90 research outputs found

    On the Closest Vector Problem with a Distance Guarantee

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    We present a substantially more efficient variant, both in terms of running time and size of preprocessing advice, of the algorithm by Liu, Lyubashevsky, and Micciancio for solving CVPP (the preprocessing version of the Closest Vector Problem, CVP) with a distance guarantee. For instance, for any α<1/2\alpha < 1/2, our algorithm finds the (unique) closest lattice point for any target point whose distance from the lattice is at most α\alpha times the length of the shortest nonzero lattice vector, requires as preprocessing advice only NO~(nexp(α2n/(12α)2))N \approx \widetilde{O}(n \exp(\alpha^2 n /(1-2\alpha)^2)) vectors, and runs in time O~(nN)\widetilde{O}(nN). As our second main contribution, we present reductions showing that it suffices to solve CVP, both in its plain and preprocessing versions, when the input target point is within some bounded distance of the lattice. The reductions are based on ideas due to Kannan and a recent sparsification technique due to Dadush and Kun. Combining our reductions with the LLM algorithm gives an approximation factor of O(n/logn)O(n/\sqrt{\log n}) for search CVPP, improving on the previous best of O(n1.5)O(n^{1.5}) due to Lagarias, Lenstra, and Schnorr. When combined with our improved algorithm we obtain, somewhat surprisingly, that only O(n) vectors of preprocessing advice are sufficient to solve CVPP with (the only slightly worse) approximation factor of O(n).Comment: An early version of the paper was titled "On Bounded Distance Decoding and the Closest Vector Problem with Preprocessing". Conference on Computational Complexity (2014

    Parameterized Intractability of Even Set and Shortest Vector Problem from Gap-ETH

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    The k-Even Set problem is a parameterized variant of the Minimum Distance Problem of linear codes over F_2, which can be stated as follows: given a generator matrix A and an integer k, determine whether the code generated by A has distance at most k. Here, k is the parameter of the problem. The question of whether k-Even Set is fixed parameter tractable (FPT) has been repeatedly raised in literature and has earned its place in Downey and Fellows\u27 book (2013) as one of the "most infamous" open problems in the field of Parameterized Complexity. In this work, we show that k-Even Set does not admit FPT algorithms under the (randomized) Gap Exponential Time Hypothesis (Gap-ETH) [Dinur\u2716, Manurangsi-Raghavendra\u2716]. In fact, our result rules out not only exact FPT algorithms, but also any constant factor FPT approximation algorithms for the problem. Furthermore, our result holds even under the following weaker assumption, which is also known as the Parameterized Inapproximability Hypothesis (PIH) [Lokshtanov et al.\u2717]: no (randomized) FPT algorithm can distinguish a satisfiable 2CSP instance from one which is only 0.99-satisfiable (where the parameter is the number of variables). We also consider the parameterized k-Shortest Vector Problem (SVP), in which we are given a lattice whose basis vectors are integral and an integer k, and the goal is to determine whether the norm of the shortest vector (in the l_p norm for some fixed p) is at most k. Similar to k-Even Set, this problem is also a long-standing open problem in the field of Parameterized Complexity. We show that, for any p > 1, k-SVP is hard to approximate (in FPT time) to some constant factor, assuming PIH. Furthermore, for the case of p = 2, the inapproximability factor can be amplified to any constant

    Hardness of Bounded Distance Decoding on Lattices in ?_p Norms

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    Bounded Distance Decoding BDD_{p,?} is the problem of decoding a lattice when the target point is promised to be within an ? factor of the minimum distance of the lattice, in the ?_p norm. We prove that BDD_{p, ?} is NP-hard under randomized reductions where ? ? 1/2 as p ? ? (and for ? = 1/2 when p = ?), thereby showing the hardness of decoding for distances approaching the unique-decoding radius for large p. We also show fine-grained hardness for BDD_{p,?}. For example, we prove that for all p ? [1,?) ? 2? and constants C > 1, ? > 0, there is no 2^((1-?)n/C)-time algorithm for BDD_{p,?} for some constant ? (which approaches 1/2 as p ? ?), assuming the randomized Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). Moreover, essentially all of our results also hold (under analogous non-uniform assumptions) for BDD with preprocessing, in which unbounded precomputation can be applied to the lattice before the target is available. Compared to prior work on the hardness of BDD_{p,?} by Liu, Lyubashevsky, and Micciancio (APPROX-RANDOM 2008), our results improve the values of ? for which the problem is known to be NP-hard for all p > p? ? 4.2773, and give the very first fine-grained hardness for BDD (in any norm). Our reductions rely on a special family of "locally dense" lattices in ?_p norms, which we construct by modifying the integer-lattice sparsification technique of Aggarwal and Stephens-Davidowitz (STOC 2018)

