5,664 research outputs found

    Graph Summarization

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    The continuous and rapid growth of highly interconnected datasets, which are both voluminous and complex, calls for the development of adequate processing and analytical techniques. One method for condensing and simplifying such datasets is graph summarization. It denotes a series of application-specific algorithms designed to transform graphs into more compact representations while preserving structural patterns, query answers, or specific property distributions. As this problem is common to several areas studying graph topologies, different approaches, such as clustering, compression, sampling, or influence detection, have been proposed, primarily based on statistical and optimization methods. The focus of our chapter is to pinpoint the main graph summarization methods, but especially to focus on the most recent approaches and novel research trends on this topic, not yet covered by previous surveys.Comment: To appear in the Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologie

    A Short Survey on Data Clustering Algorithms

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    With rapidly increasing data, clustering algorithms are important tools for data analytics in modern research. They have been successfully applied to a wide range of domains; for instance, bioinformatics, speech recognition, and financial analysis. Formally speaking, given a set of data instances, a clustering algorithm is expected to divide the set of data instances into the subsets which maximize the intra-subset similarity and inter-subset dissimilarity, where a similarity measure is defined beforehand. In this work, the state-of-the-arts clustering algorithms are reviewed from design concept to methodology; Different clustering paradigms are discussed. Advanced clustering algorithms are also discussed. After that, the existing clustering evaluation metrics are reviewed. A summary with future insights is provided at the end

    Automatically Selecting Parameters for Graph-Based Clustering

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    Data streams present a number of challenges, caused by change in stream concepts over time. In this thesis we present a novel method for detection of concept drift within data streams by analysing geometric features of the clustering algorithm, RepStream. Further, we present novel methods for automatically adjusting critical input parameters over time, and generating self-organising nearest-neighbour graphs, improving robustness and decreasing the need to domain-specific knowledge in the face of stream evolution

    Data stream mining techniques: a review

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    A plethora of infinite data is generated from the Internet and other information sources. Analyzing this massive data in real-time and extracting valuable knowledge using different mining applications platforms have been an area for research and industry as well. However, data stream mining has different challenges making it different from traditional data mining. Recently, many studies have addressed the concerns on massive data mining problems and proposed several techniques that produce impressive results. In this paper, we review real time clustering and classification mining techniques for data stream. We analyze the characteristics of data stream mining and discuss the challenges and research issues of data steam mining. Finally, we present some of the platforms for data stream mining

    Representative Points and Cluster Attributes Based Incremental Sequence Clustering Algorithm

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    In order to improve the execution time and clustering quality of sequence clustering algorithm in large-scale dynamic dataset, a novel algorithm RPCAISC (Representative Points and Cluster Attributes Based Incremental Sequence Clustering) was presented. In this paper, density factor is defined. The primary representative point that has a density factor less than the prescribed threshold will be deleted directly. New representative points can be reselected from non-representative points. Moreover, the representative points of each cluster are modeled using the K-nearest neighbor method. The definition of the relevant degree (RD) between clusters was also proposed. The RD is computed by comprehensively considering the correlations of objects within a cluster and between different clusters. Then, whether the two clusters need to merge is determined. Additionally, the cluster attributes of the initial clustering are retained with this process. By calculating the matching degree between the incremental sequence and the existing cluster attributes, dynamic sequence clustering can be achieved. The theoretic experimental results and analysis prove that RPCAISC has better correct rate of clustering results and execution efficiency

    Data Stream Clustering: Challenges and Issues

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    Very large databases are required to store massive amounts of data that are continuously inserted and queried. Analyzing huge data sets and extracting valuable pattern in many applications are interesting for researchers. We can identify two main groups of techniques for huge data bases mining. One group refers to streaming data and applies mining techniques whereas second group attempts to solve this problem directly with efficient algorithms. Recently many researchers have focused on data stream as an efficient strategy against huge data base mining instead of mining on entire data base. The main problem in data stream mining means evolving data is more difficult to detect in this techniques therefore unsupervised methods should be applied. However, clustering techniques can lead us to discover hidden information. In this survey, we try to clarify: first, the different problem definitions related to data stream clustering in general; second, the specific difficulties encountered in this field of research; third, the varying assumptions, heuristics, and intuitions forming the basis of different approaches; and how several prominent solutions tackle different problems. Index Terms- Data Stream, Clustering, K-Means, Concept driftComment: IMECS201

