8,413 research outputs found

    In Vivo Monitoring of Adult Neurogenesis in Health and Disease

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    Adult neurogenesis, i.e., the generation of new neurons in the adult brain, presents an enormous potential for regenerative therapies of the central nervous system. While 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine labeling and subsequent histology or immunohistochemistry for cell-type-specific markers is still the gold standard in studies of neurogenesis, novel techniques, and tools for in vivo imaging of neurogenesis have been recently developed and successfully applied. Here, we review the latest progress on these developments, in particular in the area of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and optical imaging. In vivo in situ labeling of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) with micron-sized iron oxide particles enables longitudinal visualization of endogenous progenitor cell migration by MRI. The possibility of genetic labeling for cellular MRI was demonstrated by using the iron storage protein ferritin as the MR reporter-gene. However, reliable and consistent results using ferritin imaging for monitoring endogenous progenitor cell migration have not yet been reported. In contrast, genetic labeling of NPCs with a fluorescent or bioluminescent reporter has led to the development of some powerful tools for in vivo imaging of neurogenesis. Here, two strategies, i.e., viral labeling of stem/progenitor cells and transgenic approaches, have been used. In addition, the use of specific promoters for neuronal progenitor cells such as doublecortin increases the neurogenesis-specificity of the labeling. Naturally, the ultimate challenge will be to develop neurogenesis imaging methods applicable in humans. Therefore, we certainly need to consider other modalities such as positron emission tomography and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), which have already been implemented for both animals and humans. Further improvements of sensitivity and neurogenesis-specificity are nevertheless required for all imaging techniques currently available

    Simultaneous effects on parvalbumin-positive interneuron and dopaminergic system development in a transgenic rat model for sporadic schizophrenia

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    To date, unequivocal neuroanatomical features have been demonstrated neither for sporadic nor for familial schizophrenia. Here, we investigated the neuroanatomical changes in a transgenic rat model for a subset of sporadic chronic mental illness (CMI), which modestly overexpresses human full-length, non-mutant Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1), and for which aberrant dopamine homeostasis consistent with some schizophrenia phenotypes has previously been reported. Neuroanatomical analysis revealed a reduced density of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and reduced dopaminergic fibres in the striatum. Parvalbumin-positive interneuron occurrence in the somatosensory cortex was shifted from layers II/III to V/VI, and the number of calbindin-positive interneurons was slightly decreased. Reduced corpus callosum thickness confirmed trend-level observations from in vivo MRI and voxel-wise tensor based morphometry. These neuroanatomical changes help explain functional phenotypes of this animal model, some of which resemble changes observed in human schizophrenia post mortem brain tissues. Our findings also demonstrate how a single molecular factor, DISC1 overexpression or misassembly, can account for a variety of seemingly unrelated morphological phenotypes and thus provides a possible unifying explanation for similar findings observed in sporadic schizophrenia patients. Our anatomical investigation of a defined model for sporadic mental illness enables a clearer definition of neuroanatomical changes associated with subsets of human sporadic schizophrenia

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Angiogenesis and Stem Cell Implantations in Rodent Models of Cerebral Lesions

