24 research outputs found

    Development tools for mobile devices in market price information systems

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    There are already several applications on mobile devices that can be useful in agriculture. For example: GPS-enabled map software, individual cattle identification and tracking software and even complex agricultural systems. These are just beginning to spread in the Hungarian agrifood sector. The possibility of using for agribusiness of mobile internet and mobile tools is increasing. Mobile tools are really suitable for tasks like inspecting the evolution of prices of agricultural products. One of our application development is a mobile extension to access the Market Price Information System run by the Hungarian Agricultural Economics Research Institute. The accessibility of information demanded by market actors can be ensured effectively by using mobile tools. The biggest limitation for PDA is screen size. If it is getting smaller from full screen to PDA-sized and yet further to mobile phone dimensions, user performance drops. The main reason for this is that smaller screens make it more difficult for a user to make good judgements about the usefulness of any particular information. The development methods and tools help us to solve one part of these problems

    Impact factors for mobile internet applications in the agri-food sectors

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    Mobile communication and the mobile Internet can provide important opportunities, economic advantages for enterprises end organisations and support their more efficient operating as they can be used anytime and anywhere. We can make their wide spread use, innovative effects and advantages economical if we consider the effect system of technologies and services. The technological, social and economical complex effect system puts a pressure on the spreading of business applications. The types of applicable equipment are increasing. According to social aspects there are four player groups: manufacturers, enterprises, customers and workers. The Internet technology and the Internet network have become essential communication tools in business processes recently. Using the Internet by means of mobile appliances increases the possibilities. By studying the business process the expenses, advantages, disadvantages can well be seen. Nowadays these applications are more and more successful in areas such as agriculture, different parts of the food industry, extension services, precision agriculture and logistics. It can be stated that the international and the Hungarian development tendencies of the mobile Internet, the RTD Programmes of EU help the wide-spread use of mobile services. The rapid development of the Hungarian domestic mobile market over the last years is the basis for the wide spread use of new broadband mobile services and applications. This system can contribute to the development of agriculture, enterprises and rural areas and can support production, commerce, services and product tracing. But for successful applications we have to consider the impact factors

    Mobil kommunikációs eszközök és alkalmazások fejlődési trendje

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    In our paper we try to make a short description in the field of mobile communication devices and the possible fields of their application in agriculture. First we show today’s most important mobile communication devices. Afterwards we show a few typical application examples in agriculture (field server, decision support system for smartphones, agricultural production tracking system with RF-ID and mobile phone, handheld decision support system for insect pest management). In the end we mention severeal other application possibilities

    Study of affordances of iPads and teacher's private theories

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    Post-PC TouchPad mobile devices are increasingly being used in educational contexts. Growing investment isplanned by higher education institutions in Hong Kong and by the HKSAR Education Bureau in relation to educational uses ofTouchPad technology. However, current research intoeducational applications of this technology is limited. This paper reports an ongoing qualitative study that investigates how higher education teachers use iPad technology to facilitate their practice. The emergent study results provide insight intoboth the educational affordances of iPad technology and theways in which teachers’ personal or private theories mediate these affordances and transform through the process. The studyoutcomes will contribute to theoretical understanding of higher education teacher changes through adoption of technology. Furthermore, the outcomes will provide a set of recommendations for applications of TouchPad technology inhigher education and ways to support teachers to effectively adopt such technology in their practices.published_or_final_versio

    Evaluating the social acceptability of voice based smartwatch search

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    There has been a recent increase in the number of wearable (e.g. smartwatch, interactive glasses, etc.) devices available. Coupled with this there has been a surge in the number of searches that occur on mobile devices. Given these trends it is inevitable that search will become a part of wearable interaction. Given the form factor and display capabilities of wearables this will probably require a different type of search interaction to what is currently used in mobile search. This paper presents the results of a user study focusing on users’ perceptions of the use of smartwatches for search. We pay particular attention to social acceptability of different search scenarios, focussing on in-put method, device form and information need. Our findings indicate that audience and location heavily influence whether people will perform a voice based search. The results will help search system developers to support search on smartwatches

    A Systematic Review on Integrating MALL in English Language Teaching

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    The use of technology in language learning has been going on for a long time. Many technological characteristics are currently utilized in language learning as a result of the rapid growth of technology. MALL is one of them. This study aims to review integrating MALL in English language teaching (ELT). The study employed a systematic review checklist as a method. Findings suggest that MALL has a good impact on students' English language development, which leads to positive outcomes, according to the overall findings. Parents, teachers, and students expressed an interest in promoting MALL in ELT. Teachers were enthusiastic about MALL and felt that it could be utilized to teach English. MALL also had a positive influence in educational contexts, with students enthusiastic about utilizing it in English classes. They also believe that MALL provides them with numerous benefits when performing their tasks. Due to the challenges teachers and students encounter in applying and using MALL in ELT, such as psychological, pedagogical, and technical limits, stakeholders are expected to develop solutions and policies to achieve effective technology-oriented learning in ELT.  Keywords: Systematic review, MALL, EL

    A Mobile-Based Instruction Application: The Effect of Mobile-Based Concept Instruction on Academic Achievement, Retention and Attitudes of Students

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    The main purpose of this study was to examine the impact of concept teaching that was designed according to Component Display Theory(CDT) in web environment on the students’ academic achievement, retention, and attitudes. Pretest-posttest experimental design was used in the study. Independent variables of the study were mobile-based learning in which component display theory was applied and mobile-based learning in which traditional instruction was applied. Dependent variables were academic achievement, retention and attitudes toward mobile-based instruction. The study covered 72 students at the faculty of commerce and tourism, the department of office management education. In the study, the statistical significance level was set at 0.05. In data analysis, frequencies, percentages, averages, and standard deviations were calculated and for group comparisons, t-test was used. Experimental and control groups were assigned impartially, as those with smart phones and those without smart phones. According to the study findings, in terms of academic achievement, at the beginning there was not a significant difference between groups but at the end of the treatment, there was a significant difference in favour of treatment groups. In conclusion, the impact of the instruction based on CDT in mobile environment on the students’ achievement, retention and attitudes was supported and proved by the study findings including statistical analyses. Key Words: m-learning, Component Display Theory, concept teaching, Mobile–Based Instruction

    Interaction design for personal photo management on a mobile device

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    This chapter explores some of the technological elements that will greatly enhance user interaction with personal photos on mobile devices in the near future. It reviews major technological innovations that have taken place in recent years which are contributing to reshaping people’s personal photo management behaviour and thus their needs, and presents an overview of the major design issues in supporting these for mobile access. It then introduces the currently very active research area of content-based image analysis and context-awareness. These technologies are becoming an important factor in improving mobile interaction by assisting automatic annotation and organisation of photos, thus reducing the chore of manual input on mobile devices. Considering the pace of the rapid increases in the number of digital photos stored on our digital cameras, camera phones and online photoware sites, the authors believe that the subsequent benefits from this line of research will become a crucial factor in helping to design efficient and satisfying mobile interfaces for personal photo management systems