264 research outputs found

    The complexity of Boolean functions from cryptographic viewpoint

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    Cryptographic Boolean functions must be complex to satisfy Shannon\u27s principle of confusion. But the cryptographic viewpoint on complexity is not the same as in circuit complexity. The two main criteria evaluating the cryptographic complexity of Boolean functions on F2nF_2^n are the nonlinearity (and more generally the rr-th order nonlinearity, for every positive r<nr< n) and the algebraic degree. Two other criteria have also been considered: the algebraic thickness and the non-normality. After recalling the definitions of these criteria and why, asymptotically, almost all Boolean functions are deeply non-normal and have high algebraic degrees, high (rr-th order) nonlinearities and high algebraic thicknesses, we study the relationship between the rr-th order nonlinearity and a recent cryptographic criterion called the algebraic immunity. This relationship strengthens the reasons why the algebraic immunity can be considered as a further cryptographic complexity criterion

    Maiorana-McFarland class: Degree optimization and algebraic properties

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    Improved upper bound on root number of linearized polynomials and its application to nonlinearity estimation of Boolean functions

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    To determine the dimension of null space of any given linearized polynomial is one of vital problems in finite field theory, with concern to design of modern symmetric cryptosystems. But, the known general theory for this task is much far from giving the exact dimension when applied to a specific linearized polynomial. The first contribution of this paper is to give a better general method to get more precise upper bound on the root number of any given linearized polynomial. We anticipate this result would be applied as a useful tool in many research branches of finite field and cryptography. Really we apply this result to get tighter estimations of the lower bounds on the second order nonlinearities of general cubic Boolean functions, which has been being an active research problem during the past decade, with many examples showing great improvements. Furthermore, this paper shows that by studying the distribution of radicals of derivatives of a given Boolean functions one can get a better lower bound of the second-order nonlinearity, through an example of the monomial Boolean function gμ=Tr(μx22r+2r+1)g_{\mu}=Tr(\mu x^{2^{2r}+2^r+1}) over any finite field \GF{n}

    A Novel Application of Boolean Functions with High Algebraic Immunity in Minimal Codes

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    Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity are important cryptographic primitives in some stream ciphers. In this paper, two methodologies for constructing binary minimal codes from sets, Boolean functions and vectorial Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity are proposed. More precisely, a general construction of new minimal codes using minimal codes contained in Reed-Muller codes and sets without nonzero low degree annihilators is presented. The other construction allows us to yield minimal codes from certain subcodes of Reed-Muller codes and vectorial Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity. Via these general constructions, infinite families of minimal binary linear codes of dimension mm and length less than or equal to m(m+1)/2m(m+1)/2 are obtained. In addition, a lower bound on the minimum distance of the proposed minimal linear codes is established. Conjectures and open problems are also presented. The results of this paper show that Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity have nice applications in several fields such as symmetric cryptography, coding theory and secret sharing schemes

    A Survey of Metaheuristic Algorithms for the Design of Cryptographic Boolean Functions

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    Boolean functions are mathematical objects used in diverse domains and have been actively researched for several decades already. One domain where Boolean functions play an important role is cryptography. There, the plethora of settings one should consider and cryptographic properties that need to be fulfilled makes the search for new Boolean functions still a very active domain. There are several options to construct appropriate Boolean functions: algebraic constructions, random search, and metaheuristics. In this work, we concentrate on metaheuristic approaches and examine the related works appearing in the last 25 years. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey work on this topic. Additionally, we provide a new taxonomy of related works and discuss the results obtained. Finally, we finish this survey with potential future research directions

    A survey of metaheuristic algorithms for the design of cryptographic Boolean functions

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    Boolean functions are mathematical objects used in diverse domains and have been actively researched for several decades already. One domain where Boolean functions play an important role is cryptography. There, the plethora of settings one should consider and cryptographic properties that need to be fulfilled makes the search for new Boolean functions still a very active domain. There are several options to construct appropriate Boolean functions: algebraic constructions, random search, and metaheuristics. In this work, we concentrate on metaheuristic approaches and examine the related works appearing in the last 25 years. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey work on this topic. Additionally, we provide a new taxonomy of related works and discuss the results obtained. Finally, we finish this survey with potential future research directions.</p
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