17 research outputs found


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    Shifting consumer mindsets and evolving government norms are forcing automotive manufacturers the world over to improve vehicle performance and also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A critical aspect of achieving future fuel economy and emission targets is improved powertrain control and diagnostics. This study focuses on using a sensor fusion based approach to improving control and diagnostics in a gasoline engine. A four cylinder turbocharged engine was instrumented with a suite of sensors including ion sensors, exhaust pressure sensors, crank position sensors and accelerometers. The diagnostic potential of these sensors was studied in detail. The ability of these sensors to detect knock, misfires and also correlate with pressure and combustion metrics was also evaluated. Lastly a neural network based approach to combine individual sensor signal information was developed. The neural network was used to estimate mean effective pressure and location of fifty percent mass fraction fuel burn. Additionally, the influence of various neural network architectures was studied. Results showed that under pseudo transient conditions a recursive neural network could use information from the low cost sensors to estimate mean effective pressure within an error of 0.1bar and combustion phasing within 2.5 crank-angle degrees

    Powertrain Architectures and Technologies for New Emission and Fuel Consumption Standards

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    New powertrain design is highly influenced by CO2 and pollutant limits defined by legislations, the demand of fuel economy in for real conditions, high performances and acceptable cost. To reach the requirements coming from both end-users and legislations, several powertrain architectures and engine technologies are possible (e.g. SI or CI engines), with many new technologies, new fuels, and different degree of electrification. The benefits and costs given by the possible architectures and technology mix must be accurately evaluated by means of objective procedures and tools in order to choose among the best alternatives. This work presents a basic design methodology and a comparison at concept level of the main powertrain architectures and technologies that are currently being developed, considering technical benefits and their cost effectiveness. The analysis is carried out on the basis of studies from the technical literature, integrating missing data with evaluations performed by means of powertrain-vehicle simplified models, considering the most important powertrain architectures. Technology pathways for passenger cars up to 2025 and beyond have been defined. After that, with support of more detailed models and experimentations, the investigation has been focused on the more promising technologies to improve internal combustion engine, such as: water injection, low temperature combustions and heat recovery systems

    Effect of fuel content on the human perception of engine idle irregularity

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    This thesis describes a digital signal processing analysis of diesel engine idle vibration in automobiles, and an analysis of the human subjective response to the idle vibration which occurs at the steering wheel. In order to quantify the variations in the diesel idle vibration that can be introduced by the engine technology, the vehicle, and the fuel type, a set of acceleration time histories were measured at the engine block and at the steering wheel for two automobiles equipped with 4-cylinder engines which had different injection systems and which operated under different fuel conditions. A combination of time domain, frequency domain and time-frequency wavelet-based analysis were used. Both the continuous wavelet transform and the discrete orthogonal wavelet transform were applied to the steering wheel acceleration time histories in order to analyse the statistical variation in terms of both instantaneous variations, and the cycle-to-cycle variations which occur across complete thermodynamic engine cycles. The combination of orthogonal wavelet transform and time-varying auto-covariance analysis, performed across a complete engine thermodynamic cycle, was identified as the most sensitive method for describing the statistical variation in diesel idle vibration. The second-order engine harmonic H2 was found to account for most of the vibrational energy at the steering wheel when at idle. Amplitude modulation of the second-order engine harmonic H2 by the half-order engine harmonic H112 has been identified as the main characteristic of the steering wheel signature of automobiles at idle. The steering wheel idle vibration produced by different engines and different fuel conditions have therefore been described in terms of the amplitude modulation depth "mil that characterises the idle waveform. Four psychophysical response tests, determined by the combination of two test protocols and two semantic descriptors, were performed. A model of the growth in the human subjective response to diesel idle vibration has been proposed in which the response scale is a function of the modulation depth parameter "mil. The model is defined over two regions of modulation depth. For values of "m" less than 0.2, humans have been found to be unable to distinguish variations in idle modulation. For values of "m" greater than 0.2, the human response grows as a power function with respect to modulation depth. Based on the current findings, suggestions for future research are also provided

    Tribological optimisation of the internal combustion engine piston to bore conjunction through surface modification

