10 research outputs found

    Memoized Symbolic Execution

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    This paper introduces memoized symbolic execution (Memoise), a novel approach for more efficient application of forward symbolic execution, which is a well-studied technique for systematic exploration of program behaviors based on bounded execution paths. Our key insight is that application of symbolic execution often requires several successive runs of the technique on largely similar underlying problems, e.g., running it once to check a program to find a bug, fixing the bug, and running it again to check the modified program. Memoise introduces a trie-based data structure that stores the key elements of a run of symbolic execution. Maintenance of the trie during successive runs allows re-use of previously computed results of symbolic execution without the need for re-computing them as is traditionally done. Experiments using our prototype embodiment of Memoise show the benefits it holds in various standard scenarios of using symbolic execution, e.g., with iterative deepening of exploration depth, to perform regression analysis, or to enhance coverage


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    In software testing area, all test cases are often generated manually. It time-consumming and costly to complete such task. Symbolic execution is a well-known technique for automatically making the test cases that cover almost every testing criteria in order to deeply discover some errors in complex software systems. In this paper, we present some general points and several results in recent researches about symbolic execution technique. This paper also shows different challenges that need setting in this field such as the explosion of execution paths in a program, the ability of constraint solving, memory modelling or concurrent problems etc. The evaluation of published results is given in this paper as well.Trong hoạt động kiểm thử phần mềm, các ca kiểm thử thường được tạo ra một cách thủ công, gây tốn kém về chi phí cũng như thời gian để hoàn thành công đoạn này. Thực thi tượng trưng (Symbolic execution) được biết đến là một kỹ thuật nổi tiếng với khả năng tự động sinh những bộ test case có độ bao phủ cao với các tiêu chí kiểm thử nhằm phát hiện những lỗi sâu trong các hệ thống phần mềm phức tạp. Bài báo trình bày các vấn đề tổng quan và một số kết quả của các nghiên cứu gần đây về kỹ thuật thực thi tượng trưng. Bài báo cũng đưa ra những thách thức cần giải quyết trong lĩnh vực này như: sự bùng nổ đường thực thi của chương trình, khả năng giải các ràng buộc, mô hình hóa bộ nhớ, các vấn đề về tương tranh vv.. đồng thời đưa ra một số đánh giá từ những kết quả đã công bố

    It is not the length that matters, it is how you control it

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    Abstract-The length of test cases is a little investigated topic in search-based test generation for object oriented software, where test cases are sequences of method calls. While intuitively longer tests can achieve higher overall code coverage, there is always the threat of bloat -a complex phenomenon in evolutionary computation, where the length abnormally grows over time. In this paper, we show that bloat indeed also occurs in the context of test generation for object oriented software. We present different techniques to overcome the problem of length bloat, and evaluate all possible combinations of these techniques using different search lengths. Experiments on a set of difficult search targets selected from several open source and industrial projects show that the important choice in search-based testing is not the length of test cases, but how to make sure that this length does not become bloated

    Improving search-based test suite generation with dynamic symbolic execution

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    Abstract—Search-based testing can automatically generate unit test suites for object oriented code, but may struggle to generate specific values necessary to cover difficult parts of the code. Dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) efficiently generates such specific values, but may struggle with complex datatypes, in particular those that require sequences of calls for construction. The solution to these problems lies in a hybrid approach that integrates the best of both worlds, but such an integration needs to adapt to the problem at hand to avoid that higher coverage in a few corner cases comes at the price of lower coverage in the general case. We have extended the Genetic Algorithm (GA) in the EVOSUITE unit test generator to integrate DSE in an adaptive approach where feedback from the search determines when a problem is suitable for DSE. In experiments on a set of difficult classes our adaptive hybrid approach achieved an increase in code coverage of up to 63 % (11 % on average); experiments on the SF100 corpus of roughly 9,000 open source classes confirm that the improvement is of practical value, and a comparison with a DSE tool on the Roops set of benchmark classes shows that the hybrid approach improves over both its constituent techniques, GA and DSE. I

    Improving Structural Testing of Object-Oriented Programs via Integrating Evolutionary Testing and Symbolic Execution

