6,281 research outputs found

    Individual differences in local gray matter density are associated with differences in affective and cognitive empathy

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    The understanding of empathy from a neuroscientific perspective has recently developed quickly, with numerous functional MRI studies associating different brain regions with different components of empathy. A recent meta-analysis across 40 fMRI studies revealed that affective empathy is most often associated with increased activity in the insula, whereas cognitive empathy is most often associated with activity in the midcingulate cortex and adjacent dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (MCC/dmPFC). To date, however, it remains unclear whether individual differences in brain morphometry in these regions underlie different dispositions in affective and cognitive empathy. In order to test this hypothesis, voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was used to examine the extent to which gray matter density predicts scores from an established empathy measure (Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy; QCAE). One hundred and seventy-six participants completed the QCAE and underwent MRI in order to acquire a high-resolution, three-dimensional T1-weighted structural scans. A factor analysis of the questionnaire scores revealed two distinct factors of empathy, affective and cognitive, which confirmed the validity of the QCAE. VBM results revealed gray matter density differences associated with the distinct components of empathy. Higher scores on affective empathy were associated with greater gray matter density in the insula cortex and higher scores of cognitive empathy were associated with greater gray matter density in the MCC/dmPFC. Taken together, these results provide validation for empathy being a multi-component construct, suggesting that affective and cognitive empathy are differentially represented in brain morphometry as well as providing convergent evidence for empathy being represented by different neural and structural correlates

    Insular cortex structural variability and individual differences in empathic traits

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em PsicologiaThis study aims to investigate associations between individual differences in empathy and structural variations in the insular cortex, particularly in the anterior insula (AI). A normative sample of 31 male subjects was selected from the community, ranging from the ages of 20 to 40 years old. Individual differences on empathy were assessed through the Questionnaire of Cognitive and affective Empathy (QCAE). Measures of grey matter volume, area, cortical thickness and white matter volume were extracted from T1-Wheighted structural MRI scans with FreeSurfer, and analysed in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Hierarchical Regression analyses showed that variance in anterior insula grey matter area and insula white matter volume is positively significantly associated with individual differences in empathy.Este estudo pretende investigar associaçÔes entre diferenças individuais ao nível da empatia e variaçÔes na estrutura da insula, particularmente ao nível da insula anterior (AI). Uma amostra normativa de 31 sujeitos do sexo masculino foi selecionada da comunidade, com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e 40 anos. Diferenças individuais ao nível da empatia foram medidas através do Questionnaire of Cognitive and affective Empathy (QCAE). Medidas de relativas ao volume, årea e espessura cortical da substùncia cinzenta e medidas do volume da substùncia branca foram extraídas de scans de MRI estruturais, T1-Wheithed, com o programa FreeSurfer e analisadas no Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Anålises de regressão Hierårquica revelaram variaçÔes significativas na årea da substùncia cinzenta da insula anterior e volume da substùncia branca da insula, positivamente, associadas com diferenças individuais na empatia

    Externalizing personality traits, empathy, and gray matter volume in healthy young drinkers

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    Externalizing psychopathology has been linked to prefrontal abnormalities. While clinically diagnosed subjects show altered frontal gray matter, it is unknown if similar deficits relate to externalizing traits in non-clinical populations. We used voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to retrospectively analyze the cerebral gray matter volume of 176 young adult social to heavy drinkers (mean age=24.0±2.9, male=83.5%) from studies of alcoholism risk. We hypothesized that prefrontal gray matter volume and externalizing traits would be correlated. Externalizing personality trait components-Boredom Susceptibility-Impulsivity (BS/IMP) and Empathy/Low Antisocial Behaviors (EMP/LASB)-were tested for correlations with gray matter partial volume estimates (gmPVE). Significantly large clusters (pFWE<0.05, family-wise whole-brain corrected) of gmPVE correlated with EMP/LASB in dorsolateral and medial prefrontal regions, and in occipital cortex. BS/IMP did not correlate with gmPVE, but one scale of impulsivity (Eysenck I7) correlated positively with bilateral inferior frontal/orbitofrontal, and anterior insula gmPVE. In this large sample of community-dwelling young adults, antisocial behavior/low empathy corresponded with reduced prefrontal and occipital gray matter, while impulsivity correlated with increased inferior frontal and anterior insula cortical volume. These findings add to a literature indicating that externalizing personality features involve altered frontal architecture

