27 research outputs found

    ScaffoldSQL: Using Parson’s Problems to Support Database Pedagogy

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    This paper examines ScaffoldSQL, an interactive tool for helping students learn SQL through a system of interactive scaffolded exercises using Parson’s problems. In the system, students are posed with a problem to solve using SQL. They start by attempting to answer the question using free-form text. If they get the problem wrong, they can use a Parson’s problem interface to simplify the problem. After completing the problem, students are given one of two “secret words,” which allows instructors to track student progress without the need to install anything beyond their typical LMS. The system is designed to help instructors of flipped classrooms identify students who are struggling early, while simultaneously providing immediate feedback for students as they are learning. The system also provides tools for content creation and data gathering for research and development purposes

    Toward a closer integration of usability into software development: a study of usability inputs in a model-driven engineering process

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    Even though the benefits of usability have widely been proven, it seems that development-oriented companies face many difficulties to introduce usability practices into their defined development processes. This paper describes the overall methodology deployed as an attempt to achieve a closer integration of usability practices in the software development process. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is used as a basis for this integration. Providing a precise framework composed of models and transformations, it allows to track usability problems and to highlight where exactly they occur in the development process. We will thus be able to link every step of the process to specific ergonomic inputs and to study their consequences on the usability of the generated system. Because MDE will only be used as a way among others to investigate some hypotheses on usability and User-Centered Design (UCD) in general, our results are expected to provide valuable and generic information on usability and UCD processes

    End-User Needs of Fragmented Databases in Higher Education Data Analysis and Decision Making

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)In higher education, a wealth of data is available to advisors, recruiters, marketers, and program directors. However, data sources can be accessed in a variety of ways and often do not seem to represent the same data set, presenting users with the confounding notion that data sources are in conflict with one another. As users are identifying new ways of accessing and analyzing this data, they are modifying existing work practices and sometimes creating their own databases. To understand how users are navigating these databases, the researchers employed a mixed methods research design including a survey and interview to understand the needs to end users who are accessing these seemingly fragmented databases. The study resulted in a three overarching categories – access, understandability, and use – that affect work practices for end users. The researchers used these themes to develop a set of broadly applicable design recommendations as well as six sets of sketches for implementation – development of a data gateway, training, collaboration, tracking, definitions and roadblocks, and time management

    Design of a Database Driven System to Compile and Define Local Bioinformatics Resources at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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    This master's project answered the need for a comprehensive database of bioinformatics resources, services, and faculty members at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This paper traces the development of the database from its inception at the Health Sciences Library as a Field Experience project through design and documentation as the database took shape. User groups are listed along with their tasks, and the special considerations these groups required during design of the Web interface for the database. Finally, preliminary results from a survey of potential users of this database are included with future plans for the database after graduation

    Natural Language Human-Computer Dialogue: Menu-Based Natural Language and Visual Performance

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    The present study was conducted to determine design principles for menu-based natural language (MBNL) interfaces and to provide evidence for the nature of visual search processes with menu-based systems. The effects of window size, window activity, and query length were investigated. Window size was manipulated as a between-subjects variable with three levels representing a sixteen-item window size, an eight-item window size, and a four-item window size. Window activity was manipulated as a within-subjects variable with two levels representing single active and multiple active windows. Query length was manipulated as a within-subjects variable with three levels representing one-, two-, and three-item query lengths. Thirty six subjects randomly assigned to three groups, based on the window size factor, performed queries with the three query lengths in both window activity conditions in counterbalanced order. It was found that two- and three-item queries were performed faster with single active windows. However, subjects rated multiple active windows as more \u27natural\u27. Query times also increased with query length and errors were most likely to occur on the longest query. Longer eye fixation durations were observed with the four-item window size. Fixation frequencies, fixation durations, dwell times, and relative dwell times all varied as a function of query length. Visual behavior also depended on which \u27area of interest\u27 subjects were viewing, and this effect interacted with window activity and query length. Finally, it was found that menus were not scanned randomly. However, scanpaths were less deterministic with multiple active windows and tended to become less constrained as query length increased. Based on the findings, human factors design principles were derived for application to MBNL interfaces

    Die Datenbankanfragesprache FAQUEL

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