13,311 research outputs found

    GUI generation based on language extensions: a model to generate GUI, based on source code with custom attributes

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    Due to data-driven application nature and its increasing complexity, developing its user interface can be a repetitive and time-consuming activity. Consequently, developers tend to focus more on the user interface aspects and less on business related code. In this paper, we’re presenting an alternative approach to graphical user interface development for data-driven applications, that allows developers to refocus on the source code and concentrate their efforts on application core logic. The key concept behind our approach is the generation of concrete graphical user interface from a source code based model, which includes the original source code metadata and non-intrusive declarative language extensions that describes the user interface structure. Concrete user interface implementation will be delegated to specialized software packages, developed by external entities, that provides complete graphical user interfaces services to the application. When applying our approach, we’re expecting faster graphical user interface development

    A source code based model to generate GUI: GUI generation based on source code with declarative language extensions

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    Due to data-driven application nature and its increasing complexity, developing its user interface can be a repetitive and time-consuming activity. Consequently, developers tend to focus more on the user interface aspects and less on business related code. In this paper, we present an alternative approach to graphical user interface development for data-driven applications, where the key concept is the generation of concrete graphical user interface from a source code based model. The model includes the original source code metadata and non-intrusive declarative language extensions that describes the user interface structure. Some Object Relational Mapping tools already use a similar concept to handle interoperability between the data layer and the business layer. Our approach applies the same concept to handle business and presentation layer interoperability. Also, concrete user interface implementation will be delegated to specialized software packages, developed by external entities, that provide complete graphical user interfaces services to the application. When applying our approach, we expect faster graphical user interface development, allowing developers to refocus on the source code and concentrate their efforts on application core logic

    Assisting Inhabitants of Residential Homes with Management of Their Energy Consumption

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    Although there are already a range of energy monitoring and automation systems available in the market that target residential homes, mostly with the aim of reducing their total energy consumption, very few of these systems are directly concerned with how those energy savings are actually made. As such, these systems do not provide tools that would allow users to make intelligent decisions about their energy usage strategies, and encourage them to change their energy use behaviour. In this paper we describe a system designed to facilitate planning and control of energy usage activities in residential homes. We also report on a user study of this system which demonstrates its potential for making energy savings possible

    Design and evaluation of acceleration strategies for speeding up the development of dialog applications

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    In this paper, we describe a complete development platform that features different innovative acceleration strategies, not included in any other current platform, that simplify and speed up the definition of the different elements required to design a spoken dialog service. The proposed accelerations are mainly based on using the information from the backend database schema and contents, as well as cumulative information produced throughout the different steps in the design. Thanks to these accelerations, the interaction between the designer and the platform is improved, and in most cases the design is reduced to simple confirmations of the “proposals” that the platform dynamically provides at each step. In addition, the platform provides several other accelerations such as configurable templates that can be used to define the different tasks in the service or the dialogs to obtain or show information to the user, automatic proposals for the best way to request slot contents from the user (i.e. using mixed-initiative forms or directed forms), an assistant that offers the set of more probable actions required to complete the definition of the different tasks in the application, or another assistant for solving specific modality details such as confirmations of user answers or how to present them the lists of retrieved results after querying the backend database. Additionally, the platform also allows the creation of speech grammars and prompts, database access functions, and the possibility of using mixed initiative and over-answering dialogs. In the paper we also describe in detail each assistant in the platform, emphasizing the different kind of methodologies followed to facilitate the design process at each one. Finally, we describe the results obtained in both a subjective and an objective evaluation with different designers that confirm the viability, usefulness, and functionality of the proposed accelerations. Thanks to the accelerations, the design time is reduced in more than 56% and the number of keystrokes by 84%

    Fast dynamic deployment adaptation for mobile devices

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    Mobile devices that are limited in terms of CPU power, memory or battery power are only capable of executing simple applications. To be able to run advanced applications we introduce a framework to split up the application and execute parts on a remote server. In order to dynamically adapt the deployment at runtime, techniques are presented to keep the migration time as low as possible and to prevent performance loss while migrating. Also methods are presented and evaluated to cope with applications generating a variable load, which can lead to an unstable system