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    Molecular biology and stem cell research have had an immense impact on our understanding of neurological diseases, for which little or no therapeutic options exist today. Manipulation of the underlying disease-specific molecular and cellular events promises more efficient therapy. Angiogenesis, i.e. the regrowth of new vessels from an existing vascular network, has been identified as a key contributor for the progression of tumor and, more recently, for regeneration after stroke. Donation of stem cells has proved beneficial to treat cerebral lesions. However, before angiogenesis-targeted and stem cell therapies can safely be used in patients, underlying biological processes need to be better understood in animal models. Noninvasive imaging is essential in order to follow biological processes or stem cell fate in both space and time. We optimized steady state contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (SSCE MRI) to monitor vascular changes in rodent models of tumor and stroke. A modification of mathematical modeling of MR signal from the vascular network allowed for the first time simultaneous measurements of relaxation time T2 and SSCE MRI derived blood volume, vessel size, and vessel density. Limitations of SSCE MRI in tissues with high blood volume and non-cylindrically shaped vessels were explored. SSCE MRI detected angiogenesis and response to anti-angiogenic treatment in two rodent tumor models. In both tumor models, reduction of blood volume in small vessels and a shift towards larger vessels was observed upon treatment. After stroke, decreased vessel density and increased vessel size was found, which was most pronounced one week after the infarct. This is in agreement with two initial, recently published clinical studies. Overall, very little signs of angiogenesis were found. Furthermore, superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) labels were used to study neural stem cells (NSCs) in vivo with MRI. SPIO labeling revealed a decrease in volume of intracerebral grafts over 4 months, assessed by T2* weighted MRI. Since SPIO labels are challenging to quantify and their MR contrast can easily be confounded, we explored the potential of in vivo 19F MRI of 19F labeled NSCs. Hardware was developed for in vitro and in vivo 19F MRI. NSCs were labeled with little effect on cell function and in vivo detection limits were determined at ~10,000 cells within 1 h imaging time. A correction for the inhomogeneous magnetic field profile of surface coils was validated in vitro and applied for both sensitive and quantitative in vivo cell imaging. As external MRI labels do not provide information on NSC function we combined 19F MRI with bioluminescence imaging (BLI). The BLI signal allowed quantification of viable cells whereas 19F MRI provided graft location and density in 3D over 4 weeks both in the healthy and stroke brain. A massive decrease in number of viable cells was detected independent of the microenvironment. This indicates that functional recovery reported in many studies of NSC implantation after stroke, is rather due to release of factors by NSCs than direct tissue replacement. In light of these indirect effects, combination of the imaging methods developed in this dissertation with other functional and structural imaging methods is suggested in order to further elucidate interactions of NSCs with the vasculature

    Aquaporin-4 and brain edema.

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    Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) is a water-channel protein expressed strongly in the brain, predominantly in astrocyte foot processes at the borders between the brain parenchyma and major fluid compartments, including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood. This distribution suggests that AQP4 controls water fluxes into and out of the brain parenchyma. Experiments using AQP4-null mice provide strong evidence for AQP4 involvement in cerebral water balance. AQP4-null mice are protected from cellular (cytotoxic) brain edema produced by water intoxication, brain ischemia, or meningitis. However, AQP4 deletion aggravates vasogenic (fluid leak) brain edema produced by tumor, cortical freeze, intraparenchymal fluid infusion, or brain abscess. In cytotoxic edema, AQP4 deletion slows the rate of water entry into brain, whereas in vasogenic edema, AQP4 deletion reduces the rate of water outflow from brain parenchyma. AQP4 deletion also worsens obstructive hydrocephalus. Recently, AQP4 was also found to play a major role in processes unrelated to brain edema, including astrocyte migration and neuronal excitability. These findings suggest that modulation of AQP4 expression or function may be beneficial in several cerebral disorders, including hyponatremic brain edema, hydrocephalus, stroke, tumor, infection, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury

