas restricciones (p.e.: cantidad producida y consumida) y permite generalizar la relación de sus componentes con la información asociada al Dominio PS. En la última parte de esta Tesis se aborda la integración de los Dominios PS y CC, y su aplicación para la generación de nuevos sistemas de toma de decisiones. Para ello, se han diseñado algoritmos que, partiendo de las restricciones anteriormente identificadas y clasificadas, y patrones de DMMs también previamente identificados a partir de casos ya existentes, explotan la información disponible a través de las instancias del Dominio PS, para generar de nuevos modelos de toma de decisión de acuerdo con las especificaciones del usuario. Su utilización se ilustra a través de casos procedentes de diferentes entornos, demostrando la capacidad de generalización de la sistemática creada.Postprint (published version