13 research outputs found

    Topomap: Topological Mapping and Navigation Based on Visual SLAM Maps

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    Visual robot navigation within large-scale, semi-structured environments deals with various challenges such as computation intensive path planning algorithms or insufficient knowledge about traversable spaces. Moreover, many state-of-the-art navigation approaches only operate locally instead of gaining a more conceptual understanding of the planning objective. This limits the complexity of tasks a robot can accomplish and makes it harder to deal with uncertainties that are present in the context of real-time robotics applications. In this work, we present Topomap, a framework which simplifies the navigation task by providing a map to the robot which is tailored for path planning use. This novel approach transforms a sparse feature-based map from a visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) system into a three-dimensional topological map. This is done in two steps. First, we extract occupancy information directly from the noisy sparse point cloud. Then, we create a set of convex free-space clusters, which are the vertices of the topological map. We show that this representation improves the efficiency of global planning, and we provide a complete derivation of our algorithm. Planning experiments on real world datasets demonstrate that we achieve similar performance as RRT* with significantly lower computation times and storage requirements. Finally, we test our algorithm on a mobile robotic platform to prove its advantages.Comment: 8 page

    Exploiting graph structure in Active SLAM

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    Aplicando análisis provenientes de la teoría de grafos, la teoría espectral de grafos, la exploración de grafos en línea, generamos un sistema de SLAM activo que incluye la planificación de rutas bajo incertidumbre, extracción de grafos topológicos de entornos y SLAM activo \'optimo.En la planificación de trayectorias bajo incertidumbre, incluimos el análisis de la probabilidad de asociación correcta de datos. Reconociendo la naturaleza estocástica de la incertidumbre, demostramos que planificar para minimizar su valor esperado es más fiable que los actuales algoritmos de planificación de trayectorias con incertidumbre.Considerando el entorno como un conjunto de regiones convexas conectadas podemos tratar la exploración robótica como una exploración de grafos en línea. Se garantiza una cobertura total si el robot visita cada región. La mayoría de los métodos para segmentar el entorno están basados en píxeles y no garantizan que las regiones resultantes sean convexas, además pocos son algoritmos incrementales. En base a esto, modificamos un algoritmo basado en contornos en el que el entorno se representa como un conjunto de polígonos que debe segmentarse en un conjunto de polígonos pseudo convexos. El resultado es un algoritmo de segmentación que produjo regiones pseudo-convexas, robustas al ruido, estables y que obtienen un gran rendimiento en los conjuntos de datos de pruebas.La calidad de un algoritmo se puede medir en términos de cuan cercano al óptimo está su rendimiento. Con esta motivación definimos la esencia de la tarea de exploración en SLAM activo donde las únicas variables son la distancia recorrida y la calidad de la reconstrucción. Restringiendo el dominio al grafo que representa el entorno y probando la relación entre la matriz asociada a la exploración y la asociada al grafo subyacente, podemos calcular la ruta de exploración óptima.A diferencia de la mayoría de la literatura en SLAM activo, proponemos que la heurística para la exploración de grafos consiste en atravesar cada arco una vez. Demostramos que el tipo de grafos resultantes tiene un gran rendimiento con respecto a la trayectoria \'optima, con resultados superiores al 97 \% del \'optimo en algunas medidas de calidad.El algoritmo de SLAM activo TIGRE integra el algoritmo de extracción de grafos propuesto con nuestra versión del algoritmo de exploración incremental que atraviesa cada arco una vez. Nuestro algoritmo se basa en una modificación del algoritmo clásico de Tarry para la búsqueda en laberintos que logra el l\'imite inferior en la aproximación para un algoritmo incremental. Probamos nuestro sistema incremental en un escenario de exploración típico y demostramos que logra un rendimiento similar a los métodos fuera de línea y también demostramos que incluso el método \'optimo que visita todos los nodos calculado fuera de línea tiene un peor rendimiento que el nuestro.<br /

    Semantic Localization and Mapping in Robot Vision

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    Integration of human semantics plays an increasing role in robotics tasks such as mapping, localization and detection. Increased use of semantics serves multiple purposes, including giving computers the ability to process and present data containing human meaningful concepts, allowing computers to employ human reasoning to accomplish tasks. This dissertation presents three solutions which incorporate semantics onto visual data in order to address these problems. First, on the problem of constructing topological maps from sequence of images. The proposed solution includes a novel image similarity score which uses dynamic programming to match images using both appearance and relative positions of local features simultaneously. An MRF is constructed to model the probability of loop-closures and a locally optimal labeling is found using Loopy-BP. The recovered loop closures are then used to generate a topological map. Results are presented on four urban sequences and one indoor sequence. The second system uses video and annotated maps to solve localization. Data association is achieved through detection of object classes, annotated in prior maps, rather than through detection of visual features. To avoid the caveats of object recognition, a new representation of query images is introduced consisting of a vector of detection scores for each object class. Using soft object detections, hypotheses about pose are refined through particle filtering. Experiments include both small office spaces, and a large open urban rail station with semantically ambiguous places. This approach showcases a representation that is both robust and can exploit the plethora of existing prior maps for GPS-denied environments while avoiding the data association problems encountered when matching point clouds or visual features. Finally, a purely vision-based approach for constructing semantic maps given camera pose and simple object exemplar images. Object response heatmaps are combined with known pose to back-project detection information onto the world. These update the world model, integrating information over time as the camera moves. The approach avoids making hard decisions on object recognition, and aggregates evidence about objects in the world coordinate system. These solutions simultaneously showcase the contribution of semantics in robotics and provide state of the art solutions to these fundamental problems

