11 research outputs found

    Optimizing complexity weight parameter of use case points estimation using particle swarm optimization

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    Among algorithmic-based frameworks for software development effort estimation, Use Case Points I s one of the most used. Use Case Points is a well-known estimation framework designed mainly for object-oriented projects. Use Case Points uses the use case complexity weight as its essential parameter. The parameter is calculated with the number of actors and transactions of the use case. Nevertheless, use case complexity weight is discontinuous, which can sometimes result in inaccurate measurements and abrupt classification of the use case. The objective of this work is to investigate the potential of integrating particle swarm optimization (PSO) with the Use Case Points framework. The optimizer algorithm is utilized to optimize the modified use case complexity weight parameter. We designed and conducted an experiment based on real-life data set from three software houses. The proposed model’s accuracy and performance evaluation metric is compared with other published results, which are standardized accuracy, effect size, mean balanced residual error, mean inverted balanced residual error, and mean absolute error. Moreover, the existing models as the benchmark are polynomial regression, multiple linear regression, weighted case-based reasoning with (PSO), fuzzy use case points, and standard Use Case Points. Experimental results show that the proposed model generates the best value of standardized accuracy of 99.27% and an effect size of 1.15 over the benchmark models. The results of our study are promising for researchers and practitioners because the proposed model is actually estimating, not guessing, and generating meaningful estimation with statistically and practically significant

    Using actors and use cases for software size estimation

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    Software size estimation represents a complex task, which is based on data analysis or on an algorithmic estimation approach. Software size estimation is a nontrivial task, which is important for software project planning and management. In this paper, a new method called Actors and Use Cases Size Estimation is proposed. The new method is based on the number of actors and use cases only. The method is based on stepwise regression and led to a very significant reduction in errors when estimating the size of software systems compared to Use Case Points-based meth-ods. The proposed method is independent of Use Case Points, which allows the elimination of the effect of the inaccurate determination of Use Case Points components, because such components are not used in the proposed method. © 2021 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Faculty of Applied Informatics, Tomas Bata University in Zli

    Optimization of use case point through the use of metaheuristic algorithm in estimating software effort

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    Use Case Points estimation framework relies on the complexity weight parameters to estimate software development projects. However, due to the discontinue parameters, it lead to abrupt weight classification and results in inaccurate estimation. Several research studies have addressed these weaknesses by employing various approaches, including fuzzy logic, regression analysis, and optimization techniques. Nevertheless, the utilization of optimization techniques to determine use case weight parameter values has yet to be extensively explored, with the potential to enhance accuracy further. Motivated by this, the current research delves into various metaheuristic search-based algorithms, such as genetic algorithms, Firefly algorithms, Reptile search algorithms, Particle swarm optimization, and Grey Wolf optimizers. The experimental investigation was carried out using a Silhavy UCP estimation dataset, which contains 71 project data from three software houses and is publicly available. Furthermore, we compared the performance between models based on metaheuristic algorithms. The findings indicate that the performance of the Firefly algorithm outperforms the others based on five accuracy metrics: mean absolute error, mean balance relative error, mean inverted relative error, standardized accuracy, and effect size

    Pengujian Model Use Case Point (UCP) Dengan Studi Kasus Proyek Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Kepemerintahan Berskala Medium-Large

