30 research outputs found

    Southern Ocean warming: Increase in basal melting and grounded ice loss

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    We apply a global finite element sea ice/ice shelf/ocean model (FESOM) to the Antarctic marginal seas to analyze projections of ice shelf basal melting in a warmer climate. The model is forced with the atmospheric output from two climate models: (1) the Hadley Centre Climate Model (HadCM3) and (2) Max Planck Instituteā€™s ECHAM5/MPI-OM. Results from their 20th-century simulations are used to evaluate the modeled present-day ocean state. Sea-ice coverage is largely realistic in both simulations. Modeled ice shelf basal melt rates compare well with observations in both cases, but are consistently smaller for ECHAM5/MPI-OM. Projections for future ice shelf basal melting are computed using atmospheric output for IPCC scenarios E1 and A1B. While trends in sea ice coverage, ocean heat content, and ice shelf basal melting are small in simulations forced with ECHAM5 data, a substantial shift towards a warmer regime is found in experiments forced with HadCM3 output. A strong sensitivity of basal melting to increased ocean temperatures is found for the ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea. For the cold-water ice shelves in the Ross and Weddell Seas,decreasing convection on the continental shelf in the HadCM3 scenarios leads to an erosion of the continental slope front and to warm water of open ocean origin entering the continental shelf. As this water reaches deep into the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf (FRIS) cavity, basal melting increases by a factor of three to six compared to the present value of about 100 Gt/yr. Highest melt rates at the deep FRIS grounding line causes a retreat of > 200km, equivalent to an land ice loss of 110 Gt/yr

    Modelling ice dynamic contributions to sea level rise from the Antarctic Peninsula

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    The future ice dynamical contribution to sea-level rise (SLR) from 210 ice shelf nourishing drainage basins of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS) is simulated, using the British Antarctic Survey Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet Model. Simulations of the grounded ice sheet include response to ice-shelf collapse, estimated by tracking thermal ice shelf viability limits in 14 IPCC Global Climate Model ensemble temperature projections. Grounding line retreat in response to ice shelf collapse is parameterized with a new multivariate linear regression model utilizing a range of glaciological and geometric predictor variables. Multi-model means project SLR up to 9.4 mm sea-level equivalent (SLE) by 2200, and up to 19 mm SLE by 2300. Rates of SLR from individual drainage basins throughout the peninsula are similar to 2100, yet diverge between 2100 and 2300 due to individual basin characteristics. Major contributors to SLR are the outlet glaciers feeding southern George VI Ice Shelf, accounting for >75% of total SLR in some model runs. Ice sheet thinning induced by ice-shelf removal is large (up to āˆ¼500 m), especially in Palmer Land in the Southern Antarctic Peninsula, and may propagate as far as 135 km inland. These results emphasize the importance of the ice dynamical contribution to future sea level of the APIS on decadal to centennial timescales

    Speedup and fracturing of George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula

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    George VI Ice Shelf (GVIIS) is located on the Antarctic Peninsula, a region where several ice shelves have undergone rapid breakup in response to atmospheric and oceanic warming. We use a combination of optical (Landsat), radar (ERS 1/2 SAR) and laser altimetry (GLAS) datasets to examine the response of GVIIS to environmental change and to offer an assessment on its future stability. The spatial and structural changes of GVIIS (ca. 1973 to ca. 2010) are mapped and surface velocities are calculated at different time periods (InSAR and optical feature tracking from 1989 to 2009) to document changes in the ice shelf's flow regime. Surface elevation changes are recorded between 2003 and 2008 using repeat track ICESat acquisitions. We note an increase in fracture extent and distribution at the south ice front, ice-shelf acceleration towards both the north and south ice fronts and spatially varied negative surface elevation change throughout, with greater variations observed towards the central and southern regions of the ice shelf. We propose that whilst GVIIS is in no imminent danger of collapse, it is vulnerable to ongoing atmospheric and oceanic warming and is more susceptible to breakup along its southern margin in ice preconditioned for further retreat

    Modelling ice dynamic sea-level rise from the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet

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    The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) has been one of the most rapidly warming regions on this planet. This warming has been accompanied by major glaciological changes such as tidewater glacier retreat, ice-shelf retreat and collapse alongside acceleration of outlet glaciers in response to ice-shelf removal. As faster owing glaciers deliver more ice from the ice sheet's interior to the margins, the AP has been identified as an important contributor to global sea-level rise (SLR). However, comprehensible SLR projections of the AP induced by ice dynamics over the next three centuries are still lacking. In this thesis, numerical ice-sheet models are utilised to present scenario-based ice dynamic SLR projections for the AP

    Quantifying Antarctic icebergs and their melting in the ocean.