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    Internal combustion (IC) engines used in road transport applications employ pistons to convert gas pressure into mechanical work. Frictional losses abound within IC engines, where only 38- 51% of available fuel energy results in useful mechanical work. Piston-bore and ring-bore conjunctions are fairly equally responsible for circa 30% of all engine friction - equivalent to 1.6% of the input fuel each. Therefore, reduction in piston assembly friction would have a direct impact on specific performance and / or fuel consumption. In motorsport, power outputs and duty cycles greatly exceed road applications. Consequently, these engines have a shorter useful life and a high premium is placed on measures which would increase the output power without further reducing engine life. Reduction of friction offers such an opportunity, which may be achieved by improved tribological design in terms of reduced contact area or enhanced lubrication or both. However, the developments in the motorsport sector are typically reactive due to a lack of relative performance or an ad-hoc reliance, based upon a limited number of actual engine tests in order to determine if any improvement can be achieved as the result of some predetermined action. A representative scientific model generally does not exist and as such, investigated parameters are often driven by the supply chain with the promise of improvement. In cylinder investigations are usually limited to bore surface finish, bore and piston geometrical form, piston skirt coatings and the lubricant employed. Of these investigated areas newly emerging surface coatings are arguably seen as predominate. This thesis highlights a scientific approach which has been developed to optimise piston-bore performance. Pre-existing methods of screening and benchmarking alterations have been retained such as engine testing. However, this has been placed in the context of validation of scientifically driven development. A multi-physics numerical model is developed, which combines piston inertial dynamics, as well as thermo-structural strains within a thermoelastohydrodynamic tribological framework. Experimental tests were performed to validate the findings of numerical models. These tests include film thickness measurement and incylinder friction measurement, as well as the numerically-indicated beneficial surface modifications. Experimental testing was performed on an in-house motored engine at Capricorn Automotive, a dynamometer mounted single-cylinder ‘fired’ engine at Loughborough University, as well as on other engines belonging to third party clients of Capricorn. The diversity of tests was to ascertain the generic nature of any findings. The multi-physics multi-scale combined numerical-experimental investigation is the main contribution of this thesis to knowledge. One major finding of the thesis is the significant role that bulk thermo-structural deformation makes on the contact conformity of piston skirt to cylinder liner contact, thus advising piston skirt design. Another key finding is the beneficial role of textured surfaces in the retention of reservoirs of lubricant, thus reducing friction

    THIESEL 2020.Thermo-and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines.8th-11th September

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    'The THIESEL 2020 Conference on Thermo-and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines planned in Valencia (Spain) for 8th to 11th September 2020 has been successfully held in a virtual format, due to the COVID19 pandemic. In spite of the very tough environmental demands, combustion engines will probably remain the main propulsion system in transport for the next 20 to 50 years, at least for as long as alternative solutions cannot provide the flexibility expected by customers of the 21st century. But it needs to adapt to the new times, and so research in combustion engines is nowadays mostly focused on the new challenges posed by hybridization and downsizing. The topics presented in the papers of the conference include traditional ones, such as Injection & Sprays, Combustion, but also Alternative Fuels, as well as papers dedicated specifically to CO2 Reduction and Emissions Abatement.Papers stem from the Academic Research sector as well as from the IndustryXandra Marcelle, M.; Desantes Fernández, JM. (2020). THIESEL 2020.Thermo-and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines.8th-11th September. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/150759EDITORIA

    Spark Breakdown Voltage Sampling During Early Stage Compression

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    This thesis proposes a novel methodology to enable cycle by cycle control of a two-stroke cycle type engine. These engines are well known for offering high specific power density solutions, however, this advantage cannot be fully exploited without new technologies enabling significantly reduced emissions and improved fuel economy. If this could be provided, working with direct fuel injection, new highly efficient, low emission, power units could result. One of the main reasons why this has not previously been achieved has been the inability to accurately measure and quantify the amount of combustible charge available for metering of the Air/Fuel ratio. This is due to the highly dynamic gas conditions in the engine which cause significant cyclic variations of scavenging and trapping efficiencies. Existing combustion control methods are unable to accurately compensate for these conditions because fuel quantity is determined using the results of previous combustion events which do not reflect the actual gases available for each combustion. This thesis proposes a different approach, whereby accurate fuel quantities could be determined cyclically from in-cylinder measurements ahead of each combustion event. The intention being, for optimal fuel quantities and ignition initiation timings to be calculated and provided for each cycle. This technology would significantly improve the ability to achieve an optimal combustion of each individual combustion event. The principle of measurement uses and extends proven existing extensive scientific knowledge of the relationships between the value of Spark Break-Down Voltage (SBDV) to gas density and speciation. The methodology presented, applied pulses of voltage to the spark plug, which is normally used only to initiate ignition, to also function as a non-intrusive in-cylinder sensor. Experimental results were obtained using three items of equipment purposely designed and manufactured for the present work. These consisted of a) A new high frequency spark breakdown voltage electronic circuit. b) A static volume sparking chamber. c). A motored test engine into which exhaust gas was supplied from an auxiliary engine via an air mixing system. The novel use of an auxiliary engine enabled a wide range of mass fractions to be subjected to cyclic compression events for evaluation independent of test engine conditions

    Modeling of Turbulence, Combustion and Knock for Performance Prediction, Calibration and Design of a Turbocharged Spark Ignition Engine