    슬라이딩 윈도우상의 빠른 점진적 밀도 기반 클러스터링

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부, 2022. 8. 문봉기.Given the prevalence of mobile and IoT devices, continuous clustering against streaming data has become an essential tool of increasing importance for data analytics. Among many clustering approaches, density-based clustering has garnered much attention due to its unique advantage that it can detect clusters of an arbitrary shape when noise exists. However, when the clusters need to be updated continuously along with an evolving input dataset, a relatively high computational cost is required. Particularly, deleting data points from the clusters causes severe performance degradation. In this dissertation, the performance limits of the incremental density-based clustering over sliding windows are addressed. Ultimately, two algorithms, DISC and DenForest, are proposed. The first algorithm DISC is an incremental density-based clustering algorithm that efficiently produces the same clustering results as DBSCAN over sliding windows. It focuses on redundancy issues that occur when updating clusters. When multiple data points are inserted or deleted individually, surrounding data points are explored and retrieved redundantly. DISC addresses these issues and improves the performance by updating multiple points in a batch. It also presents several optimization techniques. The second algorithm DenForest is an incremental density-based clustering algorithm that primarily focuses on the deletion process. Unlike previous methods that manage clusters as a graph, DenForest manages clusters as a group of spanning trees, which contributes to very efficient deletion performance. Moreover, it provides a batch-optimized technique to improve the insertion performance. To prove the effectiveness of the two algorithms, extensive evaluations were conducted, and it is demonstrated that DISC and DenForest outperform the state-of-the-art density-based clustering algorithms significantly.모바일 및 IoT 장치가 널리 보급됨에 따라 스트리밍 데이터상에서 지속적으로 클러스터링 작업을 수행하는 것은 데이터 분석에서 점점 더 중요해지는 필수 도구가 되었습니다. 많은 클러스터링 방법 중에서 밀도 기반 클러스터링은 노이즈가 존재할 때 임의의 모양의 클러스터를 감지할 수 있다는 고유한 장점을 가지고 있으며 이에 따라 많은 관심을 받았습니다. 그러나 밀도 기반 클러스터링은 변화하는 입력 데이터 셋에 따라 지속적으로 클러스터를 업데이트해야 하는 경우 비교적 높은 계산 비용이 필요합니다. 특히, 클러스터에서의 데이터 점들의 삭제는 심각한 성능 저하를 초래합니다. 본 박사 학위 논문에서는 슬라이딩 윈도우상의 밀도 기반 클러스터링의 성능 한계를 다루며 궁극적으로 두 가지 알고리즘을 제안합니다. 첫 번째 알고리즘인 DISC는 슬라이딩 윈도우상에서 DBSCAN과 동일한 클러스터링 결과를 찾는 점진적 밀도 기반 클러스터링 알고리즘입니다. 해당 알고리즘은 클러스터 업데이트 시에 발생하는 중복 문제들에 초점을 둡니다. 밀도 기반 클러스터링에서는 여러 데이터 점들을 개별적으로 삽입 혹은 삭제할 때 주변 점들을 불필요하게 중복적으로 탐색하고 회수합니다. DISC 는 배치 업데이트로 이 문제를 해결하여 성능을 향상시키며 여러 최적화 방법들을 제안합니다. 두 번째 알고리즘인 DenForest 는 삭제 과정에 초점을 둔 점진적 밀도 기반 클러스터링 알고리즘입니다. 클러스터를 그래프로 관리하는 이전 방법들과 달리 DenForest 는 클러스터를 신장 트리의 그룹으로 관리함으로써 효율적인 삭제 성능에 기여합니다. 나아가 배치 최적화 기법을 통해 삽입 성능 향상에도 기여합니다. 두 알고리즘의 효율성을 입증하기 위해 광범위한 평가를 수행하였으며 DISC 및 DenForest 는 최신의 밀도 기반 클러스터링 알고리즘들보다 뛰어난 성능을 보여주었습니다.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview of Dissertation 3 2 Related Works 7 2.1 Clustering 7 2.2 Density-Based Clustering for Static Datasets 8 2.2.1 Extension of DBSCAN 8 2.2.2 Approximation of Density-Based Clustering 9 2.2.3 Parallelization of Density-Based Clustering 10 2.3 Incremental Density-Based Clustering 10 2.3.1 Approximated Density-Based Clustering for Dynamic Datasets 11 2.4 Density-Based Clustering for Data Streams 11 2.4.1 Micro-clusters 12 2.4.2 Density-Based Clustering in Damped Window Model 12 