33 research outputs found


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    E-learning systems (EL) have established themselves as a key management instrument in business strategies for human resource management, for the improvement of the efficiency of processes for professional staff development and for the development of corporate knowledge. The aim of this article is to present some of the new concepts for EL – an ecosystem for EL, collaborative learning, lifelong learning, ubiquitous learning, EL as a method for knowledge creation and the generation of collective intelligence.Furthermore, it aims to outline the potential of the key information technologies – mobile technologies, Web 2.0 and cloud services - for the development of efficient strategies and models for EL usage, its transition into an efficient and effective business practice and its establishment as a leading, electronically implemented activity (e-activity). To achieve the objective of the research article the following methods have been used – logical methods such as analysis, synthesis and comparison, and theoretical research methods such as abstracting and summarizing. The main empirical method applied is that of modelling

    Web3Recommend: Decentralised recommendations with trust and relevance

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    Web3Recommend is a decentralized Social Recommender System implementation that enables Web3 Platforms on Android to generate recommendations that balance trust and relevance. Generating recommendations in decentralized networks is a non-trivial problem because these networks lack a global perspective due to the absence of a central authority. Further, decentralized networks are prone to Sybil Attacks in which a single malicious user can generate multiple fake or Sybil identities. Web3Recommend relies on a novel graph-based content recommendation design inspired by GraphJet, a recommendation system used in Twitter enhanced with MeritRank, a decentralized reputation scheme that provides Sybil-resistance to the system. By adding MeritRank's decay parameters to the vanilla Social Recommender Systems' personalized SALSA graph algorithm, we can provide theoretical guarantees against Sybil Attacks in the generated recommendations. Similar to GraphJet, we focus on generating real-time recommendations by only acting on recent interactions in the social network, allowing us to cater temporally contextual recommendations while keeping a tight bound on the memory usage in resource-constrained devices, allowing for a seamless user experience. As a proof-of-concept, we integrate our system with MusicDAO, an open-source Web3 music-sharing platform, to generate personalized, real-time recommendations. Thus, we provide the first Sybil-resistant Social Recommender System, allowing real-time recommendations beyond classic user-based collaborative filtering. The system is also rigorously tested with extensive unit and integration tests. Further, our experiments demonstrate the trust-relevance balance of recommendations against multiple adversarial strategies in a test network generated using data from real music platforms

    Youths and the Use of Social Media in the Peaceful Conduct of the 2015 General Elections in Nigeria

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    The history of elections in Nigeria is replete with records of violence and malpractices. However, with the advent of social media which is globally been used as a tool for political engineering, especially during elections, there is a noticeable change in the attitude of the Nigerian youths.  This paper examines the positive use of social media by organized youth in the peaceful conduct of the 2015 elections in Nigeria. The research adopts a secondary source of data through a critical review of related literatures on the subject matter. The paper posits that unlike the previous elections in Nigeria where youth were used to perpetrate vices, especially through the use of social media, the organised youths in the 2015 elections used the same technology to advocate for peace. Keywords: youth, social media, election, peac

    Enabling e-learning 2.0 in information security education: a semantic web approach

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    The motivation for this study argued that current information security ed- ucation systems are inadequate for educating all users of computer systems world wide in acting securely during their operations with information sys- tems. There is, therefore, a pervasive need for information security knowledge in all aspects of modern life. E-Learning 2.0 could possi- bly contribute to solving this problem, however, little or no knowledge currently exists regarding the suitability and practicality of using such systems to infer information security knowledge to learners

    Information communication technology and endogenous community-driven development: A remote Australian Aboriginal case study

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    This study investigated participant-led interactions and outcomes of a wide range of information communication technologies (ICTs) in endogenous Australian Aboriginal community driven development (EnCDD). A case-based method was used to narrate the evolving role of ICTs as participatory agency tools in a remote Ngalia community in Leonora WA. Three minor cases provided contrasting data. Data analysis of participant observations and emergent issues-related themes identified a multifaceted pattern informing a proposed framework for ICT-interaction for EnCDD

