24,072 research outputs found

    Dynamic Compression of in situ Grown Living Polymer Brush: Simulation and Experiment

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    A comparative dynamic Monte Carlo simulation study of polydisperse living polymer brushes, created by surface initiated living polymerization, and conventional polymer monodisperse brush, comprising linear polymer chains, grafted to a planar substrate under good solvent conditions, is presented. The living brush is created by end-monomer (de)polymerization reaction after placing an array of initiators on a grafting plane in contact with a solution of initially non-bonded segments (monomers). At equilibrium, the monomer density profile \phi(z) of the LPB is found to decline as \phi(z) ~ z^{-\alpha} with the distance from the grafting plane z, while the distribution of chain lengths in the brush scales as c(N) ~ N^{-\tau}. The measured values \alpha = 0.64 and \tau = 1.70 are very close to those, predicted within the framework of the Diffusion-Limited Aggregation theory, \alpha = 2/3 and \tau = 7/4. At varying mean degree of polymerization (from L = 28 to L = 170) and effective grafting density (from \sigma_g = 0.0625 to \sigma_g = 1.0), we observe a nearly perfect agreement in the force-distance behavior of the simulated LPB with own experimental data obtained from colloidal probe AFM analysis on PNIPAAm brush and with data obtained by Plunkett et. al., [Langmuir 2006, 22, 4259] from SFA measurements on same polymer

    The impact of alkyl chain purity on lipid based nucleic acid delivery systems – is the utilization of lipid components with technical grade justified?

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    The physicochemical properties and transfection efficacies of two samples of a cationic lipid have been investigated and compared in 2D (monolayers at the air/liquid interface) and 3D (aqueous bulk dispersions) model systems using different techniques. The samples differ only in their chain composition due to the purity of the oleylamine (chain precursor). Lipid 8 (using the oleylamine of technical grade for cost-efficient synthesis) shows lateral phase separation in the Langmuir layers. However, the amount of attached DNA, determined by IRRAS, is for both samples the same. In 3D systems, lipid 8 p forms cubic phases, which disappear after addition of DNA. At physiological temperatures, both lipids (alone and in mixture with cholesterol) assemble to lamellar aggregates and exhibit comparable DNA delivery efficiency. This study demonstrates that non-lamellar structures are not compulsory for high transfection rates. The results legitimate the utilization of oleyl chains of technical grade in the synthesis of cationic transfection lipid

    Structural analysis of Pt(1 1 1)c(√3 × 5)rect.–CO using photoelectron diffraction

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    Core level shift scanned-energy mode photoelectron diffraction using the two distinct components of the C 1s emission has been used to determine the structure of the Pt(1 1 1)c(√3 × 5)rect.–CO phase formed by 0.6 ML of adsorbed CO. The results confirm earlier assignments of these components to CO in atop and bridging sites, further confirm that the best structural model involves a 2:1 occupation ratio of these two sites, and provides quantitative structural parameter values. In particular the Pt–C chemisorption bondlengths for the atop and bridging sites are, respectively, 1.86 ± 0.02 Å and 2.02 ± 0.04 Å. These values are closely similar to those found in the 0.5 ML coverage c(4 × 2) phase, involving an atop:bridge occupation ratio of 1:1, obtained in earlier quantitative low energy electron diffraction studies. The results also indicate a clear tilt of the molecular axis of atop CO species in this compression phase, consistent with the finding of an earlier electron-stimulated desorption ion angular distribution investigatio

    Thermoplastic matrix composite processing model

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    The effects the processing parameters pressure, temperature, and time have on the quality of continuous graphite fiber reinforced thermoplastic matrix composites were quantitatively accessed by defining the extent to which intimate contact and bond formation has occurred at successive ply interfaces. Two models are presented predicting the extents to which the ply interfaces have achieved intimate contact and cohesive strength. The models are based on experimental observation of compression molded laminates and neat resin conditions, respectively. Identified as the mechanism explaining the phenomenon by which the plies bond to themselves is the theory of autohesion (or self diffusion). Theoretical predictions from the Reptation Theory between autohesive strength and contact time are used to explain the effects of the processing parameters on the observed experimental strengths. The application of a time-temperature relationship for autohesive strength predictions is evaluated. A viscoelastic compression molding model of a tow was developed to explain the phenomenon by which the prepreg ply interfaces develop intimate contact

    Tuning ubiquinone position in biomimetic monolayer membranes

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    Artificial lipid bilayers have been extensively studied as models that mimic natural membranes (biomimetic membranes). Several attempts of biomimetic membranes inserting ubiquinone (UQ) have been performed to enlighten which the position of UQ in the lipid layer is, although obtaining contradictory results. In this work, pure components (DPPC and UQ) and DPPC:UQ mixtures have been studied using surface pressure-area isotherms and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of the same compounds have been transferred onto solid substrates being topographically characterized on mica using atomic force microscopy and electrochemically on indium tin oxide slides. DPPC:UQ mixtures present less solid-like physical state than pure DPPC indicating a higher-order degree for the latter. UQ influences considerably DPPC during the fluid state, but it is mainly expelled after the phase transition at ˜˜ 26 mN·m^-1 for the 5:1 ratio and at ˜˜ 21 mN·m^-1 for lower UQ content. The thermodynamic studies confirm the stability of the DPPC:UQ mixtures before that event, although presenting a non-ideal behaviour. The results indicate that UQ position can be tuned by means of the surface pressure applied to obtain LB films and the UQ initial content. The UQ positions in the biomimetic membrane are distinguished by their formal potential: UQ located in “diving” position with the UQ placed in the DPPC matrix in direct contact with the electrode surface ( -0.04±0.02 V), inserted between lipid chains without contact to the substrate ( 0.00±0.01 V) and parallel to the substrate, above the lipid chains ( 0.09±0.02 V).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
