430 research outputs found

    Towards automatic setup of non intrusive appliance load monitoring – feature extraction and clustering

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    Given climate change concerns and incessantly increasing energy demands of the present time, improving energy efficiency becomes of significant environmental and economic impact. Monitoring household electrical consumption through a non-intrusive appliance load monitoring (NIALM) system achieves significant efficiency improvement by providing appliance-level energy consumption and relaying this information back to the user. This paper focuses on feature extraction and clustering, which constitute two of the four modules of the proposed automatic-setup NIALM system, the other two being labeling and classification. The feature extraction module applies the Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques (ESPRIT), a well-known parametric estimation technique, to the drawn electric current. The result is a compact representation of the signal in terms of complex numbers referred to as poles and residues. These complex numbers are then used to determine a feature vector consisting of the contribution of the fundamental, the third and the fifth harmonic currents to the maximum of the total load current. Once a signature is extracted, the clustering module applies distance-based rules inferred off-line from various databases and decides either to create a new class out of the new signature or to discard it and increase the count of an existing signature. As a result, the feature space is clustered without the a priori knowledge of the number of appliances into singleton clusters. Results obtained from a set of appliances indicate that these two modules succeed in creating an unlabeled database of signatures

    COAD: Contrastive Pre-training with Adversarial Fine-tuning for Zero-shot Expert Linking

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    Expert finding, a popular service provided by many online websites such as Expertise Finder, LinkedIn, and AMiner, benefits seeking consultants, collaborators, and candidate qualifications. However, its quality is suffered from a single source of support information for experts. This paper employs AMiner, a free online academic search and mining system, having collected more than over 100 million researcher profiles together with 200 million papers from multiple publication databases, as the basis for investigating the problem of expert linking, which aims at linking any external information of persons to experts in AMiner. A critical challenge is how to perform zero shot expert linking without any labeled linkages from the external information to AMiner experts, as it is infeasible to acquire sufficient labels for arbitrary external sources. Inspired by the success of self supervised learning in computer vision and natural language processing, we propose to train a self supervised expert linking model, which is first pretrained by contrastive learning on AMiner data to capture the common representation and matching patterns of experts across AMiner and external sources, and is then fine-tuned by adversarial learning on AMiner and the unlabeled external sources to improve the model transferability. Experimental results demonstrate that COAD significantly outperforms various baselines without contrastive learning of experts on two widely studied downstream tasks: author identification (improving up to 32.1% in HitRatio@1) and paper clustering (improving up to 14.8% in Pairwise-F1). Expert linking on two genres of external sources also indicates the superiority of the proposed adversarial fine-tuning method compared with other domain adaptation ways (improving up to 2.3% in HitRatio@1).Comment: TKDE under revie

    Pixel and Feature Transfer Fusion for Unsupervised Cross-Dataset Person Re-Identification

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    Publisher Copyright: IEEERecently, unsupervised cross-dataset person reidentification (Re-ID) has attracted more and more attention, which aims to transfer knowledge of a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. There are two common frameworks: one is pixel-alignment of transferring low-level knowledge, and the other is feature-alignment of transferring high-level knowledge. In this article, we propose a novel recurrent autoencoder (RAE) framework to unify these two kinds of methods and inherit their merits. Specifically, the proposed RAE includes three modules, i.e., a feature-transfer (FT) module, a pixel-transfer (PT) module, and a fusion module. The FT module utilizes an encoder to map source and target images to a shared feature space. In the space, not only features are identity-discriminative but also the gap between source and target features is reduced. The PT module takes a decoder to reconstruct original images with its features. Here, we hope that the images reconstructed from target features are in the sourcestyle. Thus, the low-level knowledge can be propagated to the target domain. After transferring both high- and low-level knowledge with the two proposed modules above, we design another bilinear pooling layer to fuse both kinds of knowledge. Extensive experiments on Market-1501, DukeMTMC-ReID, and MSMT17 datasets show that our method significantly outperforms either pixel-alignment or feature-alignment Re-ID methods and achieves new state-of-the-art results.Peer reviewe