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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia diikuti juga dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, salah satunya pemenuhan kebutuhan akan perangkat lunak. Mengikuti Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 tahun 2003 tentang Kebijakan dan Strategi Nasional Pengembangan E-Government dengan persentase kegagalan proyek teknologi informasi yang tinggi menurut berbagai survey yang penyebab utamanya adalah kurangnya perencanaan proyek yang baik, diperlukannya metode estimasi usaha dan juga biaya agar perencanaan proyek teknologi informasi tidak mengalami kelebihan maupun kekurangan anggaran dana. Salah satu metode estimasi usaha perangkat lunak khususnya pengembang yang menggunakan dokumentasi use case diagram pada Unified Modelling Language (UML) adalah Use Case Point (UCP), studi terhadap metode estimasi Use Case Point (UCP) memunculkan beberapa model yang menggabungkan metode Use Case Point (UCP) dengan metode penghitungan biaya dari aktivitas dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak. Salah satu model yang diusulkan oleh studi Sholiq et al hanya mengemukakan implementasi dari model yang menggabungkan metode Use Case Point (UCP) dengan Owner Estimate Cost (OEC) yang memiliki komponen: personnel direct cost, non-personnel direct cost dan taxes, namun belum teruji efektif dan valid. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukannya pengujian dari usulan model studi Sholiq et al tersebut dengan membandingkan usaha dan biaya aktual proyek dengan estimasi usaha dan biaya proyek dengan objek proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak tertentu untuk mengukur akurasi dan efektivitas model tersebut. Objek yang digunakan pada tugas akhir ini adalah proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak kepemerintahan berskala medium-large berjumlah 6 proyek. Dalam menghasilkan estimasi biaya tersebut pula perlu diidentifikasi persentase distribusi usaha pada tiap tahapan pengembangan perangkat lunak Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa rangkaian proses tahapan dalam menguji model Use Case Point (UCP) yang dijabarkan dalam 17 tahapan dengan 3 langkah utama; estimasi usaha, estimasi biaya, dan pengujian model. Nilai dari hasil validasi model sendiri untuk menentukan tingkat akurasi model diperoleh nilai sebesar 17.14%. ==================================================== Economic growth in Indonesia is followed by the development of information and communication technology, one of which is the fulfillment of the need for software. Following the Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2003 on National Policy and Strategy of E-Government Development with a high percentage of failure of information technology projects according to various surveys the main cause is the lack of good project planning, effort estimation methods and cost is needed for planning technology projects doesn’t experience any excess or lack of budget. One method of software effort estimation especially developers that using use case diagram documentation in Unified Modeling Language (UML) is Use Case Point (UCP), a study of Use Case Point (UCP) estimation method raises several models that incorporate Use Case Point (UCP) with the method of calculating the cost of the activity in software development. One of the models proposed by the Sholiq et.al only suggests the implementation of a model that incorporates the Use Case Point (UCP) method with Owner Estimate Cost (OEC) that has components: personnel direct cost, non-personnel direct cost and taxes, but not yet tested it effectivity and validity. It is therefore necessary to examine the proposed model by Sholiq et al by comparing the actual effort and cost of the project with estimated effort and project cost with the object of a particular software development project to measure the accuracy and effectiveness of the model. The object used in this final project is a medium-large governmental software development project amounting to 6 projects. In generating these cost estimates too, it’s needs to be identified the percentage of business distribution at each stage of software development. The expected result of this final project is the standard deviation value of the Use Case Point (UCP) model that becomes the benchmark of the model's accuracy, which in the process of obtaining standard deviation also obtained any activity and the business distribution value of the specified research object. The result of this research is a series of process stages in testing Use Case Point (UCP) model outlined in 17 stages with 3 main steps; effort estimation, cost estimation, and model testing. The value of the validation of the model itself to determine the level of model accuracy obtained value of 17.14%

    Pengujian Model Harga Perkiraan Sendiri (Owner Estimate Cost) Proyek Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Pada Aplikasi Berbasis Android

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    Effort estimation adalah metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memastikan proyek IT dapat mengalokasikan sumber dayanya secara efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat mendukung keberhasilan atas proyek IT yang dikerjakan. Metode estimasi usaha yang akan digunakan dalam tugas akhir ini adalah metode Use Case Point (UCP). Metode ini dapat digunakan pada pengembangan perangkat lunak yang menggunakan UML dalam desain pengembangannya, lalu dihitung kompleksitas use case yang digunakan, dan terakhir akan didapatkan nilai estimasi usaha yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan proyeknya. Berikutnya, akan dilakukan pengujian model Harga Perkiraan Sendiri (Owner Estimate Cost) pada hasil estimasi usaha yang telah ditemukan pada sejumlah aplikasi yang dicari estimasi usahanya untuk dicari harga aplikasinya. Model ini dilakukan karena adanya regulasi dari pemerintah yang mengharuskan pengadaan barang dan jasa di Indonesia untuk dibuat perencanaan Owner Estimate Cost-nya. Selanjutnya, diperlukan satu langkah lagi yaitu memvalidasi apakah estimasi usaha dan harga yang telah diprediksi sudah sesuai dengan kondisi real. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, telah dilakukan penilaian HPS pada aplikasi berskala kecil-menengah pada 15 aplikasi pemerintah. Melanjutkan penelitian tersebut, pada penelitian ini akan diujikan model HPS proyek perangkat lunak pada aplikasi berbasis android. Pengujian tersebut akan dicari dengan membandingkan actual effort dengan predicted effort menggunakan Magnitude of Relative Error(MRE). Setelah didapatkan nilai MRE, keakuratan model pada penelitian sebelumnya dapat dibandingkan dengan penelitian ini sehingga dapat diketahui keakuratan model HPS. =============================================================================================== The estimation of effort is a method which can be used to ensure that projects can be allocated effectively and efficiently and it must support the success of the project. The business estimation method that will be used in this final project is the Use Case Point (UCP) method. This method can be used in software development that uses UML in the design of its development, then calculated the complexity of the use case used, and finally the estimated value of the effort needed to develop the project. Next, a test of the Owner Estimate Cost (OEC) will be conducted on the results of the estimated business that has been found in a number of applications that are sought for estimation of the business to find the application price. This model is carried out because of government regulations that require the procurement of goods and services in Indonesia to be planned for the Owner Estimate Cost. Furthermore, one more step is needed, which is validating whether the estimated effort and price that have been predicted are in accordance with the real conditions. In previous studies, OEC assessment has been carried out on small-medium scale applications in 15 government applications. Continuing the research, this research will test the OEC model of software projects on an Android-based application. The test will be sought by comparing the actual effort with the predicted effort using the Magnitude of Relative Error (MRE). After obtaining the MRE value, the accuracy of the model in previous studies can be compared with this study so that the accuracy of the HPS model can be known