    Topological Mapping and Navigation in Real-World Environments

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    We introduce the Hierarchical Hybrid Spatial Semantic Hierarchy (H2SSH), a hybrid topological-metric map representation. The H2SSH provides a more scalable representation of both small and large structures in the world than existing topological map representations, providing natural descriptions of a hallway lined with offices as well as a cluster of buildings on a college campus. By considering the affordances in the environment, we identify a division of space into three distinct classes: path segments afford travel between places at their ends, decision points present a choice amongst incident path segments, and destinations typically exist at the start and end of routes. Constructing an H2SSH map of the environment requires understanding both its local and global structure. We present a place detection and classification algorithm to create a semantic map representation that parses the free space in the local environment into a set of discrete areas representing features like corridors, intersections, and offices. Using these areas, we introduce a new probabilistic topological simultaneous localization and mapping algorithm based on lazy evaluation to estimate a probability distribution over possible topological maps of the global environment. After construction, an H2SSH map provides the necessary representations for navigation through large-scale environments. The local semantic map provides a high-fidelity metric map suitable for motion planning in dynamic environments, while the global topological map is a graph-like map that allows for route planning using simple graph search algorithms. For navigation, we have integrated the H2SSH with Model Predictive Equilibrium Point Control (MPEPC) to provide safe and efficient motion planning for our robotic wheelchair, Vulcan. However, navigation in human environments entails more than safety and efficiency, as human behavior is further influenced by complex cultural and social norms. We show how social norms for moving along corridors and through intersections can be learned by observing how pedestrians around the robot behave. We then integrate these learned norms with MPEPC to create a socially-aware navigation algorithm, SA-MPEPC. Through real-world experiments, we show how SA-MPEPC improves not only Vulcan’s adherence to social norms, but the adherence of pedestrians interacting with Vulcan as well.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144014/1/collinej_1.pd

    Multi-robot deployment planning in communication-constrained environments

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    A lo largo de los últimos años se ha podido observar el aumento del uso de equipos de robots en tareas en las cuales es imposible o poco eficiente la intervención de los humanos, e incluso que implica un cierto grado de riesgo para una persona. Por ejemplo, monitorización de entornos de difícil acceso, como podrían ser túneles, minas, etc. Éste es el tema en el que se ha enfocado el trabajo realizado durante esta tesis: la planificación del despliegue de un equipo de agentes para la monitorización de entornos.La misión de los agentes es alcanzar unas localizaciones de interés y transmitirle la información observada a una estación base estática. Ante la ausencia de una infraestructura de comunicaciones, una transmisión directa a la base es imposible. Por tanto, los agentes se deben coordinar de manera autónoma, de modo que algunos de ellos alcancen los objetivos y otros realicen la función de repetidor para retransmitir la información.Nos hemos centrado en dos líneas de investigación principales, relacionadas con dos maneras del envío de la información a la estación base. En el primer enfoque, los agentes deben mantener un enlace de comunicación con la base en el momento de alcanzar los objetivos. Con el fin de, por ejemplo, poder interactuar desde la base con un robot que ha alcanzado el objetivo. Para ello hemos desarrollado un método que obtiene las posiciones óptimas para los agentes utilizados a modo de repetidor. A continuación, hemos implementado un método de planificación de caminos de modo que los agentes pudiesen navegar el máximo tiempo posible dentro de zonas con señal. Empleando conjuntamente ambos métodos, los agentes extienden el área de cobertura de la estación base, estableciendo un enlace de comunicación desde la misma hasta los objetivos marcados.Utilizando este método, el equipo es capaz de lidiar con variaciones del entorno si la comunicación entre los agentes no se pierde. Sin embargo, los eventos tan comunes e irrelevantes para los seres humanos, como el simple cierre de una puerta, pueden llegar a ser críticos para el equipo de robots. Ya que esto podría interrumpir la comunicación entre el equipo. Por ello, hemos propuesto un método distribuido para que el equipo sea capaz de reconectarse, formando una cadena hacia un objetivo, en escenarios donde haya variaciones con respecto al mapa inicial que poseían los robots.La segunda parte de la presente tesis se ha centrado en misiones de recopilación de datos de un entorno. Aquí la comunicación con la estación base, en el instante de alcanzar un objetivo, no es necesaria y a menudo imposible. Por tanto, en este tipo de escenarios, es más eficiente que algunos agentes, llamados trabajadores, recopilen datos del entorno, y otros, denominados colectores, reúnan la información de los que trabajan para periódicamente retransmitirla a la base. De este modo tan solo los colectores realizan largos viajes a la estación base, mientras que los trabajadores emplean la mayor parte de su tiempo exclusivamente a la recopilación de datos.Primero, hemos desarrollado dos métodos para la planificación de caminos para la sincronización entre los trabajadores y colectores. El primero, muestrea el espacio de manera aleatoria, para obtener una solución lo más rápido posible. El segundo, usando FMM, es más lento, pero obtiene soluciones óptimas.Finalmente, hemos propuesto una técnica global para la misión de recopilación de datos. Este método consiste en: encontrar el mejor balance entre la cantidad de trabajadores y colectores, la mejor división del escenario en áreas de trabajo para los trabajadores, la asociación de los trabajadores para transmitir los datos recopilados a los colectores o directamente a la estación base, así como los caminos de los colectores. El método propuesto trata de encontrar la mejor solución con el fin de entregar la mayor cantidad de datos y que el tiempo de "refresco" de los mismos sea el menor posible.<br /

