21 research outputs found

    E-docket system for improved administration and justice delivery in selected Limpopo province police stations

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    This article analyses the factors considered as potential enablers of and hindrances to an optimal implementation of an e-docket system to improve dockets administration and justice delivery in selected police stations of the Limpopo province, South Africa. In the Criminal Justice System, of which the South African Police Service (SAPS) is an integral part, officials often struggle to conclude criminal cases because poor records management makes it possible for criminal officials to tamper with dockets or steal dockets usually managed manually in police stations. This study adopted a survey research design based on a quantitative research approach, with the use of questionnaires to collect data from police detectives in Limpopo police stations. One hundred questionnaires were distributed to collect data from the target population in six participating police stations, and 65 questionnaires were returned. The study identified some enablers of and significant hindrances to the implementation of the e-docket system called Integrated Case Docket Management System (ICDMS). On the positive side, the e-docket system enabled 24-hour access to and tracking of e-dockets, among others. However, many police officers had limited digital training and skills, which inhibited effectiveness and efficiency of the e-docket system. ICT tools were inadequate, resulting in frequently unavailable and slow network connectivity. These hindrances in Limpopo police stations negatively affected records management and justice delivery. To gain full return on investment in an effective e-docket system, the study recommended that top management support foster an enabling environment that reskills police officers and provides technical support for an optimal operation of an e-docket system for electronic records management

    Records Management Policy in Enhancing Governance in Homa Bay County Headquarters, Kenya

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    Globally, records management plays major role in enhancing governance. The study objective was to examine the role of records management policy in enhancing governance at Homa Bay (HB) County Headquarters, Kenya. Target population comprised of 306 employees who are the custodians of records within the County Headquarters. Stratified technique was used to classify employees into strata. Yamane simplified formula was used to obtain a sample size of 174 respondents, which was proportionately distributed per department using random sampling technique. Structured questionnaires and interview schedules were pretested to determine validity and reliability and thereafter employed to collect data. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of IBM – SPSS (Version 23), presented in a table and interpreted in mean, frequencies, percentages, and standard deviation. Qualitative data was analysed using content analysis. The finding showed that records management policy was available in HB, though some employees were unaware. The study concluded that records managers in HB County should instill awareness among staff on the importance of records management policy. Based on the finding and conclusion, the study recommends, firstly, that HB records managers should ensure records management policy is properly documented and shared with all employees managing records with a view of increasing efficiency in the information flow thus enhancing governance and secondly, HB would identify areas of weakness in records management policy and focus on improvement

    Transparency in Spanish archive and library websites: A comparative study

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    Transparency is a principle that has attracted a good deal of international attention in recent years, especially in connection with combatting corruption and building open, participatory governments accountable to their citizens. Public libraries and archives are not only information suppliers, but also public bodies obliged to provide the citizenry with information about their own governance and activities. Those obligations are laid down in Spanish Act 19/2013 of 29 December on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance (Spanish initials LTAIPBG). This article describes the results of applying a transparency measuring tool, TransPa_BA, to 106 regionally administered national historic archives and national public libraries. The tool, in turn the result of a research project, includes 20 indicators to measure active public disclosure by public libraries and 22 by archives in keeping with the provisions of the aforementioned Act. The indicators and their respective parameters (visibility, content, form, accessibility, reusability, dating and currency) provide guidelines to enable these institutions to comply with transparency and accountability requirements by furnishing society in general and their stakeholders in particular with information on their activities and performance in key areas. Further to the findings, the target institutions have made hesitant attempts to enhance transparency with respect to earlier inquiries. Public libraries are observed to be more active than archives, although the transparency scores obtained are low due to the failure to provide information on some indicators as well as on parameters such as dating and reusability. Both types of institution have a long road ahead in the pursuit of greater transparency.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under project RTI2018-095187-B-10

