4 research outputs found

    Scalable Semantic Access to Siemens Static and Streaming Distributed Data

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    Abstract. Numerous analytical tasks in industry rely on data integration solutions since they require data from multiple static and streaming data sources. In the context of the Optique project we have investigated how Semantic Technologies can enhance data integration and thus facilitate further data analysis. We introduced the notion Ontology-Based Stream-Static Data Integration and developed the system Optique to put our ideas in practice. In this demo we will show how Optique can help in diagnostics of power generating turbines in Siemens Energy. For this purpose we prepared anonymised streaming and static data from 950 Siemens power generating turbines with more than 100,000 sensors and deployed Optique on distributed environments with 128 nodes. The demo attendees will be able to see do diagnostics of turbines by registering and monitoring continuous queries that combine streaming and static data; to test scalability of our devoted stream management system that is able to process up to 1024 concurrent complex diagnostic queries with a 10 TB/day throughput; and to deploy Optique over Siemens demo data using our devoted interactive system to create abstraction semantic layers over data sources

    Algorithm for the detection of outliers based on the theory of rough sets

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    Outliers are objects that show abnormal behavior with respect to their context or that have unexpected values in some of their parameters. In decision-making processes, information quality is of the utmost importance. In specific applications, an outlying data element may represent an important deviation in a production process or a damaged sensor. Therefore, the ability to detect these elements could make the difference between making a correct and an incorrect decision. This task is complicated by the large sizes of typical databases. Due to their importance in search processes in large volumes of data, researchers pay special attention to the development of efficient outlier detection techniques. This article presents a computationally efficient algorithm for the detection of outliers in large volumes of information. This proposal is based on an extension of the mathematical framework upon which the basic theory of detection of outliers, founded on Rough Set Theory, has been constructed. From this starting point, current problems are analyzed; a detection method is proposed, along with a computational algorithm that allows the performance of outlier detection tasks with an almost-linear complexity. To illustrate its viability, the results of the application of the outlier-detection algorithm to the concrete example of a large database are presented.This work was performed as part of the Smart University Project (SmartUniversity2014) financed by the University of Alicante

    In-network approximate computation of outliers with quality guarantees

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    Summarization: Wireless sensor networks are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of applications. Users are frequently faced with the surprising discovery that readings produced by the sensing elements of their motes are often contaminated with outliers. Outlier readings can severely affect applications that rely on timely and reliable sensory data in order to provide the desired functionality. As a consequence, there is a recent trend to explore how techniques that identify outlier values based on their similarity to other readings in the network can be applied to sensory data cleaning. Unfortunately, most of these approaches incur an overwhelming communication overhead, which limits their practicality. In this paper we introduce an in-network outlier detection framework, based on locality sensitive hashing, extended with a novel boosting process as well as efficient load balancing and comparison pruning mechanisms. Our method trades off bandwidth for accuracy in a straightforward manner and supports many intuitive similarity metrics. Our experiments demonstrate that our framework can reliably identify outlier readings using a fraction of the bandwidth and energy that would otherwise be required.Presented on: Information System