218 research outputs found

    A web services based framework for efficient monitoring and event reporting.

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    Network and Service Management (NSM) is a research discipline with significant research contributions the last 25 years. Despite the numerous standardised solutions that have been proposed for NSM, the quest for an "all encompassing technology" still continues. A new technology introduced lately to address NSM problems is Web Services (WS). Despite the research effort put into WS and their potential for addressing NSM objectives, there are efficiency, interoperability, etc issues that need to be solved before using WS for NSM. This thesis looks at two techniques to increase the efficiency of WS management applications so that the latter can be used for efficient monitoring and event reporting. The first is a query tool we built that can be used for efficient retrieval of management state data close to the devices where they are hosted. The second technique is policies used to delegate a number of tasks from a manager to an agent to make WS-based event reporting systems more efficient. We tested the performance of these mechanisms by incorporating them in a custom monitoring and event reporting framework and supporting systems we have built, against other similar mechanisms (XPath) that have been proposed for the same tasks, as well as previous technologies such as SNMP. Through these tests we have shown that these mechanisms are capable of allowing us to use WS efficiently in various monitoring and event reporting scenarios. Having shown the potential of our techniques we also present the design and implementation challenges for building a GUI tool to support and enhance the above systems with extra capabilities. In summary, we expect that other problems WS face will be solved in the near future, making WS a capable platform for it to be used for NSM

    Distributed control of reconfigurable mobile network agents for resource coordination

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.Considering the tremendous growth of internet applications and network resource federation proposed towards future open access network (FOAN), the need to analyze the robustness of the classical signalling mechanisms across multiple network operators cannot be over-emphasized. It is envisaged, there will be additional challenges in meeting the bandwidth requirements and network management...The first objective of this project is to describe the networking environment based on the support for heterogeneity of network components..

    Web-Based Network Device Monitoring Tool Using Simple Network Management Protocol (Snmp)

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    The Internet enables different computer networks to join together into one network in which many different models of network devices can co-exist with each other. Standard management protocol is necessary for the purpose of managing these networks. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), one of the standard protocols, is designed for this open-class management function and is successfully implemented. This thesis suggests a monitoring of network device statistical data from a remote place. This approach reduced the complexity of existing techniques, which are basically operable in specific operating system and having no standard Graphical User Interface (GUI). To address this problem, a system based on WWW standard tool is developed which is SNMP compatible as well as operable with any network device. The network device monitoring tool is a client program, which is managed and could be contacted with the server program. A web server and a browser are to provide static, dynamic, and interactive management information. A web server, which plays a managing role, offers a variety of types of information. An SNMP agent, which cooperates with a web server, uses SNMP protocol and provides access to management information of network devices/agents. The implementation of the user interface using the web-based technique of Java Applet makes it possible for a manager to easily search and manage agent Management Information Base (Mill) through a browser. Java SNMP class files and SNMP Applet Server (SAS) classes are used inside the Web-server to communicate with network devices. The network device monitoring tool is configured to collect network statistical data. It can monitor the real time graph on the basis of MIB variable from remote place and shows more efficient than the existing tool

    Non-Intrusive Measurement in Packet Networks and its Applications

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    PhDNetwork measurementis becoming increasingly important as a meanst o assesst he performanceo f packet networks. Network performance can involve different aspects such as availability, link failure detection etc, but in this thesis, we will focus on Quality of Service (QoS). Among the metrics used to define QoS, we are particularly interested in end-to-end delay performance. Recently, the adoption of Service Level Agreements (SLA) between network operators and their customersh as becomea major driving force behind QoS measurementm: easurementi s necessaryt o produce evidence of fulfilment of the requirements specified in the SLA. Many attempts to do QoS based packet level measurement have been based on Active Measurement, in which the properties of the end-to-end path are tested by adding testing packets generated from the sending end. The main drawback of active probing is its intrusive nature which causes extraburden on the network, and has been shown to distort the measured condition of the network. The other category of network measurement is known as Passive Measurement. In contrast to Active Measurement, there are no testing packets injected into the network, therefore no intrusion is caused. The proposed applications using Passive Measurement are currently quite limited. But Passive Measurement may offer the potential for an entirely different perspective compared with Active Measurements In this thesis, the objective is to develop a measurement methodology for the end-to-end delay performance based on Passive Measurement. We assume that the nodes in a network domain are accessible.F or example, a network domain operatedb y a single network operator. The novel idea is to estimate the local per-hop delay distribution based on a hybrid approach (model and measurement-based)W. ith this approach,t he storagem easurementd ata requirement can be greatly alleviated and the overhead put in each local node can be minimized, so maintaining the fast switching operation in a local switcher or router. Per-hop delay distributions have been widely used to infer QoS at a single local node. However, the end-to-end delay distribution is more appropriate when quantifying delays across an end-to-end path. Our approach is to capture every local node's delay distribution, and then the end-to-end delay distribution can be obtained by convolving the estimated delay distributions. In this thesis, our algorithm is examined by comparing the proximity of the actual end-to-end delay distribution with the estimated one obtained by our measurement method under various conditions. e. g. in the presence of Markovian or Power-law traffic. Furthermore, the comparison between Active Measurement and our scheme is also studied. 2 Network operators may find our scheme useful when measuring the end-to-end delay performance. As stated earlier, our scheme has no intrusive effect. Furthermore, the measurement result in the local node can be re-usable to deduce other paths' end-to-end delay behaviour as long as this local node is included in the path. Thus our scheme is more scalable compared with active probing