    International conference on software engineering and knowledge engineering: Session chair

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    The Thirtieth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2018) will be held at the Hotel Pullman, San Francisco Bay, USA, from July 1 to July 3, 2018. SEKE2018 will also be dedicated in memory of Professor Lofti Zadeh, a great scholar, pioneer and leader in fuzzy sets theory and soft computing. The conference aims at bringing together experts in software engineering and knowledge engineering to discuss on relevant results in either software engineering or knowledge engineering or both. Special emphasis will be put on the transference of methods between both domains. The theme this year is soft computing in software engineering & knowledge engineering. Submission of papers and demos are both welcome

    A template-based code generator for web applications

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    The importance and usage of web applications grow every day. Today from small businesses to large-scale corporations, many institutions prefer web applications for both their internal and external services. Code size and complexity of these kinds of applications grow rapidly. This brings up the question of how to improve the development process of web applications. A solution can be to use code generators. This paper introduces a template-based code generator to improve the development process of web applications. The code generator was developed and integrated into a real-life web application. Today, the web application together with the code generator is actively used in industry. This proves that an effective integration of a template-based code generator into a real-life large-scale web application can be achieved. In addition, the effectiveness of automatic code generation to manual implementation was shown with experimentation. Throughout the experiments, bug-free code generation was observed. Also, 98.95% improvement in average development time, 93.97% improvement in average test run count, and 49.37% improvement in average code size was achieved.Fast particles like bullets are trying to pierce the structures in front of it. Studies to prevent this effect have been an ongoing effort of humanity since the early ages.Armor design studies against bullets and piercing pieces continue to be the focus of attention. For this purpose, tens of materials have been tried in hundreds of studies. Various structures are designed in many geometric variations and forms, and ballistic behavior is measured in test environments. Plate designs are predominantly formed with aluminum, ceramic and armor steel plates. These materials are used as the front and back support layers . This hard metal material structure has been tried to meet the need for easy movement and portability by including it in the fabric.In some studies, selected metal sheet materials have been tested with various thicknesses and sequences, ballistic performances have been determined, and impact resistance properties have been determined.In this review article, summaries of some of the studies conducted in recent years are presented, and it is aimed to create a target and perspective for future studies._x000D_ _x000D_ Amaç: Hematolojik parametrelerin prostat biyopsisi sonuçları üzerindeki öngörücü rolünü değerlendirmek Yöntem: Ocak 2014-Nisan 2016 tarihleri arasında ultrason eşliğinde prostat biyopsisi yapılan hastaları değerlendirdik. Hastalar histopatolojik sonuçlarına göre iki gruba ayrıldı: prostat kanseri saptanan ve saptanmamış hastalar. Biyopsi öncesi eritrosit sayısı, nötrofil sayısı, lenfosit sayısı, trombosit sayısı, hemoglobin düzeyi, hematokrit, kırmızı hücre dağılım genişliği, ortalama trombosit hacmi, trombosit dağılım genişliği ve trombosit incelemesi yapıldı. Ek olarak, nötrofil lenfosit oranları ve trombosit lenfosit oranları hesaplandı. Bu parametreler iki grup arasında karşılaştırıldı ve istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Prostat kanseri 38 hastada (%30,25) ve benign prostat hastalıkları (prostat hiperplazisi veya kronik prostatit) 88 hastada (%69,85) tespit edildi. Prostat kanserli hastalar ile eritrosit sayısı, nötrofil sayısı, lenfosit sayısı, trombosit sayısı, hemoglobin düzeyi, hematokrit,eritrosit dağılım genişliği, ortalama trombosit hacmi ve trombosit dağılımı genişliği açısından benign durumları olan hastalar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu. Ek olarak, gruplar arasında nötrofil/lenfosit oranı ve trombosit/lenfosit oranı açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu. Sonuç: Hematolojik parametreler prostat biyopsi sonuçlarını öngörmede önemli bir rol oynamaz. Bu konunun daha fazla değerlendirilmesi için daha ileri çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.