856 research outputs found

    Підвищення пропускної спроможності мережі за допомогою MIMO-формування діаграми спрямованості

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    The performance of transmission Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) beamforming for the multi subscriber in large cell with effective channel throughput has been investigated. The work procedure was based on singular value decomposition (SVD) using Single User (SU) in 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE). In LTE Single User – Multiple Input Multiple Output (SU-MIMO) operation mode, the data of a single user is transmitted simultaneously on several parallel data streams, using the available transmission resources, both in time and frequency dimensions. The simulation comparisons with beamforming and without beamforming have been studied for transmission in MIMO modulations. Despite the protection of information in LTE networks have their vulnerabilities. Planned for a more comprehensive analysis of statistical data and based on them to accurately determine the feasibility of using various protective mechanisms 4G networks for different user groups.Была исследована пропускная способность системы с множеством входов и множеством выходов (MIMO) при формировании диаграммы направленности в крупной сети с эффективной пропускной способностью канала. Работа была основана на сингулярном разложения (SVD), используя Single User (SU) в 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE). В LTE Single User - Multiple Input Multiple Output (SU-MIMO) - режим работы, при котором данные от одного пользователя передаются одновременно несколькими параллельными потоками данных, используя доступные ресурсы сети как по времени так и по частоте. Для сравнения пропускной способности проведено моделирования с формированием диаграммы направленности и без нее для двух типов модуляции передачи потока. Несмотря на имеющиеся средства защиты информации в сетях LTE они имеют свои уязвимости. Планируется провести более детальный анализ статистических данных и на их основе точно определить целесообразность использования различных защитных механизмов сетей 4G для различных групп пользователей.Була досліджена пропускна спроможність системи з великою кількістю входів та виходів ( MIMO ) при формування діаграми спрямованості у великій мережі з ефективною пропускною здатністю каналу. Робота була заснована на сингулярному розкладанні ( SVD ), використовуючи Single User ( SU) в 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE ). У LTE Single User - Multiple Input Multiple Output (SU- MIMO) - режим роботи, при якому дані від одного користувача передаються одночасно кількома паралельними потоками даних, використовуючи доступні ресурси мережі як за часом так і за частотою. Для порівняння пропускної здатності проведено моделювання з формуванням діаграми спрямованості і без нього для двох типів модуляції передачі потоку. Незважаючи на наявні засоби захисту інформації в мережах LTE вони мають свої уразливості. Планується провести більш детальний аналіз статистичних даних і на їх основі точно визначити доцільність використання різних захисних механізмів мереж 4G для різних груп користувачів

    Channel Estimation in Uplink of Long Term Evolution

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    Long Term Evolution is considered to be the fastest spreading communication standard in the world.To live up to the increasing demands of higher data rates day by day and higher multimedia services,the existing UMTS system was further upgraded to LTE.To meet their requirements novel technologies are employed in the downlink as well as uplink like Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and Single Carrier- Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA).For the receiver to perform properly it should be able to recover athe transmittedadata accurately and this is done through channel estimation.Channel Estimation in LTE engages Coherent Detection where a prior knowledge of the channel is required,often known as Channel State Information (CSI).This thesis aims at studying the channel estimation methods used in LTE and evaluate their performance in various multipath models specified by ITU like Pedestrian and Vehicular.The most commonly used channel estimation algorithms are Least Squarea(LS) and Minimum MeanaSquare error (MMSE) algorithms.The performance of these estimators are evaluated in both uplink as well as Downlink in terms of the Bit Error Rate (BER).It was evaluated for OFDMA and then for SC-FDMA,further the performance was assessed in SC-FDMA at first without subcarrier Mapping and after that with subcarrier mapping schemes like Interleaved SC-FDMA (IFDMA) and Localized SC-FDMA (lFDMA).It was found from the results that the MMSE estimator performs better than the LS estimator in both the environments.And the IFDMA has a lower PAPR than LFDMA but LFDMA has a better BER performance

    Cooperative Resource Management and Interference Mitigation for Dense Networks

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    Techno-economical Analysis of Indoor Enterprise Solutions

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    5G New Radio for Terrestrial Broadcast: A Forward-Looking Approach for NR-MBMS

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    "© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works."[EN] 3GPP LTE eMBMS release (Rel-) 14, also referred to as further evolved multimedia broadcast multicast service (FeMBMS) or enhanced TV (EnTV), is the first mobile broadband technology standard to incorporate a transmission mode designed to deliver terrestrial broadcast services from conventional high power high tower (HPHT) broadcast infrastructure. With respect to the physical layer, the main improvements in FeMBMS are the support of larger inter-site distance for single frequency networks (SFNs) and the ability to allocate 100% of a carrier's resources to the broadcast payload, with self-contained signaling in the downlink. From the system architecture perspective, a receive-only mode enables free-to-air (FTA) reception with no need for an uplink or SIM card, thus receiving content without user equipment registration with a network. These functionalities are only available in the LTE advanced pro specifications as 5G new radio (NR), standardized in 3GPP from Rel-15, has so far focused entirely on unicast. This paper outlines a physical layer design for NR-MBMS, a system derived, with minor modifications, from the 5G-NR specifications, and suitable for the transmission of linear TV and radio services in either single-cell or SFN operation. This paper evaluates the NR-MBMS proposition and compares it to LTE-based FeMBMS in terms of flexibility, performance, capacity, and coverage.This work was supported in part by the European Commission through the 5G-PPP Project 5G-Xcast (H2020-ICT-2016-2 call) under Grant 761498.Gimenez, JJ.; Carcel, JL.; Fuentes, M.; Garro, E.; Elliott, S.; Vargas, D.; Menzel, C.... (2019). 5G New Radio for Terrestrial Broadcast: A Forward-Looking Approach for NR-MBMS. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 65(2):356-368. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2019.291211735636865

    Project Final Report – FREEDOM ICT-248891

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    This document is the final publishable summary report of the objective and work carried out within the European Project FREEDOM, ICT-248891.This document is the final publishable summary report of the objective and work carried out within the European Project FREEDOM, ICT-248891.Preprin