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Use Case Point Untuk Estimasi Harga Perangkat Lunak (Studi Kasus: Perusahaan DTS)

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    Perusahaan DTS merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pengembangan perangkat lunak berbasis proyek. Sebelum proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak dikerjakan, tim pengembang di DTS melakukan estimasi nilai harga proyek perangkat lunak terlebih dahulu untuk kemudian dibuatkan dokumen penawaran. Namun, sebelum dokumen penawaran dibuat, tim pengembang harus melaporkan dulu kepada direktur untuk dilakukan validasi. Setelah itu, dokumen penawaran dicetak oleh sekretaris. Selama proses estimasi, tim pengembang sering menemui beberapa permasalahan. Pertama, dalam proses estimasi harga perangkat lunak, tim pengembang berbeda pendapat antara anggota satu dengan anggota lainnya. Hal ini karena dalam menentukan harga, masih menggunakan pendapat masingmasing individu tanpa ada dasar yang jelas. Kedua, dalam melakukan validasi proyek, direktur kesulitan dalam memberikan keputusan apakah nilai proyek yang diajukan oleh tim pengembang terlalu murah atau terlalu mahal. Ketiga, terkadang dalam melakukan estimasi harga, direktur dan tim pengembang sering salah paham karena tim tidak melaporkan hasil estimasi untuk dilakukan validasi. vi Oleh karena itu, aplikasi Use Case Point sangat dibutuhkan untuk estimasi harga perangkat lunak berdasarkan metode Use Case Point (UCP) dan proses bisnis perusahaan DTS. UCP merupakan metode untuk menentukan usaha (Effort) berdasarkan Use Case. Nilai Effort kemudian diubah kedalam bentuk nilai biaya. Sebenarnya, terdapat beberapa metode dalam estimasi usaha(Effort), salah satunya yaitu Metode Use Case Point(UCP). Metode estimasi menggunakan Use Case Point dipilih karena metode ini memiliki keakuratan lebih tinggi dibanding dengan metode lainnya. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak untuk membuat aplikasi Use Case Point adalah metode incremental model. Metode incremental model dipilih karena dapat meminimalisir ketidaksesuaian antara kebutuhan pengguna dengan aplikasi yang sudah dibuat. Hasil dari pengerjaan tugas akhir peneliti ini berupa Aplikasi Use Case Point melalui 3 kali increment. Increment pertama ditambahkan fitur estimasi usaha. Increment kedua ditambahkan fitur biaya, increment ketiga ditambahkan fitur-fitur untuk melakukan kalibrasi perhitungan estimasi. Selain itu, dihasilkan dokumen Spesifikasi Kebutuhan Perangkat Lunak (SKPL), Deskripsi Perancangan Perangkat Lunak (DPPL), dokumen pengujian, dan dokumen panduan. ======================================================================================================= DTS Corporation is a company that focused in developing application based project. Before start to be developed, DTS’s developer team estimate about the price of the project. After that, they submit bidding document to client for approving. And then, printed out by secretary. During estimation process, developer team often faced some problems. First, Developer Team have difficulties to estimate about the price of the project dan sometimes having different argument with team member. It’s happened because they have no standard or rigid procedure to estimate the price of the software, So they estimate the software price by feeling of each other. Secound, director feel difficult to decide or validate the result of estimation reported by team. Director feel afraid wheter the estimation result done by developer team is higer or lower. Third, sometimes director have miss communication with developer team because developer team forget to report result of the estimation. viii Because of that, researcher develop Use Case Point Cost Estimate Software based Use Case Point (UCP) method and business process of the cost estimation in DTS Corporation. UCP is method that used for estimate Effort. The Effort and then will be converted to form of cost value. Actually, there are some Effort estimate methods, Use Case Point (UCP) is one of them. Use Case Point method is chosen because the accuration of the estimate result is higher than another method. The Development methodology that chosen for develop Use Case Point Aplication is incremental model. The reason for chosing this methodology is because incremental model can avoid incompacitibility between application and user needs. The result of this final project is Use Case Point Cost Estmate Software through three times of increment. The first increment added feature Effort estimate, second increment added feature cost estimate, third increment added feature that peform calibrate estimation result. Additionally, generated documents Software Requirment Spesification (SRS), Software Design Description (SDD), Testing Documentation, and User Guid