    Cerebellar structural variations in subjects with different hypnotizability

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    Hypnotizability-the proneness to accept suggestions and behave accordingly-has a number of physiological and behavioral correlates (postural, visuomotor, and pain control) which suggest a possible involvement of cerebellar function and/or structure. The present study was aimed at investigating the association between cerebellar macro- or micro-structural variations (analyzed through a voxel-based morphometry and a diffusion tensor imaging approach) and hypnotic susceptibility. We also estimated morphometric variations of cerebral gray matter structures, to support current evidence of hypnotizability-related differences in some cerebral areas. High (highs, N = 12), and low (lows, N = 37) hypnotizable healthy participants (according to the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, form A) were submitted to a high field (3 T) magnetic resonance imaging protocol. In comparison to lows, highs showed smaller gray matter volumes in left cerebellar lobules IV/V and VI at uncorrected level, with the results in left lobule IV/V maintained also at corrected level. Highs showed also gray matter volumes smaller than lows in right inferior temporal gyrus, middle and superior orbitofrontal cortex, parahippocampal gyrus, and supramarginal parietal gyrus, as well as in left gyrus rectus, insula, and middle temporal cortex at uncorrected level. Results of right inferior temporal gyrus survived also at corrected level. Analyses on micro-structural data failed to reveal any significant association. The here found morphological variations allow to extend the traditional cortico-centric view of hypnotizability to the cerebellar regions, suggesting that cerebellar peculiarities may sustain hypnotizability-related differences in sensorimotor integration and emotional contro

    Intrinsic Shapes of Empathy: Functional Brain Network Topology Encodes Intersubjective Experience and Awareness Traits

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    Trait empathy is an essential personality feature in the intricacy of typical social inclinations of individuals. Empathy is likely supported by multilevel neuronal network functioning, whereas local topological properties determine network integrity. In the present functional MRI study (N = 116), we aimed to trace empathic traits to the intrinsic brain network architecture. Empathy was conceived as composed of two dimensions within the concept of pre-reflective, intersubjective understanding. Vicarious experience consists of the tendency to resonate with the feelings of other individuals, whereas intuitive understanding refers to a natural awareness of others’ emotional states. Analyses of graph theoretical measures of centrality showed a relationship between the fronto-parietal network and psychometric measures of vicarious experience, whereas intuitive understanding was associated with sensorimotor and subcortical networks. Salience network regions could constitute hubs for information processing underlying both dimensions. The network properties related to empathy dimensions mainly concern inter-network information flow. Moreover, interaction effects implied several sex differences in the relationship between functional network organization and trait empathy. These results reveal that distinct intrinsic topological network features explain individual differences in separate dimensions of intersubjective understanding. The findings could help understand the impact of brain damage or stimulation through alterations of empathy-related network integrity

    Investigating structural and functional neural correlates in children and adolescents with antisocial behavior

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    Antisocial behavior is highly prevalent in young and adult populations worldwide and constitutes a major public health problem due to the huge burden on the individual as well as the significant economic burden on society. A better understanding of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of antisocial behavior is warranted to improve current diagnostics (e.g. early detection of children at risk) and effective prevention/treatment programs. So far, neuroimaging studies have indicated neural atypicalities in youths with antisocial behavior; however, the direction and location of these brain alterations vary across studies. These ambiguities are most likely caused by the heterogeneity of the young samples with antisocial behavior studied, especially regarding sex, clinical diagnoses, and the presence of callous-unemotional traits. The central aim of this dissertation was to further the neuroscientific knowledge of antisocial behavior in children and adolescents by investigating the underlying structural and functional neurobiological characteristics, with an extra focus on possible sex differences and callous-unemotional traits. First, we examined the current neuroimaging literature, through meta-analyses, with the purpose of overcoming the heterogeneity of antisocial behavior and generating a common “overlapping” pattern of structural and functional atypicalities in youths with antisocial behavior. Secondly, the relation between callous-unemotional traits and brain structure was investigated separately for sex and independently of psychiatric comorbidities. Thirdly, this work investigated the white matter integrity within a homogenous group of girls with conduct disorder –the severe variant of antisocial behavior– in comparison to typically developing peers. This work expands our current knowledge on the structural and functional neural correlates in children and adolescents with antisocial behavior in several ways. For one, our meta-analytic results indicate a consistent pattern of gray matter reductions and hypoactivations in brain areas within the prefrontal and limbic cortex. These findings fit a recently proposed neurobiological model that connects alterations within similar brain regions with the behavioral dispositions of antisocial behavior (e.g. dysfunctions in empathy, emotional learning, and decision making). Secondly, we observed a positive relation between callous-unemotional traits and bilateral insula volume in a large international population of typically developing boys, but not in girls, independent of psychiatric disorders. This demonstrates that callous-unemotional traits have a sex-specific neurobiological basis beyond psychiatric samples. Thirdly, this work presents novel findings of white-matter integrity alterations in the body of the corpus callosum of girls with antisocial behavior, indicating possible reduced interhemispheric processing and consequent emotion processing abilities. In short, the present thesis provides original findings regarding the neurobiology of antisocial behavior in youths and emphasizes the importance of callous-unemotional traits and sex differences. Our results encourage future studies to further investigate the developmental trajectories and potential neural markers of antisocial behavior in order to enhance early detection and improve intervention programs, which could ultimately reduce antisocial behavior and delinquency in our society

