27 research outputs found

    A Grammar Compression Algorithm based on Induced Suffix Sorting

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    We introduce GCIS, a grammar compression algorithm based on the induced suffix sorting algorithm SAIS, introduced by Nong et al. in 2009. Our solution builds on the factorization performed by SAIS during suffix sorting. We construct a context-free grammar on the input string which can be further reduced into a shorter string by substituting each substring by its correspondent factor. The resulting grammar is encoded by exploring some redundancies, such as common prefixes between suffix rules, which are sorted according to SAIS framework. When compared to well-known compression tools such as Re-Pair and 7-zip, our algorithm is competitive and very effective at handling repetitive string regarding compression ratio, compression and decompression running time

    Linear-time Computation of Minimal Absent Words Using Suffix Array

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    An absent word of a word y of length n is a word that does not occur in y. It is a minimal absent word if all its proper factors occur in y. Minimal absent words have been computed in genomes of organisms from all domains of life; their computation provides a fast alternative for measuring approximation in sequence comparison. There exists an O(n)-time and O(n)-space algorithm for computing all minimal absent words on a fixed-sized alphabet based on the construction of suffix automata (Crochemore et al., 1998). No implementation of this algorithm is publicly available. There also exists an O(n^2)-time and O(n)-space algorithm for the same problem based on the construction of suffix arrays (Pinho et al., 2009). An implementation of this algorithm was also provided by the authors and is currently the fastest available. In this article, we bridge this unpleasant gap by presenting an O(n)-time and O(n)-space algorithm for computing all minimal absent words based on the construction of suffix arrays. Experimental results using real and synthetic data show that the respective implementation outperforms the one by Pinho et al

    Faster algorithms for 1-mappability of a sequence

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    In the k-mappability problem, we are given a string x of length n and integers m and k, and we are asked to count, for each length-m factor y of x, the number of other factors of length m of x that are at Hamming distance at most k from y. We focus here on the version of the problem where k = 1. The fastest known algorithm for k = 1 requires time O(mn log n/ log log n) and space O(n). We present two algorithms that require worst-case time O(mn) and O(n log^2 n), respectively, and space O(n), thus greatly improving the state of the art. Moreover, we present an algorithm that requires average-case time and space O(n) for integer alphabets if m = {\Omega}(log n/ log {\sigma}), where {\sigma} is the alphabet size

    External Batched Range Minimum Queries and LCP Construction

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    This work deals with I/O-optimal suffix array (SA) and longest common prefix (LCP) array construction in external memory. For this purpose, the I/O-optimale DC3 algorithm is enhanced by LCP construction and adapted accordingly to the external memory model. In this context we present a method to construct the required range minimum queries (RMQs) efficiently in external memory. The core of this work is a description and implementation of the resulting external DC3-LCP algorithm using the Stxxl - the C++ Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets. Experimental results based on realistic, real-world instances rounds off this work

    Longest Common Prefixes with kk-Errors and Applications

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    Although real-world text datasets, such as DNA sequences, are far from being uniformly random, average-case string searching algorithms perform significantly better than worst-case ones in most applications of interest. In this paper, we study the problem of computing the longest prefix of each suffix of a given string of length nn over a constant-sized alphabet that occurs elsewhere in the string with kk-errors. This problem has already been studied under the Hamming distance model. Our first result is an improvement upon the state-of-the-art average-case time complexity for non-constant kk and using only linear space under the Hamming distance model. Notably, we show that our technique can be extended to the edit distance model with the same time and space complexities. Specifically, our algorithms run in O(nlogknloglogn)\mathcal{O}(n \log^k n \log \log n) time on average using O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) space. We show that our technique is applicable to several algorithmic problems in computational biology and elsewhere

    Inducing the Lyndon Array

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    In this paper we propose a variant of the induced suffix sorting algorithm by Nong (TOIS, 2013) that computes simultaneously the Lyndon array and the suffix array of a text in O(n) time using O(n) words of working space, where n is the length of the text and is the alphabet size. Our result improves the previous best space requirement for linear time computation of the Lyndon array. In fact, all the known linear algorithms for Lyndon array computation use suffix sorting as a preprocessing step and use O(n) words of working space in addition to the Lyndon array and suffix array. Experimental results with real and synthetic datasets show that our algorithm is not only space-efficient but also fast in practice

    Inducing Suffix and LCP Arrays in External Memory

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    We consider full text index construction in external memory (EM). Our first contribution is an inducing algorithm for suffix arrays in external memory, which utilizes an efficient EM priority queue and runs in sorting complexity. Practical tests show that this algorithm outperforms the previous best EM suffix sorter [Dementiev et al., JEA 2008] by a factor of about two in time and I/O-volume. Our second contribution is to augment the first algorithm to also construct the array of longest common prefixes (LCPs). This yields the first EM construction algorithm for LCP arrays. The overhead in time and I/O volume for this extended algorithm over plain suffix array construction is roughly two. Our algorithms scale far beyond problem sizes previously considered in the literature (text size of 80 GiB using only 4 GiB of RAM in our experiments).