    Bioluminescence imaging of stroke-induced endogenous neural stem cell response

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    Brain injury following stroke affects neurogenesis in the adult mammalian brain. However, a complete under¬standing of the origin and fate of the endogenous neural stem cells (eNSCs) in vivo is missing. Tools and technol¬ogy that allow non-invasive imaging and tracking of eNSCs in living animals will help to overcome this hurdle. In this study, we aimed to monitor eNSCs in a photothrombotic (PT) stroke model using in vivo bioluminescence imaging (BLI). In a first strategy, inducible transgenic mice expressing firefly luciferase (Fluc) in the eNSCs were generated. In animals that received stroke, an increased BLI signal originating from the infarct region was ob¬served. However, due to histological limitations, the identity and exact origin of cells contributing to the in¬creased BLI signal could not be revealed. To overcome this limitation, we developed an alternative strategy employing stereotactic injection of conditional lentiviral vectors (Cre-Flex LVs) encoding Fluc and eGFP in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of Nestin-Cre transgenic mice, thereby specifically labeling the eNSCs. Upon induction of stroke, increased eNSC proliferation resulted in a significant increase in BLI signal between 2 days and 2 weeks after stroke, decreasing after 3 months. Additionally, the BLI signal relocalized from the SVZ towards the infarct region during the 2 weeks following stroke. Histological analysis at 90 days post stroke showed that in the peri-infarct area, 36% of labeled eNSC progeny differentiated into astrocytes, while 21% differentiated into mature neu¬rons. In conclusion, we developed and validated a novel imaging technique that unequivocally demonstrates that nestin+ eNSCs originating from the SVZ respond to stroke injury by increased proliferation, migration towards the infarct region and differentiation into both astrocytes and neurons. In addition, this new approach allows non-invasive and specific monitoring of eNSCs overtime, opening perspectives for preclinical evaluation of can¬didate stroke therapeutics

    Tracking endogenous and grafted neural progenitor cells in normal and ischaemic brains using MRI contrast agents and genetic labelling

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    Cerebral ischaemia is a major cause of mortality and morbidity globally. Neural stem and progenitor cells (NPC) have the potential to contribute to brain repair and regeneration after an ischaemic event. Both endogenous and grafted NPC have been shown to migrate towards the ischaemic lesion, and differentiate into neurons. This thesis investigates methods of labeling and tracking the migration neural progenitor cells to a site of cerebral ischaemic injury, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents and transgenic lineage tracing techniques. First, labeling of exogenous NPC populations was investigated, for use in cell tracking in grafting studies. Cell labeling was optimized in vitro with fetal NPC using the iron oxide-based MRI contrast agent. A labeling method was developed using the FePro contrast agent, which maximized iron oxide uptake, was non-toxic to NPC, and did not interfere with NPC proliferation and differentiation. Labelled cells were then grafted into the brain after cerebral ischaemia, and imaged over four weeks using MRI. NPC migration was not observed in vivo, but an endogenous contrast evolved over time within the lesioned tissue, which presented a source of confounding signal for cell tracking. Endogenous ferric iron was observed in the lesion on histological sections. Several limitations of using MRI-based iron oxide contrast agents were highlighted in this study. To circumvent these limitations, we considered the development of gadolinium-based MRI contrast agents for cellular labeling and tracking, in collaboration with Imperial College chemistry department. Polymeric Gd-DOTA chelates were synthesized and designed for maximal r1 relaxivity, and their relaxivity and effects on cell viability were assessed. Through this approach, we identified a number of candidate polymeric Gd-DOTA chelates with high relaxivity and low cytotoxicity for use in cellular imaging and tracking studies. Next, cell tracking of endogenous NPC was investigated, using MRI contrast agent and transgenic lineage tracing approaches. A method of in situ labeling of endogenous NPC with the MRI contrast agent FePro was developed. NPC were labeled with FePro in situ, and their normal migration to the olfactory bulb, where they contribute to neurogenesis, could be imaged in vivo and ex vivo. In a second study, the migration of NPC constitutively expressing green fluorescent protein (GPF) under the promoters of genes of two developmentally distinct cortical and striatal NPC populations, was investigated following cerebral ischaemia. Both cortical and striatal populations of NPC were observed to contribute to the migrating streams of NPC that were observed in the striatum after five weeks post-ischaemia. These studies demonstrate that MRI contrast agents offer the potential for in vivo, longitudinal tracking of NPC migration, in both grafted and endogenous NPC populations. Coupled with transgenic lineage tracing, and used in animal models of CNS injury such as cerebral ischaemia, labeling and tracking the migration of NSC with MRI contrast agents can contribute to our understanding of NPC biology in pathological environments