    Relational social recommendation: Application to the academic domain

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    This paper outlines RSR, a relational social recommendation approach applied to a social graph comprised of relational entity profiles. RSR uses information extraction and learning methods to obtain relational facts about persons of interest from the Web, and generates an associative entity-relation social network from their extracted personal profiles. As a case study, we consider the task of peer recommendation at scientific conferences. Given a social graph of scholars, RSR employs graph similarity measures to rank conference participants by their relatedness to a user. Unlike other recommender systems that perform social rankings, RSR provides the user with detailed supporting explanations in the form of relational connecting paths. In a set of user studies, we collected feedbacks from participants onsite of scientific conferences, pertaining to RSR quality of recommendations and explanations. The feedbacks indicate that users appreciate and benefit from RSR explainability features. The feedbacks further indicate on recommendation serendipity using RSR, having it recommend persons of interest who are not apriori known to the user, oftentimes exposing surprising inter-personal associations. Finally, we outline and assess potential gains in recommendation relevance and serendipity using path-based relational learning within RSR

    Graph embedding approach to analyze sentiments on cryptocurrency

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    This paper presents a comprehensive exploration of graph embedding techniques for sentiment analysis. The objective of this study is to enhance the accuracy of sentiment analysis models by leveraging the rich contextual relationships between words in text data. We investigate the application of graph embedding in the context of sentiment analysis, focusing on it is effectiveness in capturing the semantic and syntactic information of text. By representing text as a graph and employing graph embedding techniques, we aim to extract meaningful insights and improve the performance of sentiment analysis models. To achieve our goal, we conduct a thorough comparison of graph embedding with traditional word embedding and simple embedding layers. Our experiments demonstrate that the graph embedding model outperforms these conventional models in terms of accuracy, highlighting it is potential for sentiment analysis tasks. Furthermore, we address two limitations of graph embedding techniques: handling out-of-vocabulary words and incorporating sentiment shift over time. The findings of this study emphasize the significance of graph embedding techniques in sentiment analysis, offering valuable insights into sentiment analysis within various domains. The results suggest that graph embedding can capture intricate relationships between words, enabling a more nuanced understanding of the sentiment expressed in text data

    Selected Computing Research Papers Volume 7 June 2018

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    Contents Critical Evaluation of Arabic Sentimental Analysis and Their Accuracy on Microblogs (Maha Al-Sakran) Evaluating Current Research on Psychometric Factors Affecting Teachers in ICT Integration (Daniel Otieno Aoko) A Critical Analysis of Current Measures for Preventing Use of Fraudulent Resources in Cloud Computing (Grant Bulman) An Analytical Assessment of Modern Human Robot Interaction Systems (Dominic Button) Critical Evaluation of Current Power Management Methods Used in Mobile Devices (One Lekula) A Critical Evaluation of Current Face Recognition Systems Research Aimed at Improving Accuracy for Class Attendance (Gladys B. Mogotsi) Usability of E-commerce Website Based on Perceived Homepage Visual Aesthetics (Mercy Ochiel) An Overview Investigation of Reducing the Impact of DDOS Attacks on Cloud Computing within Organisations (Jabed Rahman) Critical Analysis of Online Verification Techniques in Internet Banking Transactions (Fredrick Tshane

    Extracting Researcher Metadata with Labeled Features

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    Text pre-processing of multilingual for sentiment analysis based on social network data

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    Sentiment analysis (SA) is an enduring area for research especially in the field of text analysis. Text pre-processing is an important aspect to perform SA accurately. This paper presents a text processing model for SA, using natural language processing techniques for twitter data. The basic phases for machine learning are text collection, text cleaning, pre-processing, feature extractions in a text and then categorize the data according to the SA techniques. Keeping the focus on twitter data, the data is extracted in domain specific manner. In data cleaning phase, noisy data, missing data, punctuation, tags and emoticons have been considered. For pre-processing, tokenization is performed which is followed by stop word removal (SWR). The proposed article provides an insight of the techniques, that are used for text pre-processing, the impact of their presence on the dataset. The accuracy of classification techniques has been improved after applying text pre-processing and dimensionality has been reduced. The proposed corpus can be utilized in the area of market analysis, customer behaviour, polling analysis, and brand monitoring. The text pre-processing process can serve as the baseline to apply predictive analysis, machine learning and deep learning algorithms which can be extended according to problem definition
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