    Software Defined Applications in Cellular and Optical Networks

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    abstract: Small wireless cells have the potential to overcome bottlenecks in wireless access through the sharing of spectrum resources. A novel access backhaul network architecture based on a Smart Gateway (Sm-GW) between the small cell base stations, e.g., LTE eNBs, and the conventional backhaul gateways, e.g., LTE Servicing/Packet Gateways (S/P-GWs) has been introduced to address the bottleneck. The Sm-GW flexibly schedules uplink transmissions for the eNBs. Based on software defined networking (SDN) a management mechanism that allows multiple operator to flexibly inter-operate via multiple Sm-GWs with a multitude of small cells has been proposed. This dissertation also comprehensively survey the studies that examine the SDN paradigm in optical networks. Along with the PHY functional split improvements, the performance of Distributed Converged Cable Access Platform (DCCAP) in the cable architectures especially for the Remote-PHY and Remote-MACPHY nodes has been evaluated. In the PHY functional split, in addition to the re-use of infrastructure with a common FFT module for multiple technologies, a novel cross functional split interaction to cache the repetitive QAM symbols across time at the remote node to reduce the transmission rate requirement of the fronthaul link has been proposed.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Propuesta De Diseño De Red De Datos Para La Empresa Bata En El Distrito De Miraflores

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    El proyecto tiene como objetivo diseñar un “Modelo de Red de Datos” como apoyo a las dependencias administrativas de la Empresa BATA, y la necesidad de aplicar políticas de seguridad y administración a todos los usuarios de la red LAN, lo cual resulta una tarea compleja en la tecnología actual pero se puede resolver aplicando diversas tecnologías y equipos de red ideales para el diseño que se quiere lograr, el presente modelo de red se propone para cumplir con los requerimientos de la Empresa en cuanto a Costo y Fidelidad. En la actualidad la necesidad de las empresas de contar con un diseño de Red confiable, seguro y eficiente para la transmisión de datos es un tema de mucha importancia debido a que las empresas requieren la interconectividad de todos sus dispositivos de red dentro de un determinado lugar y también al exterior a través de Internet, teniendo más facilidades y beneficios para la empresa. La estructura que hemos seguido en este proyecto se compone de 3 capítulos. El Primer Capítulo comprende el Planteamiento del Problema, el Segundo Capítulo el Desarrollo del marco teórico y el tercer capítulo corresponde al desarrollo del Proyecto.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    An Open Management and Administration Platform for IEEE 802.11 Networks

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    The deployment of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) has greatly increased in past years. Due to the large deployment of the WLAN, the immediate need of management platforms has been recognized, which has a significant impact on the performance of a WLAN. Although there are various vendor-specific and proprietary solutions available in the market to cope with the management of wireless LAN, they have problems in interoperability and compatibility. To address this issues, IETF has come up with the interoperability standard of management of WLANs devices, Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) protocol, which is still in the draft phase. Commercial implementation of this draft protocol from WLAN equipment vendors is rather expensive. Open source community, therefore, tried to provide free management solutions. An open source project called openCAPWAP was initiated. However, it lacks a graphic user interface that makes it hard to implement for novice network administrators or regular customers. Therefore, the researcher designed and developed a web interface framework that encapsulates openCAPWAP at the bottom to provide user-friendly management experience. This application platform was designed to work with any remote web server in the public domain through which it can connect to access points or access controllers through a secure shell to configure them. This open platform is purely open source-based. It is operating system independent: it can be implemented on any open source environment such as regular Linux operating system or embedded operation system small form factor single board computers. The platform was designed and tested in a laboratory environment and a remote system. This development contributes to network administration in both network planning and operational management of the WLAN networks