114 research outputs found

    Deep learning for image-based liver analysis — A comprehensive review focusing on malignant lesions

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    Deep learning-based methods, in particular, convolutional neural networks and fully convolutional networks are now widely used in the medical image analysis domain. The scope of this review focuses on the analysis using deep learning of focal liver lesions, with a special interest in hepatocellular carcinoma and metastatic cancer; and structures like the parenchyma or the vascular system. Here, we address several neural network architectures used for analyzing the anatomical structures and lesions in the liver from various imaging modalities such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. Image analysis tasks like segmentation, object detection and classification for the liver, liver vessels and liver lesions are discussed. Based on the qualitative search, 91 papers were filtered out for the survey, including journal publications and conference proceedings. The papers reviewed in this work are grouped into eight categories based on the methodologies used. By comparing the evaluation metrics, hybrid models performed better for both the liver and the lesion segmentation tasks, ensemble classifiers performed better for the vessel segmentation tasks and combined approach performed better for both the lesion classification and detection tasks. The performance was measured based on the Dice score for the segmentation, and accuracy for the classification and detection tasks, which are the most commonly used metrics.publishedVersio

    The Role of Radiomics and AI Technologies in the Segmentation, Detection, and Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary hepatic neoplasm. Thanks to recent advances in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), there is potential to improve detection, segmentation, discrimination from HCC mimics, and monitoring of therapeutic response. Radiomics, artificial intelligence (AI), and derived tools have already been applied in other areas of diagnostic imaging with promising results. In this review, we briefly discuss the current clinical applications of radiomics and AI in the detection, segmentation, and management of HCC. Moreover, we investigate their potential to reach a more accurate diagnosis of HCC and to guide proper treatment planning

    Deep learning-based diagnostic system for malignant liver detection

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    Cancer is the second most common cause of death of human beings, whereas liver cancer is the fifth most common cause of mortality. The prevention of deadly diseases in living beings requires timely, independent, accurate, and robust detection of ailment by a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system. Executing such intelligent CAD requires some preliminary steps, including preprocessing, attribute analysis, and identification. In recent studies, conventional techniques have been used to develop computer-aided diagnosis algorithms. However, such traditional methods could immensely affect the structural properties of processed images with inconsistent performance due to variable shape and size of region-of-interest. Moreover, the unavailability of sufficient datasets makes the performance of the proposed methods doubtful for commercial use. To address these limitations, I propose novel methodologies in this dissertation. First, I modified a generative adversarial network to perform deblurring and contrast adjustment on computed tomography (CT) scans. Second, I designed a deep neural network with a novel loss function for fully automatic precise segmentation of liver and lesions from CT scans. Third, I developed a multi-modal deep neural network to integrate pathological data with imaging data to perform computer-aided diagnosis for malignant liver detection. The dissertation starts with background information that discusses the proposed study objectives and the workflow. Afterward, Chapter 2 reviews a general schematic for developing a computer-aided algorithm, including image acquisition techniques, preprocessing steps, feature extraction approaches, and machine learning-based prediction methods. The first study proposed in Chapter 3 discusses blurred images and their possible effects on classification. A novel multi-scale GAN network with residual image learning is proposed to deblur images. The second method in Chapter 4 addresses the issue of low-contrast CT scan images. A multi-level GAN is utilized to enhance images with well-contrast regions. Thus, the enhanced images improve the cancer diagnosis performance. Chapter 5 proposes a deep neural network for the segmentation of liver and lesions from abdominal CT scan images. A modified Unet with a novel loss function can precisely segment minute lesions. Similarly, Chapter 6 introduces a multi-modal approach for liver cancer variants diagnosis. The pathological data are integrated with CT scan images to diagnose liver cancer variants. In summary, this dissertation presents novel algorithms for preprocessing and disease detection. Furthermore, the comparative analysis validates the effectiveness of proposed methods in computer-aided diagnosis

    Role of machine learning in early diagnosis of kidney diseases.