2.4.3 Density-Based Clustering in Sliding Window Model 13 2.5 Non-Density-Based Clustering 14 2.5.1 Partitional Clustering and Hierarchical Clustering 14 2.5.2 Distribution-Based Clustering 15 2.5.3 High-Dimensional Data Clustering 15 2.5.4 Spectral Clustering 16 3 Background 17 3.1 DBSCAN 17 3.1.1 Reformulation of Density-Based Clustering 19 3.2 Incremental DBSCAN 20 3.3 Sliding Windows 22 3.3.1 Density-Based Clustering over Sliding Windows 23 3.3.2 Slow Deletion Problem 24 4 Avoiding Redundant Searches in Updating Clusters 26 4.1 The DISC Algorithm 27 4.1.1 Overview of DISC 27 4.1.2 COLLECT 29 4.1.3 CLUSTER 30 Splitting a Cluster 32 Merging Clusters 37 4.1.4 Horizontal Manner vs. Vertical Manner 38 4.2 Checking Reachability 39 4.2.1 Multi-Starter BFS 40 4.2.2 Epoch-Based Probing of R-tree Index 41 4.3 Updating Labels 43 5 Avoiding Graph Traversals in Updating Clusters 45 5.1 The DenForest Algorithm 46 5.1.1 Overview of DenForest 47 Supported Types of the Sliding Window Model 48 5.1.2 Nostalgic Core and Density-based Clusters 49 Cluster Membership of Border 51 5.1.3 DenTree 51 5.2 Operations of DenForest 54 5.2.1 Insertion 54 MST based on Link-Cut Tree 57 Time Complexity of Insert Operation 58 5.2.2 Deletion 59 Time Complexity of Delete Operation 61 5.2.3 Insertion/Deletion Examples 64 5.2.4 Cluster Membership 65 5.2.5 Batch-Optimized Update 65 5.3 Clustering Quality of DenForest 68 5.3.1 Clustering Quality for Static Data 68 5.3.2 Discussion 70 5.3.3 Replaceability 70 Nostalgic Cores and Density 71 Nostalgic Cores and Quality 72 5.3.4 1D Example 74 6 Evaluation 76 6.1 Real-World Datasets 76 6.2 Competing Methods 77 6.2.1 Exact Methods 77 6.2.2 Non-Exact Methods 77 6.3 Experimental Settings 78 6.4 Evaluation of DISC 78 6.4.1 Parameters 79 6.4.2 Baseline Evaluation 79 6.4.3 Drilled-Down Evaluation 82 Effects of Threshold Values 82 Insertions vs. Deletions 83 Range Searches 84 MS-BFS and Epoch-Based Probing 85 6.4.4 Comparison with Summarization/Approximation-Based Methods 86 6.5 Evaluation of DenForest 90 6.5.1 Parameters 90 6.5.2 Baseline Evaluation 91 6.5.3 Drilled-Down Evaluation 94 Varying Size of Window/Stride 94 Effect of Density and Distance Thresholds 95 Memory Usage 98 Clustering Quality over Sliding Windows 98 Clustering Quality under Various Density and Distance Thresholds 101 Relaxed Parameter Settings 102 6.5.4 Comparison with Summarization-Based Methods 102 7 Future Work: Extension to Varying/Relative Densities 105 8 Conclusion 107 Abstract (In Korean) 120박

    Clustering of nonstationary data streams: a survey of fuzzy partitional methods

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    YesData streams have arisen as a relevant research topic during the past decade. They are real‐time, incremental in nature, temporally ordered, massive, contain outliers, and the objects in a data stream may evolve over time (concept drift). Clustering is often one of the earliest and most important steps in the streaming data analysis workflow. A comprehensive literature is available about stream data clustering; however, less attention is devoted to the fuzzy clustering approach, even though the nonstationary nature of many data streams makes it especially appealing. This survey discusses relevant data stream clustering algorithms focusing mainly on fuzzy methods, including their treatment of outliers and concept drift and shift.Ministero dell‘Istruzione, dell‘Universitá e della Ricerca