213 research outputs found

    Caractérisation intégrative et développement d’outils moléculaires chez la bactérie "Mesoplasma florum"

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    L’émergence de la biologie synthétique marque l’entrée dans une nouvelle ère où il sera possible de modifier et reprogrammer des génomes entiers afin de répondre à des besoins spécifiques. Ce domaine de recherche est par conséquent appelé à jouer un rôle de premier plan dans le développement de nouvelles technologies visant à s’attaquer à certains des plus grands défis du 21e siècle tels que la multirésistance aux antibiotiques, la production d’énergies renouvelables et le traitement de maladies comme le cancer ou le diabète. Notre habileté actuelle à programmer des comportements cellulaires prévisibles est cependant très limitée, principalement parce que les organismes modèles couramment utilisés possèdent une complexité qui dépasse nos capacités d’analyse et que les règles fondamentales qui gouvernent le fonctionnement global des cellules demeurent encore mal comprises. En raison de leurs génomes remarquablement petits, les bactéries appartenant à la classe des Mollicutes représentent des candidats particulièrement intéressants afin de décortiquer le fonctionnement intégral de cellules via les approches intégratives de la biologie des systèmes et de la génomique synthétique. La majorité de ces microorganismes sont toutefois caractérisés par un style de vie parasitaire, des capacités métaboliques réduites et une croissance relativement lente nécessitant l’utilisation de milieux de culture complexes. Conjointement au manque d’outils génétiques efficaces, ces caractéristiques restreignent considérablement leur manipulation en laboratoire. Certains Mollicutes se démarquent néanmoins en tant qu’organismes modèles pour l’avancement de la biologie synthétique et de la biologie des systèmes. C’est le cas pour Mesoplasma florum, une bactérie étroitement apparentée aux mycoplasmes du groupe de Mycoplasma mycoides (mycoides cluster). Contrairement à la plupart des mycoplasmes, M. florum ne possède aucun pouvoir pathogène connu et croît rapidement en conditions de laboratoire. De plus, M. florum possède un génome comprenant seulement 793 224 paires de bases et 685 séquences codantes pour des protéines, ce qui positionne cette bactérie parmi les organismes à réplication autonome les plus simples connus à ce jour. Malgré ces avantages considérables, seulement quelques études avaient jusqu’à tout récemment spécifiquement exploré la biologie de M. florum, et ce même si sa découverte remonte à près de 40 ans. Ainsi, lors du commencement de mon doctorat, plusieurs aspects importants concernant ce microorganisme demeuraient toujours à définir. Par exemple, pratiquement aucune donnée quantitative sur la physiologie de cette bactérie était à ce moment-là disponible dans la littérature, et aucune étude sur l’expression de ses gènes n’avait encore été entreprise. De plus, très peu voire même aucun outil moléculaire n’était disponible afin de modifier le génome de M. florum, ce qui constituait une limitation technique importante à l’étude de la biologie de cet organisme, en plus de restreindre son utilisation en tant que châssis cellulaire pour l’ingénierie microbienne et le développement d’applications biotechnologiques. Face à cette problématique, j’ai tout d’abord développé un système de culture en continu flexible et peu dispendieux permettant de faire croître M. florum dans des conditions contrôlées, stables et hautement reproductibles. Cet appareil offre plusieurs modes de fonctionnement pour accommoder les différents besoins rencontrés en laboratoire, et nous avons rendu les détails de sa conception entièrement disponibles pour l’ensemble de la communauté scientifique. En diminuant les fluctuations physiologiques des cellules, ce système de culture permet de réduire les variations expérimentales lors de l’étude de M. florum, et ainsi de générer des données plus facilement interprétables et comparables entre expériences. J’ai ensuite développé les tout premiers plasmides spécifiquement conçus pour se répliquer chez M. florum. Basés sur l’origine de réplication du chromosome, ces plasmides ont permis de tester la fonctionnalité de différents marqueurs de sélection aux antibiotiques, en plus de mettre au point différentes méthodes de transformation pour cette bactérie. Grâce à leur tendance naturelle à recombiner avec le chromosome, ces plasmides ont d’ailleurs servi de fondement à la technique développée par notre laboratoire afin de cloner le génome complet de M. florum dans la levure. Cette souche de levure peut maintenant servir de plateforme afin de modifier efficacement le génome de M. florum et ensuite le transplanter dans une cellule réceptrice. Finalement, j’ai procédé à la caractérisation approfondie de cette bactérie quasi minimale en combinant différentes méthodes expérimentales et approches intégratives. Cette caractérisation intégrative comprend la mesure de plusieurs aspects physiques et physiologiques propres à M. florum, incluant son temps de doublement, diamètre cellulaire, masse cellulaire sèche, ainsi que la définition des fractions macromoléculaires de celle-ci. J’ai également réalisé les premières analyses du transcriptome et du protéome de ce microorganisme afin de définir les unités transcriptionnelles, estimer les abondances moléculaires absolues de chacun des transcrits et protéines exprimées, de même qu’évaluer l’importance globale des fonctions cellulaires prédites. En plus d’augmenter nos connaissances fondamentales sur différents aspects de la biologie de M. florum, ces efforts de caractérisation serviront de fondation pour le développement d’un modèle à l’échelle du génome décrivant le métabolisme de cette bactérie. L’ensemble de ces efforts visent à acquérir les connaissances et les outils moléculaires nécessaires afin de transformer M. florum en une plateforme simplifiée, hautement caractérisée et spécialement conçue pour explorer les règles gouvernant l’organisation et la plasticité des génomes, ainsi que les mécanismes cellulaires à la base du fonctionnement des cellules. Une telle plateforme a le potentiel de transformer la biologie synthétique en une discipline logique, prévisible et reproductible, rendant ainsi possible le prototypage rationnel et efficace de génomes dans le but de produire des souches bactériennes capables d’accomplir des tâches bien précises