    Perbaikan Formula Unadjusted Use Case Weight Pada Use Case Point Untuk Estimasi Effort Proyek Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Kepemerintahan

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    Estimasi jumlah sumber daya yang dibutuhkan pada proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak merupakan bagian yang penting pada tahap perencanaan proyek. Estimasi adalah kegiatan melakukan prediksi mengenai keluaran dari sebuah proyek dengan meninjau sumber daya yang ada seperti waktu, biaya, hingga risiko yang akan dihadapi serta effort dalam pengembangan proyek. Perhitungan metode Use Case Point (UCP) yang didasarkan pada jumlah kompleksitas aktor dan use case, merupakan sebuah metode yang populer sehingga banyak dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan estimasi effort proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak. Akan tetapi, pada perhitungan Unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW) sebagai bagian dari formula Use Case Point (UCP) masih memiliki kekurangan yaitu “not mathematically valid operations”. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan alternatif perbaikan formula Unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW). Pada tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan analisis menggunakan persamaan linear dengan metode trial dan error pada formula Unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW) yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki formula tersebut sehingga dapat menjadi “mathematically valid operations” dan menjadi formula yang lebih sederhana dari formula Unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW) sebelumnya. Dalam melakukan perbaikan ini, vi dibutuhkan beberapa analisa pola yang digunakan oleh Karner sebagai bobot dalam perhitungan Unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW). Pola tersebut digunakan untuk uji coba trial dan error nilai Unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW). Persamaan linear digunakan untuk mencari hubungan pola dari masing-masing nilai tengah bobot yang dikemukakan oleh Karner, sehingga terbentuk suatu garis lurus persamaan linear. Nilai dari garis lurus persamaan linear tersebut yang berikutnya menjadi formula baru perhitungan Unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW). Hasil akhir yang diharapkan dari pengerjaan tugas akhir ini berupa perbaikan formula Unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW) yang didapatkan dari formula representative oleh Karner. Dengan perbaikan formula ini, akan didapatkan kemudahan perhitungan nilai Unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW). ===================================================================================================== An estimation of the amount of resources needed on a software development project is the important part in the planning stage project. Estimation is the activity that do a prediction about the outcomes of a project with a consider of available resources such as times, costs, up to the risks to be faced and the effort in the project development. Calculation Use Case Point (UCP) method which is based on the number of actors complexity and use case , is a popular method that so much used it as a reference substance effort estimation of software development projects. However, on a calculation of unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW) as part of the formula of Use Case Point (UCP) still has a deficiency that "not mathematically valid operations". Therefore, alternative repair is needed for formula of unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW). In this final project will be analyze using linear equations with the trial and error method in the formula unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW) which aims to repair the formula so that it can be "mathematically valid operations" and become simpler from previous formula of the formula unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW). In doing these repairs, it needs some pattern analysis which used by Karner as quality in the calculation of unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW). The pattern is used for trial and error testing value of unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW). Linear viii equation is used to find the relationship pattern of each median quality raised by Karner, thus forming a straight line of linear equation. The value of that straight line of linear equation that becomes the new calculation formula of unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW) next. The Final result which is expected from this final project is a repaired formula unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW) which obtained from the representative formula by Karner. By the improvement of this formula, we will get a easiness calculation of unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW)

    Improve software defect estimation with six sigma defect measures : empirical studies imputation techniques on ISBSG data repository with a high ratio of missing data

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    This research analysis work reports on a set of empirical studies tackling the research issues of improving software defect estimation models with Sigma defect measures (e.g., Sigma levels) using the ISBSG data repository with a high ratio of missing data. Three imputation techniques that were selected for this research work: single imputation, regression imputation, and stochastic regression imputation. These imputation techniques were used to impute the missing data within the variable ‘Total Number of Defects’, and were first compared with each other using common verification criteria. A further verification strategy was developed to compare and assess the performance of the selected imputation techniques through verifying the predictive accuracy of the obtained software defect estimation models form the imputed datasets. A Sigma-based classification was carried out on the imputed dataset of the better performance imputation technique on software defect estimation. This classification was used to determine at which levels of Sigma; the software projects can be best used to build software defect estimation models: which has resulted in Sigma-based datasets with Sigma ranging (e.g., dataset of software projects with a range from 3 Sigma to 4 Sigma). Finally, software defect estimation models were built on the Sigma-based datasets