    Constant Approximation for kk-Median and kk-Means with Outliers via Iterative Rounding

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    In this paper, we present a new iterative rounding framework for many clustering problems. Using this, we obtain an (α1+ϵ7.081+ϵ)(\alpha_1 + \epsilon \leq 7.081 + \epsilon)-approximation algorithm for kk-median with outliers, greatly improving upon the large implicit constant approximation ratio of Chen [Chen, SODA 2018]. For kk-means with outliers, we give an (α2+ϵ53.002+ϵ)(\alpha_2+\epsilon \leq 53.002 + \epsilon)-approximation, which is the first O(1)O(1)-approximation for this problem. The iterative algorithm framework is very versatile; we show how it can be used to give α1\alpha_1- and (α1+ϵ)(\alpha_1 + \epsilon)-approximation algorithms for matroid and knapsack median problems respectively, improving upon the previous best approximations ratios of 88 [Swamy, ACM Trans. Algorithms] and 17.4617.46 [Byrka et al, ESA 2015]. The natural LP relaxation for the kk-median/kk-means with outliers problem has an unbounded integrality gap. In spite of this negative result, our iterative rounding framework shows that we can round an LP solution to an almost-integral solution of small cost, in which we have at most two fractionally open facilities. Thus, the LP integrality gap arises due to the gap between almost-integral and fully-integral solutions. Then, using a pre-processing procedure, we show how to convert an almost-integral solution to a fully-integral solution losing only a constant-factor in the approximation ratio. By further using a sparsification technique, the additive factor loss incurred by the conversion can be reduced to any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0

    Parameterized Intractability of Even Set and Shortest Vector Problem

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    The -Even Set problem is a parameterized variant of the Minimum Distance Problem of linear codes over , which can be stated as follows: given a generator matrix and an integer , determine whether the code generated by has distance at most , or, in other words, whether there is a nonzero vector such that has at most nonzero coordinates. The question of whether -Even Set is fixed parameter tractable (FPT) parameterized by the distance has been repeatedly raised in the literature; in fact, it is one of the few remaining open questions from the seminal book of Downey and Fellows [1999]. In this work, we show that -Even Set is W[1]-hard under randomized reductions. We also consider the parameterized -Shortest Vector Problem (SVP), in which we are given a lattice whose basis vectors are integral and an integer , and the goal is to determine whether the norm of the shortest vector (in the norm for some fixed ) is at most . Similar to -Even Set, understanding the complexity of this problem is also a long-standing open question in the field of Parameterized Complexity. We show that, for any , -SVP is W[1]-hard to approximate (under randomized reductions) to some constant factor

    Algoritmos de aproximação para problemas de alocação de instalações e outros problemas de cadeia de fornecimento

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    Orientadores: Flávio Keidi Miyazawa, Maxim SviridenkoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O resumo poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digitalAbstract: The abstract is available with the full electronic documentDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Short Paths on the Voronoi Graph and Closest Vector Problem with Preprocessing

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    Improving on the Voronoi cell based techniques of [28, 24], we give a Las Vegas eO (2n) expected time and space algo- rithm for CVPP (the preprocessing version of the Closest Vector Problem, CVP). This improves on the eO (4n) deter- ministic runtime of the Micciancio Voulgaris algorithm [24] (henceforth MV) for CVPP 1 at the cost of a polynomial amount of randomness (which only aects runtime, not cor- rectness). As in MV, our algorithm proceeds by computing a short path on the Voronoi graph of the lattice, where lattice points are adjacent if their Voronoi cells share a common facet, from the origin to a closest lattice vector. Our main technical contribution is a randomized procedure that, given the Voronoi relevant vectors of a lattice { the lattice vectors inducing facets of the Voronoi cell { as preprocessing, and any \close enough" lattice point to the target, computes a path to a closest lattice vector of expected polynomial size. This improves on the eO (2n) path length given by the MV algorithm. Furthermore, as in MV, each edge of the path can be computed using a single iteration over the Voronoi relevant vectors. As a byproduct of our work, we also give an optimal relationship between geometric and path distance on the Voronoi graph, which we believe to be of independent interest