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    From the Antarctic Ice Sheet calves every year into the Southern Ocean, an average of 2000 km3 of icebergs. The meltwater is spread over a large area in the Southern Ocean but the large temporal variability in iceberg calving and the clustering of iceberg distribution means that meltwater injection can be locally very high. This study quantifies iceberg distribution, movement and melting using remote sensing observations and modelling. Icebergs were detected and tracked on Synthetic Aperture Radar images using a new computer-based iceberg detection method. The method allows an efficient and systematic processing of large volumes of SAR images, necessary to build a climatology of icebergs in the Southern Ocean. Tests were conducted using ground data from a field campaign and against manual image classification. The method was applied to several SAR image collections, namely the RADARS AT RAMP mosaic for the totality of coastal Antarctica, providing the first picture of iceberg distribution over such a large area. Giant icebergs (icebergs above 100 km2 in area) were shown to carry over half the total mass of the Antarctic iceberg population. Estimates of the spatial distribution of giant iceberg melting over the ocean were made using observed tracks and modelling the melting and spreading along its path. The modelling of basal melting was tested using ICESat laser altimetry to measure the reduction in the freeboard of three giant icebergs in the Ross. The distribution of meltwater for giant icebergs was combined with an existing simulation of meltwater distribution from smaller icebergs to produce the first map of total iceberg meltwater for the Southern Ocean. The iceberg contribution to the freshwater flux is shown to be relevant to both the Weddell Sea and the Southern Ocean south of the Polar Front

    Long-term observations of terminus position change, structural glaciology and velocity at Ninnis Glacier, George V Land, East Antarctica (1963-2021)

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    Over the last four decades, some major East Antarctic outlet glaciers have undergone rates of retreat, thinning and acceleration in response to ocean-climatic forcing. However, some major East Antarctic outlet glaciers remain unstudied in the recent past. Ninnis Glacier is one East Antarctic outlet glacier that is potentially vulnerable to future ocean-climate change and requires monitoring. This thesis quantifies and analyses long-term (1963-2021) changes in terminus position, structural glaciology and velocity at Ninnis Glacier. The results of this study show that Ninnis underwent three major calving events (in 1972-1974, 1998 and 2018), characterised by a 20ā€“25-year periodicity and indicative of a naturally occurring cycle. Each respective calving event created a large-scale tabular iceberg and formed a new terminus position at similar locations up-ice relative to Ninnisā€™ 1992 grounding line position. The major calving events in 1998 and 2018 were controlled by the development of a central rift system that appears in the same location on Ninnisā€™ tongue, reinforcing the notion of a predictable calving cycle. Ice flow velocity trends before the 2018 calving event (2017-2018) revealed no discernible change in velocity immediately up-ice (+0.2 %) and down-ice (>0 %) of the 1992 grounding line, suggesting that rifting took place within a ā€˜passiveā€™ sector of Ninnisā€™ ice tongue. Between 2018 and 2021, Ninnis underwent a pervasive deceleration up-ice (-2.1 %) and down-ice (-1.4 %) of the 1992 grounding line and on the distal ice tongue (-18.7 %). This indicated that the 2018 calving event did not result in the loss of dynamically important ice. Although Ninnis has previously been deemed a sector at risk of retreat, it is concluded that Ninnis is not currently undergoing Marine Ice Sheet Instability and is not currently sensitive to external forcing. This is consistent with low basal melt rates, negligible grounding line retreat and low thermal forcing temperatures in the coastal waters observed at Ninnis