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    Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) approaches have been used as indispensable tools in modern artificial intelligence-based computer-aided diagnostic (AIbased CAD) systems that can provide non-invasive, early, and accurate diagnosis of a given medical condition. These AI-based CAD systems have proven themselves to be reproducible and have the generalization ability to diagnose new unseen cases with several diseases and medical conditions in different organs (e.g., kidneys, prostate, brain, liver, lung, breast, and bladder). In this dissertation, we will focus on the role of such AI-based CAD systems in early diagnosis of two kidney diseases, namely: acute rejection (AR) post kidney transplantation and renal cancer (RC). A new renal computer-assisted diagnostic (Renal-CAD) system was developed to precisely diagnose AR post kidney transplantation at an early stage. The developed Renal-CAD system perform the following main steps: (1) auto-segmentation of the renal allograft from surrounding tissues from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) and blood oxygen level-dependent MRI (BOLD-MRI), (2) extraction of image markers, namely: voxel-wise apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) are calculated from DW-MRI scans at 11 different low and high b-values and then represented as cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) and extraction of the transverse relaxation rate (R2*) values from the segmented kidneys using BOLD-MRI scans at different echotimes, (3) integration of multimodal image markers with the associated clinical biomarkers, serum creatinine (SCr) and creatinine clearance (CrCl), and (4) diagnosing renal allograft status as nonrejection (NR) or AR by utilizing these integrated biomarkers and the developed deep learning classification model built on stacked auto-encoders (SAEs). Using a leaveone- subject-out cross-validation approach along with SAEs on a total of 30 patients with transplanted kidney (AR = 10 and NR = 20), the Renal-CAD system demonstrated 93.3% accuracy, 90.0% sensitivity, and 95.0% specificity in differentiating AR from NR. Robustness of the Renal-CAD system was also confirmed by the area under the curve value of 0.92. Using a stratified 10-fold cross-validation approach, the Renal-CAD system demonstrated its reproduciblity and robustness with a diagnostic accuracy of 86.7%, sensitivity of 80.0%, specificity of 90.0%, and AUC of 0.88. In addition, a new renal cancer CAD (RC-CAD) system for precise diagnosis of RC at an early stage was developed, which incorporates the following main steps: (1) estimating the morphological features by applying a new parametric spherical harmonic technique, (2) extracting appearance-based features, namely: first order textural features are calculated and second order textural features are extracted after constructing the graylevel co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), (3) estimating the functional features by constructing wash-in/wash-out slopes to quantify the enhancement variations across different contrast enhanced computed tomography (CE-CT) phases, (4) integrating all the aforementioned features and modeling a two-stage multilayer perceptron artificial neural network (MLPANN) classifier to classify the renal tumor as benign or malignant and identify the malignancy subtype. On a total of 140 RC patients (malignant = 70 patients (ccRCC = 40 and nccRCC = 30) and benign angiomyolipoma tumors = 70), the developed RC-CAD system was validated using a leave-one-subject-out cross-validation approach. The developed RC-CAD system achieved a sensitivity of 95.3% ± 2.0%, a specificity of 99.9% ± 0.4%, and Dice similarity coefficient of 0.98 ± 0.01 in differentiating malignant from benign renal tumors, as well as an overall accuracy of 89.6% ± 5.0% in the sub-typing of RCC. The diagnostic abilities of the developed RC-CAD system were further validated using a randomly stratified 10-fold cross-validation approach. The results obtained using the proposed MLP-ANN classification model outperformed other machine learning classifiers (e.g., support vector machine, random forests, and relational functional gradient boosting) as well as other different approaches from the literature. In summary, machine and deep learning approaches have shown potential abilities to be utilized to build AI-based CAD systems. This is evidenced by the promising diagnostic performance obtained by both Renal-CAD and RC-CAD systems. For the Renal- CAD, the integration of functional markers extracted from multimodal MRIs with clinical biomarkers using SAEs classification model, potentially improved the final diagnostic results evidenced by high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. The developed Renal-CAD demonstrated high feasibility and efficacy for early, accurate, and non-invasive identification of AR. For the RC-CAD, integrating morphological, textural, and functional features extracted from CE-CT images using a MLP-ANN classification model eventually enhanced the final results in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, making the proposed RC-CAD a reliable noninvasive diagnostic tool for RC. The early and accurate diagnosis of AR or RC will help physicians to provide early intervention with the appropriate treatment plan to prolong the life span of the diseased kidney, increase the survival chance of the patient, and thus improve the healthcare outcome in the U.S. and worldwide

