871 research outputs found

    Automatic frequency assignment for cellular telephones using constraint satisfaction techniques

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    We study the problem of automatic frequency assignment for cellular telephone systems. The frequency assignment problem is viewed as the problem to minimize the unsatisfied soft constraints in a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) over a finite domain of frequencies involving co-channel, adjacent channel, and co-site constraints. The soft constraints are automatically derived from signal strength prediction data. The CSP is solved using a generalized graph coloring algorithm. Graph-theoretical results play a crucial role in making the problem tractable. Performance results from a real-world frequency assignment problem are presented. We develop the generalized graph coloring algorithm by stepwise refinement, starting from DSATUR and augmenting it with local propagation, constraint lifting, intelligent backtracking, redundancy avoidance, and iterative deepening

    Solving Hard Computational Problems Efficiently: Asymptotic Parametric Complexity 3-Coloring Algorithm

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    Many practical problems in almost all scientific and technological disciplines have been classified as computationally hard (NP-hard or even NP-complete). In life sciences, combinatorial optimization problems frequently arise in molecular biology, e.g., genome sequencing; global alignment of multiple genomes; identifying siblings or discovery of dysregulated pathways.In almost all of these problems, there is the need for proving a hypothesis about certain property of an object that can be present only when it adopts some particular admissible structure (an NP-certificate) or be absent (no admissible structure), however, none of the standard approaches can discard the hypothesis when no solution can be found, since none can provide a proof that there is no admissible structure. This article presents an algorithm that introduces a novel type of solution method to "efficiently" solve the graph 3-coloring problem; an NP-complete problem. The proposed method provides certificates (proofs) in both cases: present or absent, so it is possible to accept or reject the hypothesis on the basis of a rigorous proof. It provides exact solutions and is polynomial-time (i.e., efficient) however parametric. The only requirement is sufficient computational power, which is controlled by the parameter αN\alpha\in\mathbb{N}. Nevertheless, here it is proved that the probability of requiring a value of α>k\alpha>k to obtain a solution for a random graph decreases exponentially: P(α>k)2(k+1)P(\alpha>k) \leq 2^{-(k+1)}, making tractable almost all problem instances. Thorough experimental analyses were performed. The algorithm was tested on random graphs, planar graphs and 4-regular planar graphs. The obtained experimental results are in accordance with the theoretical expected results.Comment: Working pape

    The backtracking survey propagation algorithm for solving random K-SAT problems

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    Discrete combinatorial optimization has a central role in many scientific disciplines, however, for hard problems we lack linear time algorithms that would allow us to solve very large instances. Moreover, it is still unclear what are the key features that make a discrete combinatorial optimization problem hard to solve. Here we study random K-satisfiability problems with K=3,4K=3,4, which are known to be very hard close to the SAT-UNSAT threshold, where problems stop having solutions. We show that the backtracking survey propagation algorithm, in a time practically linear in the problem size, is able to find solutions very close to the threshold, in a region unreachable by any other algorithm. All solutions found have no frozen variables, thus supporting the conjecture that only unfrozen solutions can be found in linear time, and that a problem becomes impossible to solve in linear time when all solutions contain frozen variables.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. v2: data largely improved and manuscript rewritte

    A High-Performance Triple Patterning Layout Decomposer with Balanced Density

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    Triple patterning lithography (TPL) has received more and more attentions from industry as one of the leading candidate for 14nm/11nm nodes. In this paper, we propose a high performance layout decomposer for TPL. Density balancing is seamlessly integrated into all key steps in our TPL layout decomposition, including density-balanced semi-definite programming (SDP), density-based mapping, and density-balanced graph simplification. Our new TPL decomposer can obtain high performance even compared to previous state-of-the-art layout decomposers which are not balanced-density aware, e.g., by Yu et al. (ICCAD'11), Fang et al. (DAC'12), and Kuang et al. (DAC'13). Furthermore, the balanced-density version of our decomposer can provide more balanced density which leads to less edge placement error (EPE), while the conflict and stitch numbers are still very comparable to our non-balanced-density baseline

    A Tutorial on Clique Problems in Communications and Signal Processing

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    Since its first use by Euler on the problem of the seven bridges of K\"onigsberg, graph theory has shown excellent abilities in solving and unveiling the properties of multiple discrete optimization problems. The study of the structure of some integer programs reveals equivalence with graph theory problems making a large body of the literature readily available for solving and characterizing the complexity of these problems. This tutorial presents a framework for utilizing a particular graph theory problem, known as the clique problem, for solving communications and signal processing problems. In particular, the paper aims to illustrate the structural properties of integer programs that can be formulated as clique problems through multiple examples in communications and signal processing. To that end, the first part of the tutorial provides various optimal and heuristic solutions for the maximum clique, maximum weight clique, and kk-clique problems. The tutorial, further, illustrates the use of the clique formulation through numerous contemporary examples in communications and signal processing, mainly in maximum access for non-orthogonal multiple access networks, throughput maximization using index and instantly decodable network coding, collision-free radio frequency identification networks, and resource allocation in cloud-radio access networks. Finally, the tutorial sheds light on the recent advances of such applications, and provides technical insights on ways of dealing with mixed discrete-continuous optimization problems

    Breaking Instance-Independent Symmetries In Exact Graph Coloring

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    Code optimization and high level synthesis can be posed as constraint satisfaction and optimization problems, such as graph coloring used in register allocation. Graph coloring is also used to model more traditional CSPs relevant to AI, such as planning, time-tabling and scheduling. Provably optimal solutions may be desirable for commercial and defense applications. Additionally, for applications such as register allocation and code optimization, naturally-occurring instances of graph coloring are often small and can be solved optimally. A recent wave of improvements in algorithms for Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and 0-1 Integer Linear Programming (ILP) suggests generic problem-reduction methods, rather than problem-specific heuristics, because (1) heuristics may be upset by new constraints, (2) heuristics tend to ignore structure, and (3) many relevant problems are provably inapproximable. Problem reductions often lead to highly symmetric SAT instances, and symmetries are known to slow down SAT solvers. In this work, we compare several avenues for symmetry breaking, in particular when certain kinds of symmetry are present in all generated instances. Our focus on reducing CSPs to SAT allows us to leverage recent dramatic improvement in SAT solvers and automatically benefit from future progress. We can use a variety of black-box SAT solvers without modifying their source code because our symmetry-breaking techniques are static, i.e., we detect symmetries and add symmetry breaking predicates (SBPs) during pre-processing. An important result of our work is that among the types of instance-independent SBPs we studied and their combinations, the simplest and least complete constructions are the most effective. Our experiments also clearly indicate that instance-independent symmetries should mostly be processed together with instance-specific symmetries rather than at the specification level, contrary to what has been suggested in the literature

    Knowledge-based design of generate-and-patch problem solvers that solve global resource assignment problems

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    We present MENDER, a knowledge based system that implements software design techniques that are specialized to automatically compile generate-and-patch problem solvers that satisfy global resource assignments problems. We provide empirical evidence of the superior performance of generate-and-patch over generate-and-test: even with constrained generation, for a global constraint in the domain of '2D-floorplanning'. For a second constraint in '2D-floorplanning' we show that even when it is possible to incorporate the constraint into a constrained generator, a generate-and-patch problem solver may satisfy the constraint more rapidly. We also briefly summarize how an extended version of our system applies to a constraint in the domain of 'multiprocessor scheduling'