    Sistema de información para la gestión documental en una Facultad de Ingeniería

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    In the face of the advancement of the technological era, the development of solutions to automate processes and carry out manual tasks in office activities has given rise to the idea of document-oriented information systems, an alternative for managing the flow of information within an organization. In this regard, the aim of the article was to determine the influence of the information system on the document management of the Faculty of Systems Engineering and Computer Science at the National University of San Martin. Therefore, an applied study was conducted, specifically an experimental study with a pre-experimental design. Questionnaires were administered to a selected group at two different time points. The information was processed using the statistical program SPSS. Among the results, it is worth highlighting that the asymptotic significance value evaluated between the two samples revealed a p-value of 0.000, which is lower than the significance level of 0.05. This reaffirms that there is a significant difference, thus leading to the conclusion that the use of an information system significantly influences the document management of the Faculty of Systems Engineering and Computer Science. Additionally, the developed computer system was accepted by 80% of the users.Ante el avance de la era tecnológica, el desarrollo de soluciones para automatizar procesos y ejecutar tareas manuales en las actividades de oficina, ha surgido la idea de los sistemas de información orientados a los documentos, una alternativa para administrar el flujo de la información de una organización, en ese sentido, el artículo tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia del sistema de información en la gestión documental de la Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informática de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín . Por ello, se realizó un estudio aplicativo, de tipo experimental con un diseño preexperimental. Se aplicaron cuestionarios a un grupo seleccionado en dos medidas diferentes de tiempo. El tratamiento de la información se llevó a cabo en el programa estadístico de SPSS. Entre los resultados se destaca que el valor de la Sig. asintótica evaluada entre las dos muestras, revela un p-valor de 0,000 menor al p-valor 0,05, reafirmando así que, existe una diferencia significativa, por ende, se concluye que, el uso de un sistema de información influye significativamente en la gestión documental de la Facultad de Ingeniaría de Sistemas e Informática. Asimismo, la aceptación del sistema informático desarrollado tuvo una aceptación del 80%

    The Influence of Workload and Work Stress on the Performance of Legislators at the Sorong Regency Regional House of Representatives Office

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    ABSTRACT The research used is the type of quantitative study that seeks to know and analyze the effect of workload and work stress on the performance of legislators at the Sorong Regency Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) office. The population in this study were all members of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in the Sorong Regency DPRD office as many as 25 people, while for the sample using the saturated sampling method, the overall population was sampled. The data compiled were acquired usage a questionnaire, documentation, and observation techniques. The analytical data method usedvalidity testing, reliability testing, and correlational testing. The analytical data technique was used is descriptive analysis classical assumption testing. Hypothesis Testing (Multiple Regression, T-Test, and F-Test), and delta coefficient of determination (ΔR2). The results showed: The workload has a significant effect on the performance of legislators, work stress has a significant effect on the performance of legislators, workload and work stress together affect the performance of legislators. The magnitude of the effect given is 40.9%, while the left 59.1% is explained or influenced by other variables not selected in this study. Keywords: Workload, Work Stress, Performanc

    The Tragic Realism of Colombian Corruption : Development, Accounting, and Risk Management

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    RESUMEN: La corrupción es un flagelo que limita el desarrollo del país, debilitando las estructuras sociales y democráticas de la nación. En este contexto, surge la contabilidad como instrumento fundamental que permite visualizar los abusos administrativos, productivos y sociales. A través de la auditoría y el aseguramiento de la información financiera, económica, social, ambientas y la veeduría ciudadana, se presentan oportunidades que tiene la sociedad para garantizar la probidad y la transparencia de las cuentas presentadas en el ámbito público y privado. Este artículo reflexiona sobre la corrupción y muestra que la articulación de la sociedad en torno de los procesos contables, los códigos de ética, la planeación y gestión de riesgos puede reducir los niveles y costos del abuso del poder con fines privados. ABSTRACT: Corruption is a scourge that limits the country’s development, weakening the nation’s social and democratic structures. Under this context, accounting arises as fundamental instrument allowing to visualize administrative, productive and social abuses. By means of auditing and the assurance of financial, economic, social, and environmental information, as well as citizen observation, opportunities arise for society to guarantee probity and transparency of accounts submitted in the public and private context. This paper reflects on corruption and shows that society’s articulation around accounting processes, codes of ethics and risk planning and management can reduce the levels and costs of power abuse with private ends

    Insights into Cyber Policies, Information Technology Governance (ITG) and, Multi-stakeholder Security Governance Scaling (MSGS) for Decision Makers within UK SME Aviation