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    In this thesis work, a downsized VVA Spark Ignition engine is numerically and experimentally studied. In particular, the following topics are considered: •In-cylinder turbulence and combustion processes; •Knock and cycle by cycle variation (CCV) phenomena; •Techniques aiming to mitigate knock occurrence and improve fuel economy such as EGR and water injection methods; •Intake system redesign to reduce the emitted gas-dynamic noise; •Engine calibration. A deep experimental campaign is carried out to characterize the engine behaviour. Indeed, engine system is investigated both in terms of the overall performance (torque, power, fuel consumption, air flow rate, boost pressure etc.) and of the intake gas-dynamic noise at full load operation. In addition, proper experimental analyses are peformed on the engine to characterize the CCV phenomenon and the knock occurrence. Measured data are post-processed to derive experimental parameters which syntetize CCV and knock levels, according to the engine operating conditions. A 1D CFD model of the whole engine is realized in GT-PowerTM environment. Refined “in-house developed” sub-models capable to reproduce turbulence, combustion, CCVs and knock processes are introduced into 1D code through user routines. First of all, the whole engine model is validated against the experimental data both in terms of overall performance parameters and ensemble averaged pressure cycles and intake gas-dynamic noise at part and full load operation. Cycle by cycle variation is reproduced through a proper correlation and consequently a representative faster than average in-cylinder pressure cycle is obtained. Then, the knock model, with reference to the latter pressure cycle, allows to evaluate a proper knock index and to identify the knock limited spark advance (KLSA), basing on the same threshold level adopted in experimental knock analysis. In this way, the knock model taking into account the CCV is validated at full load operation. Once validated, the original engine architecture is modified by virtually installing a “Low pressure” EGR system. 1D simulations accounting for various EGR rates and mixture leaning are performed at full load points, showing improvements in the fuel economy with the same knock intensity of the base engine configuration. Water injection technique is also investigated by virtually mounting a water injector in the intake runners for each engine cylinder. In a similar way, 1D analyses are carried out for various water/fuel and air-to-fuel ratios, highlightinig BSFC improvements at full load operation. Since the engine under study is characterized by higher intake gas-dynamic noise levels, a partial redesign of the intake system is properly identified and subsequently tested with 1D and 3D CFD simulations to numerically quantify the gains in terms of reduction in the gas-dynamic noise emitted at the intake mouth. Finally, a numerical methodology aiming to calibrate the considered engine at high load knock-limited and at part load operations is developed. First, it shows the capability to identify with satisfactory accuracy the experimentally advised engine calibration. In addition, it allows the comparison of different intake valve strategies, underlining, in certain engine operating conditions, the fuel consumption benefits of an early intake valve closure (EIVC) strategy with respect to a Full Lift one, due to a better combustion phasing and a reduced mixture over-fuelling. The developed automatic procedure presents the capability to realize a “virtual” engine calibration on completely theoretical basis and proves to be very helpful in reducing time and costs related to experimental activities at the test bench

    Adaptive torque-feedback based engine control

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    The aim of this study was to develop a self-tuning or adaptive SI engine controller using torque feedback as the main control variable, based on direct/indirect measurement and estimation techniques. The indirect methods include in-cylinder pressure measurement, ion current measurement, and crankshaft rotational frequency variation. It is proposed that torque feedback would not only allow the operating set-points to be monitored and achieved under wider conditions (including the extremes of humidity and throttle transients), but to actively select and optimise the set-points on the basis of both performance and fuel economy. A further application could allow the use of multiple fuel types and/or combustion enhancing methods to best effect. An existing experimental facility which comprised a Jaguar AJ-V8 SI engine coupled to a Heenan-Froude Dynamatic GVAL (Mk 1) dynamometer was adopted for this work, in order to provide a flexible distributed engine test system comprising a combined user interface and cylinder pressure monitoring system, a functional dynamometer controller, and a modular engine controller which is close coupled to an embedded PC has been created. The considerable challenges involved in creating this system have meant that the core research objectives of this project have not been met. Nevertheless, an open-architecture software and hardware engine controller and independent throttle controller have been developed, to the point of testing. For the purposes of optimum ignition timing validation and combustion knock detection, an optical cylinder pressure measurement system with crank angle synchronous sampling has been developed. The departure from the project’s initial aims have also highlighted several important aspects of eddy-current dynamometer control, whose closed-loop behaviour was modelled in Simulink to study its control and dynamic response. The design of the dynamometer real-time controller was successfully implemented and evaluated in a more contemporary context using an embedded digital controller.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceSchool of Mechanical & Systems EngineeringNewcastle UniversityGBUnited Kingdo

    THIESEL 2022. Conference on Thermo-and Fluid Dynamics of Clean Propulsion Powerplants

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    The THIESEL 2022. Conference on Thermo-and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines planned in Valencia (Spain) for 8th to 11th September 2020 has been successfully held in a virtual format, due to the COVID19 pandemic. In spite of the very tough environmental demands, combustion engines will probably remain the main propulsion system in transport for the next 20 to 50 years, at least for as long as alternative solutions cannot provide the flexibility expected by customers of the 21st century. But it needs to adapt to the new times, and so research in combustion engines is nowadays mostly focused on the new challenges posed by hybridization and downsizing. The topics presented in the papers of the conference include traditional ones, such as Injection & Sprays, Combustion, but also Alternative Fuels, as well as papers dedicated specifically to CO2 Reduction and Emissions Abatement.Papers stem from the Academic Research sector as well as from the IndustryXandra Marcelle, M.; Payri Marín, R.; Serrano Cruz, JR. (2022). THIESEL 2022. Conference on Thermo-and Fluid Dynamics of Clean Propulsion Powerplants. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thiesel.2022.632801EDITORIA