    NASA Tech Briefs, December 1989

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    Topics include: Electronic Components and Circuits. Electronic Systems, Physical Sciences, Materials, Computer Programs, Mechanics, Machinery, Fabrication Technology, Mathematics and Information Sciences, and Life Sciences

    Automotive diesel engine transient operation: modeling, optimization and control

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    Traditionally, the study of internal combustion engines operation has focused on the steady-state performance. However, the daily driving schedule of automotive engines is inherently related to unsteady conditions. There are various operating conditions experienced by (diesel) engines that can be classified as transient. Besides the variation of the engine operating point, in terms of engine speed and torque, also the warm up phase can be considered as a transient condition. Chapter 2 has to do with this thermal transient condition; more precisely the main issue is the performance of a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system during cold start and warm up phases of the engine. The proposal of the underlying work is to investigate and identify optimal exhaust line heating strategies, to provide a fast activation of the catalytic reactions on SCR. Chapters 3 and 4 focus the attention on the dynamic behavior of the engine, when considering typical driving conditions. The common approach to dynamic optimization involves the solution of a single optimal-control problem. However, this approach requires the availability of models that are valid throughout the whole engine operating range and actuator ranges. In addition, the result of the optimization is meaningful only if the model is very accurate. Chapter 3 proposes a methodology to circumvent those demanding requirements: an iteration between transient measurements to refine a purpose-built model and a dynamic optimization which is constrained to the model validity region. Moreover all numerical methods required to implement this procedure are presented. Chapter 4 proposes an approach to derive a transient feedforward control system in an automated way. It relies on optimal control theory to solve a dynamic optimization problem for fast transients. From the optimal solutions, the relevant information is extracted and stored in maps spanned by the engine speed and the torque gradient

    Synthesis and characterisation of metal hydrides for hydrogen storage applications

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    Considering the direction taken for a more sustainable energetic framework, hydrogen could play a crucial role as an energy carrier. One key point relies on the storage technology deployed, which spans from state-of-the-art cryogenic or high-pressure solutions to solid-state storage systems. Thermodynamic and kinetic characterisations, when coupled with structural and morphological analysis, allow us to perform convenient stoichiometric tailoring for cheap, sustainable, fast and secure hydrogen storage systems, resulting in a high-performance material that meets the required operative conditions. The present work exploits the volumetric measurements performed on a Sievert's apparatus coupled with powder XRD, SE-SEM and EDX-SEM analysis to characterise the sorption properties of hydride-forming metals. The first part of the project consisted of the calibration of a Sievert's apparatus, modelling its behaviour in pressure and temperature ranges and characterising reference hydrides such as PdH0.6, LaNi5H6 and Hydralloy C5 (TiZrMnVFe), well-known for their excellent kinetic properties. Furthermore, the novel TiFe90Ni10 alloy has been synthesised, deploying the arc melting technique to explore the concept of elemental substitution for tailoring the thermodynamic properties of the hydride. Nickel substitution in arc-melted TiFe potentially improves the kinetic and thermodynamic properties of the compound, deploying non-toxic and earth-abundant materials. Intense studies have been carried out in the literature on TiFe substitutions, with Ni being an intriguing candidate to reach fast kinetics, good cyclability and low plateau pressures. The comprehensive exploration of elemental substitution in AB intermetallic compounds represents a potential direction for future investigations, seeking a deeper understanding of the metal-hydrogen interaction to optimise the microscopic properties of solid-state storage materials