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    A cyber policy can always be at an efficacy with the robust implementation of Information Technology Governance (ITG). Analysing the linkages that may exist between ITG and Information Technology Governance (ITG), together with the benefits of theorising scaling and scalability in such derivation is desirable in other to support decision making and identify framework impediments to implementing cyber policy in the SME Aviation. In this paper, we define the term cyber policy, discusses ITG and MSGS (a framework for cyber policy). We clarify the framework for cyber policy (including major reviews, strategic elements, and benefits of the cyber policymaking to different stakeholders). We also explore impediments to cyber policy implementation, evaluates frameworks and models on cyber policy implementation approaches with SME Aviation and justifies the need for secondary data in researching with the rising issues. We posited that when ITG and business policy aligned to entail lack of awareness of global and local threats to cybersecurity, inadequate security infrastructures and the need for more experts involved in decision making, there is the need for a new approach to cyber policy implementation for robust competitivenes

    El derecho del acceso a la información, transparencia de la gestión pública y datos abiertos en los gobiernos locales del Perú

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    The right of access to public information is an inherent part of the person, enshrined as a right that is the basis for others of equal importance and that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights fully supports; on the other hand, governments must facilitate access to this right and to carry out transparent practices in public management, one of the most important factors for these variables to develop is political will, the establishment of administrative processes, as well as the commitment of public servants to To provide quality services, in addition, open data portals manage to democratize this right to such an extent that citizens can participate in the stages of the implementation of public policies that satisfy the needs of citizens. The objective of this study was to carry out a review of the literature to establish a theoretical frame of reference on the right of access to information, transparency of public management and open data in local governments in Peru, for which it was reviewed -Scopus and Scielo databases scientific articles were published during the years 2017 and 2021. The most outstanding result determines that the transparency web portals implemented in local governments strengthen the right to AIP. We concluded that the AIP right in Peru is under development, and that the implementation of open data should be a medium-term strategyEl derecho de acceso a la información pública es parte inherente de la persona, consagrada como un derecho que es la base para otros de igual importancia y que la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos respalda plenamente; por otra parte, los gobiernos deben facilitar el acceso a este derecho y realizar prácticas transparentes en la gestión pública, uno de los factores más importantes para que estas variables puedan desarrollarse es la voluntad política, el establecimiento de procesos administrativos, así como el compromiso de los servidores públicos para brindar servicios de calidad, además, los portales de datos abiertos logran democratizar este derecho a tal punto de que la ciudadanía pueda participar en las etapas de la implementación de políticas públicas que satisfagan las necesidades de los ciudadanos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una revisión de la literatura para establecer un marco de referencia teórica sobre el derecho del acceso a la información, transparencia de la gestión pública y datos abiertos en los gobiernos locales del Perú, para lo cual se revisaron artículos científicos de bases de datos de Scopus y Scielo durante los años 2017 y 2021. El resultado más resaltante determina que los portales web de transparencia implementados en los gobiernos locales fortalecen el derecho de AIP. Se concluye que el derecho de AIP en el Perú se encuentra en desarrollo y que la implementación de datos abiertos debe ser una estrategia a mediano plaz

    Gestión archivística y atención de solicitudes de acceso a la información pública en ministerios y organismos públicos del Perú, 2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre las variables Gestión archivística y Atención de solicitudes de acceso a la información pública en ministerios y organismos públicos de Perú durante el año 2020, aplicando una investigación básica de diseño no experimental, enfoque cuantitativo, nivel correlacional y corte transversal. La población estuvo constituida por 90 instituciones de las cuales se obtuvo una muestra de 70 instituciones luego de ejecutado un muestreo por conveniencia. La técnica de recolección de datos fue el análisis documental a través de la aplicación de rúbricas para ambas variables. Los resultados mostraron que el 82,5% de la instituciones evaluadas presenta un desempeño regular respecto a la Gestión archivística, mientras que en relación a la Atención de solicitudes de acceso a la información pública el 66,7% de las instituciones evaluadas alcanzó un desempeño adecuado; asimismo la evaluación de la relación entre ambas variables arrojó un coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de 0,26 y un valor de p = 0,910 con lo cual se concluye que no existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre la Gestión archivística y Atención de solicitudes de acceso a la información pública en ministerios y organismos públicos de Perú durante el año 2020