    Prediction of Chemotherapy Response of Liver Metastases from Baseline CT-Images Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Dans les pays développés, le cancer colorectal est reconnu comme étant la deuxième cause la plus importante de mortalité liée au cancer. La chimiothérapie est considérée comme un traitement standard pour les métastases colorectales du foie (MCF). Parmi les patients qui développent des MCF, l’évaluation de la réponse du patient au traitement de chimiothérapie est souvent requise pour déterminer le besoin d’une chimiothérapie de seconde ligne, ainsi qu’une éligibilité à la chirurgie. Toutefois, tandis que les régimes basés sur un régime dénommé FOLFOX sont typiquement utilisés pour le traitement de la MCF, l’identification de la sensibilité du patient reste difficile. Les systèmes de diagnostic assistés par ordinateur peuvent fournir de l’information supplémentaire sur la classification des métastases du foie identifiées au niveau des images de diagnostic. Du aux quelques difficultés que rencontrent les radiologues pour distinguer, à l’oeil nu, les lésions traitées des lésions non-traitées, nous proposons dans cette étude un système automatisé basé sur les réseaux profonds convolutifs (RPC). Dans un premier lieu, ces réseaux profonds différencient les lésions traitées des lésions non-traitées, pour ensuite identifier les nouvelles lésions apparaissant sur les tomodensitométries. Ensuite, un réseau de neurones dense émet une prédiction, à partir des lésions non traitées visibles sur les tomodensitométries de prétraitement pour les patients à MCF sous chimiothérapie, sur leur réponse au régime spécifique de chimiothérapie. Dans ce contexte, la référence pour l’évaluation de la réponse au traitement pour le régime approprié de chimiothérapie était le degré de régression de la tumeur en histopathologie. La méthode adoptée dans cette étude nous a aidé à adresser les trois grands objectifs de ce projet de recherche. La première étape était de développer un système automatique de classification des tumeurs traitées et non-traitées à partir des tomodensitométries de patients. La deuxième étape a été de concevoir une nouvelle approche pour prédire la réponse au traitement FOLFOX qui utilise le médicament Bevacizumab en tant que traitement de première ligne. La troisième étape était de prédire le pourcentage de changement volumétrique de la tumeur suivant deux moments temporels consécutifs. Les algorithmes d’intelligence artificielle (IA), et les approches d’apprentissage profond en particulier, ont montré des progrès prometteurs en vision par ordinateur ainsi qu’en traitement d’images. Il existe de nombreuses applications en analyse d’images médicales qui utilisent des réseaux profonds convolutifs pour propulser ces progrès en avant le plus rapidement possible. En pratique, les radiologues et lesmédecins évaluent les images médicales visuellement pour le diagnostic, la détection, la récurrence, le suivi et la caractérisation des maladies. Les méthodes d’apprentissage profond sont souvent supérieures pour la reconnaissance automatique de structures complexes à partir d’images, et quantifier l’évaluation de propriétés et caractéristiques radiographiques.----------ABSTRACT: In developed countries, colorectal cancer is known as the second cause of cancer-related mortality. Chemotherapy is considered a standard treatment for colorectal liver metastases (CLM). Among patients who develop CLM, the assessment of patient response to chemotherapy is often required to determine the need for second-line chemotherapy, and eligibility for surgery. However, a drug regimen known as FOLFOX are typically used for CLM treatment, the identification of responsive patients remains elusive. Computer-aided diagnosis systems may provide insight into the classification of liver metastases identified on diagnostic images. Due to some difficulties for radiologists to distinguish between treated and untreated lesions from the naked eyes, in this study, we propose a fully automated framework based on deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) which first differentiates treated and untreated lesions to identify new lesions appearing on CT scans, followed by a fully connected neural network to predict from untreated lesions in pre-treatment computed tomography (CT) for patients with CLMundergoing chemotherapy, their response to the specific chemotherapy regimen. In this respect, the ground truth for assessment of treatment response for proper chemotherapy regimen was histopathology to determine the tumor regression grade (TRG). The adopted method in this study helped us to address the three main research objectives. The first step is to develop an automated framework for the classification of treated and untreated tumors based on the patient’s CT images. The second step is to design a new approach for the prediction of response to FOLFOX regimens with Bevacizumab agents as the first-line of treatment. The third step is to predict the percentage of the tumor volume change following two consecutive exams. Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, particularly deep learning approach, have shown very astonishing progress in computer vision and image processing tasks. There are several applications in the medical image analysis area which use DCNN to propel these methods forward as quickly as possible. In practice, radiologists and physicians attempt to assess visually medical images for diagnosis, detection, recurrence, monitoring, and characterization of diseases. Deep learning methods surpass at the recognition of complicated patterns from imaging data automatically and quantify the assessment of radiographic features and characteristics

    Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Artificial Intelligence Pipeline for Oropharyngeal Cancer Radiotherapy Treatment Guidance

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    Oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) is a widespread disease and one of the few domestic cancers that is rising in incidence. Radiographic images are crucial for assessment of OPC and aid in radiotherapy (RT) treatment. However, RT planning with conventional imaging approaches requires operator-dependent tumor segmentation, which is the primary source of treatment error. Further, OPC expresses differential tumor/node mid-RT response (rapid response) rates, resulting in significant differences between planned and delivered RT dose. Finally, clinical outcomes for OPC patients can also be variable, which warrants the investigation of prognostic models. Multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) techniques that incorporate simultaneous anatomical and functional information coupled to artificial intelligence (AI) approaches could improve clinical decision support for OPC by providing immediately actionable clinical rationale for adaptive RT planning. If tumors could be reproducibly segmented, rapid response could be classified, and prognosis could be reliably determined, overall patient outcomes would be optimized to improve the therapeutic index as a function of more risk-adapted RT volumes. Consequently, there is an unmet need for automated and reproducible imaging which can simultaneously segment tumors and provide predictive value for actionable RT adaptation. This dissertation primarily seeks to explore and optimize image processing, tumor segmentation, and patient outcomes in OPC through a combination of advanced imaging techniques and AI algorithms. In the first specific aim of this dissertation, we develop and evaluate mpMRI pre-processing techniques for use in downstream segmentation, response prediction, and outcome prediction pipelines. Various MRI intensity standardization and registration approaches were systematically compared and benchmarked. Moreover, synthetic image algorithms were developed to decrease MRI scan time in an effort to optimize our AI pipelines. We demonstrated that proper intensity standardization and image registration can improve mpMRI quality for use in AI algorithms, and developed a novel method to decrease mpMRI acquisition time. Subsequently, in the second specific aim of this dissertation, we investigated underlying questions regarding the implementation of RT-related auto-segmentation. Firstly, we quantified interobserver variability for an unprecedented large number of observers for various radiotherapy structures in several disease sites (with a particular emphasis on OPC) using a novel crowdsourcing platform. We then trained an AI algorithm on a series of extant matched mpMRI datasets to segment OPC primary tumors. Moreover, we validated and compared our best model\u27s performance to clinical expert observers. We demonstrated that AI-based mpMRI OPC tumor auto-segmentation offers decreased variability and comparable accuracy to clinical experts, and certain mpMRI input channel combinations could further improve performance. Finally, in the third specific aim of this dissertation, we predicted OPC primary tumor mid-therapy (rapid) treatment response and prognostic outcomes. Using co-registered pre-therapy and mid-therapy primary tumor manual segmentations of OPC patients, we generated and characterized treatment sensitive and treatment resistant pre-RT sub-volumes. These sub-volumes were used to train an AI algorithm to predict individual voxel-wise treatment resistance. Additionally, we developed an AI algorithm to predict OPC patient progression free survival using pre-therapy imaging from an international data science competition (ranking 1st place), and then translated these approaches to mpMRI data. We demonstrated AI models could be used to predict rapid response and prognostic outcomes using pre-therapy imaging, which could help guide treatment adaptation, though further work is needed. In summary, the completion of these aims facilitates the development of an image-guided fully automated OPC clinical decision support tool. The resultant deliverables from this project will positively impact patients by enabling optimized therapeutic interventions in OPC. Future work should consider investigating additional imaging timepoints, imaging modalities, uncertainty quantification, perceptual and ethical considerations, and prospective studies for eventual clinical implementation. A dynamic version of this dissertation is publicly available and assigned a digital object identifier through Figshare (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22141871)

    Infective/inflammatory disorders

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