    NASA Tech Briefs, April 1993

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    Topics include: Optoelectronics; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    Proceedings of the Workshop on Improvements to Photometry

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    The purposes of the workshop were to determine what astronomical problems would benefit by increased photometric precision, determine the current level of precision, identify the processes limiting the precision, and recommend approaches to improving photometric precision. Twenty representatives of the university, industry, and government communities participated. Results and recommendations are discussed

    Three Fundamental Trade-offs in Expanding Sustainable Distributions of Manufacturing

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    The background of the research is the trend towards more inclusive manufacturing. This includes all levels of technologies to enable more diverse geographic and demographic distributions of manufacturing, which can improve ecological and social sustainability. Expanding distributions of manufacturing is of interest to governments, companies, communities and individuals. Interest among government and companies relates to manufacturing being re-shored and redistributed. Interest among communities and individuals is in people having more involvement in the production of what they consume: i.e. prosumption. Expansion of geographic distributions has potential to increase ecological sustainability, for example, by reducing long-distance transportation. Expansion of demographic distributions has potential to increase social sustainability, for example, by increasing the diversity of people involved in manufacturing. The dissertation addresses three research gaps concerned with sustainable distributed manufacturing. In particular, the fundamental challenges of three manufacturing trade-offs are addressed as follows: product originality, product complexity, and product unsustainability versus sustainable distributed manufacturing. There are three main findings from the research. First, technological advances enable expansion of sustainable distributed manufacturing of original products, if the products are small simple original products rather than large complicated original products. Second, technological advances enable sustainable distributed manufacturing of products that are more complex than could otherwise be made far from manufacturing infrastructures, but which nonetheless are not the most complex products. Third, technological advances enable more sustainable distributed production of products with unsustainable features, if technological advances are applied also to some existing distributions of manufacturing. Consideration of these three main findings and three further findings, suggests two complementary strategies for expanding sustainable manufacturing distributions: trade-off reduction and trade-off avoidance. Overall, the research is novel through its inclusion of diverse technologies and distributions of manufacturing in order to determine their relative potential to improve the production of physical goods at more diverse locations by more diverse people

    NASA Tech Briefs, December 1988

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    This month's technical section includes forecasts for 1989 and beyond by NASA experts in the following fields: Integrated Circuits; Communications; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Ceramics; Image Processing; Sensors; Dynamic Power; Superconductivity; Artificial Intelligence; and Flow Cytometry. The quotes provide a brief overview of emerging trends, and describe inventions and innovations being developed by NASA, other government agencies, and private industry that could make a significant impact in coming years. A second bonus feature in this month's issue is the expanded subject index that begins on page 98. The index contains cross-referenced listings for all technical briefs appearing in NASA Tech Briefs during 1988

    More people, more food, worse water? a global review of water pollution from agriculture

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    Current patterns of agricultural expansion and intensification are bringing unprecedented environmental externalities, including impacts on water quality. While water pollution is slowly starting to receive the attention it deserves, the contribution of agriculture to this problem has not yet received sufficient consideration. We need a much better understanding of the causes and effects of agricultural water pollution as well as effective means to prevent and remedy the problem. In the existing literature, information on water pollution from agriculture is highly dispersed. This repost is a comprehensive review and covers different agricultural sectors (including crops, livestock and aquaculture), and examines the drivers of water pollution in these sectors as well as the resulting pressures and changes in water bodies, the associated impacts on human health and the environment, and the responses needed to prevent pollution and mitigate its risks

    High Performance Computing Algorithms for Accelerating Peptide Identification from Mass-Spectrometry Data Using Heterogeneous Supercomputers

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    Fast and accurate identification of peptides and proteins from the mass spectrometry (MS) data is a critical problem in modern systems biology. Database peptide search is the most commonly used computational method to identify peptide sequences from the MS data. In this method, giga-bytes of experimentally generated MS data are compared against tera-byte sized databases of theoretically simulated MS data resulting in a compute- and data-intensive problem requiring days or weeks of computational times on desktop machines. Existing serial and high performance computing (HPC) algorithms strive to accelerate and improve the computational efficiency of the search, but exhibit sub-optimal performances due to their inefficient parallelization models, low resource utilization and high overhead costs
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