681 research outputs found

    3D indoor positioning of UAVs with spread spectrum ultrasound and time-of-flight cameras

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    Este trabajo propone el uso de un sistema híbrido de posicionamiento acústico y óptico en interiores para el posicionamiento 3D preciso de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV). El módulo acústico de este sistema se basa en un esquema de Acceso Múltiple por División de Código de Tiempo (T-CDMA), en el que la emisión secuencial de cinco códigos ultrasónicos de espectro amplio se realiza para calcular la posición horizontal del vehículo siguiendo un procedimiento de multilateración 2D. El módulo óptico se basa en una cámara de Tiempo de Vuelo (TOF) que proporciona una estimación inicial de la altura del vehículo. A continuación se propone un algoritmo recursivo programado en un ordenador externo para refinar la posición estimada. Los resultados experimentales muestran que el sistema propuesto puede aumentar la precisión de un sistema exclusivamente acústico en un 70-80% en términos de error cuadrático medio de posicionamiento.This work proposes the use of a hybrid acoustic and optical indoor positioning system for the accurate 3D positioning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The acoustic module of this system is based on a Time-Code Division Multiple Access (T-CDMA) scheme, where the sequential emission of five spread spectrum ultrasonic codes is performed to compute the horizontal vehicle position following a 2D multilateration procedure. The optical module is based on a Time-Of-Flight (TOF) camera that provides an initial estimation for the vehicle height. A recursive algorithm programmed on an external computer is then proposed to refine the estimated position. Experimental results show that the proposed system can increase the accuracy of a solely acoustic system by 70–80% in terms of positioning mean square error.• Gobierno de España y Fondos para el Desarrollo Regional Europeo. Proyectos TARSIUS (TIN2015-71564-C4-4-R) (I+D+i), REPNIN (TEC2015-71426-REDT) y SOC-PLC (TEC2015-64835-C3-2-R) (I+D+i) • Junta de Extremadura, Fondos FEDER y Fondo Social Europeo. Proyecto GR15167 y beca predoctoral 45/2016 Exp. PD16030peerReviewe

    Autonomous Devices to Map Rooms and Other Indoor Spaces and Storing Maps in the Cloud

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    The publication presents a three wheeled robot that has been designed to map rooms, halls and other indoor areas. The device uses an ultrasonic sensor for measuring distance, which is later used for both navigation and obstacle detection. Data were used later to compose a matrix – the schematic map of the room. This map could be uploaded to the cloud for later use by other 3rd party devices so they do not have to redo the mapping process again

    A novel 3D multilateration sensor using distributed ultrasonic beacons for indoor navigation

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    Navigation and guidance systems are a critical part of any autonomous vehicle. In this paper, a novel sensor grid using 40 KHz ultrasonic transmitters is presented for adoption in indoor 3D positioning applications. In the proposed technique, a vehicle measures the arrival time of incoming ultrasonic signals and calculates the position without broadcasting to the grid. This system allows for conducting silent or covert operations and can also be used for the simultaneous navigation of a large number of vehicles. The transmitters and receivers employed are first described. Transmission lobe patterns and receiver directionality determine the geometry of transmitter clusters. Range and accuracy of measurements dictate the number of sensors required to navigate in a given volume. Laboratory experiments were performed in which a small array of transmitters was set up and the sensor system was tested for position accuracy. The prototype system is shown to have a 1-sigma position error of about 16 cm, with errors between 7 and 11 cm in the local horizontal coordinates. This research work provides foundations for the future development of ultrasonic navigation sensors for a variety of autonomous vehicle applications

    A Review of pedestrian indoor positioning systems for mass market applications

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    In the last decade, the interest in Indoor Location Based Services (ILBS) has increased stimulating the development of Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS). In particular, ILBS look for positioning systems that can be applied anywhere in the world for millions of users, that is, there is a need for developing IPS for mass market applications. Those systems must provide accurate position estimations with minimum infrastructure cost and easy scalability to different environments. This survey overviews the current state of the art of IPSs and classifies them in terms of the infrastructure and methodology employed. Finally, each group is reviewed analysing its advantages and disadvantages and its applicability to mass market applications

    Sensor Modalities and Fusion for Robust Indoor Localisation

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    Cooperatively Extending the Range of Indoor Localisation

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    ̶Whilst access to location based information has been mostly possible in the\ud outdoor arena through the use of GPS, the provision of accurate positioning estimations and\ud broad coverage in the indoor environment has proven somewhat problematic to deliver.\ud Considering more time is spent in the indoor environment, the requirement for a solution is\ud obvious. The topography of an indoor location with its many walls, doors, pillars, ceilings\ud and floors etc. muffling the signals to \from mobile devices and their tracking devices, is one\ud of the many barriers to implementation. Moreover the cha racteristically noisy behaviour of\ud wireless devices such as Bluetooth headsets, cordless phones and microwaves can cause\ud interference as they all operate in the same band as Wi -Fi devices. The limited range of\ud tracking devices such as Wireless Access Point s (AP), and the restrictions surrounding their\ud positioning within a buildings’ infrastructure further exacerbate this issue, these difficulties\ud provide a fertile research area at present.\ud The genesis for this research is the inability of an indoor location based system (LBS) to\ud locate devices beyond the range of the fixed tracking devices. The hypothesis advocates a\ud solution that extends the range of Indoor LBS using Mobile Devices at the extremities of\ud Cells that have a priori knowledge of their location, and utilizing these devices to ascertain\ud the location of devices beyond the range of the fixed tracking device. This results in a\ud cooperative localisation technique where participating devices come together to aid in the\ud determination of location of device s which otherwise would be out of scope

    Ultra Wide-Band Localization and SLAM: A Comparative Study for Mobile Robot Navigation

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    In this work, a comparative study between an Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) localization system and a Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm is presented. Due to its high bandwidth and short pulses length, UWB potentially allows great accuracy in range measurements based on Time of Arrival (TOA) estimation. SLAM algorithms recursively estimates the map of an environment and the pose (position and orientation) of a mobile robot within that environment. The comparative study presented here involves the performance analysis of implementing in parallel an UWB localization based system and a SLAM algorithm on a mobile robot navigating within an environment. Real time results as well as error analysis are also shown in this work