    Recent Advances in Multi Robot Systems

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    To design a team of robots which is able to perform given tasks is a great concern of many members of robotics community. There are many problems left to be solved in order to have the fully functional robot team. Robotics community is trying hard to solve such problems (navigation, task allocation, communication, adaptation, control, ...). This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field. It is focused on the challenging issues of team architectures, vehicle learning and adaptation, heterogeneous group control and cooperation, task selection, dynamic autonomy, mixed initiative, and human and robot team interaction. The book consists of 16 chapters introducing both basic research and advanced developments. Topics covered include kinematics, dynamic analysis, accuracy, optimization design, modelling, simulation and control of multi robot systems

    Spatial representation for planning and executing robot behaviors in complex environments

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    Robots are already improving our well-being and productivity in different applications such as industry, health-care and indoor service applications. However, we are still far from developing (and releasing) a fully functional robotic agent that can autonomously survive in tasks that require human-level cognitive capabilities. Robotic systems on the market, in fact, are designed to address specific applications, and can only run pre-defined behaviors to robustly repeat few tasks (e.g., assembling objects parts, vacuum cleaning). They internal representation of the world is usually constrained to the task they are performing, and does not allows for generalization to other scenarios. Unfortunately, such a paradigm only apply to a very limited set of domains, where the environment can be assumed to be static, and its dynamics can be handled before deployment. Additionally, robots configured in this way will eventually fail if their "handcrafted'' representation of the environment does not match the external world. Hence, to enable more sophisticated cognitive skills, we investigate how to design robots to properly represent the environment and behave accordingly. To this end, we formalize a representation of the environment that enhances the robot spatial knowledge to explicitly include a representation of its own actions. Spatial knowledge constitutes the core of the robot understanding of the environment, however it is not sufficient to represent what the robot is capable to do in it. To overcome such a limitation, we formalize SK4R, a spatial knowledge representation for robots which enhances spatial knowledge with a novel and "functional" point of view that explicitly models robot actions. To this end, we exploit the concept of affordances, introduced to express opportunities (actions) that objects offer to an agent. To encode affordances within SK4R, we define the "affordance semantics" of actions that is used to annotate an environment, and to represent to which extent robot actions support goal-oriented behaviors. We demonstrate the benefits of a functional representation of the environment in multiple robotic scenarios that traverse and contribute different research topics relating to: robot knowledge representations, social robotics, multi-robot systems and robot learning and planning. We show how a domain-specific representation, that explicitly encodes affordance semantics, provides the robot with a more concrete understanding of the environment and of the effects that its actions have on it. The goal of our work is to design an agent that will no longer execute an action, because of mere pre-defined routine, rather, it will execute an actions because it "knows'' that the resulting state leads one step closer to success in its task

    Cloud-Enhanced Robotic System for Smart City Crowd Control

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    Cloud robotics in smart cities is an emerging paradigm that enables autonomous robotic agents to communicate and collaborate with a cloud computing infrastructure. It complements the Internet of Things (IoT) by creating an expanded network where robots offload data-intensive computation to the ubiquitous cloud to ensure quality of service (QoS). However, offloading for robots is significantly complex due to their unique characteristics of mobility, skill-learning, data collection, and decision-making capabilities. In this paper, a generic cloud robotics framework is proposed to realize smart city vision while taking into consideration its various complexities. Specifically, we present an integrated framework for a crowd control system where cloud-enhanced robots are deployed to perform necessary tasks. The task offloading is formulated as a constrained optimization problem capable of handling any task flow that can be characterized by a Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG).We consider two scenarios of minimizing energy and time, respectively, and develop a genetic algorithm (GA)-based approach to identify the optimal task offloading decisions. The performance comparison with two benchmarks shows that our GA scheme achieves desired energy and time performance. We also show the adaptability of our algorithm by varying the values for bandwidth and movement. The results suggest their impact on offloading. Finally, we present a multi-task flow optimal path sequence problem that highlights how the robot can plan its task completion via movements that expend the minimum energy. This integrates path planning with offloading for robotics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to evaluate cloud-based task offloading for a smart city crowd control system