    Uses and Risks of Microblogging in Small and Medium Enterprises

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    Indicador de Medición en Psicología online en América Latina en tiempos de pandemia

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    Introduction: In the areas of technology and virtualization from provide online services in pandemic times there is a possibility psychology online acquiring services thinking that web sites are confidence for users and good quality. This paper proposes a number of indicators to websites evaluation that provide online services psychology in Latin American. Methodology: Whith experimental methodology were tracked 144 websites online services psychology assessing objectives variables with the purpose of factor analysis to the indicators building. Results: According the proposed indicators Brazil

    The investigation of using wiki technology to support self-regulated learning in the academic context at Princess Nora bint Abdul Rahman University, Saudi Arabia

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    Technology has become a major focal point in the modern learning environment. Web 2.0 is being increasingly widely employed in university education and has the potential to improve the quality of education. For optimum benefit to students’ learning practices, web 2.0 technology needs to actively foster regulation skills among students. Self-regulated learning skills (SRL skills) potentially offer a shift from traditional teacher-centred to learner-centred approaches. Wiki technology, as a form of web 2.0 technology, has the potential in education to foster such an approach to learning. The thesis investigates how a wiki can be utilised to enhance self-regulated learning among a cohort of female students attending higher education in Saudi Arabia.The study was primarily motivated by the lack of studies investigating SRL skill enhancement in wiki–assisted learning in higher education, in Saudi Arabia, where the education system largely relies upon teacher-centred learning. This study, therefore, was an effort to potentially improve SRL skills among students attending Princess Nora University (PNU) in Saudi Arabia, with a view to the results being applicable to teaching and learning in similar contexts. The first two objectives of this study were to explore the potential of a wiki as an enhancer of executive function and evaluation skills and to explore students’ attitude towards using wiki as a learning environment. The third objective was to explore students’ perceptions of wiki learning and its contribution to the enhancement of SRL skills. A single case study was administered before and after use of a purpose-designed wiki for an Education Technology module taken by a cohort of female students at PNU. Quantitative data was collected by a questionnaire triangulated with qualitative data gathered in interviews. The findings revealed that after using wiki, students felt that six of the eight SRL sub-skills listed under executive function and evaluation skills had, on the whole, improved significantly.Students generally reported extremely positive attitudes towards learning with wiki technology. They perceived that the reflective nature and the design of the wiki tasks, together with the pages and guidance given by the tutor, may have supported the development of SRL skills, increased their overall motivation to learn and improved their independent learning processes. Overall, this study sought to discover information on a relatively new area to Saudi higher education and acts as a stepping stone to further research into students’ perceptions of wiki technology and its effect on SRL skill enhancement. There is, of course, an opportunity in the future to measure actual SRL skill levels to corroborate the promising results which may, given the reader’s discretion, be viewed as transferable to similar cultural and study contexts

    Twitter as a communications instrument to support the decision making process in UAE police

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophySocial media are increasingly becoming platforms of choice for communication among individuals and groups of the public, and hence organisations are interested in engaging with communities and the public through this form of media to gain intelligence from such engagements to support their decision making processes. Yet, organisations are missing on realising the potential value from using social media for this type of interaction and engagement, while paucity in research addressing practical ways to use social media communication in supporting decision making still persists. This research investigates and proposes a practical framework for using social media – specifically Twitter – as a communications instrument to support the decision making process in police organisations. The research design is based on developing and evaluating a proof of concept representing engagements between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) police as a case study of police organisations with communities and members of the public in the UAE. The proof of concept is designed based on comparing and contrasting current practices by the UAE police with models, trends, and practices discussed in related literature. The research uses the Grounded Theory methodology to guide sampling, data collection, and analysis. The contribution of the research is to both theory and practice. The research addresses a gap in the body of knowledge for a framework that guides the development of models, policies, and practices for the use of social media as a communication instrument to support decision making in governmental organisations, specifically the police. In addition, the framework offers practical insights to policy makers into using different social media to engage with the public in communication, interactions, and knowledge sharing, with the aim of supporting decision making