7 research outputs found

    Model Komputasi Cerdas Proaktif untuk Monitoring Proyek-proyek Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Sistem Multiagen Otonomos

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    Model komputasi cerdas proaktif merupakan satu bagian penting dari pendekatan sistem kecerdasan buatan yang dapat diterapkan untuk persoalan yang bersifat dinamis dan terdistribusi. Termasuk untuk mendukung otomasisasi dari kegiatan manajemen proyek dalam sebuah perusahaan. Misalnyai untuk mengetahui secara otomatis dan realtime dari ketepatan ataupun ketidaksesuaian antara jadwal yang telah ditetapkan dibandingkan dengan pelaksanaan proyek. Pada makalah ini dikaji, didesain, dan dievaluasi sebuah model komputasi proaktif untuk monitoring pelaksanaan proyek-proyek berbasis agen cerdas. Metode prometheues digunakan untuk membangun prototip. Kode program dibangun dengan bahasa Jadex agen framework. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, agen-agen cerdas otonomos yang dibangun terlihat telah mampu menunjukkan kemampuan proaktif setiap saat untuk mencari dan menyajikan informasi monitoring proyek terhadap beberapa uji sampel data proyek teknologi informasi yang disimulasikan. Katakunci: komputasi proaktif, agen cerdas, monitoring proyek, proyek teknologi informasi

    Model Komputasi Cerdas Proaktif Untuk Monitoring Proyek-proyek Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Sistem Multiagen Otonomos

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    Model komputasi cerdas proaktif merupakan satu bagian penting dari pendekatan sistem kecerdasan buatan yang dapat diterapkan untuk persoalan yang bersifat dinamis dan terdistribusi. Termasuk untuk mendukung otomasisasi dari kegiatan manajemen proyek dalam sebuah Perusahaan. Misalnyai untuk mengetahui secara otomatis dan realtime dari ketepatan ataupun ketidaksesuaian antara jadwal yang telah ditetapkan dibandingkan dengan pelaksanaan proyek. Pada makalah ini dikaji, didesain, dan dievaluasi sebuah model komputasi proaktif untuk monitoring pelaksanaan proyek-proyek berbasis agen cerdas. Metode prometheues digunakan untuk membangun prototip. Kode program dibangun dengan bahasa Jadex agen framework. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, agen-agen cerdas otonomos yang dibangun terlihat telah mampu menunjukkan kemampuan proaktif setiap saat untuk mencari dan menyajikan informasi monitoring proyek terhadap beberapa uji sampel data proyek teknologi informasi yang disimulasikan. Katakunci: komputasi proaktif, agen cerdas, monitoring proyek, proyek teknologi informasi

    Incremental development of CBR strategies for computing project cost probabilities

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    10.1016/j.aei.2007.02.001Advanced Engineering Informatics213311-32

    A new stakeholder management framework for EPCM Projects: Analysis of approaches used by Australian and Chinese Project Managers in Africa

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    This research develops a new stakeholder management framework based on best practices of Australian and Chinese approaches in Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management projects in Africa. Managing stakeholders in EPCM projects in Africa are characterised by two distinct management approaches that can be broadly classified as Australian and Chinese models. The research combines the best practices of both to develop a new framework that helps project managers managing stakeholders in EPCM projects in Africa

    Data mining methodologies for supporting engineers during system identification

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    Data alone are worth almost nothing. While data collection is increasing exponentially worldwide, a clear distinction between retrieving data and obtaining knowledge has to be made. Data are retrieved while measuring phenomena or gathering facts. Knowledge refers to data patterns and trends that are useful for decision making. Data interpretation creates a challenge that is particularly present in system identification, where thousands of models may explain a given set of measurements. Manually interpreting such data is not reliable. One solution is to use data mining. This thesis thus proposes an integration of techniques from data mining, a field of research where the aim is to find knowledge from data, into an existing multiple-model system identification methodology. It is shown that, within a framework for decision support, data mining techniques constitute a valuable tool for engineers performing system identification. For example, clustering techniques group similar models together in order to guide subsequent decisions since they might indicate possible states of a structure. A main issue concerns the number of clusters, which, usually, is unknown. For determining the correct number of clusters in data and estimating the quality of a clustering algorithm, a score function is proposed. The score function is a reliable index for estimating the number of clusters in a given data set, thus increasing understanding of results. Furthermore, useful information for engineers who perform system identification is achieved through the use of feature selection techniques. They allow selection of relevant parameters that explain candidate models. The core algorithm is a feature selection strategy based on global search. In addition to providing information about the candidate model space, data mining is found to be a valuable tool for supporting decisions related to subsequent sensor placement. When integrated into a methodology for iterative sensor placement, clustering is found to provide useful support through providing a rational basis for decisions related to subsequent sensor placement on existing structures. Greedy and global search strategies should be selected according to the context. Experiments show that whereas global search is more efficient for initial sensor placement, a greedy strategy is more suitable for iterative sensor placement

    Epigenetic silencing of gene expression in paediatric astrocytoma

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.Brain tumours account for the most frequent type of solid tumours among children. Despite advances in surgery and chemotherapy, brain tumours are still the main cause of cancer deaths in children. Furthermore, little is known about DNA methylation changes in paediatric astrocytoma. Recent investigations suggest that many tumours are initiated not only by genetic abnormalities, but also caused by epigenetic changes. DNA methylation is a key epigenetic mechanism that controls the regulation of gene expression. Interestingly, unlike DNA mutations, epigenetic abnormalities are reversible. The reversibility of epigenetic abnormalities upon pharmacological unmasking has prompted interest in developing epigenetic therapy with the crucial goal of restoring the expression of aberrantly silenced genes. The focus of this study was to utilise a combination of different microarray strategies to develop an integrative candidate gene approach to identify several novel frequently methylated genes in a cohort of paediatric HGA (High grade glioma) samples. In addition, to investigate the potential of therapeutic efficacy of a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, 5-Aza-dC in paediatric HGA. There were 147 genes commonly identified to be potentially methylated in IN699 cells using the two different array strategies integration; re-expression array and Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450k array. Furthermore, using two complementary microarray strategies including methylation 450k array and expression array, this work identified 55 genes that were both methylated and under-expressed in these HGA cultures. Following validation with CoBRA and RT-PCR coupled with the response of hypermethylated promoters to the demethylating agent 5-Aza-dC, six novel genes (CXCL14, PRR5L, ELTD1, ITGA2, KRT8 and NTM) that are frequently silenced in paediatric astrocytoma were identified. This study suggests that re-expression of ii CXCL14 inhibited the colony formation and cell growth and reduces the migration rate significantly in IN699 short term culture and likely have functional significance in the development of paediatric HGA and an excellent candidate gene for further analysis. In parallel, the efficacy of 5-Aza-dC treatment was examined in paediatric HGA aiming to introduce this epigenetic therapy as a potential mechanism in management of this tumours. This study demonstrated that, relatively low dose of 5-Aza-dC sharply reduced the colony formation and inhibited proliferation and not through the apoptotic effect. It is likely that this reduction in proliferation without cell death is due to using relatively low doses that do not acutely kill cells, thus, allow the sustained alterations in both gene expression patterns and appearance of a new phenotype to emerge. Taken together, this work contributes to a more detailed understanding of the effect of epigenetic silencing on paediatric HGA. This investigation also demonstrated the use of epigenetic drug, 5-aza-dC to reverse the gene silencing for the potential treatment of paediatric HGA