7,479 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Mobile U-Navigation based on GPS/WLAN Hybridization

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    This paper present our mobile u-navigation system. This approach utilizes hybridization of wireless local area network and Global Positioning System internal sensor which to receive signal strength from access point and the same time retrieve Global Navigation System Satellite signal. This positioning information will be switched based on type of environment in order to ensure the ubiquity of positioning system. Finally we present our results to illustrate the performance of the localization system for an indoor/ outdoor environment set-up.Comment: Journal of Convergence Information Technology(JCIT

    RF Localization in Indoor Environment

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    In this paper indoor localization system based on the RF power measurements of the Received Signal Strength (RSS) in WLAN environment is presented. Today, the most viable solution for localization is the RSS fingerprinting based approach, where in order to establish a relationship between RSS values and location, different machine learning approaches are used. The advantage of this approach based on WLAN technology is that it does not need new infrastructure (it reuses already and widely deployed equipment), and the RSS measurement is part of the normal operating mode of wireless equipment. We derive the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) of localization accuracy for RSS measurements. In analysis of the bound we give insight in localization performance and deployment issues of a localization system, which could help designing an efficient localization system. To compare different machine learning approaches we developed a localization system based on an artificial neural network, k-nearest neighbors, probabilistic method based on the Gaussian kernel and the histogram method. We tested the developed system in real world WLAN indoor environment, where realistic RSS measurements were collected. Experimental comparison of the results has been investigated and average location estimation error of around 2 meters was obtained

    AROMA: Automatic Generation of Radio Maps for Localization Systems

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    WLAN localization has become an active research field recently. Due to the wide WLAN deployment, WLAN localization provides ubiquitous coverage and adds to the value of the wireless network by providing the location of its users without using any additional hardware. However, WLAN localization systems usually require constructing a radio map, which is a major barrier of WLAN localization systems' deployment. The radio map stores information about the signal strength from different signal strength streams at selected locations in the site of interest. Typical construction of a radio map involves measurements and calibrations making it a tedious and time-consuming operation. In this paper, we present the AROMA system that automatically constructs accurate active and passive radio maps for both device-based and device-free WLAN localization systems. AROMA has three main goals: high accuracy, low computational requirements, and minimum user overhead. To achieve high accuracy, AROMA uses 3D ray tracing enhanced with the uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) to model the electric field behavior and the human shadowing effect. AROMA also automates a number of routine tasks, such as importing building models and automatic sampling of the area of interest, to reduce the user's overhead. Finally, AROMA uses a number of optimization techniques to reduce the computational requirements. We present our system architecture and describe the details of its different components that allow AROMA to achieve its goals. We evaluate AROMA in two different testbeds. Our experiments show that the predicted signal strength differs from the measurements by a maximum average absolute error of 3.18 dBm achieving a maximum localization error of 2.44m for both the device-based and device-free cases.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figure

    Machine Learning for Indoor Localization Using Mobile Phone-Based Sensors

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    In this paper we investigate the problem of localizing a mobile device based on readings from its embedded sensors utilizing machine learning methodologies. We consider a real-world environment, collect a large dataset of 3110 datapoints, and examine the performance of a substantial number of machine learning algorithms in localizing a mobile device. We have found algorithms that give a mean error as accurate as 0.76 meters, outperforming other indoor localization systems reported in the literature. We also propose a hybrid instance-based approach that results in a speed increase by a factor of ten with no loss of accuracy in a live deployment over standard instance-based methods, allowing for fast and accurate localization. Further, we determine how smaller datasets collected with less density affect accuracy of localization, important for use in real-world environments. Finally, we demonstrate that these approaches are appropriate for real-world deployment by evaluating their performance in an online, in-motion experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Enhanced indoor location tracking through body shadowing compensation

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    This paper presents a radio frequency (RF)-based location tracking system that improves its performance by eliminating the shadowing caused by the human body of the user being tracked. The presence of such a user will influence the RF signal paths between a body-worn node and the receiving nodes. This influence will vary with the user's location and orientation and, as a result, will deteriorate the performance regarding location tracking. By using multiple mobile nodes, placed on different parts of a human body, we exploit the fact that the combination of multiple measured signal strengths will show less variation caused by the user's body. Another method is to compensate explicitly for the influence of the body by using the user's orientation toward the fixed infrastructure nodes. Both approaches can be independently combined and reduce the influence caused by body shadowing, hereby improving the tracking accuracy. The overall system performance is extensively verified on a building-wide testbed for sensor experiments. The results show a significant improvement in tracking accuracy. The total improvement in mean accuracy is 38.1% when using three mobile nodes instead of one and simultaneously compensating for the user's orientation

    An Indoor Navigation System Using a Sensor Fusion Scheme on Android Platform

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    With the development of wireless communication networks, smart phones have become a necessity for people’s daily lives, and they meet not only the needs of basic functions for users such as sending a message or making a phone call, but also the users’ demands for entertainment, surfing the Internet and socializing. Navigation functions have been commonly utilized, however the navigation function is often based on GPS (Global Positioning System) in outdoor environments, whereas a number of applications need to navigate indoors. This paper presents a system to achieve high accurate indoor navigation based on Android platform. To do this, we design a sensor fusion scheme for our system. We divide the system into three main modules: distance measurement module, orientation detection module and position update module. We use an efficient way to estimate the stride length and use step sensor to count steps in distance measurement module. For orientation detection module, in order to get the optimal result of orientation, we then introduce Kalman filter to de-noise the data collected from different sensors. In the last module, we combine the data from the previous modules and calculate the current location. Results of experiments show that our system works well and has high accuracy in indoor situations

    Body attenuation and path loss exponent estimation for RSS-based positioning in WSN

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    The influence of the human body in antenna systems has significant impact in the received signal strength (RSS) of wireless transmissions. Accounting for body effect is generally considered as being able to improve position estimation based on RSS measurements. In this work we perform several experiments with a wireless sensor network, using a sensor node equipped with an inertial measurement unit (IMU), in order to obtain the relative orientation between the sensor node and multiple anchor nodes. A model of the RSS attenuation induced by the body was created using experimental measurements in a controlled environment and applied to a real-time positioning system. A path loss exponent (PLE) estimation method using RSS information from neighbor anchors was also implemented and evaluated. Weighted centroid localization (WCL) algorithm was the positioning method used in this work. When the sensor node was placed on the user’s body, accounting for body effect produced negligible improvements (6%) in the best-case scenario and consistently degraded accuracy under real conditions, whether the node was placed on the user’s body (in the order of 3%), 10 cm away (from 14% to 35%) or 20 cm away from the body (from 42% to 105%) for results in the 70th percentile. The PLE estimation method showed improvements (in the order of 11%) when the sensor node is further away from the body. Results demonstrate that the distance between sensor node and the body has an extremely important influence on the accuracy of the position estimate.This work has been supported by FCT (Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia) in the scope of the project UID/EEA/04436/2013. Helder D. Silva is supported by FCT under the grant SFRH/BD/78018/2011info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wi-Fi Location Determination for Semantic Locations

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    In Wi-Fi location determination literature, little attention is paid to locations that do not have numeric, geometric coordinates, though many users prefer the convenience of non-coordinate locations (consider the ease of giving a street address as opposed to giving latitude and longitude). It is not often easy to tell from the title or abstract of a Wi-Fi location determination article whether or not it has applicability to semantic locations such as room-level names. This article surveys the literature through 2011 on Wi-Fi localization for symbolic locations