    Empathy deficits, callous‐unemotional traits and structural underpinnings in autism spectrum disorder and conduct disorder youth

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    Distinct empathy deficits are often described in patients with conduct disorder (CD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) yet their neural underpinnings and the influence of comorbid Callous‐Unemotional (CU) traits are unclear. This study compares the cognitive (CE) and affective empathy (AE) abilities of youth with CD and ASD, their potential neuroanatomical correlates, and the influence of CU traits on empathy. Adolescents and parents/caregivers completed empathy questionnaires (N = 148 adolescents, mean age = 15.16 years) and T1 weighted images were obtained from a subsample (N = 130). Group differences in empathy and the influence of CU traits were investigated using Bayesian analyses and Voxel‐Based Morphometry with Threshold‐Free Cluster Enhancement focusing on regions involved in AE (insula, amygdala, inferior frontal gyrus and cingulate cortex) and CE processes (ventromedial prefrontal cortex, temporoparietal junction, superior temporal gyrus, and precuneus). The ASD group showed lower parent‐reported AE and CE scores and lower self‐reported CE scores while the CD group showed lower parent‐reported CE scores than controls. When accounting for the influence of CU traits no AE deficits in ASD and CE deficits in CD were found, but CE deficits in ASD remained. Across all participants, CU traits were negatively associated with gray matter volumes in anterior cingulate which extends into the mid cingulate, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and precuneus. Thus, although co‐occurring CU traits have been linked to global empathy deficits in reports and underlying brain structures, its influence on empathy aspects might be disorder‐specific. Investigating the subdimensions of empathy may therefore help to identify disorder‐specific empathy deficits

    Moral Disengagement and Psychopathy: A Quantitative Correlational Study on Attachment to God and Empathy

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    Moral disengagement and lack of empathy are rising concerns in the United States. Those who are morally disengaged or display limited empathy are often associated with anti-social personality disorder or psychopathy. Studies consistently show trauma and early childhood attachment are predictors for the development of behaviors associated with psychopathy. Current literature has demonstrated semi-effective therapeutic treatment and pharmacotherapy for comorbid disorders and symptoms such as anxiety. However, research fails to adequately address the prevention and treatment of lack of empathy – a major factor in the perilous behaviors of psychopathy. Psychopathy includes structural and functional brain abnormalities in the cortical (i.e. orbitofrontal cortex, insula) and subcortical (i.e. amygdala, corpus callosum) regions. Thus, leading to neurocognitive deficiencies in emotional responses, and decision-making skills. A neurological understanding of the empathetic and moral drive of these individuals is needed to better determine possible treatment modalities. If poor parental attachment predicts lack of empathy, it is possible attachment to God plays a role in prevention and treatment of these symptoms. This study used a correlational analysis to examine the relationship between attachment to God and empathy. Additionally, it used neuroscience as a theoretical foundation to link trauma, empathy, and spirituality. It was determined: cognitive and affective empathy were statistically different amongst the four attachment styles; number of trauma experiences influenced combined empathy scores; secure attachment was less likely to report any trauma, avoidant and disorganized attachment were more likely to report complex trauma; higher psychopathy scores positively related to higher empathy scores; and attachment to God had a moderating effect on the relationship between trauma and empathy
