10,562 research outputs found

    An empirical investigation into branch coverage for C programs using CUTE and AUSTIN

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    Automated test data generation has remained a topic of considerable interest for several decades because it lies at the heart of attempts to automate the process of Software Testing. This paper reports the results of an empirical study using the dynamic symbolic-execution tool. CUTE, and a search based tool, AUSTIN on five non-trivial open source applications. The aim is to provide practitioners with an assessment of what can be achieved by existing techniques with little or no specialist knowledge and to provide researchers with baseline data against which to measure subsequent work. To achieve this, each tool is applied 'as is', with neither additional tuning nor supporting harnesses and with no adjustments applied to the subject programs under test. The mere fact that these tools can be applied 'out of the box' in this manner reflects the growing maturity of Automated test data generation. However, as might be expected, the study reveals opportunities for improvement and suggests ways to hybridize these two approaches that have hitherto been developed entirely independently. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Test generation for high coverage with abstraction refinement and coarsening (ARC)

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    Testing is the main approach used in the software industry to expose failures. Producing thorough test suites is an expensive and error prone task that can greatly benefit from automation. Two challenging problems in test automation are generating test input and evaluating the adequacy of test suites: the first amounts to producing a set of test cases that accurately represent the software behavior, the second requires defining appropriate metrics to evaluate the thoroughness of the testing activities. Structural testing addresses these problems by measuring the amount of code elements that are executed by a test suite. The code elements that are not covered by any execution are natural candidates for generating further test cases, and the measured coverage rate can be used to estimate the thoroughness of the test suite. Several empirical studies show that test suites achieving high coverage rates exhibit a high failure detection ability. However, producing highly covering test suites automatically is hard as certain code elements are executed only under complex conditions while other might be not reachable at all. In this thesis we propose Abstraction Refinement and Coarsening (ARC), a goal oriented technique that combines static and dynamic software analysis to automatically generate test suites with high code coverage. At the core of our approach there is an abstract program model that enables the synergistic application of the different analysis components. In ARC we integrate Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) and abstraction refinement to precisely direct test generation towards the coverage goals and detect infeasible elements. ARC includes a novel coarsening algorithm for improved scalability. We implemented ARC-B, a prototype tool that analyses C programs and produces test suites that achieve high branch coverage. Our experiments show that the approach effectively exploits the synergy between symbolic testing and reachability analysis outperforming state of the art test generation approaches. We evaluated ARC-B on industry relevant software, and exposed previously unknown failures in a safety-critical software component

    Dynamic data flow testing

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    Data flow testing is a particular form of testing that identifies data flow relations as test objectives. Data flow testing has recently attracted new interest in the context of testing object oriented systems, since data flow information is well suited to capture relations among the object states, and can thus provide useful information for testing method interactions. Unfortunately, classic data flow testing, which is based on static analysis of the source code, fails to identify many important data flow relations due to the dynamic nature of object oriented systems. This thesis presents Dynamic Data Flow Testing, a technique which rethinks data flow testing to suit the testing of modern object oriented software. Dynamic Data Flow Testing stems from empirical evidence that we collect on the limits of classic data flow testing techniques. We investigate such limits by means of Dynamic Data Flow Analysis, a dynamic implementation of data flow analysis that computes sound data flow information on program traces. We compare data flow information collected with static analysis of the code with information observed dynamically on execution traces, and empirically observe that the data flow information computed with classic analysis of the source code misses a significant part of information that corresponds to relevant behaviors that shall be tested. In view of these results, we propose Dynamic Data Flow Testing. The technique promotes the synergies between dynamic analysis, static reasoning and test case generation for automatically extending a test suite with test cases that execute the complex state based interactions between objects. Dynamic Data Flow Testing computes precise data flow information of the program with Dynamic Data Flow Analysis, processes the dynamic information to infer new test objectives, which Dynamic Data Flow Testing uses to generate new test cases. The test cases generated by Dynamic Data Flow Testing exercise relevant behaviors that are otherwise missed by both the original test suite and test suites that satisfy classic data flow criteria

