8,745 research outputs found

    The Adoption and Effectiveness of Automation in Health Evidence Synthesis

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    Background: Health systems worldwide are often informed by evidence-based guidelines which in turn rely heavily on systematic reviews. Systematic reviews are currently hindered by the increasing volume of new research and by its variable quality. Automation has potential to alleviate this problem but is not widely used in health evidence synthesis. This thesis sought to address the following: why is automation adopted (or not), and what effects does it have when it is put into use? / Methods: Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations theory, as a well-established and widely used framework, informed the study design and analysis. Adoption barriers and facilitators were explored through a thematic analysis of guideline developers’ opinions towards automation, and by mapping the adoption journey of a machine learning (ML) tool among Cochrane Information Specialists (CISs). A randomised trial of ML assistance in Risk of Bias (RoB) assessments and a cost-effectiveness analysis of a semi-automated workflow in the maintenance of a living evidence map each evaluated the effects of automation in practice. / Results: Adoption decisions are most strongly informed by the professional cultural expectations of health evidence synthesis. The stringent expectations of systematic reviewers and their users must be met before any other characteristic of an automation technology is considered by potential adopters. Ease-of-use increases in importance as a tool becomes more diffused across a population. Results of the randomised trial showed that ML-assisted RoB assessments were non-inferior to assessments completed entirely by human researcher effort. The cost-effectiveness analysis showed that a semi-automated workflow identified more relevant studies than the manual workflow and was less costly. / Conclusions: Automation can have substantial benefits when integrated into health evidence workflows. Wider adoption of automation tools will be facilitated by ensuring they are aligned with professional values of the field and limited in technical complexity

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    Text Mining for Social Harm and Criminal Justice Applications

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Increasing rates of social harm events and plethora of text data demands the need of employing text mining techniques not only to better understand their causes but also to develop optimal prevention strategies. In this work, we study three social harm issues: crime topic models, transitions into drug addiction and homicide investigation chronologies. Topic modeling for the categorization and analysis of crime report text allows for more nuanced categories of crime compared to official UCR categorizations. This study has important implications in hotspot policing. We investigate the extent to which topic models that improve coherence lead to higher levels of crime concentration. We further explore the transitions into drug addiction using Reddit data. We proposed a prediction model to classify the users’ transition from casual drug discussion forum to recovery drug discussion forum and the likelihood of such transitions. Through this study we offer insights into modern drug culture and provide tools with potential applications in combating opioid crises. Lastly, we present a knowledge graph based framework for homicide investigation chronologies that may aid investigators in analyzing homicide case data and also allow for post hoc analysis of key features that determine whether a homicide is ultimately solved. For this purpose we perform named entity recognition to determine witnesses, detectives and suspects from chronology, use keyword expansion to identify various evidence types and finally link these entities and evidence to construct a homicide investigation knowledge graph. We compare the performance over several choice of methodologies for these sub-tasks and analyze the association between network statistics of knowledge graph and homicide solvability

    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    KontextsensitivitĂ€t fĂŒr den Operationssaal der Zukunft

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    The operating room of the future is a topic of high interest. In this thesis, which is among the first in the recently defined field of Surgical Data Science, three major topics for automated context awareness in the OR of the future will be examined: improved surgical workflow analysis, the newly developed event impact factors, and as application combining these and other concepts the unified surgical display.Der Operationssaal der Zukunft ist ein Forschungsfeld von großer Bedeutung. In dieser Dissertation, die eine der ersten im kĂŒrzlich definierten Bereich „Surgical Data Science“ ist, werden drei Themen fĂŒr die automatisierte KontextsensitivitĂ€t im OP der Zukunft untersucht: verbesserte chirurgische Worflowanalyse, die neuentwickelten „Event Impact Factors“ und als Anwendungsfall, der diese Konzepte mit anderen kombiniert, das vereinheitlichte chirurgische Display

    A Privacy-Preserving, Context-Aware, Insider Threat prevention and prediction model (PPCAITPP)