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    Whole Test Suite Generation

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn computer science, functional software testing is a method of ensuring that software gives expected output on specific inputs. Software testing is conducted to ensure desired levels of quality in light of uncertainty resulting from the complexity of software. Most of today's software is written by people and software development is a creative activity. However, due to the complexity of computer systems and software development processes, this activity leads to a mismatch between the expected software functionality and the implemented one. If not addressed in a timely and proper manner, this mismatch can cause serious consequences to users of the software, such as security and privacy breaches, financial loss, and adversarial human health issues. Because of manual effort, software testing is costly. Software testing that is performed without human intervention is automatic software testing and it is one way of addressing the issue. In this work, we build upon and extend several techniques for automatic software testing. The techniques do not require any guidance from the user. Goals that are achieved with the techniques are checking for yet unknown errors, automatically testing object-oriented software, and detecting malicious software. To meet these goals, we explored several techniques and related challenges: automatic test case generation, runtime verification, dynamic symbolic execution, and the type and size of test inputs for efficient detection of malicious software via machine learning. Our work targets software written in the Java programming language, though the techniques are general and applicable to other languages. We performed an extensive evaluation on freely available Java software projects, a flight collision avoidance system, and thousands of applications for the Android operating system. Evaluation results show to what extent dynamic symbolic execution is applicable in testing object-oriented software, they show correctness of the flight system on millions of automatically customized and generated test cases, and they show that simple and relatively small inputs in random testing can lead to effective malicious software detection


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    Matlab/Simulink is an advanced environment for modeling and simulating multidomain dynamic systems. It has been widely used to model advanced Cyber-Physical Systems, e.g. in the automotive or avionics industry. To ensure the reliability of Simulink models (i.e., ensuring that they are free of faults), these models are subject to extensive testing to verify the logic and behavior of software modules developed in the models. Due to the complex structure of Simulink models, finding root causes of failures (i.e., faults) is an expensive and time-consuming task. Therefore, there is a high demand for automatic fault localization techniques that can help en- gineers to locate faults in Simulink models with less human intervention. This demand leads to the proposal and development of various approaches and techniques that are able to automatically locate faults in Simulink models. Fault localization has been an active research area that focuses on developing automated tech- niques to support software debugging. Although there have been many techniques proposed to localize faults in programs, there has not been much research on fault localization for Simulink models. In this dissertation, we investigate and develop a lightweight fault localization approach to automatically and accurately locate faults in Simulink models. To enhance the usability of our approach, we also develop a stand-alone desktop application that provides engineers with a usable interface to facilitate localization of faults in their models

    Directed random testing

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-162).Random testing can quickly generate many tests, is easy to implement, scales to large software applications, and reveals software errors. But it tends to generate many tests that are illegal or that exercise the same parts of the code as other tests, thus limiting its effectiveness. Directed random testing is a new approach to test generation that overcomes these limitations, by combining a bottom-up generation of tests with runtime guidance. A directed random test generator takes a collection of operations under test and generates new tests incrementally, by randomly selecting operations to apply and finding arguments from among previously-constructed tests. As soon as it generates a new test, the generator executes it, and the result determines whether the test is redundant, illegal, error-revealing, or useful for generating more tests. The technique outputs failing tests pointing to potential errors that should be corrected, and passing tests that can be used for regression testing. The thesis also contributes auxiliary techniques that post-process the generated tests, including a simplification technique that transforms a, failing test into a smaller one that better isolates the cause of failure, and a branch-directed test generation technique that aims to increase the code coverage achieved by the set of generated tests. Applied to 14 widely-used libraries (including the Java JDK and the core .NET framework libraries), directed random testing quickly reveals many serious, previously unknown errors in the libraries. And compared with other test generation tools (model checking, symbolic execution, and traditional random testing), it reveals more errors and achieves higher code coverage.(cont.) In an industrial case study, a test team at Microsoft using the technique discovered in fifteen hours of human effort as many errors as they typically discover in a person-year of effort using other testing methods.by Carlos Pacheco.Ph.D