    Search-based Unit Test Generation for Evolving Software

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    Search-based software testing has been successfully applied to generate unit test cases for object-oriented software. Typically, in search-based test generation approaches, evolutionary search algorithms are guided by code coverage criteria such as branch coverage to generate tests for individual coverage objectives. Although it has been shown that this approach can be effective, there remain fundamental open questions. In particular, which criteria should test generation use in order to produce the best test suites? Which evolutionary algorithms are more effective at generating test cases with high coverage? How to scale up search-based unit test generation to software projects consisting of large numbers of components, evolving and changing frequently over time? As a result, the applicability of search-based test generation techniques in practice is still fundamentally limited. In order to answer these fundamental questions, we investigate the following improvements to search-based testing. First, we propose the simultaneous optimisation of several coverage criteria at the same time using an evolutionary algorithm, rather than optimising for individual criteria. We then perform an empirical evaluation of different evolutionary algorithms to understand the influence of each one on the test optimisation problem. We then extend a coverage-based test generation with a non-functional criterion to increase the likelihood of detecting faults as well as helping developers to identify the locations of the faults. Finally, we propose several strategies and tools to efficiently apply search-based test generation techniques in large and evolving software projects. Our results show that, overall, the optimisation of several coverage criteria is efficient, there is indeed an evolutionary algorithm that clearly works better for test generation problem than others, the extended coverage-based test generation is effective at revealing and localising faults, and our proposed strategies, specifically designed to test entire software projects in a continuous way, improve efficiency and lead to higher code coverage. Consequently, the techniques and toolset presented in this thesis - which provides support to all contributions here described - brings search-based software testing one step closer to practical usage, by equipping software engineers with the state of the art in automated test generation

    Capture-based Automated Test Input Generation

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    Testing object-oriented software is critical because object-oriented languages have been commonly used in developing modern software systems. Many efficient test input generation techniques for object-oriented software have been proposed; however, state-of-the-art algorithms yield very low code coverage (e.g., less than 50%) on large-scale software. Therefore, one important and yet challenging problem is to generate desirable input objects for receivers and arguments that can achieve high code coverage (such as branch coverage) or help reveal bugs. Desirable objects help tests exercise the new parts of the code. However, generating desirable objects has been a significant challenge for automated test input generation tools, partly because the search space for such desirable objects is huge. To address this significant challenge, we propose a novel approach called Capture-based Automated Test Input Generation for Objected-Oriented Unit Testing (CAPTIG). The contributions of this proposed research are the following. First, CAPTIG enhances method-sequence generation techniques. Our approach intro-duces a set of new algorithms for guided input and method selection that increase code coverage. In addition, CAPTIG efficently reduces the amount of generated input. Second, CAPTIG captures objects dynamically from program execution during either system testing or real use. These captured inputs can support existing automated test input generation tools, such as a random testing tool called Randoop, to achieve higher code coverage. Third, CAPTIG statically analyzes the observed branches that had not been covered and attempts to exercise them by mutating existing inputs, based on the weakest precon-dition analysis. This technique also contributes to achieve higher code coverage. Fourth, CAPTIG can be used to reproduce software crashes, based on crash stack trace. This feature can considerably reduce cost for analyzing and removing causes of the crashes. In addition, each CAPTIG technique can be independently applied to leverage existing testing techniques. We anticipate our approach can achieve higher code coverage with a reduced duration of time with smaller amount of test input. To evaluate this new approach, we performed experiments with well-known large-scale open-source software and discovered our approach can help achieve higher code coverage with fewer amounts of time and test inputs

    Improving search-based test suite generation with dynamic symbolic execution

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    Abstract—Search-based testing can automatically generate unit test suites for object oriented code, but may struggle to generate specific values necessary to cover difficult parts of the code. Dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) efficiently generates such specific values, but may struggle with complex datatypes, in particular those that require sequences of calls for construction. The solution to these problems lies in a hybrid approach that integrates the best of both worlds, but such an integration needs to adapt to the problem at hand to avoid that higher coverage in a few corner cases comes at the price of lower coverage in the general case. We have extended the Genetic Algorithm (GA) in the EVOSUITE unit test generator to integrate DSE in an adaptive approach where feedback from the search determines when a problem is suitable for DSE. In experiments on a set of difficult classes our adaptive hybrid approach achieved an increase in code coverage of up to 63 % (11 % on average); experiments on the SF100 corpus of roughly 9,000 open source classes confirm that the improvement is of practical value, and a comparison with a DSE tool on the Roops set of benchmark classes shows that the hybrid approach improves over both its constituent techniques, GA and DSE. I
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