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    The insider threat problem is extremely challenging to address, as it is committed by insiders who are trusted and authorized to access the information resources of the organization. The problem is further complicated by the multifaceted nature of insiders, as human beings have various motivations and fluctuating behaviours. Additionally, typical monitoring systems may violate the privacy of insiders. Consequently, there is a need to consider a comprehensive approach to mitigate insider threats. This research presents a novel insider threat prevention and prediction model, combining several approaches, techniques and tools from the fields of computer science and criminology. The model is a Privacy- Preserving, Context-Aware, Insider Threat Prevention and Prediction model (PPCAITPP). The model is predicated on the Fraud Diamond (a theory from Criminology) which assumes there must be four elements present in order for a criminal to commit maleficence. The basic elements are pressure (i.e. motive), opportunity, ability (i.e. capability) and rationalization. According to the Fraud Diamond, malicious employees need to have a motive, opportunity and the capability to commit fraud. Additionally, criminals tend to rationalize their malicious actions in order for them to ease their cognitive dissonance towards maleficence. In order to mitigate the insider threat comprehensively, there is a need to consider all the elements of the Fraud Diamond because insider threat crime is also related to elements of the Fraud Diamond similar to crimes committed within the physical landscape. The model intends to act within context, which implies that when the model offers predictions about threats, it also reacts to prevent the threat from becoming a future threat instantaneously. To collect information about insiders for the purposes of prediction, there is a need to collect current information, as the motives and behaviours of humans are transient. Context-aware systems are used in the model to collect current information about insiders related to motive and ability as well as to determine whether insiders exploit any opportunity to commit a crime (i.e. entrapment). Furthermore, they are used to neutralize any rationalizations the insider may have via neutralization mitigation, thus preventing the insider from committing a future crime. However, the model collects private information and involves entrapment that will be deemed unethical. A model that does not preserve the privacy of insiders may cause them to feel they are not trusted, which in turn may affect their productivity in the workplace negatively. Hence, this thesis argues that an insider prediction model must be privacy-preserving in order to prevent further cybercrime. The model is not intended to be punitive but rather a strategy to prevent current insiders from being tempted to commit a crime in future. The model involves four major components: context awareness, opportunity facilitation, neutralization mitigation and privacy preservation. The model implements a context analyser to collect information related to an insider who may be motivated to commit a crime and his or her ability to implement an attack plan. The context analyser only collects meta-data such as search behaviour, file access, logins, use of keystrokes and linguistic features, excluding the content to preserve the privacy of insiders. The model also employs keystroke and linguistic features based on typing patterns to collect information about any change in an insider’s emotional and stress levels. This is indirectly related to the motivation to commit a cybercrime. Research demonstrates that most of the insiders who have committed a crime have experienced a negative emotion/pressure resulting from dissatisfaction with employment measures such as terminations, transfers without their consent or denial of a wage increase. However, there may also be personal problems such as a divorce. The typing pattern analyser and other resource usage behaviours aid in identifying an insider who may be motivated to commit a cybercrime based on his or her stress levels and emotions as well as the change in resource usage behaviour. The model does not identify the motive itself, but rather identifies those individuals who may be motivated to commit a crime by reviewing their computer-based actions. The model also assesses the capability of insiders to commit a planned attack based on their usage of computer applications and measuring their sophistication in terms of the range of knowledge, depth of knowledge and skill as well as assessing the number of systems errors and warnings generated while using the applications. The model will facilitate an opportunity to commit a crime by using honeypots to determine whether a motivated and capable insider will exploit any opportunity in the organization involving a criminal act. Based on the insider’s reaction to the opportunity presented via a honeypot, the model will deploy an implementation strategy based on neutralization mitigation. Neutralization mitigation is the process of nullifying the rationalizations that the insider may have had for committing the crime. All information about insiders will be anonymized to remove any identifiers for the purpose of preserving the privacy of insiders. The model also intends to identify any new behaviour that may result during the course of implementation. This research contributes to existing scientific knowledge in the insider threat domain and can be used as a point of departure for future researchers in the area. Organizations could use the model as a framework to design and develop a comprehensive security solution for insider threat problems. The model concept can also be integrated into existing information security systems that address the insider threat problemInformation ScienceD. Phil. (Information Systems

    The social goals of boys with ADHD: effect of task variables and their relationship with peer status

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    Peer rejection is a core difficulty experienced by children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that is associated with both concurrent and long-term maladjustment. The social goals endorsed by children with ADHD, have been proposed as being among the factors contributing to their relational difficulties. Although previous investigations have examined the social goals selected by ADHD-diagnosed children and their relationship to social status, no studies to date have examined the impact of task variables on the social goals they select or whether the relationship between their social goals and sociometric status is task dependent. This archival study compared the social goals and sociometric status of 29 ADHD-diagnosed boys who exhibit peer problems with 22 Comparison boys. Participants, who ranged in age from 6 to 11 years, were randomly assigned to dyads comprising a boy with ADHD and an unfamiliar Comparison boy. Dyads interacted in the context of either a cooperatively-oriented video game or a competitively-oriented card game. Data pertaining to social goals and sociometric status were collected through brief pre- and post-play interviews conducted individually with each participant. ADHD and Comparison boys were not found to differ with respect to their social goal ratings but did demonstrate an overall difference in the patterning of how they ranked social goals. Boys with ADHD and their non-diagnosed peers were further found to differ in their peer status, with the Comparison boys being rated as significantly more desirable as potential friends even after a brief period of interaction. However, peer status was not found to be related to social goals for either ADHD or Comparison boys. Although the task variable was found to have a significant effect on participants\u27 social goals rankings, the specific predictions made with respect to which goals would be more highly ranked in each game were generally not supported. Finally, the results failed to support the hypothesis that the nature of the task would moderate the link between social goals and peer status. Limitations and clinical implications of the findings are discussed along with recommendations for future research pertaining to social cognition and peer status among youth with ADHD
